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1.1. File validation

Building a sample list

If you've downloaded the data and followed this step to create and populate the working directory for this walkthrough, you should see the following:

ls work/data/
annots  aux edfs

Of initial focus here are the 20 EDFs in work/data/edfs/ and 20 corresponding annotation files in work/data/annots:

ls work/data/edfs
F01.edf F03.edf F05.edf F07.edf F09.edf M01.edf M03.edf M05.edf M07.edf M09.edf
F02.edf F04.edf F06.edf F08.edf F10.edf M02.edf M04.edf M06.edf M08.edf M10.edf
ls work/data/annots
F01.annot   F05.annot   F09.annot   M03.tsv     M07.eannot
F02.annot   F06.annot   F10.annot   M04.tsv     M08.eannot
F03.annot   F07.annot   M01.csv     M05.eannot  M09.xml
F04b.annot  F08.annot   M02.csv     M06.eannot  M10.xml

We see a range of different annotation file extensions/formats: .annot, .eannot, .csv, .tsv and .xml annotation files; see here for examples (and notes on which formats aren't valid).

To build an initial sample list s1.lst, we can run the following --build command, which recursively searches one or more folders, and matches EDFs and annotation files based on (by default) root file names. Here we explicitly specify the annotation extensions we encountered:

luna --build work/data -ext=csv,annot,eannot,xml,tsv > s1.lst

The message in the console indicates that 19 of the 20 individuals were matched:

wrote 20 EDFs to the sample list
  1 of which had 0 linked annotation files
  19 of which had 1 linked annotation files

Warning: also found 1 annotation files without a matching EDF:

It also lists that one annotation file wasn't matched: F04b.annot: this is perhaps the simplest form of error, inconsistent naming of files, which was one of the manipulations described here.

The sample list generated is a simple text file (we tend to use .lst extension by default, but this is arbitrary: it could be .txt, any other extension, or nothing). Using cat to view the contents of the file:

cat s1.lst
F01 work/data/edfs/F01.edf  work/data/annots/F01.annot
F02 work/data/edfs/F02.edf  work/data/annots/F02.annot
F03 work/data/edfs/F03.edf  work/data/annots/F03.annot
F04 work/data/edfs/F04.edf  .
F05 work/data/edfs/F05.edf  work/data/annots/F05.annot
F06 work/data/edfs/F06.edf  work/data/annots/F06.annot
F07 work/data/edfs/F07.edf  work/data/annots/F07.annot
F08 work/data/edfs/F08.edf  work/data/annots/F08.annot
F09 work/data/edfs/F09.edf  work/data/annots/F09.annot
F10 work/data/edfs/F10.edf  work/data/annots/F10.annot
M01 work/data/edfs/M01.edf  work/data/annots/M01.csv
M02 work/data/edfs/M02.edf  work/data/annots/M02.csv
M03 work/data/edfs/M03.edf  work/data/annots/M03.tsv
M04 work/data/edfs/M04.edf  work/data/annots/M04.tsv
M05 work/data/edfs/M05.edf  work/data/annots/M05.eannot
M06 work/data/edfs/M06.edf  work/data/annots/M06.eannot
M07 work/data/edfs/M07.edf  work/data/annots/M07.eannot
M08 work/data/edfs/M08.edf  work/data/annots/M08.eannot
M09 work/data/edfs/M09.edf  work/data/annots/M09.xml
M10 work/data/edfs/M10.edf  work/data/annots/M10.xml

We see that all files except one have been matched; the sample list format is simply ID, EDF, then annotation files(s). We could have made this file by hand, or via Excel, etc, but it is often easier to use --build.

To handle the issue with the mislablled file: we could manually edit s1.lst and enter the path for F04b.annot, which would be perfectly legitimate, as all core Luna commands don't require that the EDF and annotation names actually match - this is only a requirement for the --build convenience feature (i.e. how else would it know what to match with what?).

Instead, we'll rename F04b.annot to F04.annot:

mv work/data/annots/F04b.annot work/data/annots/F04.annot
and rebuild the sample-list:
luna --build work/data -ext=csv,annot,eannot,xml,tsv > s1.lst
 wrote 20 EDFs to the sample list
   20 of which had 1 linked annotation files

Good, you can check but we now appear to have a complete sample list s1.lst.

Validating files

The next step is to verify that all files are in fact valid files, i.e. that can be opened by Luna as either an EDF or an annotation file. Here we use the --validate option, saving the output to a database out.db and passing as an option the name of the sample-list (slist=s1.lst):

luna --validate -o out.db --options slist=s1.lst
 validating files in sample list s1.lst

problem: [F06] corrupt EDF: expecting 370214400 but observed 370210000 bytes: work/data/edfs/F06.edf
problem: [F08] corrupt EDF, file < header size (256 bytes): work/data/edfs/F08.edf
problem: [M01] did not recognize annotation file extension: work/data/annots/M01.csv
problem: [M02] did not recognize annotation file extension: work/data/annots/M02.csv
problem: [M03] bad format for class/inst pairing: 22:00:00
problem: [M04] bad format for class/inst pairing: 22:00:00

  6 of 20 observations scanned had corrupt/missing EDF/annotation files

Overall, the console log notes that 6 of 20 observations had corrupt/missing data. (Recall that these files were deliberately manipulated for didactic purposes, thus the high failure rate is expected.)

As well as console output, the --validate command saves further information in the output database. See here for notes on the syntax of destrat, the tool that accompanies Luna and is designed to extract information from Luna output databases in various text formats:

destrat out.db +VALIDATE
F01 1   1
F02 1   1
F03 1   1
F04 1   1
F05 1   1
F06 1   0
F07 1   1
F08 1   0
F09 1   1
F10 1   1
M01 0   1
M02 0   1
M03 0   1
M04 0   1
M05 1   1
M06 1   1
M07 1   1
M08 1   1
M09 1   1
M10 1   1

The table above shows which individuals/files failed (i.e. a 0 in the output, indicating no valid file was found). We can also output a list of the actual files (i.e. the same information as given in the console output):

destrat out.db +VALIDATE -r FILE
F06 work/data/edfs/F06.edf  1
F08 work/data/edfs/F08.edf  1
M01 work/data/annots/M01.csv    1
M02 work/data/annots/M02.csv    1
M03 work/data/annots/M03.tsv    1
M04 work/data/annots/M04.tsv    1

In the next section we'll therefore examine these files to see a) what the issues were, and b) whether we can fix them.