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Using Luna for EEG Microstate Analysis

In this vignette, we illustrate how to analyze EEG microstates using Luna. We also compare the microstate maps generated by Luna to those generated by Cartool (version 3.80), which is widely used in the microstate literature.

EEG microstate analyses consist of three parts:

  • segmentation/clustering

  • fitting maps obtained from segmentation to the original data (backfitting)

  • analysis of microstate transitions (kmers)


This tutorial assumes a Linux/macOS command line environment, and the bash shell. You can use the Luna Docker image if you do not have access to a local workstation with either of these environments.


We will use a 57-channel EEG dataset, previously band-pass filtered in the 1-40 Hz frequency range.

ZIP archive (60Mb)

After downloading and extracting these data, we'll first build a sample list using the following command:

luna --build ./edf > s.lst 

We can confirm the EDFs have been transferred without error:

luna s.lst -s DESC
This should give some basic information about the contents of each EDF: e.g.
EDF filename      : ./edf/subject1.edf
ID                : subject1
Clock time        : 17.35.48 - 17.39.51
Duration          : 00:04:04  244 sec
# signals         : 57
Signals           : Fp1[500] Fp2[500] AF3[500] AF4[500] F7[500] F5[500]
                    F3[500] F1[500] F2[500] F4[500] F6[500] F8[500]
                    FT7[500] FC5[500] FC3[500] FC1[500] FC2[500] FC4[500]
                    FC6[500] FT8[500] T7[500] C5[500] C3[500] C1[500]
                    C2[500] C4[500] C6[500] T8[500] TP7[500] CP5[500]
                    CP3[500] CP1[500] CP2[500] CP4[500] CP6[500] TP8[500]
                    P7[500] P5[500] P3[500] P1[500] P2[500] P4[500]
                    P6[500] P8[500] PO3[500] PO4[500] O1[500] O2[500]
                    AFZ[500] FZ[500] FCZ[500] CZ[500] CPZ[500] PZ[500]
                    POz[500] OZ[500] FPZ[500]

A note on the example EDFs

For the purpose of this tutorial, please note that this ZIP contains six EDFs but these are only from two individuals; that is, subject2 and subject3 are identical copies of subject1; likewise for the other three EDFs.


It is important to set the reference to average reference before running microstate segmentation. If your EDF files contain non-EEG channels such as EMG or EOG channels, it is not necessary to remove them because Luna can select EEG channels for each operation. (In contrast, Cartool requires the data files to contain only EEG channels.)

Creating the average-referenced EEG dataset

The EDF files included in this vignette contain only EEG channels and have already been average referenced. The following commands are provided if you need to set an average reference and keep only the EEG channels for your own EDF files.

1) Create a folder to store the processed EDF files:

mkdir edf_ave_57ch
2) Set the average reference and keep only the EEG channels, writing new EDFs (this will process each EDF, one at a time):
luna s.lst -s ' REFERENCE sig=${eeg} ref=${eeg}
                & SIGNALS keep=${eeg}
                & WRITE edf-dir=./edf_ave_57ch edf-tag=ave-57ch force-edf '
3) Rebuild the sample list:

luna --build ./edf_ave_57ch > s.lst

It will typically also be critical to apply other pre-processing steps (e.g. removing bad epochs and/or channels, and interpolating, etc) but this is outside the scope of this vignette. For the present purposes, we simply assume that we have relatively clean data.

Extracting and compiling GFP peaks

As described here, segmentation of EEG microstates (i.e. finding the small number of prototypical maps that best describe all the variation in the EEG) can be performed using either the whole recording, or only the data points that correspond to the peaks of global field power (GFP). To learn what GFP is and why GFP peaks are used for segmentation, see this Sapian Labs article. by Narayan P Subramaniyam.

Although it may be reasonable to segment individuals one-by-one, here we want to derive clusters using all individuals simultanesouly. As the typical Luna workflow involves sequential processing of EDFs (individuals), we need to perform an initial step to merge studies, by creating a single EDF (called peaks.edf) that only contains the GFP peaks from each subject.

