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Here we describe eval expressions: what they are and how they can be used by several Luna commands.

Command Description
Eval expressions Overview of eval expressions
EVAL Evaluate annotation-based general expressions
TRANS Arbitrary transformations of signal data
DERIVE Derive summary statistics based on annotation meta-data

Advanced material

This page can likely be skipped on the first pass through of this documentation. The material provided here provides some flexible ways to work with annotations and signals. For EVAL at least, most simple tasks can be accomplished using the simpler mask syntax.

Eval expressions

Luna provides a mechanism for on-the-fly evaluation and assignment of signal-based and annotation-based expressions: eval expressions. These expressions can either be used to specify masks via the MASK command, or (as described here) with the EVAL command, which can be used to generate new epoch-wise annotations. With the TRANS command, you can create or modify existing channels (and/or create arbitrary interval-based annotations from these). Alternatively, with DERIVE you can create summary metrics based on annotation meta-data. Collectively, these expressions allow for:

  • a flexible way to mask epochs based on annotation data
  • evaluation of logical and arithmetic expressions
  • creation of new meta-data variables on-the-fly
  • creation of new channels, or modifying channels on-the-fly
  • creation of new (individual-level) summary metrics based on annotation meta-data

In short, these expressions allow variables based on attached signal and annotation data to be manipulated via a range of functions and operators in multi-component expressions, which are evaluated to return a true/false (Boolean) result (used in the case of the MASK command), or numeric vector (as for TRANS), as well as assigning new variables (which is the focus of the EVAL command).

Testing expressions with the --eval option

You can use the --eval option to test out simple expressions on the command-line, to get a sense of how expressions work. Here, the expression is expected to come from the standard input stream. For example, to evaluate a simple arithmetic expression (using the echo command to pipe in the expression):

echo "2+2" | luna --eval

The output below shows that the expression a) was valid, b) evaluated to 4 (with the i indicating integer type), c) has a return value that was interpreted as true when cast to a Boolean type (as would be the case if using eval expressions with the MASK command), and d) did not create/assign any new variables

parsed as a valid expression : yes
return value                 : 4i
return value (as T/F)        : true
assigned meta-data           : 

This second, more complex example illustrates a number of other features, more fully described below: assigning new variables, multi-part statements, conditional statements, textual variables and comparison/equality tests:

echo "J=2+2 ; S = ifelse( J > 5 , 'A' , 'B' ) ; S != 'A' " | luna --eval
parsed as a valid expression : yes
return value                 : true
return value (as T/F)        : true
assigned meta-data           : J=4;S=B

That is, J is assigned a value of 4; in the second part, because this is less than 5, the new variable S is assigned a value of B rather than A; in the final part, the test for whether S is not equal to A therefore returns true.

Naturally, unlike these toy examples, in practice eval statements will be evaluating annotation data on an epoch-by-epoch basis (the presence/absence, or quantity of certain annotations, as well as their associated meta-data). We describe below how annotation data are represented is eval expressions. The rest of this section comprises a description of variables, operators and functions and complex expressions.


This should be completely unnecessary for most circumstances, but to get a really detailed look at the steps involved in evaluating an eval expression, use the extended form --eval-verbose. This will list the tokens in Reverse Polish Notation and then show how the tokens are evaluated.


Variable names must start with a letter and are case-sensitive. They can contain numeric characters, underscores and periods. In addition to the reserved characters tabulated below, they cannot be the reserved words true or false. The following are examples of valid variable names:

A       a1      ann_1    so.amp
The following are examples of invalid variable names:
C4/A1   2X      A-B      nrem(2)


Variables in eval expressions have strong typing in the sense of each token being of either an integer (int), a floating-point numeric value (num), a text string (txt) or a Boolean true/false value (bool), corresponding to the type system for annotation meta-data, as described above.

The type of a variable impacts whether certain operations are allowed, or how they are evaluated. For example, if I is an integer value (2), F is a floating-point value (0.5), and S is a string-value (text), then the addition operator applied to pairs of variables would result in the following types:

 I + I  -->  4          (integer)
 I + F  -->  2.5        (float)
 S + S  -->  'texttext' (string concatenation)
 I + S  -->  '.'        (operation not defined, so returns a 'null' value)
Scalars and vectors

As well as scalars (i.e. variables described by a single element), Luna allows for vectors (often referred to here as arrays also). For example, a vector can be assigned within an eval expression:

X = int(1,2,3)

which assigns a three-element integer array. Other functions to create arrays are num(), txt() and bool() for floating-point, text and Boolean arrays, respectively.


Arrays cannot consist of heterogeneous elements, e.g. both text and numeric values.

