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In this section, we'll repeat the steps of the previous three tutorial pages, but using lunaR instead of lunaC. That is, these sections mirror the sections from the past three tutorials, and we'll try to accomplish the same goals but by different means..

For now, the easiest way to obtain lunaR is via one of the two Docker images, in which both Luna and the tutorial data are bundled with either classic R or RStudio. Here we'll use RStudio so that we can interactively view graphics created along the way. (Aside from being able to view graphics immediately, all other steps can be equally carried out via either route.)

As described in more detail on this page, once you've installed the free Docker Desktop client, you can download and initiate the container with a single command:

docker run -e PASSWORD=abc123 -p 8787:8787 remnrem/luna 

Docker will look for an image called remnrem/luna and if it is not found locally (i.e. it won't be on you first running this command), it will automatically download it, during which time you'll see something like this:

Unable to find image 'remnrem/luna:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from remnrem/luna
22dbe790f715: Extracting [============================>     ]  37.62MB/45.34MB
4bda69fb795b: Downloading [=============>                   ]   66.1MB/204.9MB
a9bef4c97d96: Downloading [============================>    ]  98.37MB/122.1MB
90ec09c6bb70: Download complete 
b4333f4fff5d: Waiting 
8affb09c10ec: Waiting 
0d00367ae604: Waiting 
94ec4d08d2c2: Waiting 
954a0ad24247: Waiting 
fa5834f7ad81: Waiting 

The two other options on the command line above (i.e. -e and -p) specified the new password you'll use when starting RStudio (for this particular example, you can set it to anything) and mapped port 8787 from the container to your host machine. When the above command has finished running, go to your browser and go to the following URL:


If it asks you for a username and password, login with user-name rstudio and the password you specified above (i.e. abc123 in this example):


This will bring up the RStudio environment, which is running as a server within the Docker container, and which you access via port 8787 and your web browser. If you're not familiar with R or RStudio, there are lots of good tutorials available on-line if you search around.


For macOS and Linux users with the luna.docker bash script installed, all the above can be accomplished with:

luna.docker -rs abc123

Obtaining the data

The tutorial data are pre-installed in this image, under the /tutorial folder. Let's start by making a copy of this folder (so new can potentially manipulate it) to the home folder inside the container image. Go to the Terminal tab (next to the Console) tab in RStudio to get a command line: first ensure you are in the home folder:

cd ~
then copy the entire /tutorial folder to the current location (.):
cp -r /tutorial .
Returning back in the R Console, navigate to this in RStudio as follows:
We can confirm the files are present:
[1] "cmd"   "edfs"  "s.lst"

We'll also need to attach the lunaR library with the following command:


Displaying EDF files

Previous material

The corresponding section of the original tutorial covered:

  • the DESC to obtain basic information on EDFs, essentially just stepping through this command:
luna s.lst -s DESC > res.txt

To mirror the previous operations, we must first load a sample-list with lunaR's lsl() function:

sl <- lsl( "s.lst" )

This function returns the sample-list as an R list object, here named sl. We can use lunaR's lattach() function to start working with the first individual, nsrr01, by passing by the sample-list and the ID (or the line number) of the individual we want to attach:

lattach( sl , "nsrr01" ) 


Mirroring how lunaC processes a script (i.e. a set of Luna commands either after the -s option or from a command file), in lunaR we can use the leval() (or leval.project()) commands to process Luna commands such as DESC. As for lunaC, the DESC command just displays some information on the terminal, rather than sending output to the formal output mechanism (i.e. a lunout database). The same is true in lunaR:

leval( "DESC" )
EDF filename      : edfs/learn-nsrr01.edf
ID                : nsrr01
Clock time        : 21.58.17 - 09.20.16
Duration          : 11:22:00  40920 sec
# signals         : 14
Signals           : SaO2[1] PR[1] EEG_sec[125] ECG[250] EMG[125] EOG_L[50]
                    EOG_R[50] EEG[125] AIRFLOW[10] THOR_RES[10] ABDO_RES[10] POSITION[1]
                    LIGHT[1] OX_STAT[1]

To recap: here we've used a combination of lunaR commands to recapitulate the simple lunaC statement above:

  • lsl() to load a sample list called s.lst
  • lattach() to tell Luna which EDF we're interested in
  • leval() to evaluate a Luna command, the same as the -s option in lunaC

Signal summary statistics

Previous context

The corresponding section of the original tutorial covered:

  • running the STATS command for all three tutorial individuals
  • saving the output to a lunout database
  • querying it with destrat

One difference between lunaC and lunaR is that, with a few exceptions, an attach EDF persists in-memory after a leval() function has been performed. That is, the effects of any leval() call that modifies the data (such as FILTER or SIGNALS or MASK) will carry over for the next leval(), up until a new EDF is lattach()-ed, or a lrefresh() command is issued to restore the EDF to its original state. Therefore, unless you did something to make it otherwise, the EDF for nsrr01 will still be in memory from the previous analysis. We can confirm what the currently attached EDF is (if any) with the lstat() command:

nsrr01 : 14 signals, 11 annotations, 11:22:00 duration

To run the STATS command, we issue another leval():

k <- leval( "STATS" )
nsrr01 : 14 signals, 11 annotations, 11:22:00 duration


Unlike the DESC command, STATS returns information to the formal output mechanism: this is why we've assigned the return value of leval() to be a new R object, called k.


leval() returns its output silently, in that you won't see anything printed to the console if you do not assign the output to another object. This doesn't mean the commands weren't performed: masks, filters, etc, will still modify the internal EDF.

The returned value k represents the same information that would have been sent to the out.db database, if running this command in lunaC from the command line. Similar to how destrat summarizes a database, in lunaR the lx() command gives a simple summary of a what leval() returns:


That is, in this simple example, we have one command (STATS) and one output table (defined by channel, CH). Using R's str() function reveals more about the structure of k:

List of 1
 $ STATS:List of 1
  ..$ CH:'data.frame':  14 obs. of  23 variables:
  .. ..$ ID  : chr [1:14] "nsrr01" "nsrr01" "nsrr01" "nsrr01" ...
  .. ..$ CH  : chr [1:14] "ABDO_RES" "AIRFLOW" "ECG" "EEG" ...
  .. ..$ MAX : num [1:14] 0.992 0.992 1.25 125 125 ...
  .. ..$ MEAN: num [1:14] 0.0218 0.0664 0.0094 -0.3012 1.1856 ...
  .. ..$ MIN : num [1:14] -1 -1 -1.24 -124.02 -124.02 ...
  .. ..$ P01 : num [1:14] -0.71 -0.2 -1.24 -124.02 -124.02 ...
  .. ..$ P02 : num [1:14] -0.506 -0.129 -0.858 -124.02 -124.02 ...
  .. ..$ P05 : num [1:14] -0.3176 -0.0667 -0.1912 -70.098 -78.9216 ...
  .. ..$ P10 : num [1:14] -0.2 -0.0275 -0.0833 -24.0196 -20.098 ...
  .. ..$ P20 : num [1:14] -0.0902 0.0118 -0.0343 -9.3137 -7.3529 ...
  .. ..$ P30 : num [1:14] -0.0196 0.0353 -0.0049 -5.3922 -3.4314 ...
  .. ..$ P40 : num [1:14] 0.00392 0.05098 0.01471 -2.45098 -0.4902 ...
  .. ..$ P50 : num [1:14] 0.0196 0.0667 0.0245 -0.4902 1.4706 ...
  .. ..$ P60 : num [1:14] 0.0275 0.0745 0.0245 2.451 3.4314 ...
  .. ..$ P70 : num [1:14] 0.051 0.0902 0.0343 4.4118 6.3725 ...
  .. ..$ P80 : num [1:14] 0.098 0.1137 0.0343 8.3333 10.2941 ...
  .. ..$ P90 : num [1:14] 0.2627 0.1608 0.0833 23.0392 22.0588 ...
  .. ..$ P95 : num [1:14] 0.435 0.208 0.211 72.059 78.922 ...
  .. ..$ P98 : num [1:14] 0.663 0.278 0.828 125 125 ...
  .. ..$ P99 : num [1:14] 0.875 0.349 1.25 125 125 ...
  .. ..$ RMS : num [1:14] 0.236 0.122 0.267 37.801 40.325 ...
  .. ..$ SD  : num [1:14] 0.235 0.102 0.266 37.8 40.308 ...
  .. ..$ SKEW: num [1:14] 0.3348 0.1384 -0.1152 0.0862 -0.0688 ...

