Genetic Power Calculator

Case - control for discrete traits
 High risk allele frequency (A)   :  (0 - 1)
 Prevalence                       :  (0.0001 - 0.9999) 
 Genotype relative risk Aa        :  ( >1 ) 
 Genotype relative risk AA        :  ( >1 ) 

 D-prime                          :  (0 - 1)
 Marker allele frequency (B)      :  (0 - 1)

 Number of cases                  :   (0 - 10000000)
 Control : case ratio             :  ( >0 )
                                           ( 1 = equal number of cases and controls)

                                     Unselected controls? (* see below) 

 User-defined type I error rate   :  (0.00000001 - 0.5)
 User-defined power: determine N  :  (0 - 1)
 (1 - type II error rate)

Created by Shaun Purcell 24.Oct.2008
Note : unselected controls indicates a true random population sample (e.g. for a 1% disease, 1% of controls would also, by chance, have the disease); if this is unchecked (the default), it implies controls are screened for not having the disease.