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Basic commands to give overviews of the structure of an EDF

Command Description
DESC Simple description of an EDF, sent to the console
SUMMARY More verbose description, sent to the console
HEADERS Tabulate (channel-specific) EDF header information
CONTAINS Simple command to indicate whether certain signals are present
ALIASES Display aliases assigned for channels and annotations
TYPES Display current channel types
VARS Display current individual-level variables
TAG Generic command to add a tag (level/factor) to the output
STATS Basic signal statistics (min/max, mean, RMS, etc)
SIGSTATS Hjorth parameters and other signal statistics
TABULATE Tabulate discrete values in a signal
DUPES Finds flat signals and digital duplicates


Basic information on the attached EDF, written to the console

Writes the EDF filename, ID, EDF duration, number of signals and the labels and sampling rates of those signals. If multiple EDFs are specified in a sample list, this information will be repeated for each one.


Parameter Example Description
channels channels Only output simple list of channel names, one per row


Text written to the log/console. Note that, unlike most Luna commands, the DESC command does not generate any other output, i.e. via Luna's formal output mechanism.


Using DESC on the command-line with a single EDF:

luna my.edf -s DESC 
EDF filename    : my.edf
ID              : id001
Clock time      : 23:07:56 - 07:39:00
Duration        : 08:31:04
# signals       : 6
Signals         : EOG-L[256] EOG-R[256] EMG[256] EEG1[256] EEG2[256] EEG3[256]


A more verbose display of EDF header information, written to the console

Similar to DESC, this command writes basic information from the EDF header to the console; per-channel information from the EDF header is also displayed.


There are no command options for SUMMARY.


Text written to the log/console. Note that, unlike most Luna commands, SUMMARY does not generate any other output, i.e. via Luna's formal output mechanism.


To obtain a SUMMARY on the command-line with a single EDF:

luna my.edf -s SUMMARY
Patient ID     : my.edf
Recording info :
Start date     : 07.06.16
Start time     : 23:07:56

# signals      : 6
# records      : 30664
Rec. dur. (s)  : 1

Signal 1 : [EOG-L]
   # samples per record : 256
   transducer type      : G02
   physical dimension   : uV
   min/max (phys)       : -125/125
   EDF min/max (phys)   : -125/125
   min/max (digital)    : -2048/2047
   EDF min/max (digital): -2048/2047
   pre-filtering        : LP:35.00Hz HP:0.30Hz NOTCH:0

Signal 2 : [EOG-R]
   # samples per record : 256
   transducer type      : G03
   physical dimension   : uV
   min/max (phys)       : -125/125
   EDF min/max (phys)   : -125/125
   min/max (digital)    : -2048/2047
   EDF min/max (digital): -2048/2047
   pre-filtering        : LP:35.00Hz HP:0.30Hz NOTCH:0

   ... (etc) ...


Tabulate EDF header information

This command produces similar information to the SUMMARY command, except it uses Luna's standard output mechanism, rather than writing to the console.


Parameter Example Description
sig sig=${eeg} Only report HEADERS outputs for these channels
signals Add a SIGNALS variable to the output, that lists all signals as a comma-delimited string


Basic EDF header information (strata: none)

Variable Description
EDF_ID ID (in EDF header), or period (.) if empty
START_DATE Start date
START_TIME Start time
STOP_TIME Stop time
NR Number of records
NS Number of signals/channels (current in-memory EDF)
NS_ALL NS in the original EDF file (before any manipulations)
REC_DUR Duration of each record (seconds)
TOT_DUR_SEC Total duration of EDF (seconds)
TOT_DUR_HMS Total duration of EDF (hh:mm:ss string)
SIGNALS (Optionally, if signals) A comma-delimited string of all channel labels

Per-channel header information (strata: CH)

Variable Description
POS Position (signal slot) in EDF
DMAX Digital max
DMIN Digital min
PDIM Physical dimension (unit) field
PMAX Physical min
PMIN Physical max
SR Sample rate (Hz)
TRANS Transducer type field
SENS Sensitivity (unit/bit)
TYPE Inferred channel type


