"Data management" "Create new PED/MAP fileset (reordered)" "Preserve original allele coding" pom2.php?m=recode "Recode genotypes 11, 12 and 22 (00 missing)" pom2.php?m=recode12 "Create a binary bED fileset" pom2.php?m=makebed "Merge two PED files" "Output standard PED/MAP fileset" pom2.php?m=merge&p=1 "Output a binary bED fileset" pom2.php?m=merge&p=2 "Extract a subset of SNPs" "Output standard PED/MAP fileset" pom2.php?m=extract&p=1 "Output a binary bED fileset" pom2.php?m=extract&p=2 "Exclude a subset of SNPs" "Output standard PED/MAP fileset" pom2.php?m=exclude&p=1 "Output a binary bED fileset" pom2.php?m=exclude&p=2 "Extract a subset of individuals" "Output standard PED/MAP fileset" pom2.php?m=keep&p=1 "Output a binary bED fileset" pom2.php?m=keep&p=2 "Exclude of subset of individuals" "Output standard PED/MAP fileset" pom2.php?m=remove&p=1 "Output a binary bED fileset" pom2.php?m=remove&p=2 "Flip SNP strand" "Output standard PED/MAP fileset" pom2.php?m=flip&p=1 "Output a binary bED fileset" pom2.php?m=flip&p=2 "Summary statistics" Type="document" "Missingness rates" "SNP and individual missing rates" pom2.php?m=missing "Test for different rates between cases and controls" pom2.php?m=test-missing "Allele frequencies" pom2.php?m=freq "Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium tests" "Ignore phenotype" pom2.php?m=hardy&p=1 "Stratify by case/control statues" pom2.php?m=hardy&p=2 "Mendel error rates for nuclear family data" pom2.php?m=mendel "Population stratification and matching" "IBS distance-based clustering" "Cluster on genome-wide IBS" pom2.php?m=cluster&p=1 "Cluster on genome-wide IBS and external matching criteria" pom2.php?m=cluster&p=2 "IBD estimation (genome-wide)" pom2.php?m=genome "Heterozygosity / inbreeding coefficients" pom2.php?m=inbreeding "Runs of homozygosity" pom2.php?m=homo-run-snps "Linkage disequilibrium and haplotype inference" Pairwise r and r-squared pom2.php?m=ld-r "Haplotype inference" "Calculate haplotype frequencies" pom2.php?m=hap&p=1 "List individuals' haplotype phases" pom2.php?m=hap&p=2 "Test case/control haplotype association" pom2.php?m=hap&p=3 "Create imputed most-likely haplotype dataset" pom2.php?m=hap&p=4 "Association analysis" "Single SNP analyses" "Population based sample" "Disease trait" "Basic allelic test" "Without permutation" pom2.php?m=assoc&p=1 "With adaptive permutation" pom2.php?m=assoc&p=2 "With maxT permutation" pom2.php?m=assoc&p=3 "Cochran-Armitage trend test and genotypic test" "Without permutation" pom2.php?m=model&p=1 "With adaptive permutation" pom2.php?m=model&p=2 "With maxT permutation" pom2.php?m=model&p=3 "Stratified/clustered sample tests" "Within-cluster permutation" pom2.php?m=within-file "Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel tests" "SNP-disease assocation conditional on cluster" pom2.php?m=mh1 "SNP-cluster association conditional on disease" pom2.php?m=mh2 "Homogeneity of odds ratio tests" pom2.php?m=homog "Quantitative trait" "Without permutation" pom2.php?m=qt&p=1 "With adaptive permutation" pom2.php?m=qt&p=2 "With maxT permutation" pom2.php?m=qt&p=3 "Within-cluster permutation" "With adaptive permutation" pom2.php?m=qt-within-file&p=2 "With maxT permutation" pom2.php?m=qt-within-file&p=3 "Family-based sample" "Disease traits: TDT analysis" "Single SNP TDT only" pom2.php?m=tdt&set=no "Single SNP and set-based TDT" pom2.php?m=tdt&set=true "Quantitative trait: gene-dropping permutation" "Gene-drop from founders" pom2.php?m=qtdt&p=1 "Gene-drop from parents" pom2.php?m=qtdt&p=2 "Epistatic analyses" "SNP x SNP epistasis" "Case-only analysis" pom2.php?m=epi&p=1 "Case/control analysis" pom2.php?m=epi&p=2 "Gene-based epistasis" "Case-only analysis" pom2.php?m=genepi&p=1 "Case/control analysis" pom2.php?m=genepi&p=2