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lunaR command reference

Attaching EDFs


Imports a Luna sample-list into R

Syntax: sl <- lsl( file , path = "" )

  • file is a required argument, giving the name of the sample-list file

  • the optional path argument mirrors Luna's path command-line option

    > sl <- lsl("s.lst")
    3 observations in s.lst 

Returns: a named-list representing the sample-list

  • names(sl) gives a list of IDs (i.e. first column) in the sample list:

    > names(sl)
    [1] "nsrr01" "nsrr02" "nsrr03"

  • EDF and ANNOT elements are the EDF and annotation filename(s) (sample lists can contain 0 or multiple annotation files):

    > str(sl)
    List of 3
     $ nsrr01:List of 2
      ..$ EDF  : chr "edfs/learn-nsrr01.edf"
      ..$ ANNOT: chr "edfs/learn-nsrr01-profusion.xml"
     $ nsrr02:List of 2
      ..$ EDF  : chr "edfs/learn-nsrr02.edf"
      ..$ ANNOT: chr "edfs/learn-nsrr02-profusion.xml"
     $ nsrr03:List of 2
      ..$ EDF  : chr "edfs/learn-nsrr03.edf"
      ..$ ANNOT: chr "edfs/learn-nsrr03-profusion.xml"


Loads an EDF and any associated annotation files from a sample-list loaded by lsl().

Syntax: lattach( sl , idx )

  • sl is a sample-list as loaded by lsl()

  • idx is either an integer number (in which case, it means to attach the EDF/annotations specified on that row of the sample-list), or a string value (in which case, it is interpreted as the ID of the individual/EDF to be attached)

Returns: no explicit return value: this command sets the in-memory EDF representation to reflect this EDF header/file, by calling ledf()

  • as well as attaching that EDF, this calls lstat() to display some basic information about it; for example, to attach the second individual in the sample-list, one could use either:

    > lattach( sl , 2 ) 
    nsrr02 : 14 signals, 10 annotations, of 09:57:30 duration
    > lattach( sl , "nsrr02" ) 
    nsrr02 : 14 signals, 10 annotations, of 09:57:30 duration

  • if the index or ID is out-of-range/not found, this command will give an error


Unlike many R functions, lattach() does not return an object that represents the data (i.e. the EDF). Rather, lunaR is designed to operate on one EDF at a time; attached EDFs can be displayed with the lstat() function. Attaching a new EDF effectively detaches any previously attached EDF.


Directly attaches an EDF

Syntax: ledf( edffile , id = "." , annots = character(0) )

  • edffile is a required filename for the to-be-attached EDF

  • id is an optional ID that will be associated with this EDF

  • annots is an optional vector of one or more annotation filenames (.xml, .ftr, .annot or .eannot files, as described here)

Returns: Similar to lattach(), which is just a wrapper around the ledf() function

For example, here we use ledf() to directly achieve what we did with lattach() above:

> ledf("edfs/learn-nsrr02.edf" , "nsrr02" , "edfs/learn-nsrr02-profusion.xml" ) 
nsrr02 : 14 signals, 10 annotations, of 09:57:30 duration


One line description to console of the currently-attached EDF

Syntax: lstat()

Returns: no explicit return values, other than output to console

This command is automatically called after each leval() or lattach() command.


Detaches the current EDF

Syntax: ldrop()

Returns: no explicit return value


Reattaches the currently attached EDF

Syntax: lrefresh()

Returns: no explicit return value

When lrefresh()-ing an attached EDF, any previous in-memory modifications (i.e. from masking, filtering, or other manipulations) are effectively reset.

Extracting data


Returns the EDF channel names

Syntax: lchs()

Returns: a vector of channel names for the attached EDF:

> lchs()
 [1] "SaO2"     "PR"       "EEG(sec)" "ECG"      "EMG"      "EOG(L)"  
[13] "LIGHT"    "OX STAT" 


Returns a data frame of signals and annotations for requested epochs

Syntax: ldata( e , chs , annots = character(0) )

  • e is a required vector of 1-based epoch numbers corresponding to the current epoch numbering of the attached EDF

  • chs is a required vector of channel names to be returned, i.e. as from lchs(), all of which are required to have the same sampling rate

  • annots is an optional vector of annotation names to be returned, i.e. as from lannots()

Returns: a data frame where each row is one sample point, containing the raw signal (and annotation) data and the following columns:

  • epoch number E
  • elapsed time since the start of the current first epoch SEC
  • any signals, in alphabetical order, where column/variable names are the channel labels, potentially sanitized if need be to remove special characters with an underscore (e.g. here EEG(sec) becomes EEG_sec_):
  • any annotations, where 1 and 0 indicate the presence/absence of that annotation at that time-point

For example, here we request EEG and EMG channels for epochs 211 and 212, along with the arousal annotation from the tutorial dataset for nsrr02:

d <- ldata( 211:212 , chs = c("EEG", "EMG") , annots = "arousal" )   

> head(d)
    E      SEC       EEG        EMG arousal
1 211 6300.000 -4.411765 -2.8411765       0
2 211 6300.008 -5.392157  0.8647059       0
3 211 6300.016 -4.411765 -1.6058824       0
4 211 6300.024 -4.411765 -2.8411765       0
5 211 6300.032 -6.372549  1.3588235       0
6 211 6300.040 -6.372549 -0.1235294       0
Plotting the the two signals and annotation:
plot( d$SEC , d$EEG , type="l" , lwd=0.5 , col="darkgray",ylab="EEG") 
plot( d$SEC , d$EMG , type="l" , lwd=0.5 , col="darkgray",ylab="EMG") 
plot( d$SEC , d$arousal , type="l" , col="blue" , lwd=2,ylab="Arousal") 


The following command would request all the data in an EDF (assuming that all channels have similar sampling rates) and all associated annotation information:

ne <- lepoch()
d <- ldata( 1:ne , lchs() , lannots() )
That is, for long EDFs, with a large number of channels and/or high sampling rates, the size of the data frame returned by ldata() may be large (i.e. too large), if many epochs, channels and/or annotations are requested...