Let's first ensure there is no file existing named peaks.edf in the working directory:

rm -rf peaks.edf

We'll extract GFP peaks using the following code; Luna iterates over every subject in the s.lst and appends the GPF peaks to the end of peaks.edf.

luna s.lst -s ' MS sig=${eeg} peaks=peaks.edf gfp-max=3 gfp-min=1 gfp-kurt=1 npeaks=2500 pmin=-250 pmax=250 '

If copying-and-pasting from the code block, the text must be on one line; the core MS command from above is shown here below, formatted differently, just to make it easier to read:

MS sig=${eeg}
   pmax=250 '

Stepping through the key parameters:

  • npeaks sets the number of GFP peaks to extract. If the input value for npeaks is greater than the number of GFP peaks in the input EEG data, all GFP peaks will be extracted. If the input value for npeaks is less than the number of GFP peaks in the input EEG data, GFP peaks will be randomly sampled.

  • gfp-max=3 excludes GFP peaks with amplitude 3 SD units above the mean

  • gfp-min=1 excludes GFP peaks with amplitude 1 SD units below the mean

  • gfp-kurt=1 excludes GFP peaks with spatial kurtosis 1 SD above the mean

  • pmin and pmax set the physical min/max values we expect to see across all subjects.

  • sig=${eeg} causes Luna to perform the operation on all EEG channels (based on the list of recognized labels, e.g. C3, etc).

This creates a new EDF peaks.edf that is a composite of all GFP peaks from the six studies. The peaks.edf does not contain meaningful time-series data, it is only an intermediate for use with the MS command. You can see basic information using normal Luna commands, e.g.:

luna peaks.edf -s DESC

This will indicate, among other things, that the EDF is 15,000 seconds long, and has the same 57 channels, but will note a sampling rate of 1 Hz. That is, we are co-opting the typical EDF format to here be a store of maps (i.e. 6 times 2,500 = 15,000, which is why the EDF is 15,000 seconds duration, given the arbitrary 1 Hz sample rate that has been set).


We'll next perform the microstate segmentation. The microstate literature typically suggests there are 4-7 "canonical" microstates; the majority of studies report 4 canonical microstates Michel & Koenig (2018). You should select the K values based on your own research goals. You may also test different K values and compare the resulting maps. Here, we set K = 4.

Luna performs segmentation using the modified k-means clustering approach as originally described by Pascual-Marqui et al. (1995); also see the guide and code by Poulsen et al.

Here, we perform segmentation and write the solutions (i.e. the K=4 maps) to a file called maps.txt. (In the official Luna documentation, the solutions are written in sol.4 instead: you can choose any filename you wish).

luna peaks.edf -o out.db -s MS segment=maps.txt k=4

This generate a file with a channel column and then four other columns, each of which describes the prototypical map across the 57 channels (rows):

head maps.txt
CH     1           2          3          4
Fp1    0.193479    1.65726    1.21655    1.24549
Fp2    0.943825    1.64454    1.31543    0.731862
AF3    0.138468    1.0961     1.16978    1.24765
AF4    0.995642    0.999654   1.28505    0.651705
F7    -0.609393    1.56179    0.752841   1.3105
F5    -0.409298    1.26486    0.924439   1.37332
F3    -0.258709    0.848638   0.962335   1.31036
F1     0.033264    0.526441   1.0312     1.15652
F2     0.913384    0.356978   1.13398    0.556686

We can visualize these maps using the following R code (which uses default channel locations) and the ltopo.rb():

data <- read.table("maps.txt", header=TRUE)

png( "maps.png", height=400, width=340 * 4 )
for (K in c("X1","X2","X3","X4")){
    ltopo.rb(data$CH, data[,K], sz=5)

Below are the visualization of the maps.


These maps maps are broadly similar to the four canonical microstate maps reported in the literature. They are in this order: from left to right, they are D, C, B and A respectively.

