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Commands to mask certain epochs in or out of analyses (depending on annotations and other features) and to drop or retain certain channels/signals

Command Description
MASK Mask epochs based on annotations and other features (standard mask)
DUMP-MASK Output epoch-level mask information (standard mask)
RESTRUCTURE (or RE) Remove masked out epochs (and channels) based on the standard mask
CHEP Process CHannel/EPoch CHEP masks and modify the standard mask based on them

Luna uses two types of masks that work together: one that is only defined per epoch (the standard or epoch-level mask), and one which is also specific to each channel and epoch pair (the so-called CHannel/EPoch or CHEP mask). The full range of CHEP mask options will typically only be used with high-density EEG data (i.e. multiple, broadly comparable channels, used in combination with interpolation of bad channels/epochs). The graphic below illustrates how these two masks are related and some of the key commands which operate on them:



This is the principal command for manipulating EDFs in-memory, at the level of retaining or excluding (masking) certain epochs. A mask is a flag for each epoch that says whether it should be "in" or "out" for a subsequent restructuring of the dataset.

Once a mask has been set, it can be modified (or cleared) by subsequent MASK commands. The behavior of the MASK command can be changed to alter how it is merged with any previous masks that may have been set. Having applied one or more MASK or CHEP commands, the resultant mask can be output (using the DUMP-MASK command) or used to select particular records of the EDF (using the RESTRUCTURE command).

Masked versus restructured datasets

The cartoon below illustrates the distinction between a masked and a restructured dataset. After setting a mask, no data are removed: rather, a flag is set to for certain epochs to indicate they are masked. A mask can be reset, in which case, scenario B would revert to scenario A below.


In contrast, after a restructure command, masked epochs are removed and cannot be retrieved (except if using the data freeze mechanism). The distinction can be important because some commands do not work with masked data (i.e. state B) - they would pull in the entire signal, i.e. across all epochs, whether masked or not. For this reason, it is often safer to restructure the data after setting a mask (even though Luna will emit a warning if you try applying such a command to masked data). Commands that internally operate on an epoch-by-epoch basis could be applied to either state B or C, and would give identical results. This table details which commands can be used in which contexts.


The MASK command takes a variety of parameters to modify its behavior. You should only specify one of these options for any one MASK command however; multiple MASK commands can be specified sequentially.

There are three general types of mask:

  • those based on annotations, using either the default syntax or (for more involved, niche scenarios) Luna's eval,
  • those based on time intervals, specified in terms of clock-time, elapsed-time or epoch number
  • other miscellaneous masks

Annotation-based mask syntax:

These commands take one or more annotation class labels as arguments:

Option Example Description
if if=N2 Mask epochs with N2 annotations; unmask other epochs
ifnot ifnot=N2,N3 Mask epochs without either N2 or N3 annotations; unmask other epochs
mask-if mask-if=N2,N3 Mask epochs with either N2 or N3 annotations; leave other epochs as is
mask-ifnot mask-ifnot=N2 Mask epochs without annotations; leave other epochs as is
unmask-if unmask-if=N2 Unmask epochs with N2 annotations; leave other epochs as is
unmask-ifnot unmask-ifnot=N2 Unmask epochs without N2 annotations; leave other epochs as is

All six arguments above (if, ifnot, mask-if, mask-ifnot, unmask-if and unmask-ifnot) can take multiple comma-delimited annotations (as shown in some of the above examples). Multiple annotations will by default match an epoch if any of the listed annotations span that epoch (i.e. or logic).

To instead specify and logic for multiple annotations, add a -all suffix to any of the above commands, which will modify its behavior. For example:

Option Example Description
mask-if mask-if=N2,N3 Mask epochs spanned by either N2 or N3 annotations (equivalently mask-if-any)
mask-if-all mask-if-all=N2,arousal Mask epochs spanned by both an N2 and an arousal annotation

Although it does not change behavior, for clarity, the basic or-logic options can be written with an -any suffix: e.g. if-any=N1,N2,N3. Functionally, if and if-any are identical (as is the case for the other five core mask options above), however.