If different channels have different sampling rates, use the RESAMPLE command to resample one or more channels first. For example, if the EEG, ECG and EMG have different sampling rates, then this:

d <- ldata( 211:212 , c("EEG" , "ECG" , "EMG" ) , "arousal" )
will yield an error:
Error in ldata(211:212, c("EEG", "ECG", "EMG"), "arousal") :
   requires uniform sampling rate across signals

We can first confirm the different sampling rates, by running ("evaluating") the Luna HEADERS command with leval():

k <- leval( "HEADERS" )
and looking at the per-channel output with lx():
lx( k , "HEADERS" , "CH" ) 
The SR column shows sampling rates of 250, 125 and 125 Hz for ECG, EEG and EMG respectively:
         CH  DMAX   DMIN PDIM   PMAX    PMIN  SR
1  ABDO RES   127   -128       -1.00    1.00  10
2   AIRFLOW   127   -128       -1.00    1.00  10
3       ECG   127   -128   mV   1.25   -1.25 250 
4       EEG   127   -128   uV 125.00 -125.00 125
5  EEG(sec)   127   -128   uV 125.00 -125.00 125
6       EMG   127   -128   uV  31.50  -31.50 125
7    EOG(L)   127   -128   uV 125.00 -125.00  50
8    EOG(R)   127   -128   uV 125.00 -125.00  50
9     LIGHT     1      0        1.00    0.00   1
10  OX STAT     3      0        3.00    0.00   1
11 POSITION     3      0        3.00    0.00   1
12       PR 32767 -32768  BPM 200.00    0.00   1
13     SaO2 32767 -32768    % 100.00    0.00   1
14 THOR RES   127   -128       -1.00    1.00  10
We can then downsample the ECG:
leval("RESAMPLE sig=ECG sr=125")
Now the ldata() function will work:
d <- ldata( 211:212 , c("EEG" , "ECG" , "EMG" ) , "arousal" )
> head(d)
    E      SEC       EEG        ECG        EMG arousal
1 211 6300.000 -4.411765 0.05936309 -2.8411765       0
2 211 6300.008 -5.392157 0.06401207  0.8647059       0
3 211 6300.016 -4.411765 0.06290266 -1.6058824       0
4 211 6300.024 -4.411765 0.05973290 -2.8411765       0
5 211 6300.032 -6.372549 0.06279700  1.3588235       0
6 211 6300.040 -6.372549 0.06448754 -0.1235294       0


Returns raw signal and annotation data for requested intervals

Syntax: ldata.intervals( i , chs , annots = character(0) , w = 0 )

  • i is a required list of intervals (in seconds), e.g. as returned by lannots(annot)

  • chs is a required vector of channel names to be returned, i.e. as from lchs(), all of which are required to have the same sampling rate is a required vector of channel names

  • annots is an optional vector of annotation names to be returned, i.e. as from lannots()

  • w is an optional window (in seconds) the specifies whether the returned region should also contain a window of up to w seconds each side of the specified interval(s). For example, if the intervals represented individual sleep spindles, then adding w=10 would return windows of approximately 20 seconds, with the spindle centered in the middle.

Returns: a data frame where each row is one sample point, containing the raw signal (and annotation) data. See the description of ldata's output for more information. columns

This command is effectively the same as ldata() except that the regions of interest are specified as intervals rather than in terms of epoch numbers. Intervals are defined as half-open intervals [a,b), meaning all sample-points equal to or greater than a, but less than b.



Returns a vector of annotation class names, _or all intervals for a given annotation class_

Syntax: lannots( a = "" )

  • a is an optional annotation name, i.e. matching one value returned by lannots()

Returns: if no specific annotation is specified, this returns a vector of annotation class names for the attached dataset:

> lannots()
 [1] "NREM1"             "NREM2"             "NREM3"            
 [4] "REM"               "apnea_obstructive" "arousal"          
 [7] "artifact_SpO2"     "desat"             "hypopnea"         
[10] "wake"             

Alternatively, if a is a valid annotation class name for that individual, this function instead returns a list of intervals (two-element vectors) for each instance of that annotation class:

head( lannots("wake") )
[1]  0 30

[1] 30 60

[1] 60 90

[1]  90 120

[1] 120 150

[1] 150 180


Sets epochs for the current EDF

Syntax: lepoch( dur=30 , inc=dur )

  • the epoch duration (dur) defaults to 30 seconds if lepoch() is called with no arguments

  • the epoch increment (inc) defaults to dur (i.e. non-overlapping epochs) unless otherwise specified

Returns: when assigned to another variable, this function returns the number of epochs set:

> ne <- lepoch()
nsrr02 : 14 signals, 10 annotations, of 09:57:30 duration, 1195 unmasked 30-sec epochs, and 0 masked
> ne
[1] 1195


lepoch(30) is identical to using the leval() function to evaluate/execute an EPOCH command:

leval( "EPOCH dur=30" )


Returns an epoch-level data frame with time, mask and annotation information

Syntax: d <- letable( annots = character(0) )

  • annots is an optional vector of annotation class names, as returned by lannots()

Returns: a data frame with at least six columns:

  • E epoch number of the current unmasked dataset
  • SEC elapsed seconds for the current unmasked dataset
  • E1 epoch number for the original dataset
  • SEC1 elapsed seconds based on the original data
  • HMS clock-time for epoch start
  • M flag to indicate whether this epoch is masked (1) or not (0)
  • any additional columns will be labeled based on the specified annotations, with a flag (1 or 0) to indicate whether or not that epoch contains at least one of that annotation class

For example, to look at the first few epochs:

d <- letable( annots=c("wake" , "NREM1" , "NREM2" ) )
This returns a data-frame with 1195 rows, i.e. dim(d):
[1] 1195    9
The structure of the data frame is as follows:
  E SEC E1 SEC1      HMS M NREM1 NREM2 wake
1 1   0  1    0 21:18:06 0     0     0    1
2 2  30  2   30 21:18:36 0     0     0    1
3 3  60  3   60 21:19:06 0     0     0    1
4 4  90  4   90 21:19:36 0     0     0    1
5 5 120  5  120 21:20:06 0     0     0    1
6 6 150  6  150 21:20:36 0     0     0    1

Using leval(), we can set a mask, for example, to mask everything except epochs 2 to 5:

leval( "MASK epoch=2-5" ) 
nsrr02 : 14 signals, 10 annotations, of 09:57:30 duration, 4 unmasked 30-sec epochs, and 1191 masked

This masking would then be evident in the epoch-table (run here without additional annotation columns):