We use the following code to rename the maps from 1, 2, 3, 4 to D, C, B, A. The results are written to maps_renamed.txt. (You could of course just manually edit the files.)

echo | awk ' { printf "CH\tD\tC\tB\tA\n" } ' > maps_renamed.txt
awk ' NR != 1 ' maps.txt >> maps_renamed.txt

Below, the maps are re-plotted, in the canonical order of A, B, C, and D:

We also used Cartool to perform the segmentation of the same data set (The parameters used are listed in this file GC data.04.(04).vrb. Below are the maps generated by Cartool.

As appears to be the case visually, here the maps generated by Luna are highly correlated with the maps generated by Cartool:

Map Correlation between Luna map and Cartool map
A 0.96
B 0.94
C 0.98
D 0.96

Both Luna and Cartool have various other options that may be particularly useful in other contexts. That is, there is no guarantee that solutions will always be near identical. The simple point here is that, for this small dataset and K=4 solution at least, it is reassuring that two implementations of fundamentally similar algorithms yield comparable results.

Back-fitting maps to the original data

Here we backfit the solutions/maps obtained above to the original data set to obtain various measurements of each microstate. That is, now for every single time point in the original datasets (not just the GFP peaks) we attempt to classify it as either A, B, C or D.

This command also writes out the sequences of states for each individual, as text files in the folder states:

mkdir states
luna s.lst -o fit.db -s 'MS sig=${eeg} min-msec=20 backfit=maps_renamed.txt write-states=states/states-^'
As above, here we reformat the core MS command for readbility:
MS sig=${eeg}

Note that this command is applied back to the original EDFs (i.e. as specified by s.lst) rather than using peaks.edf.

The parameter min-msec sets the minimum duration of each microstate: shorter segments will be rejected. We set it to 20 msec here.

Also note, the write-states option gives the filename for the state sequences; here, the ^ character is a special symbol which means to swap in the ID for that individual. Each file is a single line for one individual: the ID, followed by the sequence of states: e.g.


Microstate statistics

The previous backfitting step also calculates a number of statistics that describe the distribution of microstates for that individial. We can extract them from the fit.db output file

The following command extracts, for each of the four states:

  • mean microstate duration (DUR),
  • time coverage/proportion of points spanned (COV)
  • occurrence per second (OCC)
  • mean spatial correlation to the maps (SPC)
  • global explained variance (GEV)
  • and global field power (GFP)

and writes these to a text file ms.txt:

destrat fit.db +MS -r K -v DUR COV OCC SPC GEV GFP > ms.txt

You can use the tools of your choice to summarize and plot the data in ms.txt

Extracting just a few rows and columns from ms.txt for subject1, we see that C has the highest coverage, D has the lowest, and A and B are intermediate:

ID        K   COV 
subject1  A   0.2684
subject1  B   0.2663
subject1  C   0.2867
subject1  D   0.1784

Comparing maps

Rather than fitting a single segmentation/clustering to peaks aggregated across all individuals (i.e. and so forcing a single solution to be applied to all subjects), we can perform the segmentation separately for each individual and ask whether or not the maps generated (for a given number of states, K) are similar or not, between individuals and/or groups. If we were to find meaningful differences, this might mean that statistics based on a unified map are not easily interpretable (i.e. it is not an apples-to-apples comparison of, say, duration of microstate C, if the "true" microstate C is topographically different in one group versus another).

Here we just use the MS command applied to the whole sample list, with the prior steps of first selecting GFP peaks, clustering and then back-fitting. There is just a single command:

luna s.lst -o ms.db -s 'MS k=4 min-msec=20 npeaks=2500 gfp-max=3 gfp-min=1 gfp-kurt=1 ' 