To obtain each channel's sampling rate from a single EDF my.edf, and create an output database out.db:

luna my.edf -o out.db -s HEADERS
To view the contents of out.db:
destrat out.db
out.db: 1 command(s), 1 individual(s), 16 variable(s), 120 values
  command #1:   c1  Fri Aug 14 12:38:29 2020    HEADERS sig=*
distinct strata group(s):
  commands      : factors   : levels       : variables 
  [HEADERS]  : .         : 1 level(s)   : EDF_ID EDF_TYPE NR NS NS_ALL REC_DUR
             :           :              : START_DATE START_TIME STOP_TIME
             :           :              : TOT_DUR_HMS TOT_DUR_SEC
             :           :              : 
  [HEADERS]  : CH        : 14 level(s)  : DMAX DMIN PDIM PMAX PMIN POS SENS
             :           :              : SR TRANS TYPE

This shows there are two strata: the first is a baseline strata, i.e. with factor . (period) to indicate no stratification, meaning there is only one value for that variable for that EDF. The second strata is by channel (CH), which has 14 levels, corresponding to the 14 channels/signals in the EDF.

To extract the baseline information from the HEADERS command:

destrat out.db +HEADERS  | behead
                       ID   nsrr01              
                   EDF_ID   .                   
                 EDF_TYPE   EDF                 
                       NR   40920               
                       NS   14                  
                   NS_ALL   14                  
                  REC_DUR   1                   
               START_DATE   01.01.85            
               START_TIME   21.58.17            
                STOP_TIME   09.20.16            
              TOT_DUR_HMS   11:22:00            
              TOT_DUR_SEC   40920               

To extract only the sample rate variable (SR), which is stratified per-channel (CH):

destrat out.db +HEADERS -r CH -v SR 
ID       CH        SR
nsrr01   SaO2      1
nsrr01   PR        1
nsrr01   EEG(sec)  125
nsrr01   ECG       250
nsrr01   EMG       125
nsrr01   EOG(L)    50
nsrr01   EOG(R)    50
nsrr01   EEG       125
nsrr01   AIRFLOW   10
nsrr01   THOR RES  10
nsrr01   ABDO RES  10
nsrr01   POSITION  1
nsrr01   LIGHT     1
nsrr01   OX STAT   1

Alternatively, to extract all variables for EMG and ECG channels only:

destrat out.db +HEADERS -r CH/EMG,ECG
nsrr01  ECG  127   -128  mV    1.25  -1.25  4    0.00980  250  .      ECG
nsrr01  EMG  127   -128  uV    31.5  -31.5  5    0.24705  125  .      EMG

Note, when adding signals it can be useful to also set the special variable order-signals=T on the Luna command line, so that e.g. B,C,A is listed the same as A,B,C (e.g. when enumerating the number of unique channel combinations that exist across different EDFs).


Use the return code mechanism to indicate whether particular signals are present

This command is primarily intended to be used in the context of automated, script-based analyses, to provide a quick way of indicating whether particular channels (or sleep stage annotations) are present in an EDF.

CONTAINS is unusual among Luna commands, in that it uses the exit code or return code mechanism to report its findings, to faciliate script-based analyses. Using the bash shell, the default return code (i.e. after running any command, not just Luna) is 0, meaning "success". It can be accessed via the bash $? special shell variable. For signal checking, the following convention is used:

  • 0 : all signals present (in all individuals)
  • 1 : at least 1 signal present (in all individuals)
  • 2 : no signals present (in at least one individual)

For stages,

  • 0 : sleep stage annotations present (in all individuals)
  • 1 : sleep stage annotations absent (in at least one individual)


We have not tested this on any Windows machines, but the DOS variable %errorlevel% should be the analogue of the Linux/macOS $? bash variable. Most shells other than bash support the $? variable, although there may be some variations.


This command can be run with either the sig or stages options:

Parameter Example Description
sig sig=${eeg} Channels to be checked for presence/absence
stages Instead of signals, indicate whether sleep stage annotations are present


The primary output of CONTAINS is via the return code, as described above (and see example below). In addition, when checking whether the EDF contains signals, some additional output is sent to the standard output mechanism.

