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Working with discontinuous EDFs and annotation data

How Luna handles discontinuous EDFs and best practices for working with annotations

EDF types

Luna can work with three types of EDF:

Format Description
EDF Assumes continuous recording, starting at the EDF header start time as 0 seconds elapsed time
EDF+C EDF+ (that may contain EDF Annotations) but is a continuous recording, i.e. as for a standard EDF, a single interval that starts at the EDF header start time as 0 seconds elapsed time
EDF+D EDF+ (that may contain EDF Annotations) but is (potentially) a discontinuous recording, i.e. containing more than one non-contiguous segment. Here, the time of each record is tracked as an EDF Annotations channel, and so each record knows when it occurs (relative to the EDF header start time)

Casting between EDF types

Internally, after any restructuring (i.e. removing epochs, dropping channels) Luna will represent the data as an EDF+D, in that each record has an associated time that tracks when it occurs (in seconds past the EDF start time). However, we make a distinction between restructuring that results in truly discontinuous recordings (i.e. more than one non-contiguous segment) versus those that might still be a single, contiguous segment (i.e. if only the first and/or last epochs are removed). In the latter case, the data can still be represented in a continuous manner without any loss of information (i.e. EDF or EDF+C rather than EDF+D). This can be beneficial, as it takes time on loading an EDF+ to first extract and parse all the EDF Annotations tracks (and the time track is encoded as one of these in EDF+).

On writing a new EDF with the WRITE command, Luna will see whether the file can be represented as an EDF, EDF+C or EDF+D, as follows (here, assuming the original input was an EDF):

Condition Output format EDF start-time
No prior restructuring with RE Standard EDF Same as original EDF start-time
Restructured but only one segment Standard EDF if no other EDF Annotations, otherwise EDF+C Time of first observed record
Restructured with more than one segment (i.e. truly discontinuous) EDF+D Same as original EDF start-time

These default behaviors of WRITE can be modified by various options:

  • force-edf will drop any EDF Annotations and write as a continuous, standard EDF, i.e. ignoring any potential true discontinuities in the data
  • EDF+D forces WRITE to output a EDF+D rather than EDF+C or EDF, no matter whether there are actual discontinuities or not

Toy dataset

For this vignette, consider a standard EDF test01.edf with a matching annotation file test01.xml that contains sleep stage annotations (this is an XML in NSRR format). Assuming these files are present in the working folder, we'll first create a new sample list s.lst, e.g:

luna --build . > s.lst
cat s.lst
test01  ./test01.edf    ./test01.xml

We can confirm that this original file is a standard EDF in a number of ways. First, on reading Luna will note the format in the console:

luna s.lst -s DESC
Processing: test01 [ #1 ]
 duration: 10.28.30 | 37710 secs ( clocktime 20.08.36 - 06.37.05 )

 signals: 26 (of 26) selected in a standard EDF file:
Alternatively, if working with a large number of files, the HEADERS command track the file type:
luna s.lst -o out.db -s HEADERS
destrat out.db +HEADERS | behead
                       ID   test01              
                   EDF_ID   .                   
                 EDF_TYPE   EDF                 
                       NR   37710               
                       NS   26                  
                   NS_ALL   26                  
                  REC_DUR   1                   
               START_DATE   01.01.85            
               START_TIME   20.08.36            
              TOT_DUR_HMS   10:28:30            
              TOT_DUR_SEC   37710               
We see the EDF_TYPE variable is set to EDF (rather than EDF+C or EDF+D).

Time-tracking in Luna

Here we use the WRITE command to output the same EDF under different conditions, as either EDF, EDF+C or EDF+D depending on the state of the internal EDF (reflecting whether epochs have been masked/removed).