Most of the main arithmetic and logical operators (described below) can be applied to vectors as well as scalars, namely:

  +  -  *  /  ==  !=  =~ <  >  <=  >=  !=  &&  || 

The above operators can be used on two vectors, as long as they are the same length. Note that these operate element-wise (e.g. rather than performing matrix multiplication).

echo "A=int(1,2,3) ; B=int(2,4,6) ; C=A*B " | luna --eval

parsed as a valid expression : yes
return value                 : true
return value (as T/F)        : true

assigned meta-data           : A=1,2,3;B=2,4,6;C=2,8,18

It is also possible to combine vector and scalar variables in arithmetic These operations can also combine vector and scalar variables, so Y=A/2 yields [0.5,1,1.5].

To give some more examples:

echo "A=int(1,2,3) ; B=int(2,4,6) ; C=A*B ; C < 10 " | luna --eval
parsed as a valid expression : yes
return value                 : [true,true,false]b
return value (as T/F)        : true
assigned meta-data           : A=1,2,3;B=2,4,6;C=2,8,18

returns the Boolean vector [ T , T , F ], which evaluates to true (because at least one element is true).

If X is an integer vector, constructs in the form:

sum( X == 10 )
any( X == 10 )

are often useful for evaluating either how many elements of a vector (sum()), or whether at least one (any()), match that condition (in this case, being equal to 10).

Individual elements of array can be accessed with the [] operator: e.g. D[2] will return the second element in an array called D (or a null value if the array doesn't exist, or has fewer than two elements).


Array indexes are 1-based, e.g. (1,2,3) for a three-element array, not 0-based as is often the case in many programming languages, e.g. (0,1,2).

The [] operator can take a scalar, as above, or one can extract out multiple elements (in a manner somewhat similar to the R language). This expression:

X[ int(1,3) ]

or, equivalently:

I = int(1,3) ; X[I]

will return a vector of two elements, being the 1st and 3rd element of the vector X.

Alternatively, if M is a Boolean array of the same length as X then the expression:

returns the subset of X for which the corresponding element in M is true.

Null values

Missing or null values can occur from a requested variable not being present for a particular annotation/instance, or from illegal operations (e.g. trying to add a string and an integer value).

Most operations that involve a null value will return a null value too, meaning that operation is undefined. An exception is the logical OR operator: A || B will return:

  • true if A is true or if B is true
  • null if both A and B are null
  • false otherwise

In contrast, the logical AND (&&) operator requires both sides to be non-null: A && B will return:

  • true if A is true and B is true
  • null if either A or B are null
  • false otherwise
Mapping annotations

If, for example, annotation class a1 exists (i.e. was in an attached annotation file, as described above), then Luna will create a variable also named a1 that can be accessed in any eval expression. The a1 variable will be a text-vector, with as many elements as there are instances of that annotation in whichever epoch is being considered. Each element of the a1 vector will be set to the corresponding instance ID.

As described below, the if() function can be used to indicate whether or not a given variable (i.e. and therefore, the corresponding annotation class) is present:

 if( a1 )

That is, this expression returns a Boolean value (true/false) to indicate whether that epoch has one or more a1 annotations.

If annotation instances have associated meta-data, these will also be mapped to variables that are accessible within eval expressions. The naming scheme for these variables is

{annotation class}.{variable name}  

For example, consider the following toy annotation file: one class (a1) with three instances for the first epoch, each with three meta-data variables:

a1 | Example annotation | v1[num] v2[txt] v3[bool]
a1  i1  e:1 10.00   A T
a1  i2  e:1 92.10   B T
a1  i3  e:1 108.5   C F
On loading this file, one would see the following in the log:
  [a1] 3 event(s) (from test.annot)
   3 instance IDs:  i1 i2 i3
   w/ 3 field(s): v1[num] v2[txt] v3[bool]

In this example, when evaluating any eval expression, the a1 variable would be a three-element vector of instance IDs:

 a1 = [ 'i1' , 'i2' , 'i3' ] 

The meta-data (each of which have a defined type which is reflected in expression) are represented by vectors that concatenate values from all instances: that is, a vector of floating-point numbers called a1.v1:

 a1.v1 = [ 10.0 , 92.1 , 108.5 ]
a vector of text values a1.v2:
a1.v2 = [ 'A' , 'B' , 'C' ]
and a vector of Boolean values a1.v3:
a1.v3 = [ T , T , F ]

If there is only a single instance of an annotation in a given epoch, the expression variables would be scalars rather than vectors. As described below, eval expressions provide a number of functions to facilitate working with vectors.