To see the entire list (that really only contains one data frame), just type k:

       ID       CH      MAX      MEAN    MEDIAN      MIN     RMS      SD
1  nsrr01 ABDO RES   0.9921  0.021828  0.01960   -1.0000  0.2357  0.2347
2  nsrr01  AIRFLOW   0.9921  0.066441  0.06666   -1.0000  0.1219  0.1022
3  nsrr01      ECG   1.2500  0.009395  0.02450   -1.2401  0.2666  0.2664
4  nsrr01      EEG 125.0000 -0.301198 -0.49019 -124.0196 37.8013 37.8001
5  nsrr01 EEG(sec) 125.0000  1.185577  1.47058 -124.0196 40.3254 40.3079
6  nsrr01      EMG  31.5000 -6.855696 -4.81764  -31.2529 13.9700 12.1721
7  nsrr01   EOG(L) 125.0000  0.472550  0.49019 -124.0196 54.4618 54.4598
8  nsrr01   EOG(R) 125.0000  0.321446  0.49019 -124.0196 54.0092 54.0083
9  nsrr01    LIGHT   1.0000  0.997262  1.00000    0.0000  0.9986  0.0522
10 nsrr01  OX STAT   2.0000  0.428885  0.00000    0.0000  0.9261  0.8208
11 nsrr01 POSITION   3.0000  1.654423  1.00000    0.0000  1.9157  0.9659
12 nsrr01       PR 200.0000 57.348521 67.19157    0.2014 64.9523 30.4954
13 nsrr01     SaO2  99.1195 76.924249 95.11558    0.1007 85.5665 37.4743
14 nsrr01 THOR RES   0.9921  0.001188 -0.01176   -1.0000  0.1805  0.1805

That is, we have statistics for 14 channels from one tutorial individual, nsrr01. However, the original lunaC command calculated and compiled results for all three studies in the project.
Obviously, we could write a simple loop to achieve this in R, repeatedly calling lattach() and leval() and compiling results. Alternatively, an easier way to do this is the leval.project() function instead, which performs pretty much the same series of operations as lunaC does. That is, the luna_C statement:

luna s.lst -o out.db -s STATS
is equivalent to the following in lunaR:
k <- leval.project( sl , "STATS" )

where sl is the the file s.lst (attached with lsl()) and k is the equivalent of out.db.

The returned value, k now contains results for all three individuals. Although the overall structure is the same as before, each data-frame now has additional rows for the additional individuals (with the ID column indicating who's who). In RStudio, you can explore the results by clicking on k in the Environment tab, or by typing



To mirror the previous tutorial section, we need now to extract the "signal means for the ECG, EMG and SaO2". Here we can use the lx() function with an additional parameter (the command name), which will, in this case (as there is only a single table associated with this command's output) will return a data-frame with the output:

d <- lx( k , "STATS" )
which contains the six variables including the mean (MEAN) along with ID and CH columns:
 [1] "ID"   "CH"   "KURT" "MAX"  "MEAN" "MIN"  "P01"  "P02"  "P05"  "P10"  "P20" 
[12] "P30"  "P40"  "P50"  "P60"  "P70"  "P80"  "P90"  "P95"  "P98"  "P99"  "RMS" 
[23] "SD"   "SKEW"
Using R's basic row/column subsetting functions, we can pull out the required information as follows:
d[ d$CH %in% c("ECG","EMG","SaO2") , c("ID","CH","MEAN") ] 
       ID   CH         MEAN
7  nsrr01  ECG  0.009395566
8  nsrr02  ECG  0.005670678
9  nsrr03  ECG  0.003571143
16 nsrr01  EMG -6.855696298
17 nsrr02  EMG -0.609767419
18 nsrr03  EMG  3.013591554
37 nsrr01 SaO2 76.926126702
38 nsrr02 SaO2 77.874804354
39 nsrr03 SaO2 65.084439075

Working with annotations

Previous material

The corresponding section of the original tutorial covered:

  • looking at the contents of an NSRR XML annotation file
  • counting the number of apnea events per individual, either for the whole night, or specific to REM sleep

When we attach an EDF with lattach(), if the sample list specified any annotation files, they too are automatically loaded. For example, considering nsrr01, when we attach that dataset, we see there are 11 annotation classes are also attached (i.e. from the XML file specified in s.lst):

lattach( sl , 1 )
nsrr01 : 14 signals, 11 annotations, 11:22:00 duration

To see what those annotations classes are, we can use the lannots() command:

 [1] "Arousal"           "Hypopnea"          "N1"               
 [4] "N2"                "N3"                "Obstructive_Apnea"
 [7] "R"                 "SpO2_artifact"     "SpO2_desaturation"
Re-running lannots() with a single annotation class name as a parameter, we'll get a list of the intervals (in seconds elapsed since the start of the EDF):
lannots( "Obstructive_Apnea" )
[1] 2300.7 2310.7

[1] 2329.6 2343.1

[1] 4933.6 4953.2

[1] 5064.9 5095.1

[1] 5248.1 5265.5

... (cont'd) ...

That is, the first apnea event was from 2300.7 to 2310.7 seconds (10 seconds); the second was from 2329.6 to 2343.1 seconds (13.5 seconds), etc.

Luna's masks work in terms of epochs, which are fixed intervals spanning the recording (by default, typically 30 seconds). We can see how epochs and annotations line up with the letable() (epoch-table) command. First, we need to specify epochs for this record:

nsrr01 : 14 signals, 11 annotations, 11:22:00 duration, 1364 unmasked 30-sec epochs, and 0 masked

The output from lstat() now additionally includes information about the number of epochs, and whether or not they are currently masked.

To explore the epoch structure in more detail, along-side annotation information, we can use letable() to tabulate all epochs (when they occur, whether they are masked or not, and, if the EDF has been restructured, how that epoch maps to the original EDF):

a <- letable( annots = lannots() ) 


Quickly summarizing sleep stages

One other convenience function is lstages(), which is just a wrapper around the evaluation of the Luna STAGES command and returns a vector of sleep stage labels (e..g NREM1, NREM2, etc) per epoch. Stage labels must exist as annotations (i.e. this command does not automatically infer sleep stage on-the-fly from the raw signal data_).

ss <- lstages()
table( ss ) 
 N1  N2  N3   R   W 
109 523  17 238 477 

All NSRR data have annotations formatted in such a way as to work with these commands, although it is easy to modify this to work with other formats.

Moving on the question of the original tutorial section: how can we count the number of apneas per individual? As previously, we'll use the ANNOTS command, combined with leval.project() to apply this to each individual:

k <- leval.project( sl, "ANNOTS" )

As described on the ANNOTS command page, counts of annotation instances for each annotation class are in the table stratified by ANNOT:


We can simply extract this with lx( k , "ANNOTS" , "ANNOT" ), or alternatively, just write it directly:


If we restrict to rows where the annotation class name is Obstructive_Apnea, we'll see that COUNTs for each individual.

d[ d$ANNOT == "Obstructive_Apnea" , ]
       ID             ANNOT COUNT    DUR
14 nsrr01 Obstructive_Apnea    37  824.5
15 nsrr02 Obstructive_Apnea     5   67.7
16 nsrr03 Obstructive_Apnea   163 3795.6

Reassuringly, these match what was obtained in the previous tutorial section. To consider only events during REM, we can re-run but including a MASK statement:

k <- leval.project( sl , "MASK ifnot=R & ANNOTS" )

Repeating the above steps to extract the output:


d[ d$ANNOT == "Obstructive_Apnea" , ]
      ID             ANNOT COUNT   DUR
7 nsrr01 Obstructive_Apnea    27 668.4
8 nsrr02 Obstructive_Apnea     3  43.4

Again, these results match what we observed with lunaC.