First, we simply write the whole EDF with any changes: this will always generate a standard EDF as output:

luna s.lst -s 'WRITE edf-tag=v0'

Second, we remove only the first epoch via a MASK command, and then restructure (via RE). Internally, the EDF will be represented as discontinuous by the time Luna executes the WRITE command. However, on writing Luna will see that this EDF contains only a single, continuous interval of time (i.e. from epoch 2 to the final epoch) and so will write as a continuous EDF (as there are no other EDF Annotations channel present in the EDF, other than the time-track annotation that restructuring implicitly adds). Luna will change the EDF header in the new file, to represent the new start time for the continuous EDF (i.e. which is at the second epoch in the original):

luna s.lst -s 'MASK mask-epoch=1 & RE & WRITE edf-tag=v1'

To force Luna to write the same data as EDF+D, add the EDF+D option. The data are the same as the previous v1 condition, except now, the file is EDF+, the EDF header start time stays the same as the original, and the time of each EDF record is tracked via the EDF Annotations channel, as per EDF+ spec:

luna s.lst -s 'MASK mask-epoch=1 & RE & WRITE edf-tag=v2 EDF+D'

Next, instead of dropping the first epoch, we can drop one in the middle of the recording. This makes the recording inherently discontinuous (i.e. more than one segment is present). Luna therefore writes as an EDF+D:

luna s.lst -s 'MASK mask-epoch=666 & RE & WRITE edf-tag=v3'

This example is conceptually similar to the previous one, except now three intervals are removed, leaving three contiguous series of epochs in the output data (i.e. which will be reflected as an EDF+D):

luna s.lst -s 'MASK mask-epoch=1-8,666,777 & RE & WRITE edf-tag=v4'

The final two examples demonstrate using the force-edf option to force writing as a standard EDF, i.e. dropping any EDF Annotations and the time-track, so that the resulting output is a continuos recording that ignores any potential discontinuities.

Luna still checks whether the recording is truly discontinuous (i.e. has more than one segment), and handles the new EDF header start time accordingly. If the new EDF is a continuous segment, it adjusts (or keeps as is) the EDF start time to match the new observed start, noting this in the log:

luna s.lst -s 'MASK mask-epoch=1 & RE & WRITE edf-tag=v5 force-edf'
resetting EDF start time from 20.08.36 to 20.09.06

However, if the output is truly discontinous, this means that clock-times are effectively invalid for that file when it is forced to be a standard EDF. In this scenario, Luna notes it is setting the EDF start to a null value (midnight), which effectively makes all times into elapsed hh:mm:ss past the EDF start time, ignoring any gaps:

luna s.lst -s 'MASK mask-epoch=666 & RE & WRITE edf-tag=v6 force-edf'
setting EDF starttime to null (00.00.00)


We can use the SEGMENTS command to describe the new files. We'll first compile a list of the newly created EDFs using the --build command but extracting only EDFs matching the new pattern (i.e. test-v*.edf):

 luna --build . | grep "test01-v" > s2.lst

This gives an s2.lst file as follows:

test01-v0   ./test01-v0.edf
test01-v1   ./test01-v1.edf
test01-v2   ./test01-v2.edf
test01-v3   ./test01-v3.edf
test01-v4   ./test01-v4.edf
test01-v5   ./test01-v5.edf
test01-v6   ./test01-v6.edf

To examine the structure of these EDFs:

luna s2.lst -o out.db -s 'SEGMENTS & EPOCH verbose'

First, we can check the console reports from each file, we see the expected descriptions. That is, the unaltered standard EDF with the original start time and duration:

Processing: test01-v0 [ #1 ]
 duration: 10.28.30 | 37710 secs ( clocktime 20.08.36 - 06.37.05 )
 signals: 26 (of 26) selected in a standard EDF file:

The v1 file is an EDF+C with a delayed start time, as the first epoch was dropped. Note that it contains 27 signals, not 26 as above, as there is a new EDF Annotations channel:

Processing: test01-v1 [ #2 ]
 duration: 10.28.00 | 37680 secs ( clocktime 20.09.06 - 06.37.05 )
 signals: 27 (of 27) selected in an EDF+C file:

The v2 file contains the same data, but as an EDF+D, and so has the original start-time of 20.08.36, not 20.09.06 as above:

Processing: test01-v2 [ #3 ]
 duration: 10.28.00 | 37680 secs ( clocktime 20.08.36 - 06.37.05 )
 signals: 27 (of 27) selected in an EDF+D file:

The v3 file is truly discontinuous, as an EDF+D:

Processing: test01-v3 [ #4 ]
 duration: 10.28.00 | 37680 secs ( clocktime 20.08.36 - 06.37.05 )
 signals: 27 (of 27) selected in an EDF+D file:

The v4 file is also an EDF+D; note the overall duration is shorter than the previous file (37410s versus 37680s), as more epochs were removed. The clock-time shows the same start and stop times however, as the final epoch is present in both (i.e. 20.08.36 to 06.37.05).