Note we tell Luna to apply the same criteria as before to select GFP peaks for clustering (within individual). Looking at the console gives a sense of how this proceeds for subject1:

  calculating GFP for sample
  given mean GFP of 8.78094, applying threshold to require:
  - GFP < 18.8539 [ mean(GFP) + 3 * SD(GFP) ]
  - GFP > 5.42328 [ mean(GFP) - 1 * SD(GFP) ]
  keeping 7542 of 8368 peaks, dropping 73 for gfp-max, dropping 753 for gfp-min
  applying GFP kurtosis threshold, to require : kurtosis < mean(kurtosis) + 1 * SD(kurtosis)
  dropping 612 GFP peaks, to leave 6930
  randomly selected 2500 of 6930 peaks
  extracted 2500 peaks from 122000 samples (2%)
  segmenting peaks to microstates

That is, of 8368 peaks initially detected, 6930 are left after dropping peaks that are too large, too small, or associated with a very topograpically skewed spatial map. Of these, 2500 are selected at random for the segmentation for that individual.

Although in this toy example, subjects 1-3 and subjects 4-6 are in fact the identical recording, for the purpose of this application, we note that a different subset of 2500 GFP peaks will be selected (because the selection is at random) and therefore the maps are not obligated to be identical when derived in this way (individual-by-individual).

This analysis generates both the maps and statistics in a single file:

distinct strata group(s):
  commands      : factors           : levels        : variables 
  [MS]          : .                 : 1 level(s)    : AMBIG GEV GFP_MEAN GFP_SD LZW NP
                :                   :               : NP0 OPT_K
                :                   :               : 
  [MS]          : K                 : 4 level(s)    : COV COV2 DUR GEV GFP N OCC OCC2
                :                   :               : SPC WGT
                :                   :               : 
  [MS]          : NK                : 1 level(s)    : MSE R2 SIG2 SIG2_MCV
                :                   :               : 
  [MS]          : CH K              : 228 level(s)  : A
                :                   :               : 
  [MS]          : K1 K2             : 16 level(s)   : SPC
                :                   :               : 
  [MS]          : PRE POST          : 20 level(s)   : P
                :                   :               : 
  [MS]          : CH K KN           : 228 level(s)  : A
                :                   :               : 

We can extract the maps (A matrix) for each individual as follows (here KN is always 4 because we specified the number of states to be 4):

destrat ms.db +MS -r CH KN -c K -p 4 > maps_indiv.txt
ID          CH    KN     A.K_1     A.K_2     A.K_3     A.K_4
subject1    Fp1    4     0.0134    0.1942    0.1703    0.1691
subject1    Fp2    4     0.1147    0.1863    0.1742    0.0927
subject1    AF3    4     0.0253    0.1268    0.1618    0.1589
subject1    AF4    4     0.1390    0.1198    0.1706    0.0791
subject1    F7     4    -0.1035    0.2065    0.1153    0.1880
subject1    F5     4    -0.0573    0.1646    0.1418    0.1899
subject1    F3     4    -0.0237    0.0976    0.1382    0.1734
subject1    F1     4     0.0310    0.0460    0.1402    0.1407
subject1    F2     4     0.1353    0.0328    0.1413    0.0584
which gives a channel-by-state matrix (for each subject separately). We can plot these using the following R code:

d <- read.table("maps_indiv.txt",header=T, stringsAsFactors=F )
par( mfrow=c(6,4) , mar=c(0,0,0,0) )
for (id in unique( d$ID ) )
 for (i in 1:4 )
  ltopo.rb( d$CH[ d$ID == id ] , d[ d$ID == id , 3 + i ] ) 


There are two things to note from this:

  • as expected, the ordering of maps is arbitrary, and so the "1","2","3" or "4" label for one subject does not necessarily correspond to another subject, even if the underlying maps were identical (this is one pragmatic advantage of performing the clustering jointly across all individuals)

  • beyond that, it isn't hard to see broad similarity between the four maps for each individual (remembering that subjects 1-3 and 4-6 where different GFP peaks selected from the same individual), but still, there are a few minor albeit noticeable differences between solutions

Now question is how to quantify whether these solutions are "similar" or not between individuals. Luna provides a utility function --cmp-maps which can be used to compare maps between individuals and/or groups. Specifically, it first builds an N-by-N similarity matrix, between all pairs of individuals. For each pair of individuals, the similarity measure is defined as the pairing of maps that maximizes the sum of the spatial correlations between individuals.