Putting it together

Previous material

The corresponding section of the original tutorial covered:

  • running a command file (cmd/first.txt) in lunaC
  • using variables in command files
  • tracking repeated runs of the same commands with TAGs

Up to now, we've directly entered Luna commands as text on the R command line. We can also read command files in the same way that lunaC does, which is recommended for all non-trivial applications. The lunaR function lcmd() will read and parse a Luna-format command file, and return a vector where each instruction in one element:

lcmd( "cmd/first.txt" )
[1] "EPOCH len=30"           "TAG tag=STAGE/${stage}" "MASK ifnot=${stage}"   
[4] "RESTRUCTURE"            "STATS sig=EEG"

That is, lcmd() strips away comments (%) and blank lines, etc. As well as using & to concatenate Luna commands, leval() and leval.project() functions accept vectors of commands, so we can pass the output of lcmd() to leval(), etc. However, you'll note from looking at the commands above, we have one issue we need to first resolve, namely the use of variables in the command file. When using lunaC, we'd specify the value of ${stage} on the command line, as well as passing special variables such as sig to define the signal list. For example,

luna s.lst stage=N1 sig=EEG -o out.db < cmd/first.txt

In lunaR, we can set Luna environment variables with the lset() function:

lset( "stage","N1" )
setting [stage] to [N1]

We can query if a value exists, with lvar():

[1] "N1"

We can use a similar approach with sig, to specify which signal(s) this analysis is restricted to:

lset( "sig" , "EEG" )

However, as sig is a special variable, it is treated a little differently:

  • because it is not a user-defined variable, lvar("sig") will not show anything; the same is true when setting other special variables such as alias

  • repeated calls setting to sig (or alias) variables do not overwrite the earlier values; rather, they append to that list

Setting special variables in lunaR

In other words, after the commands:

lset( "sig" , "EEG1,EEG2" ) 
lset( "sig" , "EEG3" )

the signal-list will comprise all three signals, not just EEG3. To clear the signal-list, use this special form:

lset( "sig" , "." )
or run
which clears all variables (both user-defined and special variables), and resets all Luna global parameters to their default values.

Having specified the value of ${stage} as well as the signal-list (i.e. to restrict analysis to just the EEG channel), we can run leval.project(), using lcmd() to read in and parse the command script we used previously with lunaC:

k <- leval.project( sl , lcmd( "cmd/first.txt" ) ) 
After this completes, we can confirm the structure of the output (k) with lx(), as before:

Note that each table also has STAGE as an additional factor, due to the use of the TAG command. That is, these results are currently just for NREM1 sleep:

lx( k , "STATS" )
      ID  CH STAGE      KURT       MAX         MEAN        MIN       P01       P02
1 nsrr01 EEG    N1  1.770623  59.31373 -0.295451220  -81.86275 -18.13725 -16.17647
2 nsrr02 EEG    N1  1.976144  49.50980  0.007177659  -72.05882 -28.92157 -23.03922
3 nsrr03 EEG    N1 37.534412 125.00000  0.198371041 -124.01961 -25.98039 -20.09804
        P05        P10       P20       P30       P40        P50      P60      P70      P80
1 -12.25490  -9.313725 -6.372549 -3.431373 -1.470588 -0.4901961 1.470588 3.431373 5.392157
2 -17.15686 -12.254902 -7.352941 -4.411765 -1.470588  0.4901961 2.450980 5.392157 8.333333
3 -14.21569 -10.294118 -6.372549 -3.431373 -1.470588  0.4901961 2.450980 4.411765 7.352941
        P90      P95      P98      P99       RMS        SD        SKEW
1  8.333333 11.27451 15.19608 18.13725  7.354944  7.349016  0.01513765
2 12.254902 16.17647 20.09804 24.01961 10.361542 10.361666 -0.48778254
3 11.274510 14.21569 20.09804 26.96078 12.302106 12.300538 -0.46132928

To obtain the values for other sleep stages, we can just repeat the above procedures. To facilitate this, and to make the output easier to collate, we'll do the following. First, we'll define the stages we want to iterate over:

stgs <- c( "N1", "N2", "N3" , "R"  )
We'll then define a single (empty) list to hold results from all stages:
k <- list()

We then can use a for loop in R to iterate over each stage, setting the appropriate ${stage} value, and then running the script:

for (s in stgs) {

 lset( "stage", s ) 

 k[[ s ]] <- leval.project( sl , lcmd( "cmd/first.txt" ) ) 


When this runs, you'll see a warning message displayed to the console for the last individual:

  ** skipping STATS as there are no unmasked records

This is fine and as expected: as we previously saw, this is because nsrr03 doesn't have any REM epochs.


If you see other errors in lunaR, it may often be that you forgot to lset()/lreset() any variables, forgot to lattach() an individual, or need to lrefresh() the attached EDF when running a new command, i.e. if there are no unmasked records left for that EDF.

Note that rather than saving the output of leval.project() directly to k, we are writing it to a sub-item of the existing list, using sleep stage s as index an index. (A technical point, but R uses double brackets [[ often when working with lists, to indicate any single element itself, rather than [, which indicates a list of the selected elements, e.g. see here).

Persistence of EDFs in leval() and leval.project()

When using leval.project(), lunaR behaviors much more like lunaC in terms of the persistence of in-memory EDFs. That is, each EDF in the sample list is attached and then dropped before moving to the next EDF in the list. So, unlike leval(), which does not detach the EDF, this means that after running the above, there will not be any currently attached EDF:

Error in lstat() : no EDF attached

More importantly, it means that when running leval.project() inside a loop as above, any modifications made (e.g. from masks, filters, dropping or adding signals, etc), will not be reflected when re-running the loop. So, leval.project() is really like running a single lunaC statement. In contrast, leval() works more like the individual components that occur within one lunaC run for one individual.

Having run the above code successfully, we'll now have a slightly different format for k. Namely, it is a list with 4 elements, correspond to the four sleep stages. Each element is identical to the output that would have come from a single run of leval.project() (obviously... that is how we assigned it above).

Therefore, lx() will work slightly differently, due to the structure of the output. By itself, rather than returning each command as a row, along with a list of tables from that command, lx() will now return each higher level group (i.e. s or sleep stage in this case), along with a list of the commands performed:


We cannot use lx() to extract a particular table from a particular command however. The alternative lx2() can be used in this scenario, i.e. if and only if you've consciously structured the output in the way we have above. So, instead if lx( k , "STATS" ), we'd run

lx2( k , "STATS" )
which conveniently compiles all the similar results from different sleep stages into a single table (nb. some columns omitted for clarity):
         ID  CH STAGE      KURT       MAX         MEAN        MIN       P01
N1.1 nsrr01 EEG    N1  1.770623  59.31373 -0.295451220  -81.86275 -18.13725
N1.2 nsrr02 EEG    N1  1.976144  49.50980  0.007177659  -72.05882 -28.92157
N1.3 nsrr03 EEG    N1 37.534412 125.00000  0.198371041 -124.01961 -25.98039
N2.1 nsrr01 EEG    N2  2.935892 125.00000 -0.313127132 -124.01961 -27.94118
N2.2 nsrr02 EEG    N2  6.550833 125.00000 -0.134945206 -124.01961 -40.68627
N2.3 nsrr03 EEG    N2 20.749735 125.00000  0.126607059 -124.01961 -37.74510
N3.1 nsrr01 EEG    N3  7.165718 121.07843 -0.454932718 -112.25490 -37.74510
N3.2 nsrr02 EEG    N3  1.547826 125.00000 -0.130731673 -124.01961 -51.47059
N3.3 nsrr03 EEG    N3  2.156775 125.00000  0.171914099 -124.01961 -47.54902
R.1  nsrr01 EEG     R  2.869020  85.78431 -0.371502169  -82.84314 -19.11765
R.2  nsrr02 EEG     R 22.273566 125.00000 -0.384220044 -124.01961 -44.60784

Because we used TAG in the script, we have a variable named STAGE that corresponds to this higher-level structure, making it easy to keep track of results.

