in_and_out.php: $output .= "[[]]"; in_and_out.php: $output .= "[[]]"; in_and_out.php: $output .= "[[]]"; in_and_out.php: $output .= "" .$file."[[]] "; in_and_out.php: $output .= "" .$file."[[]] "; in_and_out.php: $output .= "" .$file."[[]] "; in_and_out.php: $output .= "" .$file."[[]] "; in_and_out.php: $output .= "" .$file."[[]] "; in_and_out.php: $output .= "" .$file."[[]] "; in_and_out.php: $output .= "" .$file."[[]] "; in_and_out.php: $output .= "" .$file."[[.tdt.perm???]] "; in_and_out.php: $output .= "" .$file."[[]]"; pom2.php: pom2.php:the main documentation, contains the haplotypes to be inferred. [[]] pom2.php: Minimum number of permutations per SNP. [[]] pom2.php: Minimum number of permutations per SNP. [[]] pom2.php: Alpha level threshold. [[]] pom2.php: Confidence interval on empirical p-value. [[]] pom2.php: Interval to prune test list (intercept). [[]] pom2.php: Interval to prune test list (slope). [[]] pom2.php: [[--mperm]] pom2.php: Number of Permutations Maximum number of permutations to run. [[]] pom2.php:"Partitioning chi-square" homogeneity of odds ratios test. [[]] pom2.php: Cluster based on families. [[]]