One can use the * character as a wildcard at the end of an annotation label to select a group of annotations:

  MASK mask-if=artifact_*
would be equivalent to writing, e.g.,
  MASK mask-if=artifact_EEG,artifact_EOG,artifact_RESP
assuming that these three annotations existed for that record.

Full versus partial epoch matching:

By default, annotation-based masks match an epoch if the specifed annotation(s) have any degree of overlap with that epoch. Alternatively, masks can require that the entire epoch is spanned by that annotation in order to make a match, by adding a + symbol before the annotation label: for example,

 MASK if=+arousal
will only mask epochs that are completely spanned by an arousal; in contrast,
 MASK if=arousal
will also match epochs that have any extent of overlapping arousal.

Eval expression-based masks:

Option Example Description
expr expr="if(annot1) && annot2.v2 > 0.95" Mask/unmask epochs for which the expression is true/false
not-expr not-expr="if(annot1) && annot2.v2 > 0.95" Unmask/mask epochs for which the expression is true/false
mask-expr mask-expr="if(annot1) && annot2.v2 > 0.95" Mask epochs for which the expression is true
unmask-expr unmask-expr="if(annot1) && annot2.v2 > 0.95" Unmask epochs for which the expression is true

Including/excluding epochs based on time intervals

Rather than annotations, these options mask certain epochs based on time intervals or epoch connts.

Option Example Description
epoch epoch=6,9-10,20-25 Mask epochs outside of this set of epochs (i.e. include these ones)
mask-epoch mask-epoch=20-50 As above, except mask epochs inside this range
sec sec=0-60 Set mask to include all epochs that span the interval from 0 to 60 seconds (i.e. these are unmasked, all other epochs are masked)
hms hms=8:00-9:00 Set mask to include all epochs that span the interval from 8am to 9am (uses 24-hour clock)

Other miscellaneous mask options

Option Example Description
none MASK none Set to include all epochs (default when first loading a new EDF)
all MASK all Set to exclude (i.e. mask) all epochs
flip MASK flip Flip all epoch masks
random MASK random=50 Select up to 50 from currently unmasked epochs
leading MASK leading=wake Remove all epochs up to the first epoch without this annotation
flanked MASK flanked=N2,2 Include only N2 epochs flanked by at least 2 other N2 epochs

As noted above, a single MASK command can only have a single option. Mask commands can be specified sequentially to build up more complex filters: e.g. to select N2 epochs between 10pm and midnight:

MASK hms=22:00-00:00
MASK mask-ifnot=N2


Information is written to the log, describing the changes in the mask status of epochs. For example:

MASK unmask-ifnot=X

may yield the following output:

 set epochs, to default length 30, 1022 epochs
 set masking mode to 'force'
 based on A 102 epochs match; 102 newly masked, 0 unmasked, 920 unchanged
 total of 920 of 1022 retained
 set masking mode to 'unmask'
 based on X 511 epochs match; 0 newly masked, 51 unmasked, 971 unchanged
 total of 971 of 1022 retained

The same information is also tabulated in any specified lunout database as follows.

Output stratified by mask (strata: EPOCH_MASK):

Variable Description
N_MATCHES Number of epochs that match the condition (e.g. having annotation A)
N_MASK_SET Number of previously unmasked epochs that were masked by this operation
N_MASK_UNSET Number of previously masked epochs that were unmasked by this operation
N_UNCHANGED Number of epochs whose mask status was not changed by this operation
N_RETAINED Number of epochs retained after this operation
N_TOTAL Total number of epochs
MATCH_LOGIC OR or AND if based on an annotation mask
MATCH_TYPE Primary annotation maask, e.g. ifnot
MASK_MODE force, mask or unmask

For the above example, these values would be as follows (some outputs excluded):

id001  A           102         0             102        920         1022     920
id001  X           0           51            511        971         1022     971


As masks are central to how Luna works, below we give some greater context and general principles, along with examples of using masks.