Processing: test01-v4 [ #5 ]
 duration: 10.23.30 | 37410 secs ( clocktime 20.08.36 - 06.37.05 )
 signals: 27 (of 27) selected in an EDF+D file:

The v5 file was similar to v3 but was generated with the force-edf command and so is written as a standard EDF:

Processing: test01-v5 [ #6 ]
 duration: 10.28.00 | 37680 secs ( clocktime 20.09.06 - 06.37.05 )
 signals: 26 (of 26) selected in a standard EDF file:

Finally, the v6 file was similar to v4 but was generated with the force-edf option too. As above (v5) this is written as a standard EDF. However, note that because this is a truly discontinuous file, Luna resets the EDF clock time to a null value of 00.00.00 (i.e. midnight), and notes this in the log. Luna does this as clock-time information is no longer valid if a truly discontinous EDF+D is converted to a standard EDF.

Processing: test01-v6 [ #7 ]
 duration: 10.28.00 | 37680 secs ( clocktime 00.00.00 - 10.27.59 )
 signals: 26 (of 26) selected in a standard EDF file:

As a summary:

File Epochs Option Format Duration Clock-time
test01-v0.edf [ start-end] none EDF 37710s 20.08.36 - 06.37.05
test01-v1.edf [ 2-end ] none EDF+C 37680s 20.09.06 - 06.37.05
test01-v2.edf [ 2-end ] EDF+D EDF+D 37680s 20.08.36 - 06.37.05
test01-v3.edf [ start-665, 667-end ] none EDF+D 37680s 20.08.36 - 06.37.05
test01-v4.edf [ 9-665, 667-776, 778-end ] none EDF+D 37410s 20.08.36 - 06.37.05
test01-v5.edf [ 2-end ] force-edf EDF 37680s 20.09.06 - 06.37.05
test01-v6.edf [ start-665, 667-end ] force-edf EDF 37680s 00.00.00 - 10.27.59

Next, we can view the output of the SEGMENTS command, which gives the number of segments in each:

destrat out.db +SEGMENTS
test01-v0   1
test01-v1   1
test01-v2   1
test01-v3   2
test01-v4   3
test01-v5   1
test01-v6   1

We can view the detailed SEGMENT information, which is given for each segment (here adding spaces between different EDFs / IDs for clarity):

destrat out*.db +SEGMENTS -r SEG
test01-v0   1   10.475    628.5    37710       0   20.08.36   37710  06.37.06

test01-v1   1   10.466      628    37680       0   20.09.06   37680  06.37.06

test01-v2   1   10.466      628    37680    30.0   20.09.06   37710  06.37.06

test01-v3   1    5.541    332.5    19950       0   20.08.36   19950  01.41.06
test01-v3   2    4.925    295.5    17730   19980   01.41.36   37710  06.37.06

test01-v4   1    5.475    328.5    19710   240.0   20.12.36   19950  01.41.06
test01-v4   2    0.916       55     3300   19980   01.41.36   23280  02.36.36
test01-v4   3        4      240    14400   23310   02.37.06   37710  06.37.06

test01-v5   1   10.466      628    37680       0   20.09.06   37680  06.37.06

test01-v6   1   10.466      628    37680       0   00.00.00   37680  10.28.00


The verbose option of the EPOCH command will list the times of epochs in the new set of files.

