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Merging and converting EDFs

In this vignette, we illustrate how to use Luna to merge multiple EDFs into a single EDF including any associated annotations, using the --merge and --bind commands. This procedure allows for gaps between component EDFs, in which case a discontinuous EDF+D file will be emitted. The second part of this vignette shows how to convert an EDF+D (whether from --merge or any other source) to a standard EDF, once again appropriately handling any associated annotations.

Merging multiple EDFs

Luna's --merge command can concatenate two or more EDFs, under certain conditions:

  • all concatenated EDFs must have similar EDF headers: i.e. the same number and order of channels and sample rates
  • the physical/digital min/max values can be different - these will be rescaled in the final merged EDF
  • EDFs can have gaps between them, but they are not allowed to overlap in time
  • currently, only standard EDFs (not EDF+) files can be concatenated

The basic use of this command, here to join three EDFs, is as follows:

luna --merge file1.edf file2.edf file3.edf

which will generate a new EDF called (by default) merged.edf. To explicitly specify an EDF filename (and Patient ID too), add edf and `id arguments: to save as f001.edf, use the following:

luna --merge edf=f001.edf id=id001 file1.edf file2.edf file3.edf

The merge command can run in two modes: one in which EDF start times are effectively ignored: all EDFs are directly concatenated in the order as given on the command line (the resulting merged EDF will have a start time/date based on the earliest EDF. This mode (which is enabled by adding the argument fixed=T to the options of --merge) will always generate a standard EDF file (i.e. no gaps) but will potentially lose information about the timing between EDFs.

In contrast, the default mode for --merge is to examine the start dates/times of all EDFs, to check that they do not overlap, and then assemble them into a single EDF. If gaps are implied between EDFs, the resulting merged EDF will be an EDF+D (i.e to represent the discontinuities between input EDFs). Otherwise, a standard EDF will be emitted as above.


To generate a trivial example for merging two EDFs, for convenience we'll take a single (whole-night) EDF and simply try concatenating it to itself, i.e. to generate a file that is two nights' worth of data stacked into one. Consider a starting EDF called f.edf, which contains only two EEG channels in this contrived example:

luna f.edf -s DESC
EDF filename      : f.edf
ID                : f
Clock time        : 20.53.59 - 08.07.29
Duration          : 11:13:30  40410 sec
Signals           : C3[128] C4[128]

If we initially attempt to merge it with itself as is, Luna will correctly complain:

luna --merge f.edf f.edf
  attached 2 EDFs
  writing merged data:
     ID           : merged1
     EDF filename : merged.edf
 extracting start times from EDFs --> seconds since 1/1/85 00:00
  EDF 0  date: 01.01.85 time: 20.53.59 days: 0 --> secs:75239
  EDF 1  date: 01.01.85 time: 20.53.59 days: 0 --> secs:75239
error : EDFs with identical start times specified: 01.01.85 20.53.59

As noted above, we can use the fixed=T option to ignore start times of EDFs – in which case Luna will join the EDFs in the order specified after the -—merge (although, in this contrived example, these are identical of course):

luna --merge fixed=T f.edf f.edf
  attached 2 EDFs
  writing merged data:
     ID           : merged1
     EDF filename : merged.edf
  good, all EDFs have merge-compatible headers
  expecting 80820 records (each of 1 sec) in the new EDF
  adding timeline
  adding 80820 empty records...
  compiling channel C3
  compiling channel C4
  writing merged EDF as merged.edf
  data are not truly discontinuous
  writing as a standard EDF
  writing 2 channels
  saved new EDF, merged.edf

Aligned EDFs

For a more realistic example, we'll create two EDFs (both from f.edf) with different start dates and times, but that are aligned in the sense that the second follows directly after the first ends. As noted above, the original EDF had a start time of 20.53.59 and was 40,410 seconds in duration. We will generate one EDF with the same start time, but we'll also explicitly set a non-null start date too, using SET-HEADERS followed by WRITE to make a new EDF:

luna f.edf -s 'SET-HEADERS start-date=22.02.22 start-time=20.53.59 & WRITE edf=pt1'
which generates a file pt1.edf:
luna pt1.edf -s DESC
Clock time        : 20.53.59 - 08.07.29
Duration          : 11:13:30  40410 sec

Next, we'll generate a second EDF that starts exactly after the first one ends, i.e. 08.07.29.