Individual-level output (strata: none)

Variable Description
NS_REQ Number of requested channels
NS_OBS Number of requested channels observed in the EDF
NS_TOT Total number of channels in the EDF

Channel-level output (option: sig, strata: CH)

Variable Description
PRESENT 0/1 variable to indicate whether the requested signal is present


First checking which signals are present via the DESC command:

luna cfs.lst 1 -s DESC
Signals : C3[128] C4[128] M1[128] M2[128] LOC[128] ROC[128]
          ECG2[256] ECG1[256] EMG1[256] EMG2[256] EMG3[256] L_Leg[64]
          R_Leg[64] AIRFLOW[32] THOR_EFFORT[32] ABDO_EFFORT[32] SNORE[256] SUM[32]
          POSITION[1] OX_STATUS[1] PULSE[1] SpO2[1] NASAL_PRES[64] PlethWV[128]
          Light[512] HRate[512]

To test whether all/some of the following are present in an automated manner, using CONTAINS: here to test for LOC, ROC, EOG-L and/or EOG-R:

luna cfs.lst 1 -o out.db -s CONTAINS sig=LOC,ROC,EOG-L,EOG-R

To see the return code in this scenario (which is always from the last command executed):

echo $?
which implies at least some of the above were seen.

We can also look at the more detailed output:

destrat out.db +CONTAINS
ID                 NS_OBS NS_REQ NS_TOT
cfs-visit5-800002  2      4      26

destrat out.db +CONTAINS -r CH
ID                   CH         PRESENT
cfs-visit5-800002    LOC        1
cfs-visit5-800002    ROC        1
cfs-visit5-800002    EOG-L      0
cfs-visit5-800002    EOG-R      0

In practice, the CONTAINS command is likely only to be used in scripting: e.g.

luna s.lst silent=T -s 'CONTAINS sig=${eeg}'


if [[ ${HAS_EEG} -eq 0 ]]; then

  # ...
  # ...EEG-specific code here...
  # ...



Output which annotation and channel remappings (aliases) were used for a particular individual

The alias and remap special options alter channel and annotation labels on-the-fly. This command produces a record that tracks the original labels and associated remappings.




Per-channel information (strata: CH)

Variable Description
ORIG Original channel label (prior to re-aliasing)

Per-annotation information (strata: ANNOT)

Variable Description
ORIG Original annotation label (prior to re-mapping)


If the file vars.txt contains aliases for two EEG channels:

alias   EEG1|EEG
alias   EEG2|EEG(sec)
then the command as follows:
luna s.lst 1 @vars.txt -o out.db -s ALIASES
generates the following out.db:
  commands      : factors           : levels        : variables 
  [ALIASES]     : ANNOT             : 5 level(s)    : ORIG
                :                   :               : 
  [ALIASES]     : CH                : 2 level(s)    : ORIG
                :                   :               : 
Looking at the aliased channels:
destrat out.db +ALIASES -r CH
ID      CH    ORIG
nsrr01  EEG1  EEG
nsrr01  EEG2  EEG(sec)
Looking at the aliased (remapped) annotation labels (this is done automatically unless the nsrr-remap=F flag is added):

destrat out.db +ALIASES -r ANNOT
ID      ANNOT               ORIG
nsrr01  apnea_obstructive   Obstructive Apnea
nsrr01  arousal_standard    Arousal ()
nsrr01  artifact_SpO2       SpO2 artifact
nsrr01  desat               SpO2 desaturation
nsrr01  hypopnea            Hypopnea
i.e. the original XML contained terms such as SpO2 artifact but these were (automatically) remapped to artifact_SpO2.


Displays curret channel type definitions, either based on the default set (internal to Luna) or user-specified (via ch-match, ch-exact and/or ch-clear).

Types can be useful when writing scripts: e.g. to generate power spectra for all EEG channels:

PSD sig=${eeg} spectrum




A list of channel IDs and the associated type are listed to standard output. This command will give identical output for all EDFs (i.e. it is effectively independent of the attached EDF, although currently, it is necessary to supply an EDF). That is, this command shows the template used to assign channel type variables for any EDF.


luna s.lst 1 -s TYPES
EXACT   HRate   HR
... etc ...

The complete internal table of type definitions is here.

Users can add types via one or more ch-match or ch-exact options, or clear all default types with ch-clear=Y.

  • Exact matches are listed (and processed) before partial matches; they are case-sensitive, and require the full label to match.

  • Partial matches are processed after exact matches; these are case-insensitive, and the full channel label does not need to match: e.g. the template O2 will match SpO2.