> head( letable() )
   E SEC E0 SEC0      HMS M
1 NA  NA  1    0 21:18:06 1
2  1   0  2   30 21:18:36 0
3  2  30  3   60 21:19:06 0
4  3  60  4   90 21:19:36 0
5  4  90  5  120 21:20:06 0
6 NA  NA  6  150 21:20:36 1

That is, the M column indicates which epochs are masked with a 1; the current epoch-numbering E (of the 4 unmasked epochs) therefore starts are what was epoch number E1 of 2 up to epoch number 5. (The leftmost column of numbers are just the row numbers for the data frame.) One might next restructure the dataset, i.e. to actually remove masked epochs:

leval( "RESTRUCTURE" )
nsrr02 : 15 signals, 10 annotations, of 00:02:00 duration, 4 unmasked 30-sec epochs, and 0 masked
We now see that the entire in-memory dataset is only four epochs:
  E SEC E0 SEC0      HMS M
1 1   0  2   30 21:18:36 0
2 2  30  3   60 21:19:06 0
3 3  60  4   90 21:19:36 0
4 4  90  5  120 21:20:06 0
If one were to lrefresh() the dataset however:
nsrr02 : 14 signals, 10 annotations, of 09:57:30 duration
and reset the epochs
nsrr02 : 14 signals, 10 annotations, of 09:57:30 duration, 1195 unmasked 30-sec epochs, and 0 masked
then we'd be back to the original epoch-table:
> head( letable() ) 
  E SEC E0 SEC0      HMS M
1 1   0  1    0 21:18:06 0
2 2  30  2   30 21:18:36 0
3 3  60  3   60 21:19:06 0
4 4  90  4   90 21:19:36 0
5 5 120  5  120 21:20:06 0
6 6 150  6  150 21:20:36 0


Returns a vector of sleep stages based on annotation data

Syntax: lstages()

Returns: this convenience function gives a vector of sleep stage labels, i.e. based on attached annotations. For NSRR and other data, Luna expects a standard format for stage names, although this can be modified. See here for more information. This command is identical to running:



Adds new annotations to the currently attached EDF given an interval list

Syntax: ladd.annot( annot , intervals )

  • annot is a required annotation class name for the new annotation
  • intervals is a required list of intervals, in the same format as returned by lannots(annot)

Returns: no explicit return value

Added annotations will be visible with subsequent lannots() commands.


Adds new annotations to the currently attached EDF from a file

Syntax: ladd.annot.file( a )

  • a is a required annotation file name

Returns: no explicit return value

This command is similar to specifying an annotation file in a sample-list. Epoch annotation (.eannot) files must match the attached EDF in terms of the number of current epochs.

Running Luna commands


Evaluates a set of Luna commands for the current attached dataset

Syntax: k <- leval( command )

  • command is a single string or character vector of Luna commands, or the return value of lcmd()

  • as for commands following -s when using the command line version of luna, different commands must be separated by a & character

  • alternatively, multiple commands can be specified as elements of a vector: that is, the following are identical:

    k <- leval( "MASK ifnot=NREM2 & RE & PSD" ) 
    cmds <- c( "MASK ifnot=NREM2" , "RE" , "PSD" )
    k <- leval( cmds )

Returns: a list of data-frames, in which list items are commands and sub-items are output strata, i.e. a similar organization to destrat output (lunout) databases. The lx() function is designed to facilitate working with these lists, as shown below.

For example, here we estimate the PSD for all N2 epochs (for tutorial individual nsrr02):

k <- leval( "EPOCH & MASK ifnot=NREM2 & RE & PSD epoch spectrum sig=EEG" ) 

The overall structure of the returned list (k) can be viewed with R's str() function:

> str(k)
List of 4
 $ EPOCH:List of 1
  ..$ BL:'data.frame':  1 obs. of  3 variables:
  .. ..$ DUR: num 30
  .. ..$ INC: num 30
  .. ..$ NE : num 399
 $ MASK :List of 1
  ..$ EPOCH_MASK:'data.frame':  1 obs. of  7 variables:
  .. ..$ EPOCH_MASK  : chr "NREM2"
  .. ..$ N_MASK_SET  : num 0
  .. ..$ N_MASK_UNSET: num 0
  .. ..$ N_MATCHES   : num 399
  .. ..$ N_RETAINED  : num 399
  .. ..$ N_TOTAL     : num 399
  .. ..$ N_UNCHANGED : num 399
 $ PSD  :List of 4
  ..$ CH    :'data.frame':  1 obs. of  2 variables:
  .. ..$ CH: chr "EEG"
  .. ..$ NE: num 399
  ..$ B_CH  :'data.frame':  10 obs. of  4 variables:
  .. ..$ B     : chr [1:10] "ALPHA" "BETA" "DELTA" "FAST_SIGMA" ...
  .. ..$ CH    : chr [1:10] "EEG" "EEG" "EEG" "EEG" ...
  .. ..$ PSD   : num [1:10] 15.65 5.12 108.24 3.08 5.4 ...
  .. ..$ RELPSD: num [1:10] 0.0709 0.0232 0.4903 0.0139 0.0245 ...
  ..$ CH_F  :'data.frame':  41 obs. of  3 variables:
  .. ..$ CH : chr [1:41] "EEG" "EEG" "EEG" "EEG" ...
  .. ..$ F  : num [1:41] 0 0.25 0.75 1.25 1.75 2.25 2.75 3.25 3.75 4.25 ...
  .. ..$ PSD: num [1:41] 15.2 77.7 70.6 45.9 37.4 ...
  ..$ B_CH_E:'data.frame':    3990 obs. of  5 variables:
  .. ..$ B     : chr [1:3990] "ALPHA" "ALPHA" "ALPHA" "ALPHA" ...
  .. ..$ CH    : chr [1:3990] "EEG" "EEG" "EEG" "EEG" ...
  .. ..$ E     : int [1:3990] 92 93 98 99 100 101 102 118 119 120 ...
  .. ..$ PSD   : num [1:3990] 29.5 37.5 33.5 22.7 17.8 ...
  .. ..$ RELPSD: num [1:3990] 0.159 0.131 0.12 0.141 0.1 ...
 $ RE   :List of 1
  ..$ BL:'data.frame':  1 obs. of  4 variables:
  .. ..$ DUR1: num 11970
  .. ..$ DUR2: num 11970
  .. ..$ NR1 : num 11970
  .. ..$ NR2 : num 11970