(Note that the end time given by DESC is one time point past the end of the interval, consistent with how Luna expects intervals for annotations, i.e. meaning up until but not including that time. That is, the last record starts at 08.07.29 and is 1 second long.)

luna f.edf -s 'SET-HEADERS start-date=23.02.22 start-time=08.07.29 & WRITE edf=pt2'
Note that this starts one day after the first one (the 23rd of February rather than the 22nd), i.e. the morning after the initial study. If we now merge these two files (that now have distinct start times):
luna --merge pt1.edf pt2.edf
  attached 2 EDFs
  writing merged data:
     ID           : merged1
     EDF filename : merged.edf
 extracting start times from EDFs --> seconds since 1/1/85 00:00
  EDF 0  date: 22.02.22 time: 20.53.59 days: 13566 --> secs:1172177639
  EDF 1  date: 23.02.22 time: 08.07.29 days: 13567 --> secs:1172218049
  ordered EDFs (seconds past 1/1/1985 00:00:00)
  ordered EDFs : prev start = 1172177639 ; this start = 1172218049
    implied duration of previous based on # records         = 40410
    implied duration of previous based on current EDF start = 40410
   implies exactly contiguous EDFs

 no gaps found between EDFs - will generate an EDF (or EDF+C)
  good, all EDFs have merge-compatible headers
  expecting 80820 records (each of 1 sec) in the new EDF
  adding timeline
  adding 80820 empty records...
  compiling channel C3
  compiling channel C4
  writing merged EDF as merged.edf
  data are not truly discontinuous
  writing as a standard EDF
  writing 2 channels
  saved new EDF, merged.edf

That is, Luna can see that the resulting concatenated EDF is not actually discontinuous (as the stop of pt1.edf and the start of pt2.edf are exactly aligned) and so saves it as a standard EDF. The duration is now 80,820 seconds, i.e. twice 40,410 seconds, the duration of each original EDF.

luna merged.edf -s DESC
EDF filename      : merged.edf
ID                : merged
Clock time        : 20.53.59 - 19.20.59
Duration          : 22:27:00  80820 sec
# signals         : 2
Signals           : C3[128] C4[128]

Overlapping EDFs

Here we specify some overlap between the two EDFs and attempt to merge: we'll set the start time of pt2.edf to be 6am, i.e. about two hours before pt1.edf actually ends:

luna f.edf -s 'SET-HEADERS start-date=23.02.22 start-time=06.00.00 & WRITE edf=pt2'

If we now try to merge:

luna --merge pt1.edf pt2.edf
  attached 2 EDFs
  writing merged data:
     ID           : merged1
     EDF filename : merged.edf
 extracting start times from EDFs --> seconds since 1/1/85 00:00
  EDF 0  date: 22.02.22 time: 20.53.59 days: 13566 --> secs:1172177639
  EDF 1  date: 23.02.22 time: 06.00.00 days: 13567 --> secs:1172210400
  ordered EDFs (seconds past 1/1/1985 00:00:00)
  ordered EDFs : prev start = 1172177639 ; this start = 1172210400
    implied duration of previous based on # records         = 32761
    implied duration of previous based on current EDF start = 40410
  *** warning -- overlapping EDFs implied

error : found overlapping EDFs -- bailing, cannot merge

That is, Luna correctly points to the issue and refuses to do anything further (after giving some output that shows the implied overlap).


Internally, Luna uses seconds past midnight at 1/1/1985 to compare EDF start date/time combinations, i.e. this is what secs:1172177639 above refers to.

Gapped EDFs

Third, we will introduce a gap between recordings, as might typically occur if a recording is paused for some reason. Here, we will set the second EDF to start an hour or so after the first one ends (09:15:00 instead of 08:07:29):

luna f.edf -s 'SET-HEADERS start-date=23.02.22 start-time=09.15.00 & WRITE edf=pt2'