Operators and functions

Core operators

The core eval operators follow closely C/C++-style syntax and precedence for the following operations:

Operator Scalar Types Description
&& bool int logical AND
|| bool int logical OR
+ all (see below) addition
- int num subtraction
* int num multiplication
% int num modulus (also %%)
== all equals
!= all not equals
=~ all matches/contains
! all logical (unary) not
> all greater than
>= all greater than or equal to
< all less than
<= all less than or equal to
( ) n/a parentheses, to group expressions
= all assignment operator
; n/a separate different expressions

Some notes on these operators:

  • && and || are only defined for Boolean and integer types
  • for text variables, the addition operator means concatenate
  • for addition, subtraction and multiplication, Boolean values are treated as 0 and 1 integers
  • greater/less than operators for text values compare on alphabetical order
  • greater/less than operators for Boolean values are based on 1 and 0 values for true and false, and can be compared against integers and floating-point numbers
  • tests of identity (==) can be made between Boolean, integer and text types, but not floating point value
  • the == operator returns a vector for vector/vector comparisons of the same length, based on element-wise comparison
  • in contrast, the match operator =~ returns a true if any element of the first vector/scalar matches _any element of the second vector/scalar

The match operator (=~) is useful in testing whether or not an annotation instance is present in a given epoch. This table illustrates how the equality and match operators differ. The primary difference is that the match operator does not perform an element-wise comparison, and returns a scalar for any matching between the two sides (which may be vectors of different lengths).

LHS RHS Equals (==) Matches (=~)
txt( 'A','B' ) txt( 'A','B' ) [ T , T ] T
txt( 'A','B' ) txt( 'B','A' ) [ F , F ] T
txt( 'A','B' ) A [ T , F ] T
txt( 'A','B','C' ) txt('A','B') n/a T
txt( 'A','B','C' ) D [ F, F , F ] F
txt( 'A','B','C' ) txt('D','E') n/a F
Mathematical functions
Function Description
sqr(x) square of x
sqrt(x) square-root of x
pow(x,y) x to power of y
log(x) natural log of x
log10(x) base-10 log of x
exp(x) exponent of x
rnd() random float between 0 and 1
rand(x) random integer between 1 and x
floor(x) round x down
round(x) round x to nearest integer
abs(x) absolute value of x
Function Description
if(x) returns true if variable x is defined, otherwise false
ifnot(x) complement of if(x)
ifelse( cond , X , Y) return X if condition cond is true, otherwise Y

Here is one example of using it to provide a default value for a meta-data variable that may be missing for certain annotations/instances:

v1 = ifelse( set( a1.v1 ) , a1.v1 , 0.5 ) 

i.e. if the v1 field in annotation a1 is not present, it will be created with a default value of 0.5; otherwise, it will be kept as is.


The ifelse() must return similar, or easily-convertible types:

ifelse( DB == 1 , N , TYPE ) 
is not allowed if, for example, N is an integer, and TYPE is a string.

Vector functions
Function Example                                               Value                                        Types Description
int(x) int(1,2,3) [1,2,3] Integer vector Generate a new 3-element integer array
num(x) num(1,2.5,3) [1,2.5,3] Float vector Generate a new 3-element floating-point array
txt(x) txt('A','B','C') ['A','B','C'] Text vector Generate a new 3-element text array
bool(x) bool(1,0,1) [true,false,true] Boolean vector Generate a new 3-element Boolean array
[ ] a=int(8,10,12) ; a[2] 10 All Index array elements
min(x) min(int(-1,2,8)) -1 All Minimum value in any array
min(x) min(int(-1,2,8)) 8 All Maximum value in any array
sum(x) sum(int(-1,2,8)) 9 Integer, numeric and bool Sum of values in an array
mean(x) mean(int(-1,2,8) ) 3 Integer, numeric and bool Mean of values in an array
sd(x) sd(int(-1,2,8) ) 4.58 Integer, numeric and bool SD of values in an array
sort(x) sort(txt('C','A','B')) ['A','B','C'] All Sorts values in an array
c(x,y) c('A',txt('B','C')) ['A','B','C'] All similar types Concatenates scalars and/or arrays
size(x) size(txt('A','B','C')) 3 All Size of an array

Complex expressions

Eval expressions can be simple expressions, such as:

X/Y < 2

or more complex ones involving multiple functions and operators, such as:

sqr(X-Y)/(X+Y) > 3.8 && sqrt(log(A/B)) < C

Parentheses should be used to group expressions following standard rules of precedence and associativity:

Precedence Associativity Operators
1 Left-to-right Functions and array indices: () and []
2 (Right-to-left) Unary operators: + - and !
3 Left-to-right Multiplication, division and remainder: * / and %
4 Left-to-right Addition, subtraction: + and -
5 Left-to-right Comparators: < <= > and >=
6 Left-to-right Equality tests: == and !=
7 Left-to-right Logical AND: &&
8 Left-to-right Logical OR: ||
9 Right-to-left Assignment: =

When used with the EVAL command, eval expressions can also be used to create new variables, via the assignment operator (a single equal character,=) that will be present for any subsequent operations (e.g. applying a MASK statement or writing an annotation to file).