General principles

  • Masked means that an epoch is flagged to be excluded from the dataset.

  • When an EDF is first loaded, all epochs are unmasked.

  • Whether or not an epoch is masked is typically specified in terms of the annotations associated with that epoch, or when that epoch occurs.

  • Masking, by itself, doesn't actually remove any epochs: it only flags those to be removed.

  • Masking (i.e. the consequence of the MASK command) is always at the level of the whole epoch. That is, an entire epoch is either masked or unmasked.

  • Annotations used in masking (i.e. the input of the MASK command) can still be scored with fraction-of-a-second resolution, however, such as arousal events. In this case, by default Luna evaluates epochs as containing at least one arousal event versus not containing any arousal events. The + special syntax (+annotation) will mask only if annotaiton spans the entire epoch.

Masks with finer temporal resolution

To achieve a mask with a finer temporal resolution, you can always set the epoch size to be smaller (e.g. EPOCH len=1) before applying the mask (and it can be reset back to len=30 or another value after RESTRUCTURE-ing the data).

Mask modes

When a mask is applied, the log will record the mask mode, as either force, mask or unmask. The table below indicates which mask options correspond to which modes:

Mask mode Options Description
force if, ifnot, expr, not-expr Epochs are masked and unmasked, i.e. every epoch is affected
mask mask-if, mask-ifnot, mask-expr Only ever masks epochs
unmask unmask-if , unmask-ifnot , unmask-expr Only ever unmask epochs

These distinctions really only matter when multiple masks are specified in sequence. That is, the force mode effectively wipes any previous mask that was set. The other two types of mask effectively provide a way to combine masks. For example, in this instance, the second mask (based on annotation B) effectively cancels the first mask:

In contrast, either
MASK mask-if=A
MASK mask-if=B
would give the intended result of masking epochs that have an annotation of either A or B.

Note that the single-line form is more convenient if you are using a variable to define masks:

MASK ifnot=${stage}
would allow stage to be say just N2 epochs (stage=N2) but also combined NREM epochs (stage=N1,N2,N3).

Multiple annotations

Annotation masks let you specify a comma-delimited list. By default, an epoch will match if at least one of those annotations spans the epochs. If the -all suffix is added (e.g. ifnot-all=X,Y) then an epoch will match if all annotations are present.

Alternatively, you can mask based on multiple annotations or features by specifying a series of MASK commands - although, take care to note the mask mode as above (some masks will wipe out the effects of prior masks).

Another alternative is to use the MAKE-ANNOTS command to generate new annotations on-the-fly, as functions of pairs of existing annotations. The resulting new annotation can then be given to a MASK command.

Finally, yet another option is to use the more flexible but more complex eval masks. For example, to mask epochs that either 1) contain both A and B or 2) only C, and neither A or B:

MASK mask-expr=" ( if(A) && if(B) ) || ( if(C) && ! ( if(A) || if(B) ) ) "
Consult the eval syntax (e.g. && means and and || means or), which is quite generic (although care is needed with exact syntax and there are one or two edge cases as listed on the linked page).

Matching instance IDs

Masks can refer to annotation instance IDs as well as class names. See here for a discussion of Luna annotations. Consider the following annotation SS:

# SS | sleep stage
SS  W   e:1
SS  N1  e:2
SS  N1  e:3
SS  N2  e:4
SS  N1  e:5
... (etc) ...

Here, the annotation class name is SS. The instance IDs are W, N1, N2 (and likely N3, REM, etc later in the file, of course). In the context of a mask, all epochs have an SS annotation, and so there would be little point using it. To mask based on the instance IDs, you can use the following syntax:

MASK mask-ifnot=SS[N2]
to include only N2 epochs in analysis, for example.

It is possible to apply OR logic with multiple class instances delimited by the pipe | character. For example:

MASK mask-ifnot=SS[N2|N3]
restricts analysis to N2 and N3 epochs (as an epoch is included if it is either N2 or N3).

