PROGRAM: PLINK DESCRIPTION: Whole-genome association analysis toolset AUTHOR: Shaun Purcell CONTACT: YEAR: 2006 LICENSE: Released under GNU General Public License, v2 (see COPYING.txt) DOCUMENTATION: INSTALLATION: If you have download a zip or gzipped archive with an executable binary, no installation is necessary (except perhaps you might want to place the executable in your path, see documentation for details). Otherwise, see notes on compilation below. COMPILATION: You will need a standard C/C++ compiler such as GNU gcc (version 3). This is likely available on all Linux/Unix platforms. For MS-DOS, DJGPP or MinGW are appropriate choices. To help compiling, see documentation (basically, just be sure to select the correct Makefile and type make -f Makefile.*) USAGE: Type "plink" or "./plink" from the command line followed by the options of choice (see documentation) EXAMPLE DATA: Two example files test.ped and are included in the distribution; for example, once PLINK is installed try running: plink --file test plink --file test --freq plink --file test --assoc plink --file test --make-bed plink --bfile test --assoc etc... SMP, Aug 2006