For example, if we have 4 maps each for two individuals, we can write out a matrix of spatial (polarity invariant) correlations between maps. Rather than using 1,2,3, and 4, to make clear whether the map is from the first or second individual, say we label the four maps for the first individual in the pair as { I, J, K , L } and { W, X, Y, Z } for the second:

   I         J         K         L
W  0.365381  0.119695  0.334492  0.892299
X  0.928951  0.453187  0.607328  0.699779
Y  0.791022  0.588412  0.937068  0.061216
Z  0.901084  0.688471  0.468684  0.708884

Each cell is the spatial correlation between one of subject 1's maps and one of subject 2's. The global similarity measure for this pair of individuals is obtained by pairing maps between people in a way that maximises the total correlation. In this example, it looks like this:

   I         J         K         L
W  .         .         .         0.892299
X  0.928951  .         .         .
Y            .         0.937068  .
Z  .         0.688471  .         .
which implies that W-L, X-I, Y-K and Z-J are paired between these two individuals (and presumably each of those pairs would typically map to one of the canonical states A, B, C and D as defined by the literature). The global similarity measure is then the mean of these 4 spatial correlations S = ( 0.937 + 0.928 + 0.892 + 0.688 ) / 4 .

Following this approach for all pairs of individuals, we can then construct the N-by-N similarirty matrix. Given binary group labels assigned to each individual, we can ask whether the similarity within groups is greater than the similarity between groups, which would imply a group difference. Specifically, we define the statistic:

 mean( concordant pair similarity ) / mean( discordant pair similarity )
We obtain the null distribution of this metric by randomly label swapping group codes, and recalculating this value in the permuted datasets to get an empirical p-value, for a test of the null hypothesis that cases and controls, on average, have similar maps.

In this framework, we actually report four statistics (arbitrarily labelling the two groups as case and control, but they could of course represent any binary partition of the sample):

  • whether mean within-case similarity is greater than expected
  • whether mean within-control similarity is greater than expected
  • whether absolute difference of mean within-case and mean within-control similarity is greater than expected
  • whether the above concordant pairs / discordant pairs measure is greater than expected

The --cmp-maps function expects these data in a slightly different format than we extracted above: just four columns: ID, CH, K and A

destrat ms.db +MS -r CH KN K | awk ' { print $1,$2,$3,$5 } ' OFS="\t"  > maps_indiv.txt
head maps_indiv.txt
ID          CH     K    A
subject1    Fp1    1    0.0133545046064995
subject1    Fp1    2    0.194216838954667
subject1    Fp1    3    0.170259662484421
subject1    Fp1    4    0.169083573514372
subject1    Fp2    1    0.114702891130699
subject1    Fp2    2    0.186326562871713
subject1    Fp2    3    0.174216793137071
subject1    Fp2    4    0.0926918112431818
subject1    AF3    1    0.0253096835482578

We then run the test as follows, here with 1000 permutations, and using vars and phe to specify the binary partitioning. Here we'll use the grouping.txt file (which actually maps onto the distinction between the two distinct individuals in this sample):

echo "file=maps_indiv.txt vars=grouping.txt phe=PHE nreps=1000" | luna --cmp-maps -o out.db 
+++ luna | v0.26.0, 11-Nov-2021 | starting 01-Dec-2021 13:01:47 +++
 running CMP-MAPS
  of 6 total individuals, for PHE 3 cases, 3 controls and 0 unknown
  creating individual-by-individual global similarity matrix
  within-case similarity                       : 0.66656 p = 0.113886
  within-control similarity                    : 0.666666 p = 0.0539461
  | within-case - within-control | similarity  : 0.000105589 p = 0.521479
  concordant / discordant pair similarity      : 0.668478 p = 0.113886

We see that (in this contrived example) there is no suggestion that the two "groups" (i.e. individuals) have statistically different maps from each other. In practice, this type of analysis would be more meaningful when applied to larger groups of truly independent individuals, of course.