  • Channels are assigned to types in a specific order, depending on the type. That is, the channel is assigned the first type that matches, all possible later matches are ignored. See here for details.

The ch-exact and ch-match options can take comma-delimited lists, with each element in the form TYPE|channel. If multiple channels specified at once, one can write as element in the form TYPE|channel1|channel2, etc. For example:

luna s.lst  ch-exact="EEG|xx|yy" -s TYPES 
EXACT     HRate   HR
EXACT     xx      EEG
EXACT     yy      EEG


Output all variables for an individual

The VARS command tabulates both run-level and individual-level for each EDF/individual. The primary value of this command is to provide a record of which values were used for a particular run/set of commands.




Per-variable information (strata: VAR)

Variable Description
VAL Value for this variable, for this individual
INDIV Boolean (0 or 1) to indicate whether this is an individual-level variable


Running VARS for one individual, setting the run-level variable ${xyz} on the command line:

luna s.lst 1 xyz=123 -o out.db -s VARS 
Looking at the output, stratified by variable name (VAR):
destrat out.db +VARS -r VAR

ID      VAR        INDIV  VAL
nsrr01  apnea      0      apnea_obstructive,apnea_central,apnea_mixed,hypopnea
nsrr01  arousal    0      arousal_standard,arousal_spontaneous,arousal_external,arousal_respiratory,arousal_plm,arousal_cheshire
nsrr01  arrhythmia 0      bradycardia,tachycardia,tachycardia_narrowcomplex
nsrr01  artifact   0      artifact_respiratory,artifact_proximal_pH,artifact_distal_pH,artifact_blood_pressure,artifact_TcCO2,artifact_SpO2,artifact_EtCO2
nsrr01  n1         0      NREM1
nsrr01  n2         0      NREM2
nsrr01  n3         0      NREM3,NREM4
nsrr01  plm        0      plm_left,plm_right
nsrr01  rem        0      REM
nsrr01  sleep      0      NREM1,NREM2,NREM3,NREM4,REM
nsrr01  wake       0      wake
nsrr01  xyz        0      123
nsrr01  airflow    1      AIRFLOW
nsrr01  ecg        1      ECG
nsrr01  eeg        1      EEG(sec),EEG
nsrr01  effort     1      THOR_RES,ABDO_RES
nsrr01  emg        1      EMG
nsrr01  eog        1      EOG(L),EOG(R)
nsrr01  generic    1      NA
nsrr01  hr         1      PR
nsrr01  id         1      nsrr01
nsrr01  ignore     1      NA
nsrr01  leg        1      NA
nsrr01  light      1      LIGHT
nsrr01  oxygen     1      SaO2,OX_STAT
nsrr01  position   1      POSITION
nsrr01  snore      1      NA

We see the specified variable is present (with the value 123), and with 0 under the INDIV column, denoting that this variable would have been similarly defined for all EDFs present in this run (in this particular example, there happens to be only a single EDF). We also a number of other, automatically defined variables. The top ones are automatically generated by Luna, to facilitate working with NSRR annotations (e.g. the automatic variable ${apnea} which is defined as apnea_obstructive,apnea_central,apnea_mixed,hypopnea). We also see some individual level automatic variables, defined according to channel types, e.g. ${airflow}.

Note that in the above output NA means not available, i.e. that variable was not defined for that run/individual. Although displayed as NA by destrat, the actual value would be blank (e.g. if ${snore} was in a command file, it would be replaced by a blank, 0-length character string, rather than an actual NA character string).


Used to mark specific analyses in output

TAGs allow you to arbitrarily add extra levels by which output is stratified, which can be useful to distinguish similar commands performed within the same analysis-run (for example, if several rounds of MASKs and RESTRUCTUREs are specified in one analysis).


Parameter Example Description
{tag} run/L1 Add tag with level L1 to factor run in output
tag tag=run/L1 Identical to the above, but explicitly using the tag option

If a . (period) is specified as the level, that particular TAG is removed from any subsequent output. For example, the following would remove the run tag from all subsequent output:

TAG run/.

To remove all tags, use the following:



Do not select a TAG factor name that is already used by a Luna command (e.g. F, CH, E, B, etc). One safe way to ensure this is by only using lower-case values for TAG factors, as all internal factors are upper-case.


No specific output is generated, beyond adding the specified stratifying factors in the output.