Now the merge will generate an EDF+D with a gap:

luna --merge pt1.edf pt2.edf
  attached 2 EDFs
  writing merged data:
     ID           : merged1
     EDF filename : merged.edf
 extracting start times from EDFs --> seconds since 1/1/85 00:00
  EDF 0  date: 22.02.22 time: 20.53.59 days: 13566 --> secs:1172177639
  EDF 1  date: 23.02.22 time: 09.15.00 days: 13567 --> secs:1172222100
  ordered EDFs (seconds past 1/1/1985 00:00:00)
  ordered EDFs : prev start = 1172177639 ; this start = 1172222100
    implied duration of previous based on # records         = 44461
    implied duration of previous based on current EDF start = 40410
  implies gap between previous and current - will output an EDF+D

 found gaps between EDFs - will generate an EDF+D
  good, all EDFs have merge-compatible headers
  expecting 80820 records (each of 1 sec) in the new EDF
  adding timeline
  adding 80820 empty records...
  compiling channel C3
  compiling channel C4
  set EDF+D timeline for 80820 records
  writing merged EDF as merged.edf
  data are truly discontinuous
  writing 3 channels
  saved new EDF+D, merged.edf

That is, the emitted EDF+D file contains an EDF Annotations channel that specifies the start time of each EDF record relative to the header start time. Now when we look at the DESC, Luna will give some extra information describing the EDF+D features:

luna merged.edf -s DESC
EDF filename      : merged.edf
ID                : merged
Header start time : 20.53.59
Last observed time: 20.28.30
Duration          : 22:27:00  80820 sec
Duration (w/ gaps): 23.34.31  84871 sec
# signals         : 2
# EDF annotations : 1
Signals           : C3[128] C4[128]

That is, although the duration of observed records is still 80,820 seconds, the total time spanned (i.e. including gaps) is longer (84,871 seconds). We can also look at the structure of a discontinuous EDF+D more explicitly with the SEGMENTS command:

luna merged.edf -o out.db -s SEGMENTS
That is, there are two segments and one gap:
destrat out.db +SEGMENTS
merged   1       2
The segments have the following properties (i.e. both 40,410 seconds long):
destrat out.db +SEGMENTS -r SEG
merged  1    11.225  673.5   40410    0       20.53.59    40410  08.07.29
merged  2    11.225  673.5   40410    44461   09.15.00    84871  20.28.30
The gap is, as expected, identified as between 08.07.29 and 09.15.00:
destrat out.db +SEGMENTS -r GAP
merged  1    1.12527 67.5167 4051     40410   08.07.29    44461  09.15.00

Alternatively, we can use the Moonlight viewer (public test version available at to view the structure of an EDF+D. After uploading merged.edf to this tool, the Strucutre/Segments tab shows:


Note how the spectrogram is broken in the middle, indicating the gap between the two segments; also note how the first and second segments have identical spectrograms, as expected in this contrived example.

Merging annotations

The --merge command only concatenates EDF signal data. Typically, we'll have associated annotation files (e.g. manual sleep staging) that also require combining. Particularly if using Luna .annot format, this is a trivial process, although some practical considerations still apply, as described here.

Although .annot files can be simply combined (e.g. via the command line cat utility), if annotations files specify event times relative to an EDF start (i.e. in elapsed seconds), these will need to be adjusted prior to merging. Indeed, in our example we also have an XML annotation file (f.xml) that contains sleep stage annotations, with the intervals encoded as elapsed seconds from the start of f.edf (i.e. seconds after 20.53.59).

Following from the above example, we can copy f.xml to produce two sets of annotations:

cp f.xml pt1.xml
cp f.xml pt2.xml

The most direct way to handle merging annotations is to use absolute clock-time rather than elapsed time in each annotation file. (An alternative not considered here is to manually add in the second offsets, which is why --merge actually generates these offsets for each file and outputs them.) We can generate clock-based annotations using Luna's WRITE-ANONTS command, to generate (in this case) two .annot files that have hh:mm:ss times. For the first one:

luna pt1.edf annot-file=pt1.xml -s WRITE-ANNOTS file=pt1.annot minimal hms

For example, the first N1 epoch now in pt1.annot reads as follows:

N1      .       .       21:40:59        21:41:59        .

starting at 21:40:59 and lasting one minute (two epochs) until 21:41:59. In contrast, if exported without the hms flag, the same line would have read (which mirrors how the event is stored in the original EDF):

N1      .       .       2820.000        2880.000        .

i.e. 2820 seconds (2820/60=47 minutes) after 20.53.59 is 21:40:59.