Finally, Luna also calculates the average S measure per individual. These values can be useful in identifying outlier individuals, e.g. with bad data and so very atypical solutions (even if the final analysis will be based on a joint segmentation).

destrat out.db +CMP-MAPS 
ID         S
subject1   0.99829
subject2   0.99833
subject3   0.99834
subject4   0.99814
subject5   0.99837
subject6   0.99826

k-mer analysis of microstate transitions

Apart from estimating typical microstate metrics (e.g. occurrence, coverage, duration, etc.), Luna offers a way to study the transitions of microstates in great detail. For example, the previously generated output file fit.db (based on the group clustering) contains posterior probabilities of moving to state J given you are currently in state I:

destrat fit.db -i subject1 +MS -r PRE -c POST
Extracting this transition matrix for subject1 (i.e. each row sums to 1.0):
subject1   A   NA         0.393      0.349      0.258
subject1   B   0.371      NA         0.381      0.248
subject1   C   0.361      0.378      NA         0.261
subject1   D   0.327      0.332      0.340      NA

Luna also provides a method called k-mer analysis. K-mers are short sequences of fixed lengths, such as ABCD and ABAB for k = 4 (perhaps confusingly, note that in this context k is not the same K as mentioned above, i.e. the number of distinct states).

Luna searches for k-mers within the microstate sequences of each subject (i.e. the data in states/) and tests whether any k-mers are enriched or depleted compared to chance expectation. This is done by shuffling the states in a way that preserves the overall frequencies of each state, and also ensures that similar states are not adjacent in the shuffled data (i.e. as in the real data, we never see AAAA as that would simply be a single state A in the state sequence file). Luna can also test whether k-mers are more or less enriched/depleted in one group of subjects compared to another group.

Let's first write the microstate segment sequences from all the subjects in one file named state.txt:

cat states/* > states.txt

We then use the --kmer command to run this analysis. The grouping information are provided in grouping.txt, which is also in the ZIP archive:

cat grouping.txt
subject1    0
subject2    0
subject3    0
subject4    1
subject5    1
subject6    1

Subject 1-3 belong to one group and are coded 0. Subject 4-6 belong to another group and are coded 1. (Note, as mentioned above, in this vignette the subjects in each group are in fact identical copies of each other, included here only to illustrate how these commands would be applied in the context of real data). One common use case is to code the control group as 0 and the case group as 1.

echo "file=states.txt vars=grouping.txt phe=PHE k1=4 k2=4 nreps=100" | luna --kmer -o kmer.db

Where the specific options are:

  • file points to the aggregated set of states for all six individuals

  • vars points to the file with the group/phenotype (PHE) information, which is indexed by a column ID that should match the EDF IDs (i.e. first column of states.txt )

  • phe specifies a column name with group/phenotype labels

  • the parameters k1 and k2 set the range of the lengths of k-mers you want to search for. Setting k1=2 and k2=4 would search for all the k-mers with the lengths of 2, 3 or 4. Here we set k1=4 and k2=4 to study only the k-mers of length 4

  • nreps is the numner of random permutations (shuffling of sequences) to perform (these are performed within each individual)

Looking at the output generated:

destrat kmer.db
distinct strata group(s):
  commands      : factors           : levels        : variables 
  [KMER]        : L S               : 108 level(s)  : EXP NG OBS P RAT SG Z
                :                   :               : 
  [KMER]        : L SG              : 19 level(s)   : EXP NG OBS P RAT Z
                :                   :               : 
  [KMER]        : L S PHE           : 324 level(s)  : EXP NG OBS P RAT SG Z
                :                   :               : 
  [KMER]        : L PHE SG          : 57 level(s)   : EXP NG OBS P RAT Z
                :                   :               : 

In each case, OBS is the observed rate of a given k-mer, EXP is the expected (chance) rate. The ratio of these is RAT, and the Z and P metrics are Z-scores and empirical p-value, as estimated by the shuffling procedure.