That is, this performs exactly the same set of operations as the following command-line lunaC statement (i.e. when working with the same tutorial dataset):

luna s.lst 2 -o out.db -s "EPOCH & MASK ifnot=NREM2 & RE & PSD sig=EEG epoch spectrum" 

The contents of the resulting out.db file from the lunaC command will be similar to the k list in R (except baseline strata are represented by BL rather than a period (.) character):

distinct strata group(s):
  commands      : factors           : levels        : variables 
  [EPOCH]       : .                 : 1 level(s)    : DUR INC NE
                :                   :               : 
  [RE]          : .                 : 1 level(s)    : DUR1 DUR2 NR1 NR2
                :                   :               : 
  [PSD]         : CH                : 1 level(s)    : NE
                :                   :               : 
  [MASK]        : EPOCH_MASK        : 1 level(s)    : N_MASK_SET N_MASK_UNSET N_MATCHES
                :                   :               : N_RETAINED N_TOTAL N_UNCHANGED
                :                   :               :
                :                   :               : 
  [PSD]         : F CH              : 41 level(s)   : PSD
                :                   :               : 
  [PSD]         : B CH              : 10 level(s)   : PSD RELPSD
                :                   :               : 
  [PSD]         : E B CH            : (...)         : PSD RELPSD
                :                   :               : 

In R, the lx() function provides a concise summary of the returned list (k in this case), which shows the four commands, and the strata (or virtual tables) associated with each command's output:

RE : BL 

Note how the factors that define each virtual table (e.g. B and CH) are concatenated together (e.g. B_CH). To extract the actual results from a particular strata, e.g. for PSD results defined by both spectral band (B) and channel (CH), we can use an augmented version of lx(), with extra parameters:

            B  CH        PSD     RELPSD
1       ALPHA EEG  15.654212 0.07091026
2        BETA EEG   5.123496 0.02320835
3       DELTA EEG 108.239902 0.49030380
4  FAST_SIGMA EEG   3.078775 0.01394620
5       GAMMA EEG   5.403482 0.02447663
6       SIGMA EEG   8.440213 0.03823237
7        SLOW EEG  38.865512 0.17605253
8  SLOW_SIGMA EEG   5.361438 0.02428618
9       THETA EEG  31.416015 0.14230789
10      TOTAL EEG 220.760887 1.00000000

To confirm that similar results were obtained from lunaC, this is equivalent to running the following destrat command (nb. output is formatted differently, e.g. in lunaR all factor levels are sorted alphabetically):

destrat out.db +PSD -r B CH 
ID       B           CH     PSD          RELPSD
nsrr02   SLOW        EEG    38.86551     0.17605
nsrr02   DELTA       EEG    108.23990    0.49030
nsrr02   THETA       EEG    31.41602     0.14231
nsrr02   ALPHA       EEG    15.65421     0.07091
nsrr02   SIGMA       EEG    8.44021      0.03823
nsrr02   SLOW_SIGMA  EEG    5.36144      0.02429
nsrr02   FAST_SIGMA  EEG    3.07877      0.01395
nsrr02   BETA        EEG    5.12350      0.02321
nsrr02   GAMMA       EEG    5.40348      0.02448
nsrr02   TOTAL       EEG    220.76089    1.00000


Each time lunaC (the command-line version of Luna) is run, it is applied to a "fresh" version of the data, i.e. the EDF on disk. In contrast, leval() statements within the same R session will have cumulative effects on the internal EDF, which will persist until either lrefresh() is called to re-attach a "fresh" version of the data, or it is dropped (with ldrop()), or a different EDF is attached (with lattach() or ledf()).

In other words, if the EDF file has 14 signals, then running lunaC from the command line will still show 14 signals from the second DESC command:

luna s.lst 2 -s "SIGNALS keep=EEG"
luna s.lst 2 -s "DESC"

In R, with the same EDF [lattach()](#lattach()-ed, the second DESC statement will report only 1 signal (not 14):

leval( "SIGNALS keep=EEG" )
leval( "DESC" ) 
That is, even though separate leval() statements are made, they are really equivalent to the following command line (i.e. which would also show that only 1 signal is present from DESC):
luna s.lst 2 -s "SIGNALS keep=EEG & DESC"


Reads Luna commands from a file

Syntax: lcmd( filename )

  • filename is a required parameter, the name of the file to read

Returns: a vector of Luna commands, parsed from the command file in a manner that is suitable for leval() (and leval.project(). That is, blank lines and comments (starting with %) are stripped away, and multi-line statements are concatenated into a single line. Typical use will be in the form:

k <- leval( lcmd( "/path/to/command.txt" ) ) 


Evaluates a Luna commands for all individuals in a sample-list

Syntax: leval.project( sl , command )

  • sl is a required sample-list, as returned by lsl()

  • command is a single string or character vector of Luna commands, or the return value of lcmd()

Returns: the same list-of-data-frames as returned by leval(), except each data-frame will now contain all individuals in the project specified by sample list sl.

The leval.project() function basically works in the same way as lunaC. In other words, the following:

k <- leval.project( lsl( "s.lst" ) , lcmd( "cmd.txt" ) ) 
will do the same as the lunaC command:
luna s.lst -o out.db < cmd.txt

Indeed, you can subsequently read out.db into lunaR with the ldb() function:

k2 <- ldb( "out.db" )
You should find that k and k2 are effectively identical.