From v0.28, Luna also supports explicit date-time strings in annotation files, which can be helpful to reduce ambiguity in longer recordings that use clock-time (including multi-day/night recordings). If we add dhms instead of hms, then WRITE-ANNOTS would instead output this for this particular line:

N1      .       .       22-2-2022-21:40:59      22-2-2022-21:41:59      .

i.e. in the form dd-mm-yyyy-hh:mm:ss. For this particular example - as the merged EDF is almost 24 hours long - we will use this explicit date-time representation, which should always be safer. (Note: in the context of anonymized EDFs with dates set to 1/1/85 as per the EDF spec, for multi-day recordings, we suggest to start with 2/1/85 instead, which as a non-null date value will allow dates to be specified in annotation files, and will roll forwards as expected, 3/1/85, etc.)

Running the same process for the second EDF:

luna pt2.edf annot-file=pt2.xml -s WRITE-ANNOTS file=pt2.annot minimal dhms
we obtain pt2.annot which has the following for the corresponding line:

N1      .       .       23-2-2022-10:02:00      23-2-2022-10:03:00      .

as 10:02:00 is 47 minutes after the 09:15 start time of pt2. That is, although pt1.xml and pt2.xml were identical files, the newly encoded .annot files explicitly reflect dates and times from the two EDFs, and so can now be merged without loss of information or introducing ambiguity.

Note that we also specified the minimal option for WRITE-ANNOTS - this skips the header rows, which makes it easier to combine the .annot files with a single cat command:

cat pt1.annot pt2.annot > merged.annot

Note that we do not even have to combine the annotation files, i.e. we can specify them individuals (on the command line, or in a sample list):

luna merged.edf annot-file=pt1.annot,pt2.annot ...

If we upload both merged.edf and merged.annot to Moonlight, we can now see the annotations are appropriately aligned with the signal data (i.e. see the extended hypnogram is now added beneath the spectrogram):


Again - in this contrived example we have the unusual situation of duplicated, identical whole-night recordings. Typically, --merge would expect single-night recordings but where the EDFs are fragmented across two or more files, e.g. due to pauses in the recording, or idiosyncrasies of the EDF export process, etc. Still, the principles are the same from --merge's perspective.

EDF+D to EDF conversion

In the second part of this vignette, we consider how to work with EDF+D files - that is, in the context of sleep recordings, this typically means recordings that contain gaps.

Note that this older vignette also contains information on working with EDF+D files. The primary focus of this section is how to convert an EDF+D to a standard (continuous) EDF file. In many cases, standard EDFs can be easier to work with. Indeed, some tools might not accept EDF+(D) files at all. Below we a) use Luna to artificially generate a toy EDF+D dataset, and then b) use Luna to convert it back to a standard EDF, i.e. splicing out the gaps. Although the principal conversion is straightforward, the primary issue covered here is how to keep annotations aligned with transformed files.

Simulating data

Here we use the simple SIGGEN command to simulate a 30-second dataset with three simple pulses, each lasting 50 samples (0.5 seconds, given a sample rate of 100 Hz):

luna . --nr=30 --rs=1 \
  -s ' SIGGEN sig=S1 sr=100 impulse=0.1,1,50,0.6,1,50,0.9,1,50
     & S2A sig=S1 encoding=A,1
     & WRITE edf=standard
     & WRITE-ANNOTS file=standard.annot '

That is, the . indicates an empty EDF of 30 records, each 1 second long; we then generate a signal called S1 with 100 Hz sample rate, and pulses (values of 1 versus 0) starting at 10%, 60% and 90% of the recording (i.e. 3 seconds, 18 seconds and 27 seconds from the EDF start).

We next add an annotation that corresponds to these pulses using the S2A command, called A. Finally, we write the signal data to a standard EDF file (called standard.edf) and the annotation to a file called standard.annot. The upshot of this is visually depicted here, i.e. plotting data in the file f.0 generated by the MATRIX command:

luna standard.edf annot-file=standard.annot -s 'MATRIX sig=S1 annot=A file=f.0 '


Making an EDF+D

So far, we have generated a standard EDF (30 seconds in duration) and a simple annotation file, with three events corresponding to the pulses in the signal S1. The next step is to make this an EDF+D with gaps (i.e. so that we can show the process of converting it back again to standard EDF). For this, we can use Luna's helper command SET-TIMESTAMPS to explicitly assign the offset of each EDF record, taking data from a file. Implicitly, the standard EDF has records that start at 0, 1, 2, ... seconds past the EDF start. We will generate a similar explicit file, but with two gaps insert (an extra 5 seconds between the 16th and 17th records using base-0 counting, and an extra 7.4525 seconds between the 26th and 27th records). Although we use awk here, one could simply type out the numbers generated below instead:

echo | awk ' BEGIN { s = 0 }
                   { for (i=0; i<30; i++)
                     { print s ; s += 1 ;
                       if ( i == 15 ) s += 5 ;
                       if ( i == 25 ) s += 7.4525 } }  ' > ts.txt