So, to extract the same information as previously (namely, signal RMS for the EEG channel for all three individuals, stratified by sleep stage), we could run the following:

d <- lx2( k , "STATS")
d[ , c("ID","STAGE","RMS")]
         ID STAGE       RMS
N1.1 nsrr01    N1  7.354944
N1.2 nsrr02    N1 10.361542
N1.3 nsrr03    N1 12.302106
N2.1 nsrr01    N2 10.646079
N2.2 nsrr02    N2 14.742420
N2.3 nsrr03    N2 14.496728
N3.1 nsrr01    N3 13.014505
N3.2 nsrr02    N3 20.054659
N3.3 nsrr03    N3 18.980088
R.1  nsrr01     R  7.563595
R.2  nsrr02     R 14.146456

To get a nice tabulation, we could do the following: (although there are more efficient ways to do this, if needed):

with( d , tapply( RMS , list( ID , STAGE ) , mean ) )
              N1       N2       N3         R
nsrr01  7.354944 10.64608 13.01451  7.563595
nsrr02 10.361542 14.74242 20.05466 14.146456
nsrr03 12.302106 14.49673 18.98009        NA

Something strange about the medians?

You may have noted that in the tables above, the MEDIAN values of the EEG were all very similar numbers: either 0.49019 or -0.49019. Did we do something wrong? In this case, no we didn't, it is simply a property of the resolution of the data after analog to digital conversion. To use lunaR to check this out, let's attach one individual:

lattach( sl , 1 )

To pull an entire signal we can use ldata() but we need to specify the interval in terms of epochs, so we must first epoch the data (here, saving the number of epochs in ne):

ne <- lepoch()

We can then request the entire (1:ne) EEG signal (note, we only keep the signal rather than the whole data frame returned by ldata(): we'll add more efficient ways to extract only signals in the future):

x <- ldata( 1:ne , "EEG" )$EEG

Let's check things are as expected: length(x) gives 5115000; given we have 1364 30-second epochs and a sampling rate of 125 Hz, this is good, as 1364 * 30 * 125 = 5115000. Now, to check the median:


We're seeing the same number as above in the stage-stratified analyses. Looking at the distribution of the samples, we see this simply reflects the resolution of the digital signal:

hist(x , breaks=500)
hist(x[x> -10 & x < 10 ] , breaks= 500 ) 


Using destrat

Previous material

The corresponding section of the original tutorial covered:

  • how to use the destrat tool to work with the lunout databases generated by lunaC's -o option

In lunaR we do not generate lunout databases; rather, any commands executed return their results directly as R list objects. (If you want to save any of these, you can simply use R's standard save() function, or similar.) However, it is in fact possible to read lunout databases generated by lunaC into lunaR, with the ldb() function.

As a quick example, within RStudio, switch to the "Terminal" tab (instead of "Console"). This gives a prompt in a bash (Bourne Again Shell) where you can access the virtual Linux machine running RStudio:


This should be in the same tutorial/ folder (if you are not, run cd tutorial). Typing ls should show the s.lst file and the two folders, edfs and cmd. Now run a command that generates an out.db file: e.g.

luna s.lst -o out.db -s "EPOCH & STATS sig=ECG,EEG epoch"
(Note: depending on the set up, you may need to run this from the home directory inside Docker, if you have write permission issues based on your user.) As before, you can use destrat to summarize and query this database:
destrat out.db
out.db: 2 command(s), 3 individual(s), 15 variable(s), 47157 values
  command #1:   c1      Thu Mar 21 19:33:09 2019        EPOCH
  command #2:   c2      Thu Mar 21 19:33:09 2019        STATS
distinct strata group(s):
  commands      : factors           : levels        : variables
  [EPOCH]       : .                 : 1 level(s)    : DUR INC NE
                :                   :               :
  [EPOCH]       : CH                : 1 level(s)    : DUR INC NE
                :                   :               :
  [STATS]       : CH                : 2 level(s)    : MAX MEAN MEDIAN MEDIAN.MEAN MEDIAN.MEDIAN
                :                   :               : MEDIAN.RMS MEDIAN.SD MIN NE NE1
                :                   :               : RMS SD
                :                   :               :
  [STATS]       : E CH              : (...)         : MAX MEAN MEDIAN MIN RMS SD
                :                   :               :

Switching back to the RStudio Console (i.e. back to the R prompt), you can read in that same output database

k <- ldb( "out.db" )


Not all return objects have to be named k, I'm just a creature of habit...

Using lx(), we should see the same structure and information:


Parameter files

Previous material

The corresponding section of the original tutorial covered:

  • using a parameter file to specify variables
  • executing the command file cmd/second.txt with the cmd/vars.txt parameter file

You can use the lset() function to read in variable assignments from a parameter file.
We previously used the file cmd/vars.txt, which we can view within RStudio by navigating to the tutorial folder and clicking on that file:


The previous section ran the command file cmd/second.txt for nsrr01, which basically just wrote some stats for the two EEG channels. We'll start by attaching this EDF:

lattach( sl , "nsrr01" ) 
nsrr01 : 1 signals, 11 annotations, 11:22:00 duration

But wait! Isn't there a problem? This reads that only a single signal is present, whereas there are 14 in that EDF. This isn't an error: rather, it reflects a previously set Luna environment variable, i.e. namely sig, the signal-list, from section above. Within the same session, lunaR will remember these settings (i.e. it is as if we're running every command with sig=EEG included). When starting a new analysis, it is therefore a good idea to first reset these variables, i.e. to start afresh.

lattach( sl , "nsrr01" ) 
nsrr01 : 14 signals, 11 annotations, 11:22:00 duration
That's better. We can check those channel names with lchs():
 [1] "SaO2"     "PR"       "EEG_sec"  "ECG"      "EMG"      "EOG_L"   
[13] "LIGHT"    "OX_STAT" 


Running lrefresh() re-attaches the current EDF, but doesn't change the environment variables. An environment variable such as sig means that when the EDF is re-attached, it is re-attached with only the channels in the signal-list included. Therefore, you need to lreset() to clear the environment variables. (lreset() also drops any currently attached EDF.)

We can now include the parameter file, cmd/vars.txt, by running lset() with a single file name:

lset( "cmd/vars.txt" ) 
setting [alias] to [EEG1|EEG]
setting [alias] to [EEG2|EEG(sec)]
setting [alias] to [OXSTAT|OX STAT]
setting [eeg] to [EEG1,EEG2]
setting [myepoch] to [10]
setting [nrem] to [N1,N2,N3]

Note that if we now request lchs() again, Luna will automatically use the primary aliases, i.e. EEG1, EEG2 and OXSTAT:

 [1] "SaO2"     "PR"       "EEG2"     "ECG"      "EMG"      "EOG_L"   
[13] "LIGHT"    "OXSTAT"  

That is, we can still refer to the original EEG(sec) as either EEG_sec (i.e. EEG(sec) after sanitization) or EEG2, but all output will use EEG2.

Finally, we can run the commands in cmd/second.txt:

EPOCH len=${myepoch}
MASK all
MASK unmask-if=${nrem}
STATS sig=${eeg}
As this is just for one individual, we'll use leval():
k <- leval( lcmd( "cmd/second.txt" ) )

Using lx() to consider the output, it seems to have worked as expected:

lx( k , "STATS" ) 
      ID   CH     KURT MAX       MEAN       MIN       P01       P02       P05
1 nsrr01 EEG1 3.496488 125 -0.3138729 -124.0196 -26.96078 -22.05882 -16.17647
2 nsrr01 EEG2 5.605977 125  1.4410615 -124.0196 -25.00000 -20.09804 -13.23529
         P10       P20       P30        P40        P50      P60      P70
1 -12.254902 -7.352941 -4.411765 -2.4509804 -0.4901961 1.470588 4.411765
2  -9.313725 -5.392157 -2.450980 -0.4901961  1.4705882 3.431373 5.392157
       P80      P90      P95      P98      P99       RMS        SD        SKEW
1 6.372549 11.27451 16.17647 22.05882 26.96078 10.239962 10.235153  0.07195872
2 8.333333 12.25490 16.17647 22.05882 25.98039  9.767967  9.661084 -0.06160423

That is, we used the variable ${eeg} which was set to EEG1 and EEG2, which were themselves aliases for the original channel names. All of this was specified in the parameter file, which we attached with lset().