Using eval expression syntax, one would write, using the match operator =~ :

MASK expr=" SS =~ c( 'N2' , 'N3' ) "

Note that Luna is quite flexible in how annotations can be specified. For example, the staging information in the above file could instead have been specified as follows:

# W | Wake
# N1 | Sleep stage N1
# N2 | Sleep stage N2
# N3 | Sleep stage N3
# REM | Sleep stage REM
W   .  e:1
N1  .  e:2
N1  .  e:3
N2  .  e:4
N1  .  e:5

In this case, there are five distinct annotation classes (W, N1, N2, N3, R) but no information encoded in the individual instance IDs (all are set to .). In contrast, the example above used a single annotation class (SS) with staging information encoded as levels of instance ID. Either option is fine. In this latter case, one could specify the previous N2/N3 mask as follows:

MASK mask-ifnot=N2,N3

EVAL expressions

It is possible for eval statements to return a null or undefined answer, for instance if a requested variable is not present. The table below describes the behavior of each mask type:

Mask Eval == T Eval == F Eval == undefined
expr Mask Unmask Leave as is
not-expr Unmask Mask Leave as is
mask-expr Mask Leave as is Leave as is
unmask-expr Leave as is Unmask Leave as is

Other options

As indicated in the parameter tables above, the MASK command has a number of other convenience functions, including some that do not operate on annotations per se.

Selecting epochs by number

To include only the first epoch in analysis:

MASK epoch=1

To include only a range of epochs, use two numbers with a dash/minus (-) sign between them. These intervals can be combined as a comma-delimited list:

MASK epoch=5-8,10-20,28

The mask-epoch option is similar, except the specified epochs are excluded from analysis rather than included. Both of these options will overwrite any previously specified mask.

Epoch numbering for MASK epoch

The epoch specification refers to the current, in-memory epochs rather than the original file-based epochs. If there has been a RESTRUCTURE command, these can be different. For example, the following series of masks

MASK epoch=10-20
MASK epoch=2
would select the eleventh epoch with respect to the original EDF. That is, although for the purpose of output Luna tracks the original epoch numbering and time-stamps, when specifying a mask such as epoch=2, it will be taken to mean "the second of the currently defined set of epochs".

Randomly selecting a subset of epochs

To randomly select a up to a particular number of epochs from the set of currently unmasked epochs, use the random mask. For example, to select 10 epochs at random:

MASK random=10
This command will not select (i.e. unmask) previously masked epochs. So, the following
MASK epoch=10-20
MASK random=5

would result in all epochs being masked except five epochs randomly selected within the range of epoch 10 to epoch 20. If you request more epochs than are "available" (e.g. random=50 in the last example), it will just result in all available epochs being selected (11 in this example).

Specifying time intervals directly

To include only epochs that span a particular time range, use either the sec or hms options:

MASK sec=60-120

where the arguments are seconds since the start of the in-memory EDF. Alternatively, you can specify ranges based on clock-time (assuming the EDF has a valid start time in the header).

MASK hms=8:00-9:00


As is always the case for the MASK command, these options operate only on entire epochs, in this case selecting all epochs that overlap with the specified time intervals. Thus, the following yields a 30-second dataset in memory, not a 15-second one:

MASK sec=45-60
as indicated (in the output of DESC, which describes the in-memory data-set rather than what is on disk):
Duration          : 00:00:30
To select intervals at a finer temporal resolution, you can always set the EPOCH duration to be smaller.

Re-running with a shorter epoch size:

EPOCH len=1
MASK sec=45-60
we now see in the log that the MASK command selects the appropriate number of 1-second long epochs
selecting epochs from 46 to 60;  masked 30649 epochs; unmasked 0 and left 0 unchanged
total of 15 of 30664 retained for analysis
and the DESC command indicates the in-memory dataset is now 15-seconds in duration
Duration          : 00:00:15

This could be useful if you have an EDF that has a small amount of data you want to remove: say the EDF start time was 10:59:38 but the manual scoring (in 30-second epochs) began at 11:00:00 exactly. To obtain an EDF that cleanly lines up with a start time of 11:00:00, you would a) select those first 22 seconds with sec, b) flip the mask (thereby excluding those 22 seconds and including everything else), c) use RESTRUCTURE to permanently alter the in-memory dataset, and d) use WRITE to make a new EDF:

EPOCH len=1
MASK sec=0-22
MASK flip
WRITE edf-dir=/path/to/new/edfs/ edf-tag=trimmed sample-list=trimmed.lst
The manual annotation file will now exactly match the new EDF (i.e. the first epoch starts at 11:00:00 exactly). See the WRITE command for more details.