The contents of ts.txt then has 30 rows, which specify the new EDF start times for the records in standard.edf:


Here we apply those new times and write a new EDF

luna standard.edf -s ' SET-TIMESTAMPS file=ts.txt & WRITE edf=plus '       
From SET-TIMESTAMPS we see the following:
  read 30 timestamps
  set EDF+D timeline for 30 records
  updated EDF+D time-track
and from WRITE:
  data are truly discontinuous
  writing 2 channels
  saved new EDF+D, plus.edf
That is, Luna has detected gaps in the EDF and so writes an EDF+D. We can check the new file plus.edf is as expected:

luna plus.edf -s ' DESC & RECS '
EDF filename      : plus.edf
ID                : plus
Header start time : 00.00.00
Last observed time: 00.00.42
Duration          : 00:00:30  30 sec
Duration (w/ gaps): 00.00.42  42.4525 sec
# signals         : 1
# EDF annotations : 1
Signals           : S1[100]

That is, we have 30 seconds of data (30 1 second records) and an extra 5+7.4525 = 12.4525 seconds of gaps, leading to the total duration of 42.4525 seconds.

The RECS command dumps the EDF record structure/times to the console - we see a pattern of times that mirrors those specified in ts.txt (some columns omitted here for clarity, and the two empty rows inserted manually, to show the gaps):

Record  Time
1       0.0000->1.0000
2       1.0000->2.0000
3       2.0000->3.0000
4       3.0000->4.0000
5       4.0000->5.0000
6       5.0000->6.0000
7       6.0000->7.0000
8       7.0000->8.0000
9       8.0000->9.0000
10      9.0000->10.0000
11      10.0000->11.0000
12      11.0000->12.0000
13      12.0000->13.0000
14      13.0000->14.0000
15      14.0000->15.0000
16      15.0000->16.0000 

17      21.0000->22.0000 
18      22.0000->23.0000
19      23.0000->24.0000
20      24.0000->25.0000
21      25.0000->26.0000
22      26.0000->27.0000
23      27.0000->28.0000
24      28.0000->29.0000
25      29.0000->30.0000
26      30.0000->31.0000

27      38.4525->39.4525
28      39.4525->40.4525
29      40.4525->41.4525
30      41.4525->42.4525


Note, instead of using SET-TIMESTAMPS we could have simply generated an EDF+D file using a mask and restructuring an in-memory dataset, as after any restucturing Luna's in-memory EDF is effectively an EDF+D, i.e. in that it explicitly represents gaps by tracking the start time of each EDF record explicitly. For example (noting that we need to set a smaller epoch size here, given the total recording length for this toy dataset is only 30 seconds:

luna standard.edf -s ' EPOCH dur=1 & MASK epoch=1-10,15-30 & RE & WRITE edf=plus '
Here we used the former approach to allow us to insert a gap that was not an even multiple of the 1-second EDF record size (i.e. 7.4525 seconds as above) to show the generality of the approach below, as gaps will typically not correspond exactly to EDF record size specifications.

Finally, we can also alter the annotations originally created,

cat standard.annot
class  instance  channel   start     stop      meta
A      .         S1        3.000     3.500     .
A      .         S1        18.000    18.500    .
A      .         S1        27.000    27.500    .

Here we add in gaps between the pulse events that mirror the gaps inserted above in the signal.

awk ' NR < 3  { print $0 }
      NR == 3 { print $1,$2,$3,$4+5,$5+5,$6 }
      NR == 4 { print $1,$2,$3,$4+12.4525,$5+12.4525,$6 } ' OFS="\t" standard.annot > plus.annot

cat plus.annot
class  instance   channel   start    stop     meta
A      .          S1        3.000    3.500    .
A      .          S1        23       23.5     .
A      .          S1        39.4525  39.9525  .