Epoch-level summaries

Previous material

The corresponding section of the original tutorial covered:

  • using the STATS command to generate epoch-level summaries of signals for nsrr02

  • reading those summaries into R, in order to make per-epoch plots of the RMS for the ECG signal

We'll perform the same steps here, except it can be done all within R. Start by clearing Luna's environment variables:

Attach nsrr02:
lattach( sl , 2 ) 
Epoch the data:
Then run STATS for these signals (as per the previous tutorial section), requesting epoch-level output:
k <- leval( "STATS epoch sig=ECG" ) 
We next extract the epoch-level output from STATS:

d <- lx( k , "STATS" , "CH" , "E" ) 
Here, showing only a subset of columns in the output below:
      ID  CH E  MAX        MEAN     MEDIAN        MIN       RMS        SD
1 nsrr02 ECG 1 1.25 0.005067974 0.03431373 -0.6519608 0.2710508 0.2710215
2 nsrr02 ECG 2 1.25 0.004716340 0.03431373 -0.7205882 0.2790225 0.2790012
3 nsrr02 ECG 3 1.25 0.003096732 0.04411765 -0.6519608 0.2684238 0.2684239
4 nsrr02 ECG 4 1.25 0.004414379 0.03431373 -0.7107843 0.2641340 0.2641148
5 nsrr02 ECG 5 1.25 0.004943791 0.02450980 -0.6911765 0.2649496 0.2649211
6 nsrr02 ECG 6 1.25 0.003168627 0.02450980 -0.7401961 0.2720457 0.2720454

As expected, d has 1195 rows, corresponding to the 1195 epochs (i.e. see dim(d)).

The aim is to plot the RMS of the ECG channel coloured by sleep stage. To attach information on the sleep stage of an NSRR individual, we can use the convenience function lstages():

d$SS <- lstages()


As we can check, in this simple case we confirm that d is exactly 1195 rows and ordered by epoch, and so we can use lstages() (which returns a vector 1195 in length) to directly populate a "sleep stage" variable. In practice, it is safer to use the full results of leval("STAGE") (for which lstages() is just a wrapper) and merge() based on E (or ID if necessary).

Following the previous tutorial section, we want to restrict the output to the first 950 rows (as the end of the recording contains artifact):

d <- d[ 1:950 , ] 
We can then use standard R functions to generate the plots:
plot( d$E , d$RMS , ylab = "RMS(ECG)" , xlab = "Epoch" , pch=20 , col = as.factor( d$SS ) )
cols <- as.factor(sort(unique(d$SS)))
legend("bottomleft",legend=cols , fill = cols , cex=0.7)



Previous material

The corresponding section of the original tutorial covered:

  • using HYPNO to generate individual-level, cycle-level and epoch-level information about sleep architecture (based on manual staging)

Repeating these steps for nsrr01, we should first reset Luna's environment (just as a safety measure):

And then attach the EDF of interest:

To get a very quick summary of sleep macro-architecture, we can tabulate the values of lstages(), e.g. to get minutes in each stage:
table( lstages()  ) / 2 
   N1    N2    N3     R     W 
 54.5 261.5   8.5 119.0 238.5 

Running the HYPNO command for all three individuals:

k <- leval.project( sl , "HYPNO epoch" )
Here we extract individual-level results (i.e. from the baseline or BL strata ):
d <- lx( k , "HYPNO" , "BL" )


If you're unsure about which strata and variables are generated by a command, visit the its section in the reference part of this website: they are tabulated for every command. You can also run lx() (or destrat, if on the command line).

To extract minutes of each stage for all individuals - these are stratified by sleep stage (SS):

d <- lx( k , "HYPNO" , "SS" )
d[ d$SS %in% c("N1","N2","N3","R") ,c("ID","SS","MINS")]
       ID SS  MINS
7  nsrr01 N1  54.5
8  nsrr02 N1   5.5
9  nsrr03 N1  26.0
10 nsrr01 N2 261.5
11 nsrr02 N2 199.5
12 nsrr03 N2 187.5
22 nsrr01 N3   8.5
23 nsrr02 N3  92.5
24 nsrr03 N3  10.5
28 nsrr01  R 119.0
29 nsrr02  R  60.0
30 nsrr03  R   0.0

Cycle-level and epoch-level output can be extracted with the commands:

d <- lx( k , "HYPNO" , "C" ) 
d <- lx( k , "HYPNO" , "E" ) 

Epoch-level masks

Previous material

The corresponding section of the original tutorial covered:

  • used epoch-level masks to select a particular subset of epochs for nsrr01

  • illustrated how to attach epoch-level annotations after an EDF has been attached

The corresponding section aimed to select epochs that met the following criteria (made up simply to illustrate how the commands operate):

  • epochs of persistent sleep (i.e. at least 10 minutes of sleep prior)
  • that occur between 11pm and 3am
  • and are during stage 2 NREM sleep
  • and do not contain any apnea or hypopnea events

Although we could run cmd/third.txt as in the previous section, in order to introduce some new lunaR commands, we'll do it a different way. As before, if we've been doing previous work with lunaR, we should first reset the environment:

We then attach the first individual:
lattach( sl , 1 ) 
and run the HYPNO command:
k <- leval( "HYPNO epoch" ) 
from which we can identify epochs of persistent sleep, from the epoch-level output, here extracting it directly rather than using lx():
The variable ps is a vector of 0 and 1 (i.e. no or yes) with as many elements as epochs for nsrr01:
table( ps)
  0   1 
720 644 

In lunaR, we can attach a new annotation with either the ladd.annot() or ladd.annot.file() command. The latter form can read any Luna annotation format, i.e XML, .annot or .eannot files. One option would be to save the information about persistent sleep to a file, and load it with ladd.annot.file() therefore. However, given we are already in R, it is easier to just directly specify the annotation, using ladd.annot(), which expects as input an R interval list. In this context, an interval list is something in the format we get out of the lannots() command for example.

We can use the helper function le2i() to convert epoch numbers to intervals, given a particular definition of epoch duration (and overlap), the default is 30 second, non-overlapping epochs. For example:

le2i( 1:4 ) 
> le2i( 1:10 )
[1]  0 30

[1] 30 60

[1] 60 90

[1]  90 120
We can therefore get a list of intervals (epoch start/stop times in seconds) for each epoch of persistent sleep (ps==1):

ps.ints <- le2i( which( ps == 1 ) ) 

This gives a list ps.ints which is 384 elements long. We can add this as a new annotation as follows (we assign the name persistent_sleep but we could use anything):

ladd.annot( "persistent_sleep" , ps.ints ) 

We can check that it has been added as follows:

 [1] "Arousal"           "Hypopnea"          "N1"               
 [4] "N2"                "N3"                "Obstructive_Apnea"
 [7] "R"                 "SleepStage"        "SpO2_artifact"    
[10] "SpO2_desaturation" "W"                 "persistent_sleep" 

Finally, here we illustrate how to use multiple leval() statements on the same attached EDF, to apply a series of masks (which could be done in any order, in this example). Although this is always the default, we can start by ensuring that all epochs are included (i.e. none are masked):

leval( "MASK none" ) 
nsrr01 : 14 signals, 13 annotations, 11:22:00 duration, 1364 unmasked 30-sec epochs, and 0 masked

Next, we mask epochs not between 11pm and 3am:

leval( "MASK hms=23:00:00-03:00:00" )
nsrr01 : 14 signals, 13 annotations, 11:22:00 duration, 481 unmasked 30-sec epochs, and 883 masked

We see that the number of epochs has dropped from 1364 to 481 unmasked epochs. As previously noted, we have 481 and not 480 (i.e. 4 hours) because the epochs start on 17 and 47 seconds past the minute in this particular EDF, and so we include an additional epoch that starts at 10:59:47 but overlaps the requested period. (Also note that, at this point, none have actually been removed; that will not happen until a RESTRUCTURE (or RE) command is given.)