 X = A + B 

Note that, in contrast, assignments are not allowed in MASK eval expressions. (When used with the MASK command, any assignment, or reference to an undefined variable, will generate an error.)

Assignments always return the value true: that is, ( A = B ) == TRUE regardless of the value of B. This means you cannot chain assignments, e.g. A=B=2 would set B to 2 but A to true (nb. listed as 1 in the meta-data output).

echo " J = K = 2 " | luna --eval
parsed as a valid expression : yes
return value                 : true
return value (as T/F)        : true

assigned meta-data           : J=true;K=2

As described below, assigned variables are added as meta-data to that epoch's instance of the annotation class specified by the EVAL command. For example, this command:

EVAL annot=myannot expr="X = a1.v3 || a1.v1 > 50"

will create a new annotation class myannot which will have a meta-data variable X that is a Boolean type. Subsequent MASK and EVAL statements can access this myannot annotation and its meta-data.

You aren't allowed to change existing annotations

Note that all assignments are only to the new myannot class instances: you cannot assign a new value to a1.v3 in the previous example. Luna will give an error in fact, if any variable name with a period . (i.e. denoting meta-information for a particular annotation class) is assigned to. Also, if you were to set a new variable a1 in the above example (i.e. assuming an annotation class a1 already exists), this would create the variable a1 within the myannot annotation class, that would subsequently (i.e. in later MASK or EVAL statements) be referred to as myannot.a1. In other words, you cannot change any existing annotation within an eval expression, you can only generate new annotations.

Vector assignments

You can assign to a subset of a vector, using the form X[index] = Y. As above, the index can be a boolean vector (with the same length as X, or an integer (1-based) vector or scalar.

Assuming that A=int(2,2,2,2), then:

Function Resulting value for A
A[2] = 99 A = 2,99,2,2
A[ int(2,3) ] = 99 A = 2,99,99,2
A[ int(2,3) ] = int( 99,100 ) A = 2,99,100,2
A[ int(2,3) ] = int( 99,100,101 ) error, not allowed as replacement is different length vector
A[bool(1,0,1,1)] = 99 A = 99,2,99,99
A = 99 A = 99,99,99,99

Note how the last example generates a vector of length A, rather than a scalar, as A is originally a vector, i.e. this is equivalent to A[ bool(1,1,1,1) ] = 99

As above, you can use the --eval option to test the syntax:

echo " A=int(2,2,2,2) ; A[2] = 99   " | luna --eval 
parsed as a valid expression : yes
return value                 : true
return value (as T/F)        : true
assigned meta-data           : A=2,99,2,2

Vector assignment is primarily of use when using the TRANS command, e.g. for replace all values above 100 with 100:

X[ X > 100 ] = 100 

In the above, assuming X is a vector, the expression X>100 evaluates to a boolean vector; this is then used to indicate a subset of the X vector (i.e. all values above 100); and a scalar (100) is assigned to each of these values.

Multi-component expressions

Eval expressions can contain multiple clauses, delimited by semi-colons:

 X = Y / Z ;  X > 10

The individual components are evaluated left-to-right. This example creates a new variable X and returns a Boolean value indicating whether X is greater than 10. As expressions are evaluated sequentially left-to-right, any modifications to variables, or newly created variables, will be available for the rest of the expression. The final "return" value is the rightmost expression: for a MASK, this will typically be a Boolean expression, but it does not have to be.

Syntax quirks

Luna scans each statement for basic adherence to syntax (that parentheses are properly nested and matched, that functions have the correct number of arguments, etc), although there may still be some edge cases that are not properly handled. Moreover, there are currently a couple of quirks in Luna's parser:

No chaining assignments

Whereas many languages allow assignment operators to be chained (with right-to-left associativity, so a=b=2 sets both b and a equal to 2), this is not possible in Luna. All assignments return a true value, and so the above sets b equal to 2 but a equal to true.