Differences between leval() and leval.project()

Unlike leval(), the leval.project() function attaches and then drops each EDF in the sample list, iteratively. This means that any changes to the internal EDFs will not persist across different runs of leval.project() in the way they do for leval(). In other words, if the first individual from s.lst is currently attached, then:

leval( "MASK ifnot=NREM1" ) 
leval( "MASK ifnot=NREM2" ) 
leval( "RE" )
leval( "PSD" )
is effectively the same as:
luna s.lst 1 -s "MASK ifnot=NREM1 && MASK ifnot=NREM2 && RE && PSD" 
In contrast:
leval.project( sl , "MASK ifnot=NREM1" ) 
leval.project( sl , "MASK ifnot=NREM2" ) 
leval.project( sl , "RE" ) 
leval.project( sl , "PSD" )
is effectively the same as:
luna s.lst -s "MASK ifnot=NREM1"
luna s.lst -s "MASK ifnot=NREM2"
luna s.lst -s "RE"
luna s.lst -s "PSD"


Applies an arbitrary R function to each epoch

Syntax: literate( func , chs = lchs() , annots= lannots() , by.annot = character(0) , w = 0 )

  • func is a required argument, which specifies a user-defined R function to be evaluated per-epoch (or per interval)
  • optionally, chs is a vector of channel names to be extracted each epoch (by default, all are)
  • optionally, annots is a vector of annotation class names to be extracted each epoch (by default, all are)
  • optionally, by.annot is a single annotation class name, in which case this function iterates over each instance of that annotation class, rather than each epoch
  • optionally, w is a window (in seconds) added to each annotation instance, if by.annot has been specified

Returns: no explicit return value: it is expected that the user will craft the function func in a way to capture relevant information

The literate() function aims to make lunaR somewhat extensible, by allowing users to add their own functions, in a way that can take advantage of the masking, filtering and intersection with annotation data afforded by the core Luna engine. This function iterates either one epoch or one interval (based on annotation instances) at a time. If not based on annotation intervals (with by.annot), you therefore need to set epochs (with with lepoch()) prior to running literate().

For each epoch, lunaR creates a data-frame in the same format as returned by the ldata() and ldata.intervals() commands, and passes it to the user-defined function specified in literate(). The user's function must therefore a) know what input to expect, b) appropriately perform any calculations and c) store results as desired.

As an example: say that Luna did not have the root mean square (RMS) function available in SIGSTATS, but we wanted to calculate it, epoch-by-epoch for nsrr02's EEG channel. We can define a new R function rms() that takes a vector x and returns the root mean square:

rms <- function(x) { sqrt(mean(x^2)) } 
Checking it works as expected:
> rms( c( 1,2,3 ) )
[1] 2.160247
> sqrt( ( 1 + 4 + 9 ) / 3 ) 
[1] 2.160247

We cannot just pass this function to literate(), as it would not appropriately handle the data-frames passed by literate() and, also, it does not save any output. In this case, we must therefore create a wrapper function f1(), to call rms() appropriately and save the output, in a new R environment called e.

That is, we first create a new environment, which contains an empty vector ret in which we can store the epoch-per-epoch output:

e <- new.env() 
e$ret <- numeric()

Next, we create the wrapper function f1(), to take the EEG variable from its input, x, where x will be a data-frame with the same format as generated by ldata():

f1 <- function(x) { epoch = x$E[1]; e$ret[ epoch ] <- rms( x$EEG - mean(x$EEG) ) } 

For correspondence with Luna's SIGSTATS, the above function also mean-centers the signal prior to calculating the RMS. The f1() function takes the epoch number as the first element in the E field, and populates that entry of e$ret with the RMS. Naturally, there are many other -- and probably better -- ways of achieving this goal using R, but for now the above approach should work.

If the attached EDF is not already epoched, you must run lepoch() first, as by default literate() iterates over epochs. We can then call literate(), and pass f1() as the function to call:

literate( f1 , chs="EEG" , annots="" ) 
........................................ 40 epochs
........................................ 80 epochs
........................................ 120 epochs
........................................ 160 epochs
........................................ 200 epochs
........................................ 240 epochs
........................................ 280 epochs
........................................ 320 epochs
........................................ 360 epochs
........................................ 400 epochs
........................................ 440 epochs
........................................ 480 epochs
........................................ 520 epochs
........................................ 560 epochs
........................................ 600 epochs
........................................ 640 epochs
........................................ 680 epochs
........................................ 720 epochs
........................................ 760 epochs
........................................ 800 epochs
........................................ 840 epochs
........................................ 880 epochs
........................................ 920 epochs
........................................ 960 epochs
........................................ 1000 epochs
........................................ 1040 epochs
........................................ 1080 epochs
........................................ 1120 epochs
........................................ 1160 epochs
................................... 1195 epochs, done

When this completes, there will be a newly-populated ret vector in the e environment:

> ls(e)
[1] "ret"
This vector contains the per-epoch RMS values:
> head( e$ret ) 
[1] 11.97071 15.87002 12.46824 11.34265 12.28683 15.23002

To confirm this worked as expected, we can compare this to the epoch-level output from the actual SIGSTATS command, which calculates RMS (it also mean-centers each epoch prior to calculating this and Hjorth parameters, etc, which is why we added the step in f1() above). Using leval():

> k <- leval( "SIGSTATS epoch sig=EEG" ) 
> lx(k)

> head( k$SIGSTATS$CH_E ) 
   CH E        CLIP       H1        H2        H3      RMS
1 EEG 1 0.000000000 143.2979 0.6700231 0.9386154 11.97071
2 EEG 2 0.000000000 251.8576 0.6238226 1.0286470 15.87002
3 EEG 3 0.000000000 155.4571 0.6035006 0.9897814 12.46824
4 EEG 4 0.000000000 128.6557 0.5528684 0.9927338 11.34265
5 EEG 5 0.000266809 150.9661 0.4067636 0.9666429 12.28683
6 EEG 6 0.000000000 231.9535 0.4652896 1.0428972 15.23002
We can extract the RMS field from the above table:
luna.rms <-  k$SIGSTATS$CH_E$RMS
and this should equal the vector of values calculated using the literate() approach:
> all.equal( e$ret ,  k$SIGSTATS$CH_E$RMS ) 
[1] TRUE

Working with output


Imports the contents of a lunout database

Syntax: k <- ldb( dbfilename , id = "" )

  • dbfilename is the name of a lunout database

  • optionally, if id is a vector of individual/EDF IDs, then only these individuals will be extracted from the database

Returns: a named-list R object, in the same format as leval()

For example, based on the tutorial data, consider the following out.db file, which will contain results for three individuals:

luna s.lst -o out.db -s "HEADERS"

In R, this file can be directly imported with ldb():

k <- ldb( "out.db" )
read data on 3 individuals

The returned list k now contains the information from out.db:

1 nsrr01 40920 14       1    11:22:00       40920
2 nsrr02 35850 14       1    09:57:30       35850
3 nsrr03 40920 14       1    11:22:00       40920