The none option (or clear or include-all, take your pick) will set all epochs to be included (i.e. unmasked).

MASK none

The all option (or total or exclude-all, take your pick) will set all epochs to be excluded (i.e. masked). First masking everything and then selectively unmasking certain epochs can make it easier to specify multiple annotations. For example, to include epochs with annotations A, B or C, as the mask-ifnot=A,B,C command is not allowed (see above), you can write:

MASK all
MASK unmask-if=A,B,C

The flip command will, as its name suggests, completely reverse a mask, meaning that masked epochs are unmasked, and vice versa.

MASK flip

The leading option masks all epochs until it comes across an epoch that does not have the given annotation. For example, to remove leading wake (W) epochs:

MASK leading=W

The flanked option will only select epochs to include for analysis that are a) matching that annotation and b) flanked by at least N epochs with a similar annotation. For example, to select "stable" N2 sleep, meaning epochs that are at least 1 minute away from a stage transition, you would use (assuming 30-second epochs):

MASK flanked=N2,2


leading and flanked options are currently broken; they only apply to old-type epoch-annotations

Tips on usage

At the risk of repeating some of the points made above, here we give a few important points about how masks and restructuring EDFs work in Luna:

  • You can set one or more masks, but nothing is fundamentally changed until a RESTRUCTURE (or, equivalently, RE) command is issued. Prior to that command, the mask could be cleared and you would be working with the same version of the data as before.

  • Once the RESTRUCTURE command has been issued, all masked epochs are permanently removed from the in-memory representation of the EDF. Any dropped epochs or channels cannot be restored without reloading the original EDF by running Luna a second time on that EDF.

  • The RESTRUCTURE command only alters the in-memory representation of the EDF, not the original on-disk EDF itself. In fact, no Luna commands will ever alter the original EDF. The WRITE command can be used to generate a new EDF after MASK-ing and RESTRUCTURE-ing the data.

  • Some commands will automatically skip masked epochs (e.g. CHEP-MASK). Other commands have options for including or excluding masked epochs (e.g. ANNOTS). Many commands will operate on the entire signal however, whether or not epochs are masked. For example, the FILTER command applies a FIR filter (e.g. bandpass) to a signal, and replaces the original signal with the filtered version. Here, it would not make sense to only filter and modify the unmasked epochs, leaving the contiguous masked epochs with the unfiltered, raw signal. Thus, if the goal is to apply a FILTER to a subset of unmasked epochs, one should use the RESTRUCTURE (or short form RE) command after setting the MASK and before running the FILTER. In general, if you are unsure, it is safer to RESTRUCTURE the data once the desired MASK has been set. As of v0.28, Luna will give a warning to the console if it ever finds itself being asked to perform any whole signal analysis when some epochs are masked:

    luna s.lst -s ' MASK epoch=1 & FILTER sig=EEG highpass=1 order=10 '
    *** warning - running a command that pulls the whole trace
    ***           but currently an epoch mask set has been set;
    ***           for this operation to skip masked epochs,
    ***           you need to run RE (RESTRUCTURE) beforehand

  • After applying MASK/RESTRUCTURE commands, there will typically be fewer epochs. Importantly, however, Luna will track the mapping of epochs however, so that epoch codes and other time-stamps listed in output refer to the original EDF, not the reduced version. Consider this example of a 10-epoch dataset, with five of the epochs masked (i.e. set to be removed, so MASK is 1).

