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4.1. Revising the current QC+ project

We've already handled the issues detected with F01, F10 and M10 (gapped EDFs) and F05 (pre-filtered), and generated linked-mastoid, resampled versions in the harm1.lst project. Here we'll create a new project (harm2), address the remaining issues, and then perform a final step of epoch-level artifact detection and interpolation.

Alternate approaches to multi-step workflows

This approach -- of generating multiple copies of a project -- may not be optimal for all studies, especially large ones: we are separating steps in this walkthrough for didactic purposes. For example, one could instead create a new sample list harm1.lst that retained the old EDFs from harm1 that would not otherwise change, or use symlinks, etc.


We'll start by copying all harm1 EDFs and then update the subset that need specific changes (from the harm1 to the harm2 set). Assuming you've created the work/harm2/ folder as required above:

cp work/harm1/*edf  work/harm2/

Studies with known issues remaining:

  • F04: wrong units
  • F07, F09: flipped EEG polarity
  • M01: flat (midlines)
  • M03: dupes (CZ C3 C4 F3 F4 P3 P4)
  • M04: dropped (CZ)
  • various: varying levels of artifact based on the Hjorth signal reviews

There is not much we can do about those duplicate/flat, or dropped channels except try to interpolate them, giving the neighboring channels. We'll handle that step below. Here we'll address the other issues that can be fixed:

Rescaling units

luna harm1.lst id=F04 -s ' SET-HEADERS unit=mV & uV & WRITE edf-dir=work/harm2 ' 

Flipping EEGs

luna harm1.lst id=F07,F09 -s ' FLIP & WRITE edf-dir=work/harm2 ' 

Note, for a larger study, one might want to store IDs in a file (e.g. file1.txt) for processing steps such as this and use include=file1.txt instead of id=ID1,ID2,...

Adding CZ for M04

Finally, CZ does not exist for M04 but we nonetheless want to interpolate it. We therefore need to create that slot, i.e. as a dummy channel, in the EDF (as well as flagging that the channel is to be interpolated when we get to that step below).

The actual values set now don't matter, so we arbitrarily make a copy of C1, introducing the generic transform command TRANS.

luna harm1.lst id=M04 \
  -s ' TRANS sig=CZ expr=" CZ = C1 "
       WRITE edf-dir=work/harm2 '


In terms of annotations, we have detected all of the injected manipulations. Thus at this point we'll simply correct these by copying all v1 (original) annotation files over, which fixes the issues of swapped, scrambled and truncated stage annotations. POPS staging effectively seemed to solve these issues also, but we'll ignore that for now and use the available manual staging in this walkthrough.

cp orig/v1/annots/* work/harm2/

Sample list

We should now have populated work/harm2/ with 20 EDFs and 20 matching .annot files.

  • 16 EDFs are copied directly from work/harm1, whereas 4 were updated (i.e. rescaled, flipped EEGs, channel added)

  • 20 annotation files have been copied from the original v1 (unmanipulated) dataset (from orig/v1/annots/)

For the pipeline in this walkthrough, the only remaining QC step is to apply epoch-level interpolation, as previously described here.

To that end, we'll build a new sample-list, on which we'll base all parts of this step:

luna --build work/harm2 > harm2.lst
 wrote 20 EDFs to the sample list
   20 of which had 1 linked annotation files

Now let's move on to interpolation