By way of context, here we review the concept of strata that Luna uses extensively in its output. For example, some analyses may have their output stratified by two factors: channel and spectral band, for which it uses the labels CH and B. The B (spectral power band) factor has a number of levels, e.g. SIGMA and so on. When using the destrat tool, one might request output for all channels but only the sigma band, for example:

destrat out.db +PSD -r CH B/SIGMA 

where the syntax is {factor}/{level} for spectral power. How does this apply to tags? Consider the following command script cmd.txt, which runs the STATS command (described below):

% Create statistics for the entire night, tagged by ALL for the RUN factor

STATS epoch

% Perform some kind of operation to change the data

MASK epoch=1-10

% If repeating the same STATS command, we need to distinguish 
% the output from the prior STATS command, so we now set the 'run'
% factor to FLT, i.e. to indicate these are filtered results
% (Note that the choice of 'run', 'ALL' and 'FLT' are completely 
% arbitrary)

STATS epoch

If we run this command:

luna s.lst -o out.db < cmd.txt

and look at the output:

destrat out.db 

we will see that the run factor (specified by the TAG command) appears as an additional factor:

 [STATS]  : CH run    : 28 level(s)  : MAX MEAN MEDIAN MEAN_MD MEDIAN_MD
          :           :              : RMS_MD SKEW_MD MIN NE NE1
          :           :              : RMS SKEW
          :           :              : 
 [STATS]  : E CH run  : (...)        : MAX MEAN MEDIAN MIN RMS SKEW

If we, for example, want to extract the RMS variable, here only for the channel EEG:

destrat out.db +STATS -v RMS -r CH/EEG run 

then we'll see it has values for two levels of run, i.e. for ALL and FLT, in other words before and after applying the mask:

ID  CH  run RMS
nsrr01  EEG ALL 37.801350632511
nsrr01  EEG FLT 17.0591938957608

Alternatively, to extract RMS for all channels but from only the second set of values, one would write (mirroring the original TAG run/FLT command, and adding -p 2 to control the number of decimal places output):

destrat out.db +STATS -v RMS -r CH run/FLT -p 2 

which yields:

ID      CH        run   RMS
nsrr01  SaO2      FLT   95.24
nsrr01  PR        FLT   73.18
nsrr01  EEG(sec)  FLT   14.76
nsrr01  ECG       FLT   0.07
nsrr01  EMG       FLT   8.73
nsrr01  EOG(L)    FLT   53.26
nsrr01  EOG(R)    FLT   50.11
nsrr01  EEG       FLT   17.06
nsrr01  AIRFLOW   FLT   0.12
nsrr01  THOR_RES  FLT   0.18
nsrr01  ABDO_RES  FLT   0.06
nsrr01  POSITION  FLT   2.01
nsrr01  LIGHT     FLT   1.00
nsrr01  OX_STAT   FLT   0.26


Calculates basic (per-epoch) statistics per-channel

Calculates the mean, median, RMS, standard deviation and min/max for each channel. By default, this is for the entire duration of the recording, i.e. including both masked and unmasked epochs. For epoched data, adding the epoch option generates additional epoch-level output as well as the median (across epochs) of the per-epoch mean, median, RMS and skewness. Results from the epoch option are based on unmasked epochs only.


Parameter Example Description
sig sig=C3,F3 Restrict analysis to these channels
epoch epoch Calculate per-epoch statistics
pct F Output percentiles (1st, 5th, 10th, etc) ( default: T)
min Only output the mean (minimal output )


Whole-night, per-channel statistics, based on all epochs (strata: CH)

Variable Description
MIN Signal minimum (from data, not EDF header)
MAX Signal maximum (from data, not EDF header)
MEAN Signal mean
MEDIAN Signal median
RMS Signal root mean square
SKEW Signal skewness
P01, P02, P05, ..., P99 Percentile values (unless pct=F)

Per-epoch, per-channel statistics for unmasked epochs only (option: epoch, strata: CH x E)

Variable Description
MIN Signal minimum (from data, not EDF header)
MAX Signal maximum (from data, not EDF header)
MEAN Signal mean
MEDIAN Signal median
RMS Signal root mean square
SKEW Signal skewness

Additional whole-night, per-channel statistics, only using unmasked epochs (option: epoch, strata: CH)