For the copy of the unaltered standard EDF (v0) everything looks as expected: i.e. START is epoch start in elapsed seconds from the EDF header start-time of 20:08:36: (only showing first and last two lines)

destrat out.db +EPOCH -r E -i test01-v0
ID            E    E1       HMS            INTERVAL   MID   START   STOP
test01-v0     1     1  20:08:36         0.00->30.00    15       0     30
test01-v0     2     2  20:09:06        30.00->60.00    45      30     60
test01-v0  1256  1256  06:36:06  37650.00->37680.00  37665  37650  37680
test01-v0  1257  1257  06:36:36  37680.00->37710.00  37695  37680  37710

The next file v1 skips the first epoch: note the later HMS time of the first epoch, and the final epoch count is one less (1256 versus 1257), and the final STOP time is different (37680 vesus 37710), although as expected, the HMS time of the last epoch is the same as above (06:36:36):

destrat out.db +EPOCH -r E -i test01-v1
ID            E    E1       HMS            INTERVAL   MID   START   STOP
test01-v1     1     1  20:09:06         0.00->30.00    15       0     30
test01-v1     2     2  20:09:36        30.00->60.00    45      30     60
test01-v1  1255  1255  06:36:06  37620.00->37650.00  37635  37620  37650
test01-v1  1256  1256  06:36:36  37650.00->37680.00  37665  37650  37680

The v2 example is a EDF+D and note here the first epoch starts are 30 seconds, not 0 seconds, elapsed time, as the EDF+D preserves the original EDF start-time: that is, all elapsed seconds times are relative to the EDF start-time, not the first observed record:

destrat out.db +EPOCH -r E -i test01-v2
ID            E    E1       HMS            INTERVAL    MID  START   STOP
test01-v2     1     1  20:09:06        30.00->60.00     45     30     60
test01-v2     2     2  20:09:36        60.00->90.00     75     60     90
test01-v2  1255  1255  06:36:06  37650.00->37680.00  37665  37650  37680
test01-v2  1256  1256  06:36:36  37680.00->37710.00  37695  37680  37710

The v3 file is also an EDF+D that is discontinuous, as the epoch numbered 666 in the original file was removed. Here we also show the intermediate rows spanning what was the 666th epoch. Note that there is still an epoch numbered 666 in this file: this is as expected, as epochs are simply numbered sequentially when created for a given file (the column E). However, note how between 665 and 666 the time difference is 1 minute, with one epoch ending at 19950 elapsed seconds, but the next not starting until 19980. That is, the EDF+D structure has tracked the fact that this epoch was sliced out (from 19950 to 19980).

ID            E    E1       HMS            INTERVAL    MID  START   STOP
test01-v3     1     1  20:08:36         0.00->30.00     15      0     30
test01-v3     2     2  20:09:06        30.00->60.00     45     30     60
test01-v3   665   665  01:40:36  19920.00->19950.00  19935  19920  19950
test01-v3   666   666  01:41:36  19980.00->20010.00  19995  19980  20010
test01-v3   667   667  01:42:06  20010.00->20040.00  20025  20010  20040
test01-v3  1255  1255  06:36:06  37650.00->37680.00  37665  37650  37680
test01-v3  1256  1256  06:36:36  37680.00->37710.00  37695  37680  37710

As as separate point: within the operations for the same attached EDF, Luna does map how the new epochs map onto the "original" epochs: i.e. if rather than writing v3 to a new EDF and then running EPOCH we combined the steps:

luna s.lst -o out.db -s 'MASK mask-epoch=666 & RE & EPOCH verbose'
ID         E    E1       HMS            INTERVAL    MID  START   STOP
test01     1     1  20:08:36         0.00->30.00     15      0     30
test01     2     2  20:09:06        30.00->60.00     45     30     60
test01     3     3  20:09:36        60.00->90.00     75     60     90
test01   664   664  01:40:06  19890.00->19920.00  19905  19890  19920
test01   665   665  01:40:36  19920.00->19950.00  19935  19920  19950
test01   667   666  01:41:36  19980.00->20010.00  19995  19980  20010
test01   668   667  01:42:06  20010.00->20040.00  20025  20010  20040
test01   669   668  01:42:36  20040.00->20070.00  20055  20040  20070
test01  1255  1254  06:35:36  37620.00->37650.00  37635  37620  37650
test01  1256  1255  06:36:06  37650.00->37680.00  37665  37650  37680
test01  1257  1256  06:36:36  37680.00->37710.00  37695  37680  37710

Now note how the original epoch number is preserved in E whereas E1 shows the current sequential numbering: these diverge after epoch 666, which Luna knows is missing in the internal EDF. Note that, internally, Luna always represents data as a EDF+D after any restructuring.