Unary `+` and `-` operators not accepted for variables and functions

With variables or functions, you cannot write -A to mean -1*A. Use the full form. So, although this is okay:

A = -2
the following is invalid and will give an error.
A = -sqrt(2)
Similarly, while this is okay
A = C - B
using - as a negative sign (rather than a subtraction operator) is invalid, so:
A = -B
will give an error too. For these cases, use A = -1*sqrt(2) and A = -1*B instead...

No lazy evaluation

All expressions are fully evaluated, including the two return values in ifelse statements. This means that you cannot control whether an assignment occurs or not by assuming conditional evaluation. That is, if A is true, one might expect K to be assigned a value of 1 under lazy/conditional evaluation of the following statement:

echo "A=true ; ifelse( A , K = 1 , K = 2 )  " | luna --eval
This is not the case, as we see that K=2:
parsed as a valid expression : yes
return value                 : true
return value (as T/F)        : true
assigned meta-data           : A=true;K=2

This is because both expressions are evaluated, and the (arbitrary) order in which they are evaluated dictates the value of K (i.e. whichever was evaluated second). To achieve the desired result, place the assignment outside of the ifelse() function:

echo "A=true ; K = ifelse( A , 1 , 2 )  " | luna --eval
parsed as a valid expression : yes
return value                 : true
return value (as T/F)        : true
assigned meta-data           : A=true;K=1

Automatic type casting

Text: The + operator is overloaded for two strings (meaning concatenate). The test for equality (==) and ordering (< etc, based on alphabetical ordering) are also possible for strings (text variables).

Boolean: For + and - operations only, boolean values are cast to integers as 0/1. It is not possible to use Boolean types for multiplication or division.

Numerical issues

Take care if any numeric values have invalid values; we have not yet implemented explicit tests for NaN, Inf, DIV0, etc.


Evaluates annotation-based expressions on an epoch-by-epoch basis, to create new measures

Like MASK, the EVAL command works with eval expressions: generic expressions that are evaluated. The focus of the EVAL command is to create new meta-information on-the-fly.


To create a new set of epoch-level annotations, with an annotation class name myannot, for example:

EVAL annot=myannot expr=" <expression> "

where the text between the two " characters (the expression) is an eval expression, the syntax of which is described above in detail.

It is critical to place the entire expression in quotes, i.e. so Luna knows when it is over, and so as to treat & as a command separator versus a logical-AND, for example. There must not be any whitespace between the = and " characters for the line to parse correctly. If using on the command line with -s and already have all commands quoted between " characters, then you can use # instead (or \"):

luna s.lst -s "EVAL expr=# if(A) && ifnot(B) # " 
luna s.lst -s "EVAL expr=\" if(A) && ifnot(B) \" "

The expression is evaluated for each epoch in the dataset; for each epoch, one instance of the new myannot class is generated, and any variables generated by the evaluation of the expression are assigned as meta-data of that instance.


Currently, all applications of eval expressions operate on the per-epoch level: that is, for each epoch, all existing annotations in that epoch are gathered up and made accessible to the expression being evaluated. For each epoch, a single new instance of the new annotation class is assigned. In the future, we will consider other modes of using eval expressions, including generating new annotations at sample-point levels of resolution.


No explicit output is generated other than a note in the log, and the new annotation class itself.


to be added


If it is difficult to figure out why something doesn't seem to work, use the --eval function to test out how the commands work.


Based on the eval expression syntax, the TRANS command allows for on-the-fly transformations for signal data, to create or modify existing signals, or to create new annotations based on arbitrary expressions based on one or more signals. Specifically, this command:

  • evaluates arbitrary, multi-part logical/numeric expressions, with (conditional) assignments, functions and vector/scalar support

  • returns new/updated channels given 1 or more input channels

  • alternatively, it returns annotations based on a boolean vector return value (i.e. length = # of sample points in signal), if used with annot

For example, one might use this command to rescale, threshold or normalize signals (as demonstrated below), or to derive new channels based on logical and numerical functions applied to one or more existing signals.

The primary operatorion performed by TRANS is to bind whole signals (i.e. EDF channels) to vector variables within an expression (i.e. if the variable in the expression has the same label as the EDF channel name). These vectors can then be flexibly transformed within the expression. The return value of the expression (i.e. the final thing evaluated in the context of a multi-part expression) then populates the single, specified EDF channel, or alternatively, creates a new interval-annotation.


Option Example Description
sig C3 Specify either a single existing, or new, signal
expr abs(C3)>100 Evaluate this expression
annot A1 Generate a new annotation A1 given the expression
verbose Verbose output mode


Other than modifying the in-memory representation of the EDF, there is no further output (except some notes written to the log).