Variable Description
NE Total number of epochs in record
NE1 Number of unmasked epochs actually used in calculations
MEAN_MD Median of all per-epoch means
MEDIAN_MD Median of all per-epoch medians
RMS_MD Median of all per-epoch RMS values
SKEW_MD Median of all per-epoch skewness values


As an arbitrary example: to see how the RMS of the ECG signal changes over the night during sleep, using data from the tutorial data (second individual in this case):

luna s.lst nsrr02 -o out.db -s "EPOCH & MASK if=wake & RESTRUCTURE & STATS epoch sig=ECG" 
destrat out.db +STATS -r E CH -v RMS > res.txt

Using the R package, load and plot these epoch-wise values (run these commands within R):

d <- read.table("res.txt",header=T)
plot( d$E , d$RMS , col = d$ID , pch=20 , xlab = "Epoch" , ylab = "RMG(ECG)" ) 



Epoch-wise Hjorth parameters and other statistics

This command calculates and reports per-epoch (and whole-signal) Hjorth parameters and (optionally) other statistics: signal root mean square (RMS), indices of signal clipping (the proportion of points that equal the minimum or maximum for that epoch), absolute maximum absolute values and flatness (proportion of points of a similar value to the preceding value).


Core parameters:

Parameter Example Description
sig sig=C3,F3 Restrict analysis to these channels
epooch Epoch-level output
sr-over 100 Requires a sample rate of at least 100 Hz to report signal statistics

Additional statistics

Parameter Description
pfd Compute signal Petrosian fractal dimension
pe Compute signal permutation entropy
pe-m Embedding dimension for permutation entropy (default 3 to 7)
pe-t Step function for permutation entropy (default 1)
flat 1e-6
max 100


Per-channel whole-signal statistics (strata: CH)

Variable Description
H1 First Hjorth parameter (activity)
H2 Second Hjorth parameter (mobility)
H3 Third Hjorth parameter (complexity)
CLIP Proportion of clipped sample points
MAX Proportion of maxed out sample points
FLAT Proportion of flat sample points
RMS Signal root mean square

Per-channel epoch-level statistics (strata: CH x E)

Variable Description
H1 First Hjorth parameter (activity)
H2 Second Hjorth parameter (mobility)
H3 Third Hjorth parameter (complexity)
CLIP Proportion of clipped sample points
MAX Proportion of maxed out sample points
FLAT Proportion of flat sample points
RMS Signal root mean square


Tabulates discrete values in a signal

Most signals in EDFs are continuously-valued; for discrete signals (e.g. body position encoded as an integer value, or a binary 0/1 status signal), the TABULATE command can provide useful summaries.


Parameter Example Description
sig sig=position,status Restrict analysis to these channels
req req=1000,5000 Count # of distinct values w/ at least this many (e.g. 1000 or 5000) observations


Per-channel tabulation statistics (strata: CH)

Variable Description
NV Number of discrete values observed for this channel

Per-channel tabulation statistics of required counts (option: req; strata: CH x REQ)

Variable Description
NV Number of discrete values observed with at least REQ observations per value

Per-channel/value tabulation statistics (strata: CH x VALUE)

Variable Description
N Number of sample points for this value/channel


Here we have an EDF with a POSITION channel that encodes body position via integer values in the EDF. We can use TABULATE to give a breakdown of the observed values:

luna s.lst  -o out.db -s TABULATE sig=POSITION
We can first look at the NV to tell us how many unique values were observed:
destrat out.db +TABULATE -r CH 
ID      CH           NV
id001   POSITION     4

i.e. there are four distinct values observed for this signal.


Note, if the EDF had been masked and restructured, the observed values would reflect only the retained portion of the dataset.

To find out what those values are, we can look at the CH x VALUE strata of the output:

destrat out.db +TABULATE -r CH VALUE
ID     CH        VALUE  N
id001  POSITION  0      1029
id001  POSITION  1      25515
id001  POSITION  2      944
id001  POSITION  3      13432

That is, the four values are 0, 1, 2 and 3. Note that they can actually be any floating point values, i.e. they need not start at 0 or be integers, although the output of TABULATE is more likely to be interpretable when the signal comprises a small set of integer values. Also note that the 16-bit floating-point nature of EDF encoding means that (depending on how the signal was encoded with respect to physical and digital min/max values, integer values may in fact be encoded as floating point values numerically close to the integer (e.g. 2.999 instead of 3).