Returning to the generated EDFs, v4 has a greater number of epochs removed and is an EDF+D. Note how the first epoch starts at 240 seconds (at 20:12:36). Also note that although Luna correctly reported the duration of the EDF as 37410 seconds in the log, as noted above, the final elapsed second time is 37710, as this is relative to the EDF start time. That is, for a discontinuous EDF, the total duration (sum of intervals present) will be numerical smaller than the final time-point in elapsed seconds past the EDF start-time.

ID            E    E1       HMS            INTERVAL    MID  START   STOP
test01-v4     1     1  20:12:36      240.00->270.00    255    240    270
test01-v4     2     2  20:13:06      270.00->300.00    285    270    300
test01-v4  1246  1246  06:36:06  37650.00->37680.00  37665  37650  37680
test01-v4  1247  1247  06:36:36  37680.00->37710.00  37695  37680  37710

The final two examples converted EDF+ files to standard EDFs using the force-edf option. The epoch start clock-time start has been changed here (to reflect the dropping of the first epoch) but the first epoch seen here (i.e. was what epoch 2 in the original file) is now at 0 elapsed seconds, as this is a continuous recording:

ID            E    E1       HMS            INTERVAL   MID   START   STOP
test01-v5     1     1  20:09:06         0.00->30.00    15       0     30
test01-v5     2     2  20:09:36        30.00->60.00    45      30     60
test01-v5  1255  1255  06:36:06  37620.00->37650.00  37635  37620  37650
test01-v5  1256  1256  06:36:36  37650.00->37680.00  37665  37650  37680

Finally, here we forced a truly discontinuous EDF+D file (with multipe segments) to be written as a standard EDF. This violates the use of clocktime (or indeed any meaningful tracking of when the segments occurred with respect to the original recording). Luna therefore purposely denotes this fact by arbitrarily forcing the EDF start time to be 00:00:00.

ID            E    E1       HMS            INTERVAL   MID   START   STOP
test01-v6     1     1  00:00:00         0.00->30.00    15       0     30
test01-v6     2     2  00:00:30        30.00->60.00    45      30     60
test01-v6  1255  1255  10:27:00  37620.00->37650.00  37635  37620  37650
test01-v6  1256  1256  10:27:30  37650.00->37680.00  37665  37650  37680


Naturally, now "epoch 1222" (for example) may point to different intervals of time in the new EDFs, compared to the original. For example, we can use the following command to pull out the clock-time of "epoch 1222" for each of the new EDFs:

luna s2.lst -o out.db -s 'MASK epoch=1222 & RE & EPOCH verbose' 

destrat out.db +EPOCH -r E
ID            E  E1       HMS            INTERVAL    MID  START   STOP
test01-v0  1222   1  06:19:06  36630.00->36660.00  36645  36630  36660
test01-v1  1222   1  06:19:36  36630.00->36660.00  36645  36630  36660
test01-v2  1222   1  06:19:36  36660.00->36690.00  36675  36660  36690
test01-v3  1222   1  06:19:36  36660.00->36690.00  36675  36660  36690
test01-v4  1222   1  06:24:06  36930.00->36960.00  36945  36930  36960
test01-v5  1222   1  06:19:36  36630.00->36660.00  36645  36630  36660
test01-v6  1222   1  10:10:30  36630.00->36660.00  36645  36630  36660

As expected, the HMS clock-time varies between studies. Correspondingly, statistics based on the nominally similar epoch number will of course produce different results, being based on different stretches of time: e.g. pulling the skewness statistic for each epoch for the C3 channel:

luna s2.lst -o out.db -s 'MASK epoch=1222 & RE & STATS sig=C3'
destrat out.db +STATS -r CH -v SKEW
ID         CH               SKEW
test01-v0  C3  -0.31842721246534
test01-v1  C3  -2.71543137965712
test01-v2  C3  -2.71543137965712
test01-v3  C3  -2.71543137965712
test01-v4  C3  -0.45894829218807
test01-v5  C3  -2.71543137965712
test01-v6  C3  -2.71543137965712