Before RESTRUCTURE               After RESTRUCTURE

E       MASK                     E       MASK
------------                     ------------
1       0                        1       0
2       1                        4       0
3       1                        5       0
4       0                        7       0
5       0                        8       0
6       1                        10      0
7       0
8       0
9       1
10      0

After issuing a RESTRUCTURE command, the data will contain only five epochs, and the mask will be effectively cleared (i.e. only unmasked epochs are left). However, E, the original epoch numbering (as well as any time-interval output, e.g. of individual spindles from the SPINDLES command) will still be given with respect to the original EDF, and so are more interpretable in subsequent analyses or visualizations. This temporal information is retained even if subsequent MASK/RESTRUCTURE commands are applied during the same run of Luna. For example, if another mask were set on this reduced dataset:

Before RESTRUCTURE               After RESTRUCTURE

E       MASK                     E       MASK
------------                     ------------
1       0                        1       0
4       0                        4       0
5       1                        7       0
7       0                        8       0
8       0                   
10      1                   

Epoch encoding and the internal time-track information is retained, respecting potential discontinuities in the data, until another EPOCH command is issued. At that point, the data are assumed to represent a continuous EDF.


Produces an epoch-by-epoch tabulation of the current mask


Option Example Description
annot mask Adds epoch-level annotation called mask to indicate mask status
annot-unmasked T If T, add an annotation when an epoch is unmasked (default is opposite)
output F If F, suppress output, i.e. just add the annotation, if annot


DUMP-MASK creates the following epoch-level table:

Epoch-level tabulation (strata: E)

Variable Description
EMASK Mask status: 0 is unmasked (included), and 1 is masked (i.e. excluded)


Apply a simple mask:

luna s.lst -o out.db -s ' MASK epoch=5-8 & DUMP-MASK '
and then look at the output (using head to restrict to the first ten rows):
destrat out.db +DUMP-MASK -r E | head 
which yields:
ID        E   EMASK
id00001   1   1
id00001   2   1
id00001   3   1
id00001   4   1
id00001   5   0
id00001   6   0
id00001   7   0
id00001   8   0
id00001   9   1

That is, epochs 5 through 8 are unmasked (set to be included, e.g. if a RESTRUCTURE command were subsequently to be run).


Restructures the in-memory dataset after a mask has been set


Option Description
verbose Output additional record-level information


Summary of data duration/record count before and after RESTRUCTURE-ing (strata: none)

Variable Description
DUR1 Duration of dataset (seconds) prior to restructuring
DUR2 Duration of dataset (seconds) after restructuring
N1 Number of records prior to restructuring
N2 Number of records after restructuring

The number of records refers to the internal structure of the EDF file (i.e. based on its record size, that is often but not always 1 second).

Record-level information (strata: REC, options: verbose)

Variable Description
EPOCH Epoch(s) spanning this record
MASK Mask status for this record, given epoch-level mask
RETAINED Whether this record was retained prior to this RESTRUCTURE
START Start time of this record ( seconds from start)
STOP Stop time of this record (seconds from start)


Here we apply a simple mask and restructure the dataset:

luna s.lst -o out.db -s "EPOCH & MASK epoch=5-8 & RESTRUCTURE"
From the log, we see that the EDF is just over 8.5 hours (30,664 seconds) in duration:
Processing: id00001 [ #1 ]
 total duration 08:31:04, with last time-point at 08:31:04
 30664 records, each of 1 second(s)
The mask should select 4 epochs (from 5 to 8), which is confirmed in the log

 selecting epochs from 5 to 8;  masked 1018 epochs; unmasked 0 and left 0 unchanged
 total of 4 of 1022 retained for analysis

The final RESTRUCTURE command keeps only these four epochs (or 120 records, given that one record is 1 second and 1 epoch is 30 seconds):

 restructuring as an EDF+ : keeping 120 records of 30664, resetting mask
 retaining 4 epochs
Looking at the out.db, these numbers are mirrored in the output:
destrat out.db +RESTRUCTURE
ID        DUR1    DUR2    NR1      NR2
id00001   30664   120     30664    120