We next apply the persistent sleep mask:

leval( "MASK mask-ifnot=persistent_sleep" )
nsrr01 : 14 (of 14) signals, 12 annotations, 11:22:00 duration, 272 unmasked 30-sec epochs, and 1092 masked
That takes us down to 272 epochs; we next restrict to NREM2 sleep only:
leval( "MASK mask-ifnot=N2" )
nsrr01 : 14 (of 14) signals, 12 annotations, 11.22.00 duration, 235 unmasked 30-sec epochs, and 1129 masked
This takes us to 235 epochs; we next exclude epochs with any apnea or hypopnea events:
leval( "MASK mask-if=Obstructive_Apnea,Hypopnea" )
nsrr01 : 14 (of 14) signals, 12 annotations, 11.22.00 duration, 86 unmasked 30-sec epochs, and 1278 masked
This gives us 86 epochs, as per the previous example with lunaC.

We can confirm these steps by viewing the results of letable() and including these relevant annotations:

d <- letable( annots = c( "persistent_sleep" , "N2" , "Obstructive_Apnea" , "Hypopnea" ) )

We can view the epoch table here (if the image is too small, click to upon in a new browser tab):



Epochs that are masked have M set to 1 and the epoch codes (E) and start-time (SEC) are set to NA. Luna tracks the original epoch numbers, start times and clock-time however (E0, SEC0 and HMS). For example, the first epoch to be included (the new epoch #1) was the old epoch #124, etc.

If we run a RESTRUCTURE command, all masked epochs are permanently dropped from the internal EDF, and so we'll end up with a 86-epoch (43 minutes) dataset, but for which there are no masked epochs:

leval( "RE" ) 
nsrr01 : 14 (of 14) signals, 12 annotations, 00.43.00 duration, 86 unmasked 30-sec epochs, and 0 masked

Again, we can view the letable() for this:

d <- letable( annots = c( "persistent_sleep" , "N2" , "Obstructive_Apnea" , "Hypopnea" ) )

All masked epochs have now been dropped, although Luna still retains the original time/epoch encoding in E0, etc.


Manipulating EDFs

Previous material

The corresponding section of the original tutorial covered:

  • filtering, resampling, relabeling and re-referencing signals
  • re-writing new EDFs

The previous section basically involved running cmd/fourth.txt through lunaC, which is as follows:

FILTER bandpass=0.3,35 ripple=0.02 tw=1 fft
WRITE edf-tag=v2 edf-dir=newedfs/ sample-list=new.lst
The lunaC command line was:
luna s.lst @cmd/vars.txt sig=EEG1,EEG2 < cmd/fourth.txt

To mirror this, we first need to load the environment variables in the parameter file:

lset( "cmd/vars.txt" )

Next, we need to specify that only signals EEG1 and EEG2 (these are aliases for EEG and EEG(sec)) be included:

lset( "sig" , "EEG1,EEG2" )
Finally, we need to execute the script:
k <- leval.project( sl, lcmd( "cmd/fourth.txt" ) )

If you go the the Files tab in RStudio, you should be able to see the newly created file and folder: new.lst and newedfs. We can load this sample list, say calling is nsl for new sample-list:

nsl <- lsl("new.lst")
and then run the DESC command for all three individuals:

leval.project( nsl , "DESC" ) 
nsrr01 : 2 (of 2) signals, 0 annotations, duration
EDF filename      : newedfs/learn-nsrr01-v2.edf
ID                : nsrr01
Clock time        : 21.58.17 - 09.20.17
Duration          : 11:22:00  40920 sec
# signals         : 2
Signals           : EEG2[100] EEG1[100]

nsrr02 : 2 (of 2) signals, 0 annotations, duration
EDF filename      : newedfs/learn-nsrr02-v2.edf
ID                : nsrr02
Clock time        : 21.18.06 - 07.15.36
Duration          : 09:57:30  35850 sec
# signals         : 2
Signals           : EEG2[100] EEG1[100]

nsrr03 : 2 (of 2) signals, 0 annotations, duration
EDF filename      : newedfs/learn-nsrr03-v2.edf
ID                : nsrr03
Clock time        : 20.15.00 - 07.37.00
Duration          : 11:22:00  40920 sec
# signals         : 2
Signals           : EEG2[100] EEG1[100]



Annotation files are not automatically transferred to new EDFs, as currently Luna only writes EDF, not EDF+. As such, as timing information would be lost, if the EDF has been restructured.

Artifact detection

Previous material

The corresponding section of the original tutorial covered:

  • generating per-epoch statistics including RMS, Hjorth parameters and and index of signal-clipping

  • using these, alongside a second epoch-wise artifact detection algorithm based on spectral analysis, to flag likely aberrant epochs

  • visualizing these statistics across the night, and looking at raw EEG signals for an artifact-containing epoch

The corresponding section involved running cmd/fifth.txt to generate the above-mentioned statistics, and then a slightly modified version (cmd/sixth.txt) to actually mask potentially bad epochs, all for nsrr01.

Reset the Luna environment:


Before attaching the EDF, we can specify that we want to restrict analyses to the EEG channel (no other variables were used in this script, so we didn't attach a parameter file, and so we use EEG and not the alias EEG1 here):

lset( "sig" , "EEG" )

Attach nsrr01:

lattach( sl , 1 ) 

Run the script:

k <- leval( lcmd( "cmd/fifth.txt" ) )
Extract channel-level (whole-night) statistics:
lx( k , "SIGSTATS" , "CH" )  
      ID  CH       H1        H2        H3
1 nsrr01 EEG 78.38342 0.3536182 0.8316128

Extract epoch-level statistics:

d <- lx( k , "SIGSTATS" , "CH" , "E" ) 

We can now tabulate:

and plot these statistics, coloured by sleep stage:
q <- leval( "STAGE" )
> ss <- lx(q,"STAGE")
> head(ss)
1 nsrr01 54   22:24:47 26.5     N1    N1      -1  1590
2 nsrr01 55   22:25:17 27.0     N1    N1      -1  1620
3 nsrr01 56   22:25:47 27.5     N1    N1      -1  1650
4 nsrr01 58   22:26:47 28.5     N1    N1      -1  1710
5 nsrr01 59   22:27:17 29.0     N1    N1      -1  1740
6 nsrr01 60   22:27:47 29.5     N1    N1      -1  1770
> dim(ss)
[1] 887   8
> dim(d)
[1] 887   6

m <- merge( d , ss , by="E" )
plot( m$E , m$H1 , pch=20 , col = lstgcols( m$STAGE ) )
plot( m$E , m$H2 , pch=20 , col = lstgcols( m$STAGE ) )
plot( m$E , m$H3 , pch=20 , col = lstgcols( m$STAGE ) )

As well as clear evidence of ultradian dynamics (that correspond to sleep stage), we see evidence of some outlier epochs in these plots (Hjorth parameters 1, 2 and 3 from top to bottom):


We'll now run the slightly modified script, that masks outlier epochs based on these metrics.

FILTER bandpass=0.3,35 ripple=0.02 tw=1
CHEP-MASK ep-th=3,3,3
CHEP epochs

See ARTIFACTS and CHEP-MASK for details.

Because the previous cmd/fifth.txt script modified the internal EDF, we need to reattach or refresh it:

nsrr01 : 1 signals, 11 annotations, 11:22:00 duration

We don't need to lreset() as we want to keep the same sig environment variable. Because sig is still set, when re-attaching we only load that single channel (i.e. it's not that lrefresh() didn't work somehow here, as by itself would have led to in all channels being read in).

