INRICH: Interval-based Enrichment Analysis Tool for Genome Wide Association Studies

INRICH is a pathway analysis tool for genome wide association studies, designed for detecting enriched association signals of LD-independent genomic regions within biologically relevant gene sets. INRICH can

  • Conduct pathway analysis on any type of genomic variation data, including but not limited to SNPs, CNVs, genes, as well as their combination.
  • Run the positional clustering test of genomic intervals, which can be used to detect genomic regions with multiple independent, non-randomly clustered risk variants.
  • Perform pathway analysis on multiple lists of associated genomic regions, which can be used for detecting functional gene sets with pleiotropic effects across related disorders or for a comparative study of pathway analysis across different datasets.

Attention: If you are analyzing a large dataset, add -c option to turn off precomputing option. This will slow down processing speed, but you may encounter internal logic errors due to failed memory allocation otherwise.

INRICH is a stand-alone C++ program, which supports both GUI and command line interfaces on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

INRICH was developed by Phil Hyoun Lee in the lab of Shaun Purcell at the Center for Human Genetic Research of Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and the Broad Institute.

INRICH is described in the reference below.

  • Lee, PH, O’Dushlaine, C, Thomas, B, Purcell, S (2011). “INRICH: Interval-based enrichment analysis for genome-wide association studies" (Bioinformatics).

INRICH has been used in the following work.