The four rows of output above reflect enrichment of k-mers length L, based on either the exact sequence (S), or the equivalence group (SG). Equivalence groups are basically just groups of sequences that share the same counts of states:


These six sequences belong to the same equivalence group, which is given the label of the "first" sequence (alphabetically, i.e. ABAC). Statistics of counts based on equivalence groups are for the set of those sequences. The equivalence group for ABAB includes ABAB and BABA (note two adjacent states cannot be the same in a kmer. AABB is just the same as AB).

The outputs also differ by whether they are stratified by a phenotype (PHE) or not. If not, the enrichment statistics are based over all individuals; otherwise, statistics are given separately by two groups, as well as tests for whether the enrichment differs between groups.

Looking at the basic statistics:

destrat kmer.db +KMER -r L S -v  EXP OBS P RAT Z 
ID  L   S       EXP     OBS     P       RAT     Z
.   4   ABAB    0.012   0.015   0.0099  1.24    5.45
.   4   ABAC    0.013   0.011   0.75    0.87    -1.51
.   4   ABAD    0.012   0.013   0.22    1.03    0.81
.   4   ABCA    0.012   0.011   0.58    0.99    -0.08

.   4   BABA    0.012   0.015   0.0099  1.16    3.48
we see that, for example, ABAB is enriched (Z = 5.45, p < 0.01). In other words, whereas we'd expect a rate of ABAB occurrence to be 0.012 (EXP), the observed rate was 0.015 (OBS), a 1.24-fold RAT increase (note, you might not get the exact same results because GFP peaks are randomly selected each time and statistical outputs are generated based on random permutations but in general the results should look similar). Likewise, BABA shows similar enrichment. Both sequences belong to the equivalance group ABAB, and the output stratified by -r L SG also shows this group is enriched:

destrat kmer.db +KMER -r L SG -v EXP OBS P RAT Z 
ID  L   SG      EXP     OBS     P       RAT     Z
.   4   ABAB    0.025   0.030   0.0099  1.20    5.19
.   4   ABAC    0.079   0.073   1       0.92    -4.49
.   4   ABAD    0.072   0.070   0.89    0.98    -1.14
.   4   ABCB    0.059   0.065   0.0099  1.10    5.10
.   4   ABCD    0.208   0.177   0.0099  0.85   -11.56
In contrast, the equivalance group ABCD (i.e any k-mer that has all four states, in any order) appears under-represented, Z = -11.56 (expected 0.208, observed 0.177).

The following commands extract all statistics from the k-mer analysis:

destrat kmer.db +KMER -r S L > kmer1.txt
destrat kmer.db +KMER -r S L PHE > kmer2.txt
destrat kmer.db +KMER -r SG L > equiv1.txt
destrat kmer.db +KMER -r SG L PHE  > equiv2.txt

As noted, kmer1.txt contains the statistics regarding the overall enrichment/depletion of kmers. kmer2.txt contains the statistics regarding the enrichment/depletion of kmers in each group and the differences between group 1 and group 0.

The formats in equiv1.txt and equiv2.txt are similar to that of kmer1 and kmer2. The difference is that these two files contain statistics for the equivalence groups of kmers rather than individual kmers.

You can use the tools of your choice to summarize and plot the data in kmer1.txt, kmer2.txt, equiv1.txt, and equiv2.txt. In real data, the Z scores associated with the DIFF level of the PHE factor would be meaningful, as indicating differences between groups in terms of motif enrichment.


We have demonstrated that the microstate maps generated by Luna are similar to the reported canonical microstate maps and are highly correlated to the ones generated by Cartool. Furthermore, Luna provides the kmer analysis to study the transitions of microstates. The obvious advantage of using Luna to perform microstate analysis is that it integrates better with a script-based analysis pipeline and enables automated analysis for large datasets. Based on our personal experience, Luna runs significantly faster than Cartool for the segmentation of the microstates of ~100 subjects (less than one hour using Luna vs days using Cartool). (For this very small dataset, the joint segmentation analyses above, and kmer enrichment permutation-based analysis, took ~20 seconds on a laptop.)

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