Here we give some examples of using TRANS, including (data-dependent) rescaling and thresholding, other numeric functions, incorporating annotations (via A2S), incorporating individual-level variables, and deriving annotations rather than creating/modifying channels.

Note that in these examples, one would normally add subsequent commands too, e.g. to analyse or output the derived channels or annotations.

Sample rates

All TRANS expressions must contain at least one channel; if containing multiple channels, then all must have the same sample rate (i.e. to ensure that the corresponding vectors in the TRANS expression have similar lengths.

Basic transformations

Consider a signal SpO2 that we want to rescale from being a percentage to a proportion, i.e. divide by 100. First, we can confirm the scale of this channel, using the STATS sig=SpO2:

MIN    0
MAX    100
MEAN   78.72

To use TRANS to convert this channel (and then subsequently confirm the change with STATS) we can write:

luna s.lst -s ' TRANS sig=SpO2 expr=" SpO2 = SpO2 / 100 " & STATS sig=SpO2 '
The key part is:
TRANS sig=SpO2 expr=" SpO2 = SpO2 / 100 " 
Note the use of double-quotes to enclose the expression (versus the use of single quotes (following -s) to enclose the entire Luna command, in the full command above).

After running this command, the log may show something like:

  evaluating expression  :  SpO2 = SpO2 / 100 ; SpO2
  attaching SpO2 for 15581600 sample-points...
  returned 15581600 sample-points
  updating SpO2...

As expected, the output of STATS now reflects the modification of the SpO2 channel performed by the prior TRANS command:

MIN    0
MAX    1
MEAN   0.7872

We can also implement data-dependent rescaling: for example, some EDFs may have 0-1 scaling for a given signal, but some may have 0-100 scaling (i.e. proportion versus percentage). One way to have a single expression (assuming that we always expect to see values near the maximum):

TRANS sig=SpO2 expr=" MX = max( abs( SpO2 ) ) ;
                      SC = ifelse( MX > 1 , 1 , 100 ) ;
                      SpO2 = SpO2 * SC "

In the above, we define a new scalar variable MX which is the maximum absolute value of the SpO2 signal. It then defines a scaling factor (a scalar variable called SC) that is 1.0 if the original SpO2 signal contains a maximum absolute value greater than 1.0 (i.e. and so is presumably not a proportion); otherwise, if it presumably is a proportion, then SC is set to 100. The SpO2 signal is then multiplied by this scaling factor (i.e. either unchanged, or scaled by a factor of 100) and assigned back to itself. In this way, all final SpO2 values should be on the percentage (0-100) scale, irrespective of the inputs. (Note: as noted, this particular example assumes that a signal with a maximum less than 1.0 is not a percentage, e.g. 0.5; this use is simply intended to illustrate TRANS syntax).

As other example of signal modification, we can threshold a variable between certain min/max values, which illustrates the use of conditional vector subsetting - i.e. the assignment to 0 or 100 only applies to the element of SpO2 that meet the relevant condition:

TRANS sig=SpO2 expr=" SpO2[ SpO2 > 100 ] = 100 ; SpO2[ SpO2 < 0 ] = 0 " 

We can also create new channels, e.g. re-referencing here by the average of two mastoids:

TRANS sig=C3LM expr=" C3LM = C3 – ( M1 + M2 ) / 2 "
Note that, in this above example, C3LM did not necessarily exist in the original EDF - here, it would be generated as a new channel.

EDF channel modification

Note that TRANS only updates/modifies one channel at a time: the one specified by sig. Any other modifications of a channel within the expression are restricted to the scope of the expression only, as this cartoon illustrates:


To illustrate this further, look at this multi-part expression that involves two signals: TcCO2 as well as SpO2:

TRANS sig=SpO2 expr=" TcCO2 = log( TcCO2 ) ; SpO2[ TcCO2 > 10 ] = 0 "

This will set the EDF channel SpO2 to 0 if the log of the TcCO2 is above 10. Of note, in the above expression:

  • we see that TcCO2 (or any other EDF channel) can be used in an expression without having to explicitly name it via sig.

  • within the scope of this expression, TcCO2 is modified (i.e. log-scaled), and the modified TcCO2 is used to conditionally modify SpO2 (i.e. setting elements to 0).

  • however, only the modified SpO2 will be returned from the TRANS command and update the (internal) EDF. Changes to the TcCO2 variable are not permanent.