Using TAG to track repeated analyses

Luna's output mechanism is intended to automatically pull together the results of different commands run on different individuals in a relatively painless manner. One issue can occur, however, if you run the same command more than once within the same session: the output from the later execution of that command will overwrite the output from the former. For example, say we had two rounds of masking and restructuring: from the full EDF to four epochs, and then from four down to a single epoch.

luna s.lst -o out.db -s "EPOCH & MASK epoch=5-8 & RESTRUCTURE & MASK epoch=2 & RESTRUCTURE"
When looking at out.db, however with the same destrat command as above, only the second RESTRUCTURE would be represented:
ID        DUR1    DUR2    NR1      NR2
id00001   120     30      120      30
In this case, there is destrat assumes only one instance of each variable (e.g. DUR1 for a given individual ID and strata (e.g. here, the default or baseline strata).

A solution is to use the TAG command to keep track of the results of similar commands. Here we've just added two TAG statements prior to the RESTRUCTURE statements. After a TAG has been set, the output from all subsequent commands will have that tag information as an output stratifier. For example:

MASK epoch=5-8
MASK epoch=2

For illustration, we've also added a DUMP-MASK command after each STRUCTURE. Now, when looking at the database (with `destrat out.db) we see the following (ignoring other irrelevant lines for this example):

distinct strata group(s):
  commands      : factors           : levels        : variables 
  [EPOCH]       : .                 : 1 level(s)    : DUR INC NE
                :                   :               : 
  [RESTRUCTURE] : STG               : 2 level(s)    : DUR1 DUR2 NR1 NR2
                :                   :               : 
  [DUMP-MASK]   : E STG             : (...)         : EPOCH_MASK
                :                   :               : 

That is, the output from STRUCTURE is now under the STG strata, rather than baseline. Further, the output from DUMP-MASK, which was previously stratified by epoch-number E alone is now under STG as well as E, because we've added the STG factor with the TAG command.

We expect the STG factor to have two levels: s1 and s2, which is indeed what we see:

destrat out.db +RESTRUCTURE -r STG -x 
Factors: 1
    [STG] 2 levels
     -> s1 s2
Running without the -x option will dump the actual output:
destrat out.db +RESTRUCTURE -r STG 
ID        STG    DUR1    DUR2   NR1     NR2
id00001   s1     30664   120    30664   120
id00001   s2     120     30     120     30

In this way, we can now see both sets of output from the RESTRUCTURE command: s1 tracks the first round of restructuring; s2 tracks the second round.

Similarly, the output from DUMP-MASK is also stratified by STG. As we ran DUMP-MASK after RESTRUCTURE-ing in each case, we expect in the first instance, four unmasked epochs only, and in the second instance, a single (unmasked) epoch (i.e. as RESTRUCTURE only retains unmasked epochs). This is indeed what we observe -- here using the ability of destrat to extract only particular levels of factors:

destrat out.db +DUMP-MASK -r E STG/s1 
ID        E    STG    EPOCH_MASK
id00001   5    s1     0
id00001   6    s1     0
id00001   7    s1     0
id00001   8    s1     0
Likewise, to look at the output from the second run:
destrat out.db +DUMP-MASK -r E STG/s2
ID        E     STG    EPOCH_MASK
smp       6     s2     0
Note that STG, s1 and s2 are completely arbitrary labels, which you can set to any values you like. Their function is purely to differentiate between different sets of output.


Set and manipulate CHannel/EPoch masks

Luna's primary epoch-level mask (set via the MASK command) applies only to epochs, meaning that all channels in a given epoch are either flagged as masked or unmasked.

For high-density EEG or other types of study, this may not be optimal, particularly if one intends to INTERPOLATE partially bad signals based on neighboring signals. This can be accomplished using CHEP (CHannel/EPoch) masks, to specify whether a given channel/epoch combination is masked (i.e. bad) or unmasked (i.e. good).