       ID       CH  DMAX   DMIN PDIM   PMAX    PMIN  SR
1  nsrr01 ABDO RES   127   -128       -1.00    1.00  10
2  nsrr02 ABDO RES   127   -128       -1.00    1.00  10
3  nsrr03 ABDO RES   127   -128       -1.00    1.00  10
4  nsrr01  AIRFLOW   127   -128       -1.00    1.00  10
5  nsrr02  AIRFLOW   127   -128       -1.00    1.00  10
6  nsrr03  AIRFLOW   127   -128       -1.00    1.00  10
7  nsrr01      ECG   127   -128   mV   1.25   -1.25 250
8  nsrr02      ECG   127   -128   mV   1.25   -1.25 250
9  nsrr03      ECG   127   -128   mV   1.25   -1.25 250
10 nsrr01      EEG   127   -128   uV 125.00 -125.00 125
11 nsrr02      EEG   127   -128   uV 125.00 -125.00 125
12 nsrr03      EEG   127   -128   uV 125.00 -125.00 125
... (cont'd) ...

As noted, the returned value is in the same format as is generated by leval() and can be parsed with lx() and lid().


Extract the levels/table(s) from an output list generated by leval(), leval.project() or ldb()

Syntax: d <- lx( lst , cmd , f , ... )

  • lst is a required named-list object, as generated by leval(), leval.project() or ldb()

  • optionally, cmd names a command (i.e. a first-level item of lst)

  • optionally, f (and all other following arguments: ...) specify a specific strata to return (i.e. the second-level items of lst)

Returns: depending on the arguments given, either a data-frame, a list of data-frames or only a message to the console

For example, consider the example given above for the leval() command, which performed power spectral density estimation for the EEG channel, for all N2 sleep for the nsrr02 individual. Assuming you have the tutorial data in the current folder, this is generated as follows:

sl <- lsl( "s.lst" ) 
lattach( sl , 2 )
k <- leval( "EPOCH & MASK ifnot=NREM2 & RE & PSD epoch spectrum sig=EEG" ) 
We can then use lx() to work with this returned list k. In the first form, lx() just returns a message to the console that lists the commands and strata present:
RE : BL 

Note that lunaR appends factor names together with an underscore (_) character (after sorting them in alphabetical order). Therefore, B_CH means output that is stratified by both band (B) and channel (CH) and will therefore contain these two variables in the associated data-frame.

The above output corresponds to the structure as evident in the str() function, e.g.:

str( k , max.level=2 )
List of 4
 $ EPOCH:List of 1
  ..$ BL:'data.frame':  1 obs. of  4 variables:
 $ MASK :List of 1
  ..$ EPOCH_MASK:'data.frame':  1 obs. of  8 variables:
 $ PSD  :List of 4
  ..$ CH    :'data.frame':  1 obs. of  3 variables:
  ..$ B_CH  :'data.frame':  10 obs. of  5 variables:
  ..$ CH_F  :'data.frame':  41 obs. of  4 variables:
  ..$ B_CH_E:'data.frame':  3990 obs. of  6 variables:
 $ RE   :List of 1
  ..$ BL:'data.frame':  1 obs. of  5 variables:

The second form of lx() additionally specifies a command, which then extracts all data-frames associated with that command. Running this for the EPOCH command (which only has a single strata/data-frame), we see the following:

1  30  30 1195

In contrast, the PSD command has four associated strata/data-frames (here, we are using R's str() function to summarize a large amount of output):

str( lx( k , "PSD" )  ) 
List of 4
 $ CH    :'data.frame': 1 obs. of  2 variables:
  ..$ CH: chr "EEG"
  ..$ NE: num 399
 $ B_CH  :'data.frame': 10 obs. of  4 variables:
  ..$ B     : chr [1:10] "ALPHA" "BETA" "DELTA" "FAST_SIGMA" ...
  ..$ CH    : chr [1:10] "EEG" "EEG" "EEG" "EEG" ...
  ..$ PSD   : num [1:10] 15.65 5.12 108.24 3.08 5.4 ...
  ..$ RELPSD: num [1:10] 0.0709 0.0232 0.4903 0.0139 0.0245 ...
 $ CH_F  :'data.frame':  41 obs. of  3 variables:
  ..$ CH : chr [1:41] "EEG" "EEG" "EEG" "EEG" ...
  ..$ F  : num [1:41] 0 0.25 0.75 1.25 1.75 2.25 2.75 3.25 3.75 4.25 ...
  ..$ PSD: num [1:41] 15.2 77.7 70.6 45.9 37.4 ...
 $ B_CH_E:'data.frame':    3990 obs. of  5 variables:
  ..$ B     : chr [1:3990] "ALPHA" "ALPHA" "ALPHA" "ALPHA" ...
  ..$ CH    : chr [1:3990] "EEG" "EEG" "EEG" "EEG" ...
  ..$ E     : int [1:3990] 92 93 98 99 100 101 102 118 119 120 ...
  ..$ PSD   : num [1:3990] 29.5 37.5 33.5 22.7 17.8 ...
  ..$ RELPSD: num [1:3990] 0.159 0.131 0.12 0.141 0.1 ...

Finally, to extract just one of multiple associated strata/data-frames (as in the PSD example), we specify an additional set of arguments to define that strata:

lx( k , "PSD" , "B" , "CH" )
            B  CH        PSD     RELPSD
1       ALPHA EEG  15.654212 0.07091026
2        BETA EEG   5.123496 0.02320835
3       DELTA EEG 108.239902 0.49030380
4  FAST_SIGMA EEG   3.078775 0.01394620
5       GAMMA EEG   5.403482 0.02447663
6       SIGMA EEG   8.440213 0.03823237
7        SLOW EEG  38.865512 0.17605253
8  SLOW_SIGMA EEG   5.361438 0.02428618
9       THETA EEG  31.416015 0.14230789
10      TOTAL EEG 220.760887 1.00000000

Equivalently, we could also have specified:

lx( k , "PSD" , "B_CH" )


If a command only contains one strata, it is not necessary to specify that factor(s) to get a data-frame returned (instead of a 1-item list containing a data-frame). For example, if EPOCH only has the baseline BL strata, then lx(k,"EPOCH") would return the data-frame (i.e. no need to specify lx(k,"EPOCH","BL") explicitly).