  • if you wanted to modify multiple channels, one could use sequential TRANS commands (in the same Luna run) with differnt sig values:

    TRANS sig=TcCO2 expr=" TcCO2 = log( TcCO2 ) "
    TRANS sig=SpO2 expr=" SpO2[ TcCO2 > 10 ] = 0 "

Additional notes on syntax

You can skip this box on a first pass. There are a few (potentially subtle) points to note in the above. The log printed the expression being evaluated, which was modified by adding a final component (i.e. the return value) that was the named channel (SpO2). That is,

SpO2 = SpO2 / 100 
SpO2 = SpO2 / 100 ; SpO2
In this way, Luna ensures that the value returned by TRANS (which is the value assigned to the EDF channel SpO2) is the whole vector from the expression (named SpO2), as the last expression SpO2 evaluates to itself.

Because of the prior point, the assignment of new values must be done explicitly:

expr=" SpO2 = SpO2 / 100 "
i.e. the following would not work:
expr=" SpO2 / 100 "
Note that, within the context of the expression, SpO2 is a variable (vector) that is initiated with all the values of the EDF signal of the same name. It can be modified one or more times as part of the expression; the actual EDF signal will only be modified if it is explicitly returned by the expression, however.

To make the final point clearer: say the EDF has a channel TcCO2 as well as SpO2. We can use the values from that channel within the expression, if desired, e.g. setting SpO2 to 0.0 if TcCO2 is negative:

TRANS sig=SpO2 expr=" SpO2[ TcCO2 < 0 ] = 0 " 

Internally, this is modified to the following (because sig was set to SpO2):

TRANS sig=SpO2 expr=" SpO2[ TcCO2 < 0 ] = 0 ; SpO2 "
which means that the actual SpO2 EDF channel will be updated accordingly. However, the following expression would not result in the TcCO2 EDF channel being modified (nor the SpO2 channel, for that matter), despite TcCO2 potentially being assigned values of 0 for some elements:

TRANS sig=SpO2 expr=" TcCO2[ SpO2 < 0 ] = 0 "
Why? Because only the single EDF channel specified by sig is modified (updated, or created, if it doesn't already exist). Internally, this expression expands to:
TRANS sig=SpO2 expr=" TcCO2[ SpO2 < 0 ] = 0 ; SpO2 "
meaning that the return value is the vector SpO2 (which technically does "update" the
EDF SpO2 channel, but only to values that were identical to the original values).

Numeric functions

We can apply various numerical transformations: e.g. here applying a square root transformation, but excepting any negative values (which would otherwise generate undefined values) by using the vector subset syntax (with [ and ]):

TRANS sig=Flow expr=" Flow[ Flow > 0 ] = sqrt( Flow[ Flow > 0 ] ) " 
Here we standardize a channel (i.e. subtract mean, divide by the standard deviation), which shows these built-in functions:
TRANS sig=ZEEG expr=" ZEEG = ( C4 – mean( C4 ) ) / sd( C4 ) " 

Note that Luna does not currently explicitly flag if numerical errors occur within TRANS expressions: e.g. if sd(C4) above is infact 0.0. Therefore, either use these expressions when you are confident this is not the case; or make the expression check this explicitly: e.g.

TRANS sig=Z expr=" S = sd(SpO2 ) ;
                   S = ifelse( S == 0 , 1 , S ) ;
                   Z = ( SpO2 - mean( SpO2 ) ) / S "

Individual variables

To incorporate (individual-level) Luna variables (e.g. either defined on the command-line, within the script, or from a file via the vars option, you can use the usual ${var} syntax. These variables are expanded prior to the expression being evaluated.

luna s.lst f=100 -s 'TRANS sig=C3 expr=" C3 = C3 * ${f} " '
would show in the log that ${f} has already been swapped in before the expression is evaluated:
   options: expr=" C3 = C3 * 100 " sig=C3

Alternatively, to include variables that may differ between different individuals, you can use vars : i.e. the following assumes that file.txt has columns ID and also t to define ${t} for each individual:

luna s.lst vars=file.txt -s ‘ TRANS sig=S1 expr=" S1[ S1 > ${t} ] = 0 " ‘

Including annotations

To include annotations in a TRANS expression, you need to first use the A2S command to create a channel that represents the presence or absence of that annotation. Currently it is not possible to directly include numeric meta-data from annotations as parts of TRANS expressions.

Deriving annotations

If instead of specifying sig one specifies annot for a TRANS command, instead of creating/modifying a new signal, TRANS will generate a new annotation, that is derived from evaluating the return value of the expression as a boolean vector.

luna s.lst -s 'TRANS annot=EXC expr=" SpO2 < 10 || ! SpO2_Status "  
               MASK if=EXC  & RESTRUCTURE ' 

In the above example, we create a new annotation EXC and then subsequently exclude any epoch that has at least one EXC annotation present.