Running this new script:

k <- leval( lcmd( "cmd/sixth.txt" ) ) 
nsrr01 : 1 signals, 11 annotations, 07:23:30 duration, 840 unmasked 30-sec epochs, and 47 masked

It appears from the above that 47 sleep epochs have been masked on the basis of epoch-level artifact detection. We can look at the EMASK variable in the epoch-level output from the DUMP-MASK command:

d <- k$DUMP_MASK$E
table( d$EMASK )
  0   1 
840  47 

To see which epochs are masked:

head( d[ d$EMASK == 1 , ])
       ID   E   EMASK
14 nsrr01  78       1
16 nsrr01  80       1
20 nsrr01  85       1
24 nsrr01  89       1
80 nsrr01 145       1
81 nsrr01 146       1


In lunaR, we could also use the letable() function to look at the current mask status:

table( letable()$M ) 
  0   1 
840  47 

Finally, to plot the Hjorth parameter statistics visually indicating which are masked:

h <- lx( k , "SIGSTATS" , "CH" , "E" ) 
m <- merge( d , h , by="E" , all = T ) 

To obtain the same plot: Hjorth parameters per epoch with a flag to indicate a mask

plot( m$E , m$H1 , pch = 20 , xlab="Epoch" , ylab="H1" , col = m$EMASK + 1) 
plot( m$E , m$H2 , pch = 20 , xlab="Epoch" , ylab="H2" , col = m$EMASK + 1) 
plot( m$E , m$H3 , pch = 20 , xlab="Epoch" , ylab="H3" , col = m$EMASK + 1) 


From looking at d, we see that epoch #220 is one of the masked epochs. To view it, we can use the ldata() function. Naturally, we first need to refresh the EDF or clear the mask (i.e. as it is currently masked):

We can then extract the EEG signal:
y <- ldata( 220 , chs="EEG" )  
And plot it:
plot( y$SEC - min(y$SEC) , y$EEG , type="l", 
      ylim=c(-125, 125 ) , xlab="Time (sec)" , ylab="EEG" )


Spectral and spindle analyses

Previous material

The corresponding section of the original tutorial covered:

  • estimating power spectra for cleaned and raw EEG signals for all three tutorial individuals

  • additionally detecting fast and slow spindles

In this final section, we'll re-run the cmd/seventh.txt script in lunaR:

MASK ifnot=N2
FILTER bandpass=0.3,35 ripple=0.02 tw=1 fft
CHEP-MASK ep-th=3,3,3
CHEP epoch
PSD spectrum
SPINDLES fc=11,15 annot=spindles
WRITE-ANNOTS file=spindles-^.txt annot=spindles

We'll first reset all environment variables:

This also detaches any attached EDF:
Error in lstat() : no EDF attached

We'll reload the original set of environment variables we've been using:

lset( "cmd/vars.txt" ) 
We'll also restrict this analysis to a single EEG channel:
lset( "sig" , "EEG1" ) 
We can then execute the script:

k <- leval.project( sl , lcmd( "cmd/seventh.txt" ) )

We can extract the PSD (which is stratified by channel and frequency):

d <- lx( k , "PSD" , "CH" , "F" ) 

For the plot, to mirror the previous tutorial, we'll restrict the plot to frequencies of 0.5 Hz and above:

d <- d[ d$F >= 0.5 , ] 

Plots of power spectra; create 3 plots, on a log-scale (nb. due to very minor changes in some of the default settings of Luna since making this plot, the exact contour of these PSDs may look slightly different from below):

ids <- unique(d$ID)
for (i in ids) plot( d$F[ d$ID == i ] , log( d$PSD[ d$ID == i ] ) , 
  type="l" , xlab="Hz" , ylab="log(uV^2/Hz)" , lwd=2,main=i) 


Next, mirroring the previous tutorial section, we need to repeat the PSD estimation, now for both channels and without the band-pass filtering or artifact detection steps, and also showing the full spectra (up to close to the Nyquist frequency);

We can append the channel aliased by EEG2 to the signal list (i.e. EEG1 will remain):

lset( "sig" , "EEG2" ) 

We can specify the Luna commands on the R command line this time, instead of reading them from a file:

k2 <- leval.project( sl , "EPOCH & MASK if=W & PSD spectrum max=62" ) 

Extracting the PSD:

d <- lx( k2 , "PSD" , "CH" , "F" ) 
And plotting:
ids <- unique(d$ID)
for (ch in c("EEG1","EEG2") )
 for (i in ids) 
   plot( d$F[ d$ID == i & d$CH == ch ] , log( d$PSD[ d$ID == i & d$CH == ch ] ) , 
            type="l" , xlab="Hz" , ylab="log(uV^2/Hz)" , lwd=2,main=paste(i,ch))


Now we'll turn to the spindle detection that was performed as part of cmd/seventh.txt.
As described here, the primary individual-level output of SPINDLES if stratified by channel (CH) and target frequency (F):

d <- lx( k , "SPINDLES" , "F" , "CH" ) 
There are many variables in the output, but here we restrict to spindle density (DENS):
d[ , c("ID","CH","F","DENS") ]
      ID   CH  F      DENS
1 nsrr01 EEG1 11 0.7300971
2 nsrr02 EEG1 11 1.2860759
3 nsrr03 EEG1 11 0.7242340
4 nsrr01 EEG1 15 0.6407767
5 nsrr02 EEG1 15 2.0556962
6 nsrr03 EEG1 15 0.1949861

We've now completed the steps of the previous lunaC tutorial. As mentioned elsewhere, lunaC is likely a better tool for running analyses on a large number of studies. The advantages of lunaR are primarily in terms of being able to leverage the power of the R language and its graphical abilities. Along these lines, we'll close by using lunaR to visualize the spindles detected on nsrr02, which also illustrates some additional lunaR functions.

We'll focus on nsrr02, in part because the other two studies had relatively low rates of spindles detected. This is not necessarily unusual in older subjects, who may have fragmented sleep and/or full-blown sleep disorders. The presence of artifact can also influence rates of spindles detected, of course, and so a more careful analyses and inspection of the data would be required before making any strong conclusions about these data.)

We'll restrict analyses to EEG1, by first reseting the signal list and then adding EEG1:

lset( "sig", "." )
lset( "sig" , "EEG1" ) 
We'll attach this EDF (the second subject in the sample list):

lattach( sl ,2 ) 
nsrr02 : 1 signals, 10 annotations, 09:57:30 duration

Re-running the script cmd/seventh.txt for this one individual (i.e. using level() and not leval.project()):

k <- leval( lcmd( "cmd/seventh.txt" ) ) 


If you get errors such as

Error in leval(lcmd("cmd/seventh.txt")) : 
   problem flag set: likely no unmasked records left? run lrefresh()
one possibility is that you forgot to include and/or reset the necessary variables via lset(); if in doubt, running lreset(), lrefresh() and repeating the commands is always a good idea. Also, using lchs() and lstat() can help to orient you, in terms of what has been "done" to the in-memory EDF since it was attached.


We can extract the time-points from the SPINDLES table that is stratified by SPINDLE as well as CH and F (i.e. the spindle-level results):

d <- lx( k , "SPINDLES" , "CH_F_SPINDLE" ) 

table( d$F ) 
 11  15 
254 406 

In other words, we detected 406 fast (15 Hz) spindles and 254 slow (11 Hz) spindles. That variable START (and START_SP) reflects the time in seconds (and in sample-points based on the current internal EDF) on when each spindle started; STOP variables are similarly defined.