The N variable here is the number of sample points observed - i.e. it should be divided by the sample rate of the channel to get the implied duration in seconds; in this case of a 1 Hz POSITION signal, the values can be directly interpreted as seconds.

As a note, the HEADERS or SUMMARY options can also show the physical min/max in the EDF - e.g. here we also see a range from 0 to 3 (although just because the EDF has a certain min/max range specified in the header, this does not imply that the full range is necessarily observed in the actual signal):

Signal 12 : [POSITION]
    sampling rate        : 1 Hz
    # samples per record : 1
    transducer type      : 
    physical dimension   : 
    min/max (phys)       : 0/3
    EDF min/max (phys)   : 0/3
    min/max (digital)    : 0/3
    EDF min/max (digital): 0/3
    pre-filtering        :                                                                                 

As a simple convenience feature, we can limit observations to only those with at least a certain number of occurrences with req option:

luna s.lst  -o out.db -s 'TABULATE sig=POSITION req=500,1000,5000'

Looking at the CH x REQ output stratum, we see NV varies as a function of REQ, i.e. only 2 values with over 5000 sample points (nb. this also could have been trivially computed based on the CH x VALUE outputs of course):

destrat out.db +TABULATE -r CH REQ
ID      CH        REQ     NV
id001   POSITION  500     4
id001   POSITION  1000    3
id001   POSITION  5000    2

Finally, to interprete the data POSITION signal: if the values correspond to categories, we naturally need external information to tell us what those values are. For example, we may know that the following mapping holds:

Signal value Mapping
0 Left position
1 Right position
2 Supine position
3 Front position

For this type of signal, it can often be convenient to create a correspondoing interval-based annotation also, which can be accomplished via the S2A (signal-to-annotation) command.

luna s.lst -s 'S2A sig=POSITION encoding=left,0,right,1,supine,2,prone,3 & WRITE-ANNOTS hms file=^.annot '
  added 13 intervals for left based on -0.05 <= POSITION <= 0.05
  added 28 intervals for prone based on 2.95 <= POSITION <= 3.05
  added 30 intervals for right based on 0.95 <= POSITION <= 1.05
  added 24 intervals for supine based on 1.95 <= POSITION <= 2.05

class   instance        channel start   stop    meta
start_hms       21.58.17        .       .       .       .
duration_hms    11.22.00        .       .       .       .
duration_sec    40920   .       .       .       .
epoch_sec       30      .       .       .       .
supine  .       POSITION        21:58:17        22:00:39        .
right   .       POSITION        22:00:39        22:00:40        .
prone   .       POSITION        22:00:40        22:00:42        .
right   .       POSITION        22:00:42        22:00:43        .
supine  .       POSITION        22:00:43        22:00:44        .
right   .       POSITION        22:00:44        22:00:45        .
supine  .       POSITION        22:00:45        22:00:49        .
prone   .       POSITION        22:00:49        22:00:50        .


Finds digital/physical signal duplicates (and flat signals)

This function is designed to spot obviously redundant or empty channels in an EDF. It compares all pairs of channels (either on the digital or physical values in the EDF) and flags duplicates (as well as flat channels).

Comparisons are made with some epsilon value to define "different" (i.e. this could allow for small numerical differences in otherwise identical signals). As soon as the command detects as difference it stops evaluating that pair of channels.


Parameter Example Description
sig sig=position,status Restrict analysis to these channels
physical Use physical instead of digital values
eps 0.001 Set epsilon value (default 0.01)
prop 0.2 Percentage of epoch that have to differ for something to be called "different" (default 0.1)


Per-individual statistics (strata: none)

Variable Description
INVALID Number of invalid channels (no non-zero physical range)
DUPES Number of duplicate channel pairs
FLAT Number of flat channels

Per-channel statistics (strata: CH)

Variable Description
DUPE Indicator (0/1) of whether this channel is a duplicate with some other
FLAT Indicator (0/1) of whether this channel is flat

Per-channel-pair statistics (strata: CHS)

Variable Description
DUPE Value (1) set if this pair of channels (A,B) is a duplicate


See the Luna walk-through for an example.

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