Of course, rather than use lx() you can always just directly refer to the data-frame of interest (and tab-completion after typing k$ will conveniently list the commands/strata contained in k):

            B  CH        PSD     RELPSD
1       ALPHA EEG  15.654212 0.07091026
2        BETA EEG   5.123496 0.02320835
3       DELTA EEG 108.239902 0.49030380
4  FAST_SIGMA EEG   3.078775 0.01394620
5       GAMMA EEG   5.403482 0.02447663
6       SIGMA EEG   8.440213 0.03823237
7        SLOW EEG  38.865512 0.17605253
8  SLOW_SIGMA EEG   5.361438 0.02428618
9       THETA EEG  31.416015 0.14230789
10      TOTAL EEG 220.760887 1.00000000


A version of lx() designed to work with lists of returned lists

Syntax: lx2(lst , cmd , f , ... )

  • same syntax as lx(), described above

Returns: same output as lx()

This function is designed to work like lx() but in the case where multiple returned values from leval() or similar have been assembled as a list of lists. See this section of the tutorial for an explicit example of using lx2(). For example:

k <- list()
k[[ "S1" ]] <- leval( some-commands-go-here )
k[[ "S2" ]] <- leval( some-more-commands-go-here )
Then instead of using lx(k), one could use lx2(k), to take account of this initial higher-level structure.

For reference, the lx2() function is implemented as:

function (k, ...) 
{, lapply(k, lx, ...))


Extracts one or more particular individual(s) from a data-frame returned by lx()

Syntax: lid( d , id )

  • d is a data-frame in the format returned by lx()
  • id is a vector of one or more string ID of the individual(s) to filter

Returns: the row-subset of the data-frame for individual(s) in id

For example, to read a simple multi-individual database created by lunaC as follows:

luna s.lst -o out.db -s EPOCH

In R, this can be read in with ldb():

k <- ldb( "out.db" ) 
read data on 3 individuals
Using lx() gives the structure of the database (i.e. one command with one baseline strata):
Using the augmented form of lx() returns a data-frame with the actual information, on all individuals:
      ID DUR INC   NE
1 nsrr01  30  30 1364
2 nsrr02  30  30 1195
3 nsrr03  30  30 1364

Using lid() to wrap around lx(), we can extract information for nsrr02 alone, for example:

lid( lx(k,"EPOCH") , "nsrr02" ) 
      ID DUR INC   NE
2 nsrr02  30  30 1195
Similarly, we could specify that multiple individuals should be extracted:
lid( lx(k,"EPOCH") , c("nsrr02","nsrr03") ) 
      ID DUR INC   NE
2 nsrr02  30  30 1195
3 nsrr03  30  30 1364


Loads and concatenates text-table format Luna (-t mode) output

Syntax: ltxttab( root , f , ids = dir( root ) , silent = F )

  • root is a required parameter, the folder containing the output
  • f (optionally) is the name of the file to load from each subfolder of root
  • ids is an optional parameter, to specify that only a subset of individuals are loaded (subfolder names are expected to correspond to IDs)
  • silent is an optional parameter, which if set to true makes this function runs silently (not output to console)

Returns: a data.frame containing row-concatenated data from the subfolders of root

When using the text-table output form, say -t out1, Luna will generate a subfolder called out1, instead of a lunout database. In this folder, each individual/EDF processed will have its own subfolder; the results of any commands will reside in each subfolder. For example:

luna s.lst -t out1 -s 'MASK ifnot=NREM2 & RE & PSD spectrum sig=EEG'
Applied to the tutorial data, this would create the following subfolders:

ls out1/
 nsrr01  nsrr02  nsrr03
Each subfolder will contain identical files:
ls out1/nsrr01
 MASK-EPOCH_MASK.txt  PSD-B,CH.txt  PSD-CH.txt  PSD-F,CH.txt  RE.txt 
Each file is a tab-delimited, tabular file, i.e. that can be loaded into R:
d <- read.table( "out1/nsrr01/PSD-B,CH.txt" , header=T )
      ID          B  CH      PSD    RELPSD
1 nsrr01       SLOW EEG 22.63600 0.1967790
2 nsrr01      DELTA EEG 61.23440 0.5323230
3 nsrr01      THETA EEG 14.96980 0.1301360
4 nsrr01      ALPHA EEG  6.12576 0.0532524
5 nsrr01      SIGMA EEG  2.38216 0.0207086
6 nsrr01 SLOW_SIGMA EEG  1.31707 0.0114495

To load the same output for all individuals, and concatenate into a single R data frame, use the ltxttab() function. First, you can get an enumeration all files by not specifying f:

ltxttab( "out1" ) 
MASK-EPOCH_MASK.txt        PSD-B,CH.txt          PSD-CH.txt        PSD-F,CH.txt 
                  3                   3                   3                   3 

That is, this shows that each file occurs three times (i.e. for the three individuals in the tutorial dataset). The file names correspond to the command (e.g. PSD) followed by any stratifying factors (e.g. B,CH).

To load all PSD-B,CH.txt files:

d <- ltxttab( "out1" , "PSD-B,CH.txt" ) 
table( d$ID )
nsrr01 nsrr02 nsrr03 
    10     10     10 

That is, the 30 rows in d correspiond to the ten frequency bands used by PSD (B equals SLOW, DELTA, THETA, ALPHA, SIGMA, SLOW_SIGMA, FAST_SIGMA, BETA, GAMMA and TOTAL) for each of the three individuals.


Working with -t and ltxttab() can be much more efficient for large output files, e.g. output from PSD epoch-spectrum, compared to -o and ldb().