The details of the above are not important: the bottom line of all this is that we now have an EDF+D with gaps, and some annotations that are temporally aligned with the signal data, as shown here:


Conversion back to EDF

Now, force the EDF+D to a standard EDF

luna plus.edf -s 'WRITE edf=standard2 force-edf '
EDF filename      : standard2.edf
ID                : standard2
Clock time        : 00.00.00 - 00.00.29
Duration          : 00:00:30  30 sec
# signals         : 1
Signals           : S1[100]
luna standard.edf annot-file=plus.annot -s 'EPOCH dur=1 & MATRIX sig=S1 annot=A file=f.2 '


To get the annotations to align, we must add the collapse flag to WRITE-ANNOTS

luna plus.edf annot-file=plus.annot -s 'WRITE-ANNOTS collapse file=standard2.annot '

cat standard2.annot
class  instance   channel   start    stop     meta
A      .          S1        3.000    3.500    .
A      .          S1        18.000   18.500   .
A      .          S1        27.000   27.500   .

luna standard2.edf annot-file=standard2.annot -s 'MATRIX sig=S1 annot=A file=f.3 '


Finally, it is also possible to use the SEGMENTS command with an EDF+D (whether a true EDF+D file, or an in-memory EDF+D, i.e constructed after setting masks and calling RESTRUCTURE) to generate new annotations that reflect the segments (and gaps) in an EDF+D file:

luna plus.edf -o out.db -s ' EPOCH dur=1 & SEGMENTS annot & ANNOTS ' 


As above, some commands implicitly use epochs to iterate over data, including the ANNOTS command. Because we are working with an artificially short recording, that does not have any individual segments greater than 30 seconds in length, it is necessary to set a shorter epoch length (here 1 second) so that those commands produce any output

destrat out.db +ANNOTS -r ANNOT INST T -v START STOP 
ID     ANNOT     INST   T                        START    STOP
plus   segment   1      0_16000000000            0        16
plus   gap       1      16000000000_21000000001  16       21.000000001
plus   segment   2      21000000000_31000000000  21       31
plus   gap       2      31000000000_38452500001  31       38.452500001
plus   segment   3      38452500000_42452500000  38.4525  42.4525

Note that gap annotations are actually expanded - one time-point past the end of the gap (1e-09 seconds). This is done purposefully, so that we used with WRITE-ANNOTS collapse, the gap annotations are not entirely spliced out, but rather form single annotations at the end and start of the respective flanking segments, as above. Also note that the instance ID (INST) is set to the number of the segment/gap.

Bottom line

Wrapping this all together, starting from an EDF+D with annotations, in order to produce a) a standard EDF containing only contiguous EDF records, b) a shifted set of annotations, that are aligned with the spliced-out EDF signals, and c) a set of new annotations for the new standard EDF that show where there were discontinuities in the original EDF+D, we can do the following, single command:

luna plus.edf annot-file=plus.annot -s 'SEGMENTS annot & WRITE-ANNOTS collapse file=new.annot & WRITE force-edf edf=new'

cat new.annot 
class     instance   channel    start      stop       meta
segment   1          .          0.000      16.000     .
A         .          S1         3.000      3.500      .
gap       1          .          16.000     16.000     .
segment   2          .          16.000     26.000     .
A         .          S1         18.000     18.500     .
gap       2          .          26.000     26.000     .
segment   3          .          26.000     30.000     .
A         .          S1         27.000     27.500     .

We can now visualize the new dataset. This is optional, but we can make a new sample list to group the EDF and annotation files, instead of using annot-file each time:

luna --build . | grep new.edf > s.lst


For reference, here was the R code to generate this figure:

lattach( lsl( "s.lst" ) , 1 )
d <- ldata( 1 , "S1" , "A" )
png( file = "edfplus-f4.png" , width=800 , height=300 , units="px" , res=100)
plot( d$SEC , d$S1  , type="l" , ylim=c(0,2) , lwd=2 , col="blue" , xlab = "Seconds" , ylab = "S1 / A" , yaxt='n' ) 
points( d$SEC[ d$A == 1 ]  , d$A[ d$A == 1 ]+0.2  , type="p" , pch="|" , col = "red" )
abline( v = unique( unlist( lannots( "gap" ))) , lty=2, col="gray" )
segs <- lannots( "segment" )
for (s in 1:length(segs) ) {
 seg <- segs[[s]]
 rect( seg[1] , 1.5 + s/8 , seg[2] , 1.6+s/8 , col=s+2 ,border=NA)
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