We can plot when the spindles occur, as follows (nb. obviously there are many ways to do this and this isn't necessarily to most elegant or visually informative...)

d11 <- d[ d$F == 11 , ]

d15 <- d[ d$F == 15 , ]

plot( d11$START/3600 , rep( 11, length(d11$START) ) , 
  pch="|" , ylim=c(10,16), col="orange",xlim=c(0,max(d$START)/3600), 
  xlab="Hours", ylab="Spindle target frequency" )

points( d15$START/3600 , rep( 15, length(d15$START) ) , 
  pch="|" , ylim=c(10,16), col="purple")


The annot option we used for the SPINDLES command means that Luna will have written an .annot file to the edfs/ folder. We can load those annotation files in as new annotations to be attached to the current EDF.

ladd.annot.file( "spindles-nsrr02.txt" ) 

Now, when we ask for a list of attached annotations, we'll see a new one, spindles:

 [1] "Arousal"           "Hypopnea"          "N1"               
 [4] "N2"                "N3"                "Obstructive_Apnea"
 [7] "R"                 "SpO2_artifact"     "SpO2_desaturation"
[10] "W"                 "spindles"         

We'll then use the lannots() function with a annotation class name specified, to get a list of intervals for that annotation:

sp.intervals <- lannots( "spindles" )

This list is 660 elements in length, i.e. corresponding to the 998 spindles detected above:

[1] 660

Taking a peak at the contents of sp.intervals, we see each item is a pair of numbers: the start and stop of the spindles in elapsed seconds (from the EDF start time):

head( sp.intervals )
[1] 2751.304 2751.896

[1] 2764.040 2764.592


Now let's take a look at some spindles in the raw EEG. The ldata.intervals() command will pull out the raw signal data (and optionally other annotations) for one or more intervals. Optionally, we can also specify a window (in seconds) around each annotation interval. Here we specify 5 seconds (w=5), meaning that this function will return the raw signal corresponding to a spindle interval, plus and minus 5 seconds. (If the EDF is discontinuous, i.e. due to masking and restructuring, or if the interval abuts the start or end of the recording, this window will be shortened as appropriate.)

Here, we request the raw signal data from the channel with alias EEG1 as well as the annotation channel sp.label (i.e. fast spindles). The first argument indicates which interval(s) we want to look at -- for simplicity, here we'll request a single spindle, say the 221st, with sp.intervals[221]:

d <- ldata.intervals( sp.intervals[ 221 ], chs="EEG1", annots= "spindles", w=5 )

Looking at the d data frame returned by ldata.intervals():

                 INT      SEC       EEG1 spindles
1 15129.87->15140.66 15129.87 -11.184889        0
2 15129.87->15140.66 15129.88 -10.571929        0
3 15129.87->15140.66 15129.89 -11.300724        0
4 15129.87->15140.66 15129.90  -9.616291        0
5 15129.87->15140.66 15129.90  -5.364184        0
6 15129.87->15140.66 15129.91  -3.394990        0

The annotation field (final column) is 0 or 1 to indicate the presence or absence of that annotation (i.e. a fast spindle) at that sample-point.

To plot this spindle, we could use something like the following:

par(mfcol=c(2,1) , mar=c(2,4,0,0) )
plot( d$EEG1 , type="l" , xaxt = 'n' , yaxt='n' , axes=F , ylab="EEG1" )
plot( d[, "spindles" ] , type="l" , lwd=2 , col="blue" , xaxt='n' , yaxt='n' , axes=F, ylab="Spindles" )


So far, so good. Let's extend this to show some other information in the plot: say, band-pass filtered versions of the original EEG signal. We'll use the same approach as shown in the example for the FILTER command, whereby we made five or so copies of a channel, and then band-pass filtered each copy to correspond to delta, theta, alpha, sigma and beta power. In fact, lunaR has a convenience function that does this automatically, lbands(), which takes a channel names and creates five new channels that are the band-pass filtered versions. Running it with the nsrr02 EDF still attached (actually, at this point the in-memory representation will reflect a masked and filtered version of EEG1 for NREM2 sleep only):

lbands( "EEG1" ) 

If we look at the list of channels present, we should now see the following new channels (these are not saved to the on-disk EDF, rather they exist only in the in-memory representation):

[1] "EEG1"       "EEG1_delta" "EEG1_theta" "EEG1_alpha" "EEG1_sigma"
[6] "EEG1_beta" 

We can now re-run the ldata.intervals() function, but this time requesting all of these channels to be included in the output, by setting chs equal to lchs() (i.e. all channels):

d <- ldata.intervals( sp.intervals[ 221 ], chs=lchs(), annots="spindles" , w=5 )

Run head(d) to confirm the structure of the new output. We can now augment the plotting code to include these additional channels:

par(mfcol=c(7,1) , mar=c(0,4,0,0) )
plot( d$EEG1 , type="l" , xaxt = 'n' , yaxt='n' , axes=F , ylab="EEG1" )
plot( d[, "spindles" ] , type="l" , lwd=2 , col="blue" , xaxt='n' , yaxt='n' , axes=F, ylab="Spindles" )
plot( d$EEG1_delta , type="l" , col=rgb(200,100,00,150,max=255) , axes=F , ylab="Delta" )
plot( d$EEG1_theta , type="l" , col=rgb(100,200,0,150,max=255) , axes=F , ylab="Theta" )
plot( d$EEG1_alpha , type="l" , col=rgb(0,200,100,150,max=255) , axes=F , ylab="Alpha" )
plot( d$EEG1_sigma , type="l" , col=rgb(0,0,100,150,max=255) , axes=F , ylab="Sigma" )
plot( d$EEG1_beta  ,  type="l" , col=rgb(100,0,100,150,max=255) , axes=F , ylab="Beta" )


In practice, there would be few scenarios where one wants to extract particular spindles for visaulization, beyond didactic purposes. To make this a little more useful, rather than having to manually re-run this code for each spindle, we can use Luna's literate() function to automate this process. Given a list of intervals (or epoch-by-epoch), literate() will iterate over each one, generate a data frame (by calling either ldata.intervals() or ldata()) and then pass that data-frame to a user-defined function. We'll wrap our plotting code in a function (f1()) as follows:

f1 <- function(d) { 
 par(mfcol=c(7,1) , mar=c(0,4,0,0) )
 plot( d$EEG1 , type="l" , xaxt = 'n' , yaxt='n' , axes=F , ylab="EEG1" )
 plot( d$spindles   , type="l" , lwd=2 , col="blue" , xaxt='n' , yaxt='n' , axes=F, ylab="Spindles" )
 plot( d$EEG1_delta , type="l" , col=rgb(200,100,00,150,max=255) , axes=F , ylab="Delta" )
 plot( d$EEG1_theta , type="l" , col=rgb(100,200,0,150,max=255) , axes=F , ylab="Theta" )
 plot( d$EEG1_alpha , type="l" , col=rgb(0,200,100,150,max=255) , axes=F , ylab="Alpha" )
 plot( d$EEG1_sigma , type="l" , col=rgb(0,0,100,150,max=255) , axes=F , ylab="Sigma" )
 plot( d$EEG1_beta  ,  type="l" , col=rgb(100,0,100,150,max=255) , axes=F , ylab="Beta" )
 cat( "spindle interval" , d$INT[1] , "\n" )
 readline(prompt="Press [enter] to continue")

That is, this is identical to the prior plotting code, simply inside a function that also prints the spindle interval to the console, and requests that the [enter] key be pressed to advance to the next spindle. We can then instruct lunaR to iterate over the annotation class spindles (with by.annot), which will create a data-frame similar to the ones above for each spindle, plus or minus 8 seconds in this case (w=8), and then pass it to the newly-defined f1() function:

literate( f1 , chs= lchs() , annots= "spindles" ,  by.annot= "spindles" , w = 8 ) 


The current implementation of literate() can lead to issues if the function returns and error or is interupted (or may give issues by not allowing an interupt, e.g. from Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Z or similar): this should be fixed on the next release... for now, treat literate() with care...

You could imagine adding some code to save each plot, or to make multiple plots per page, etc, for reviewing all spindles detected. Some example below:





That's the end of the tutorial. If this was your first pass, that was likely a lot of material to cover. Consult the command reference for more details about specific commands. And visit these pages for more details on using lunaC and lunaR.

Feel free to explore the tutorial data more -- as with any dataset, there are probably a few quirks that you might discover if you look closely enough. Have fun -- and if you get tired, remember you can always sleep on it and you'll probably understand it better the next day :-)

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