You can use R packages such as data.table:

d <- setDF( dcast( setDT( d ) , ID ~ B + CH , value.var = "PSD" ) ) 
where d is now in this format:
  1 nsrr01   6.12576  4.55931   61.2344        1.06509  0.553444   2.38216  22.6360
  2 nsrr02  15.65420  5.12350  108.2400        3.07877  0.926638   8.44021  38.8655
  3 nsrr03   7.65391  6.25678   95.7358        1.37002  1.368810   3.09460  68.3005
  1        1.31707   14.9698   115.032
  2        5.36144   31.4160   216.284
  3        1.72458   17.7022   218.450



Sets a (special) variable, similar to lunaC command-line options

Syntax: lset( var , val = NULL )

  • var is a required parameter that is either a variable name (if val is non-NULL), or a list of variable/value pairs, or a filename of a parameter file
  • if val is non-NULL, then var is interpreted as the variable name, which is set to the value of val; if val equals "." this erases the variable var

Returns: No return value

Use lset() to specify variables that are needed for command files, in the same way one would on the lunaC command line. For example, consider the lunaC command, where ${stage} and ${excl} are two variables that feature in cmd.txt:

luna s.lst stage=N2 excl=arousal_standard sig=C3,C4 < cmd.txt 
In lunaR, we could write:
lset( "stage" , "N2" )
lset( "excl" , "arousal_standard" )
lset( "sig" , "C3,C4" )
k <- leval( lcmd( "cmd.txt" ) )


Variables specified in this way persist until a lreset() command is issued. Therefore, if re-lattach()-ing or lrefresh()-ing a new EDF, remember that any previously lset()-defined variables will still be in effect. Therefore, it is typically a good idea to call lreset() when switching between analyses in lunaR. (These variables persist when dropping and attaching EDFs, as we want them to be similarly defined across different individuals when running leval.project(). Also, some variables (e.g. sig) will impact how an EDF is lattach()-ed.)

Alternatively, using the list syntax form, one could write:

lset( list( stage="N2" , excl="arousal_standard" , sig="C3,C4" ) )
Alternatively, if these variables were specified in a parameter file, and so the lunaC command was:
luna s.lst @files/param.txt < cmd.txt
we could instead use the file-based form of lset():
lset( "files/param.txt" )

sig and alias special variables

The special variables sig and alias operate slightly differently with lset(), in that new values are appended to the list, rather than over-writing the existing value. That is,

lset( "sig" , "C3" )
lset( "sig" , "C4" )
would achieve the same effect as specifying C3,C4 in one go. To reset any variable (including sig and alias) set the value equal to .:
lset( "sig" , "." )

The lreset() function clears all variables, and resets all special variables to their default values.


Returns the value of a user-defined variable

Syntax: lvar(v)

  • v is a required parameter, the variable name

Returns: the variable value, or NULL if the variable is not defined, or if it is a special variable (e.g. sig or alias)

From the lset() example above, to get the value of ${stage}:

lvar( "stage" ) 
[1] "N2"

The lvar() function only applies to user-defined variables such as ${stage}. Special variables (e.g. sig, annots, etc) will currently return NULL here.

lvar( "sig" ) 

This doesn't mean they are not defined. Whilst not a bug exactly, this "feature" is not particularly convenient; future releases of lunaR will be fixed to return the actual values of all variables.


Clears all previously lset() variables

Syntax: lreset()

Returns: no return value

This function clears all variables (both user-defined and special variables). It does not effect any currently attached EDF however. (In contrast, ldrop() or lrefresh() will alter the currently-attached EDF, but do not effect any variable definitions.)

Convenience functions


Turns on or off Luna's console message

Syntax: llog(x)

  • x is either 1 or 0 to turn console messaging on or off, respectively

Returns: no explicit return value

By default, lunaR evaluates Luna commands more or less "silently". By running llog(1), you'll get more output, which can be useful to diagnose errors, or check the progress of long-running jobs. For example, under the default (llog(0)) output mode:

> llog(0)  
> lattach(sl,2)
nsrr02 : 14 signals, 10 annotations, of 09:57:30 duration
Repeating the above under the llog(1) verbose mode:
> llog(1)
> lattach(sl,2)
 total duration 09:57:30, with last time-point at 09:57:30
  35850 records, each of 1 second(s)

 signals: 14 (of 14) selected in a standard EDF file:
  SaO2 | PR | EEG(sec) | ECG | EMG | EOG(L) | EOG(R) | EEG
nsrr02 : 14 signals, 10 annotations, of 09:57:30 duration


Returns an interval list corresponding to epochs

Syntax: le2i( e , dur=30 , inc=30 )

  • e is a required parameter, a vector of 1-based epochs
  • optionally, dur sets the epoch length to be used (default 30 seconds)
  • optionally, inc set the epoch increment to be used (default 30 seconds)

Returns: an interval list, in the format used by lannots(annot) and ldata.intervals(), for example

As illustrated in the lunaR tutorial, it is sometimes convenient to express epochs interval lists. This simple function generates the interval list that matches the specified epochs. For example, the first four (i.e. 1:4) epochs assuming default parameters are:

[1]  0 30

[1] 30 60

[1] 60 90

[1]  90 120


Replaces potentially troublesome characters with an underscore

Syntax: lsanitize(s)

  • s is a string to be cleaned

Returns: a cleaned string

This function is a wrapper for the R command gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", "_", s), which replaces all non-alpha-numeric characters with an underscore. See the Luna lunaR tutorial for a motivating example.

lsanitize( "C3/M1" ) 
[1] "C3_M1"


Convenience function to return colors for stage labels, to be used in plotting

Syntax: lstgcols(s)

  • s is a required parameter, a vector of stage label, that should be in the format NREM1, NREM2, NREM3, NREM4, REM and wake.

Returns: a corresponding vector of colors

A common use-case may be along the lines of:

ss <- lstages()
plot( d$E , col = lstgcols( ss ) )

Light blue, blue, dark navy and black represent NREM1, NREM2, NREM3 and NREM4 respectively. Red is REM; gray is wake; green is unknown/other.

lstgcols( c( "NREM1" , "NREM2" , "NREM3" , "NREM4" , "REM" , "wake" , "?" ) ) 
[1] "#00BEFAFF" "#0050C8FF" "#000050FF" "#000032FF" "#FA1432FF" "#646464FF"
[7] "#14A01464"


Convenience function to generate five new band-filtered signals given a raw EEG channel

Syntax: lbands( l )

  • l is a required parameter, which should be a single channel name, e.g. matching one from lchs()

Returns: if the channel l exists, this command will generate five new EDF channels that are band-pass filtered versions of the original, for delta, theta, alpha, sigma and beta bands.

See the tutorial for an example of the lbands() function. It is simply a wrapper around a series of COPY and FILTER commands. You'll need to edit the function definition, or supply a new one, to get different bands, etc. (Just type lbands at the R command line to see the function definition.)


Applies a 1D total variation denoiser

Syntax: ldenoise(x , lambda)

Returns: a denoised version of x

This is a wrapper around the method implemented by the TV command. See that page for a description of the method and parameters.

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