Dear PLINK users, Version 1.04 is now available for download, from There are a number of new features and bug fixes, listed here: ** Major new features ** 1) Function to parse result files by gene/region lists (--gene-report, --gene-list, ...) 2) Function to parse CNV lists by gene/region lists (--cnv-verbose-report-regions, --cnv-subset, ...) 3) Extended functions and gene-information for clumping options (--clump-best, --clump-range, --clump-range-border, ...) 4) New set-based test, with LD-aware selection of SNPs in a set (--set-p, --set-r2, ...) 5) Procedure to identify likely strand-flip errors between cases/controls (--flip-scan, ...) 6) Can now include covariates with generic variant tests (--gvar, ...) ** Minor new features ** 1) Added function --compound-genotype to allele AG, 11, 00, etc in PED files only 2) Changed default thresholds (to be similar to --all) 3) Now --pfilter works on .adjusted output files also 4) Added --output-missing-phenotype and --output-missing-genotype options 5) Changed default behavior to not set pheotype to missing if sex code is missing 6) Changed --recode, etc, output names to plink.ped, etc, rather than plink.recode.ped 7) Added --flip-subset option, to flip strand only for some individuals 8) Added --must-have-sex option to set phenotype to missing when recoding data 9) Added --make-pheno {file} * feature to set as cases people in {file}, else control 10) Now reports sample summary after filtering for QTs, as for case/control data 11) N_GENO field is now always reported in the missing data output 12) Added fields PHOM and PHET to .hom output (and modified --read-homozyg also) 13) Added --keep-allele-order to stop flipping of allele codes when minor allele frequency is greater than 0.5 14) Added --proxy-b-r2 to specify alternate proxy parameters for rarer alleles 15) Added allele codes and frequencies to --homog output files 16) Added allele code fields to --hardy and --model output 17) Improved --lookup database, and changed server 18) Cache version test information, to check only once per day 19) Added --mperm-save and --mperm-save-all commands to record permutation history 20) Updated Rserve client to support new Rserve version protocol ** Bug fixes ** 1) No longer count female Y genotypes as missing 2) Fixed a problem with --proxy-glm and missing haplotypic data 3) Fixed --R function to send counts of minor, not major, allele 4) Fixed issue with missing genotypes and --gvar association statistics 5) Fixed minor bug with --hardy2 and --hwe2 6) Fixed problem when --sex used with --chap test 7) Fixed problem with --qfam routine when no valid observations 8) Fixed problem with --score (would miscount number of observed alleles) 9) Fixed problem with --hap-impute on X chromsome 10) Corrected switch of distances/similarities for --cluster-missing/--distance-matrix ** Resources ** 1) Added RefSeq gene-lists to the resources section of the web 2) Updated the PLINK-formatted HapMap fileset to release 23 Thanks for your interest. Please send questions to, after consulting the web page in general, and in particular this page: Cheers, --Shaun