In contrast, using clock-time (via the hms option) in a mask will work in all cases where clock time has been preserved in the new studies. As noted above, we know that the final v6 EDF does not preserve clocktime, as a truly discontinuous EDF+D was forced to be a standard EDF. As such, we'll ignore this file below, only looking at v0 to v5.

destrat out.db +EPOCH -r E
luna s2.lst 1 6 -o out.db -s 'MASK hms=06:19:06-06:19:36 & RE & STATS sig=C3'

destrat out.db +STATS -r CH  -v SKEW 
ID         CH                SKEW
test01-v0  C3  -0.318427212465345
test01-v1  C3  -0.318427212465345
test01-v2  C3  -0.318427212465345
test01-v3  C3  -0.318427212465345
test01-v4  C3  -0.318427212465345
test01-v5  C3  -0.318427212465345

Note, the mask 06:19:06-06:19:36 only pulls out a single epoch, as intervals are defined up to the stop (i.e. 06:19:36 implies just past the end of this section and so we do not match the next epoch that starts at 06:19:36).

Similarly, as expected, the times of the selected epochs now align (where the actual epoch number E now varies between files):

luna s2.lst 1 6 -o out.db -s 'MASK hms=06:19:06-06:19:36 & RE & EPOCH verbose'
ID            E  E1       HMS            INTERVAL    MID  START   STOP
test01-v0  1222   1  06:19:06  36630.00->36660.00  36645  36630  36660
test01-v1  1221   1  06:19:06  36600.00->36630.00  36615  36600  36630
test01-v2  1221   1  06:19:06  36630.00->36660.00  36645  36630  36660
test01-v3  1221   1  06:19:06  36630.00->36660.00  36645  36630  36660
test01-v4  1212   1  06:19:06  36630.00->36660.00  36645  36630  36660
test01-v5  1221   1  06:19:06  36600.00->36630.00  36615  36600  36630

More generally, one will use annotation files to mask regions of an EDF rather than the hms option of the mask. But the same message applies: when dealing with discontinuous EDFs, it is better to use clock-time based annotation files, as illustrated below.

.eannot and discontinuous EDFs

Luna supports several types of annotation file format, as described here. Here, we consider some limitations of using the simple .eannot file format when dealing with discontinuous/restructured EDFs.

To create an .eannot file from the existing hypnograms in the original file, we can use the eannot option of the STAGE command, which simply dumps out sleep stages into the file a.eannot:

luna s.lst -s STAGE eannot=a.eannot

head a.eannot

These annotations can be attached back to the original test01.edf without issue (note: here we specify test01.edf directly rather than s.lst, to ensure that the XML annotations are not automatically attached):

luna test01.edf annot-file=a.eannot -s DESC
  NREM1 (x27) | NREM2 (x357) | NREM3 (x263) | REM (x158)
  wake (x452)

Note on the annotation instance counts

Note that the number of each class of annotation is different here (e.g. 27 NREM1 annotations versus what is listed in the log (only 15) when attaching the orignial XML). This simply reflects that fact that NSRR XML annotations may contain intervals longer than 30 seconds, i.e. if contiguous epochs have the same annotation. Any output that actually uses these annotations on a per-epoch level would give identical results.

Naturally, we cannot attach this a.eannot file to any of the derived / altered EDFs, however, e.g. test01-v1.edf which has the first epoch missing. Luna would spot there is a different number of epochs implied and complain:

luna test01-v1.edf annot-file=a.eannot -s DESC
 error : expecting 1256 epoch annotations, but found 1257

In fact, Luna does not even let .eannot files be attached to EDF+D files, even if the number of epochs matches. This behavior is done purposefully, as it is generally error-prone practice to mix the simple .eannot format with discontinuous files:

luna test01-v4.edf annot-file=a.eannot -s DESC
 error : cannot use .eannot files with discontinuous (EDF+) files

Clock-time annotations

The solution is to instead use an .annot file that tracks the hh:mm:ss time and so can always be (safely) interpreted w.r.t. the original recording.

luna test01.edf annot-file=a.eannot -s WRITE-ANNOTS hms file=a.annot
The a.annot file is as follows (some lines removed for clarity):
class  instance  channel        start       stop    meta 
 wake      wake        .     20:08:36   20:09:06       .
 wake      wake        .     20:09:06   20:09:36       .
 wake      wake        .     20:09:36   20:10:06       .
 wake      wake        .     20:10:06   20:10:36       .
Note that the hms option for WRITE-ANNOTS makes the .annot file use clock-time (hh:mm:ss) rather than elapsed seconds.