Although CHEP masks can be set manually (or read from a file), currently the main way to set a CHEP mask is via the CHEP-MASK command. The CHEP command, described here, can be used to output the CHEP mask (a channel-by-epoch matrix), or to specify bad channels and/or epochs as those that have above a certain number/proportion of bad epochs/channels respectively.

Primary commands (such as RE) that use mask information to restructure an EDF still only consider the standard (i.e. epoch-level) mask.

CHEP masks and interpolation

Currently, CHEP masks (as set by SIGSTATS) are only considered by the CHEP-MASK, CHEP and INTERPOLATE commands.


Option Example Description
clear Clear CHEP mask
load file.txt Load CHEP from file.txt
bad-channels C3,C5 Manually specify bad channels
epochs 0.1,2 Mask epochs with >10% bad channel, or 2 or more bad channels
(expects 0, 1 or 2 arguments)
channels 0.5,10 Mask channels with >50% bad epochs, or 10 or more bad epochs
(expects 1 or 2 arguments)
drop-channels 0.5,10 Drop (rather than mask) channels such channels
black-and-white When setting bad channels, make all epochs in good channels good
dump Write current CHEP mask to output
save file.txt Write CHEP mask to file.txt


Epoch-level summaries (option: dump, strata: E)

Variable Description
CHEP Number CHEP masked channels for that epoch

Channel-level summaries (option: dump, strata: CH)

Variable Description
CHEP Number CHEP masked epochs for that channel

Epoch/channel-level CHEP matrix (option: dump, strata: CH x E)

Variable Description
CHEP Is that channel/epoch masked (0/1)


The CHEP-MASK command can be used to automatically generate a CHEP mask. For example, based on just two signals:

luna s.lst -o out.db 2 -s 'CHEP-MASK ep-th=2 sig=EEG,EEG(sec) & CHEP dump' 
destrat out.db +CHEP -r CH
nsrr02  SaO2    0
nsrr02  PR  0
nsrr02  EEG(sec)    102
nsrr02  ECG 0
nsrr02  EMG 0
nsrr02  EOG(L)  0
nsrr02  EOG(R)  0
nsrr02  EEG 46
nsrr02  AIRFLOW 0
nsrr02  THOR_RES    0
nsrr02  ABDO_RES    0
nsrr02  POSITION    0
nsrr02  LIGHT   0
nsrr02  OX_STAT 0

That is, in this toy example, EEG has 46 bad epochs, whereas EEG(sec) had 102. To set the standard mask to flag epochs where both channels are bad, we can use the CHEP command and the epochs option. The epochs option can take 0, 1 or 2 arguments:

  • epochs by itself will mask any epoch with 1 or more flagged channel (i.e. any bad channels, equals epochs=0 )
  • epochs=0.5 will mask any epoch for which more than 50% of channels are flagged (note: an additional sig option can be given to CHEP which is used to determine the denominator in the proportion calculations)
  • epochs=0.5,10 will mask any epoch for which more than 50%, or at least 10 or more channels are bad.

Therefore, to mask epochs in which both EEG are bad here, we would use epochs=1,2 (i.e. setting the first parameter to 100% effectively ignore this option, which is based on finding epochs above (not equal to) this threshold).

luna s.lst -o out.db 2 -s 'CHEP-MASK ep-th=2 sig=EEG,EEG(sec) & CHEP epochs=1,2 & RE' 
As shown in the console/log, this sets the epoch mask where 2 or more channels have their CHEP mask set:
  masking epochs with 2 or more masked channels: 38 epochs
  CHEP summary:
   604 of 16730 channel/epoch pairs masked (4%)
   110 of 1195 epochs with 1+ masked channel, 0 with all channels masked
   14 of 14 channels with 1+ masked epoch, 0 with all epochs masked
This removes 38 epochs in total, leaving 952 epochs in the final dataset, which is evident when dropping them via RE:

 CMD #3: RE
  restructuring as an EDF+:   keeping 34710 records of 35850, resetting mask
  retaining 1157 epochs
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