Label sanitization

Channel labels such as C3-M1 would create a problem for TRANS, i.e. given that - is interpreted as a minus operator, it would be ambiguous as to whether the expression C3-M1 means simply this channel versus C3 minus M1. (Even if C3 and M1 didn't exist separately as other channels in the EDF, this would still cause an issue as the command allows for arbitrary variables to be defined on-the-fly (e.g. as intermediates), which could include C3 and/or M1.)

The solution is for Luna to sanitize channel labels such as C3-M1 prior to sending them to this command: i.e. within the expression,C3-M1 becomes C3_M1:

TRANS sig=C3-M1 expr=" C3_M1 * 1000 " 

The log output notes this mapping:

evaluating expression : C3_M1 = C3_M1 * 1000 ; C3_M1 
attaching C3-M1 (mapped to C3_M1) for 15581600 sample-points...  


Note that as of v0.26, Luna now sanitizes all channel and annotation labels by default. They above note is therefore only relevant if sanitize=F has been set.

Numeric resolution

Due to the finite 16-bit numerical resolution of EDFs, but that all internal Luna numerical operations use 64-bit floating point representations, the output may sometimes be (trivially) different from expected, e.g. even following a self-assignment SpO2 = SpO2.

Sample rates

Luna will check that the new, assigned signal matches the expected signal (if it exists) in terms of length / sample rate.

For example, consider that the signal SpO2 exists in the EDF, but Z does not.

That is, if you tried to assign a single scalar value to a channel, something like the following warning would be emitted:

The following is not valid as it does not involve any existing channel:

TRANS sig=Z expr=" Z = 2 " 
error : no channels attached: i.e. no sample rate value attached

In contrast, if that channel exists, it is valid to assign a scalar to a vector: here, every sample of SpO2 is set to the same value (2)

TRANS sig=SpO2 expr=" SpO2 = 2 "

However, it is not permissable to assign a different length vector to a channel/vector: e.g.

TRANS sig=SpO2 expr=" SpO2 = int(1,2,3)  " 
error : assigning vector of different length not valid

Finally, note that this is valid:

TRANS sig=SpO2 expr=" SpO2 = mean(SpO2) "
but this similar command is not:
TRANS sig=Z expr=" Z = mean(SpO2) "
The latter will give the warning:
  attaching SpO2 for 15581600 sample-points...
  returned 1 sample-points
  creating new channel Z...
 observed n = 1 but expected = 19477 * 800 = 15581600
error : internal error: problem with length of input data
In this example, the sample rate is 400 Hz and the EDF record duration is 2 seconds, thus the 800 above (and 19477 is the number of records).

What accounts for the different behavior here? This is because vectors cannot change their length (or become scalars) in eval expressions. Thus, when assigned the mean (a scalar) to SpO2 (which is already a vector of correct length, i.e. 15,581,600 points), Luna will set every value of that vector to the same value. When that vector is returned from TRANS, it will match the length of the EDF signal (also named SpO2) and so is valid. In contrast, as Z does not exist prior to TRANS, it will not be initiated with any fixed value. Therefore, after the assignment Z is truly a scalar, and so cannot be passed back to the EDF channel.

To state the same thing schematically, consider a toy-example:

 EDF : X = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] 

   TRANS sig=X expr=" X = mean(X) " 
      - X initiated as [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] 
      - mean of X calculated as 2 (scalar)
      - after the assignment, X --> [ 2 , 2 , 2 ] 
      - [ 2, 2, 2 ] is returned and matches length of original EDF X

   TRANS sig=Z expr=" Z = mean(X) " 
      - X initiated as [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] 
      - mean of X calculated as 2 (scalar)
      - after the assignment, Z --> 2 (scalar)
      - 2 (scalar) is returned but does not match length of original EDF X 


Generate individual-level statistics based on evaluating annotation meta-data

The DERIVE command is designed to calculate on-the-fly summary metrics per recording, based on flexible manipulations of annotation events and meta-data.


Parameter Example Description
var J,K One or more variables to track and output from the expression
expr "J = mean( apnea.DUR )" Arbitrary eval-expression based on annotation (meta-data), either quoted or # delimited
req DUR,A1 Require these meta-data fields to be non-missing
any If a mask is set, retain annotations with any overlap of an unmasked epoch (default)
start If a mask is set, only retain annotation events that start in unmasked epochs
all If a mask is set, only retain annotation events that are completely within unmasked regions


Primary output (strata: none )

Variable Description
REQN If req was set, the number of events meeting those requirements
arbitrary variables Outputs as defined by the vars option and calculated in the expr


See this page on the META command for an example using DERIVE. More examples will be added here in the future.

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