Now we can attach this to any of the derived EDFs that preserved clock-time. Again, ignoring the v6 file which did not preserve clock-time:

luna s2.lst 1 6 annot-file=a.annot -o out.db -s HYPNO
Pulling out the implied stage durations in minutes:
destrat out.db +HYPNO -v MINS_N1 MINS_N2 MINS_N3 MINS_REM TWT
test01-v0    13.5    178.5    131.5        79    226
test01-v1    13.5    178.5    131.5        79  225.5
test01-v2    13.5    178.5    131.5        79  225.5
test01-v3    13.5    178      131.5        79    226
test01-v4    13.5    177.5    131.5        79    222
test01-v5    13.5    178.5    131.5        79  225.5

Relative to the original (v0), v1, v2and v5 have one fewer wake epoch (i.e. TWT reduced by half a minute). v3 has one fewer NREM2 epoch, and v4 has eight fewer wake epochs (4 mins) and two fewer NREM2 epochs (1 min).

Recalling the epochs dropped above (tabulated here):

File Dropped epoch numbers (relative to original file)
v0 none
v1 1
v2 1
v3 666
v4 1-8, 666 & 777
v5 1

We can confirm that these are as expected, by querying the original EDF's annotation as follows:

luna s.lst -o out.db -s 'MASK epoch=1-8,666,777 & RE & STAGE'

destrat out.db +STAGE -r E
test01   1     20.08.36    0       W      1
test01   2     20.09.06    0.5     W      1
test01   3     20.09.36    1       W      1
test01   4     20.10.06    1.5     W      1
test01   5     20.10.36    2       W      1
test01   6     20.11.06    2.5     W      1
test01   7     20.11.36    3       W      1
test01   8     20.12.06    3.5     W      1
test01   666   01.41.06    332.5   N2     -2
test01   777   02.36.36    388     N2     -2

Start-time offsets

Consider an EDF recording starts at 21:04:56 but that staging (in 30 second epochs) started after a brief pause of 4 seconds at exactly 21:05:00.

One could have an annotation file, a1.annot as follows, with the first two rows:

W      .      .     4     34     .
N1     .      .     34    64     .

Although there are a few workarounds possible here (e.g. setting epoch duration equal to 1 second, removing the first 4 seconds and writing a new EDF, etc), the easiest remedy is to use the new offset or align options for the EPOCH command. Rather than always having epochs start at the first observed record (i.e. 0 seconds in a continuous EDF) this starts defining epochs at some later time, still shifting each epoch forward by the inc parameter (which by default equals the dur parameter, which is 30 seconds by default).

For example, to start defining epochs at 4 seconds:

luna s.lst -o out.db -s ‘EPOCH offset=4 verbose & HYPNO’
destrat out.db +EPOCH -r E
ID      E  E1       HMS        INTERVAL  MID  START  STOP
test01  1   1  20:08:40     4.00->34.00   19      4    34
test01  2   2  20:09:10    34.00->64.00   49     34    64
test01  3   3  20:09:40    64.00->94.00   79     64    94
test01  4   4  20:10:10   94.00->124.00  109     94   124
test01  5   5  20:10:40  124.00->154.00  139    124   154
test01  6   6  20:11:10  154.00->184.00  169    154   184
test01  7   7  20:11:40  184.00->214.00  199    184   214
test01  8   8  20:12:10  214.00->244.00  229    214   244
test01  9   9  20:12:40  244.00->274.00  259    244   274

Alternatively, the align option will do the same as offset but will automatically select the offset to be the start time of the first instance of any of the listed annotations: i.e. here will be 4.0 when W occurs:

luna s.lst -s 'EPOCH align=W,N1,N2,N3,R,U verbose & HYPNO'
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