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Interval annotations

Here we describe the formats of annotation files, how to attach them to EDFs, and how to view and summarize their contents.

Command Description
Luna annotations Overview of annotations in Luna
.annot files .annot file format (the preferred Luna annotation format)
.eannot files .eannot file format
NSRR XML files NSRR XML annotation files
--xml & --xml2 View NSRR XML annotation files
REMAP Apply annotation remappings after loading
ANNOTS Tabulate all annotations
MAKE-ANNOTS Make new annotations
WRITE-ANNOTS Write annotations as .annot or .xml
META Add meta-data to annotations
SPANNING Report on coverage of annotations
ESPAN Epoch-based annotation coverage
A2S Add a 0/1 signal based on an annotation
S2A Add an annotation based on ranged values of a signal
ALIGN-ANNOTS Align epochs (paired with ALIGN-EPOCHS)

Luna annotations

Annotations are a key part of Luna, and in combination with the MASK command and so-called eval expressions, provide a flexible way to manipulate EDFs.

Luna can represent a number of different types of annotation. Annotations may be represented as arbitrary intervals of time (defined with respect to the start of the EDF), or can be specified at the per-epoch level in a number of ways. First, we introduce some terminology:

A class of annotations is a set of arbitrary time intervals (e.g. such as "spindles")

Each instance of a class (e.g. one particular spindle) is defined by a time interval and an identifier (which may or may not be unique).

Optionally, each instance can also have associated meta-data, stored as typed key/value pairs.

This table summarizes these levels of annotation:

Type Level Example concept Specific example
class name Generic set of annotations All spindles spindles
instance Specific instance of a class
defined by a time interval
A single spindle 873.2 to 874.1 seconds
instance names ID (or non-unique label) for each instance Spindle number
(or type of spindle)
spindle-1, spindle-2, ...
(or fast-spindle, slow-spindle)
instance meta data Associated information Duration, amplitude, etc,
for an individual spindle
dur=0.88 amp=12.2 frq=11.1

Annotations can be represented in a number of different file formats, all described below:

  • .annot files, where each row describes an event/interval and any associated meta-data (including times, channels, etc)
  • .eannot files containing simple per-epoch labels, where each distinct label is treated as a distinction annotation class
  • EDF+ Annotations, where annotations are embedded in the EDF as separate channels
  • Luna-format XML files
  • NSRR-format XML files, where each ScoredEvent parent node in one XML is treated as a distinct annotation class


Currently masks only operate on class and instance level data, not meta-data. That is, annotation meta-data is currently not used by Luna. Also, including or excluding certain annotations with the annot option works at the class level only. That is, either all instances of a given class are loaded in, or none are.

.annot files

Generic annotation files

This is the preferred (and most flexible) annotation format for generic event/interval-based annotations. These are text-based, tab-delimited files that containing interval-level annotations.


.annot files should be plain-text but need not have the .annot file extension. Any annotation file that is neither .xml nor .eannot is assumed to be of generic .annot file format.

An .annot file can describe one or more annotations classes. Each class can have one or more instances, where each instance corresponds to an interval of time and a single row of the .annot file.

The standard .annot specification involves at least six tab-delimited fields (optionally allowing whitespace delimiters instead). There are numerous options and alternatives the supplement this basic format, as outlined below:


The standard definition specifies at least six fields, as described below.

The full (internal) representation of annotation data as is follows:

Column Description Default
class Annotation class Required
instance Instance ID If not used, specify .
channel Channel(s) If not applicable, specify .
start Start time Required: see time-encoding specifications below
stop Stop time See time-encoding specifications below
meta Meta-data Values or key-value pairs; if not present, specfiy .

This six-column format is the recommended format, and is what is written (by default) by WRITE-ANNOTS.

Extra fields: any additional fields (seven onwards) are interpreted as additional meta-data values, i.e. conceptually the same as the key=value pairs in the sixth meta column, but allowing for a different format, as described below.

Reduced forms: For convenience, Luna also allows reduced 3-column and 4-column variant formats that skip certain columns. If only four columns are present, they must be as follows:

Column Description Default
class Annotation class Required
instance Instance ID If not used, specify .
start Start time Required: see time-encoding specifications below
stop Stop time See time-encoding specifications below

If only three columns are present, they must be as follows:

Column Description Default
class Annotation class Required
start Start time Required: see time-encoding specifications below
stop Stop time See time-encoding specifications below

At its 3-column minimal, the .annot format is simply an annotation class and start/stop times: e.g.

annot1   10.20    12.50

In this example, this data-rows specifies an annotation of class annot1 that starts at 10.2 seconds (elapsed time from EDF start) and lasts 2.3 seconds, ending at 12.5 seconds.

Technically, a single annotation file can contain different rows with different variants of these 6/4/3 column formats: we do not advise this, however, as it means that the file will not be easily readable by tools such as R that expect regular formats (although a regular version can be easily generated with WRITE-ANNOTS).

Rows with 1, 2 or 5 columns will be reported as errors. Further, if there is a header field that specifies additional tabular meta-data columns (i.e. columns 7 onwards), then all rows must have the same number of fields as specified in the header.


Optionally, .annot files can have multiple header rows (the preamble) that define the classes in that file. Each of these header rows starts with a # character and contains between one to three |-delimited fields, which are class name, description and meta-data types respectively. For example

# a1 
# a2 | Unlike the first, this annotation has a description field
# a3 | This one also specifies meta-data types | val1[txt] val2[num] val3[bool]

In the contrived example above, there are three annotation classes: a1, a2 and a3. Only a2 and a3 have description fields. If an annotation class includes meta-data (i.e. a3), it must be first defined in a header row.

Optionally, .annot files can also contain a second type of header row, prior to any data-row, which specifies and labels the subsequent columns. If this row exists, it must exactly conform to one of the following (which also acts as an internal check on the ordering of columns and general correctness of the file):

For the six-column format:

class  instance  channel  start  stop  meta
For the four-column format:
class  instance  start  stop
For the three-column format:
class  start  stop

If including optional tabular meta-data fields (columns 7 onwards), those labels can be any unique valid key labels (e.g. no special characters or spaces, etc): for example, here we add three extra meta-data tags with keys AMP, dur_sec and F1:

class  instance  channel  start  stop  meta   AMP   dur_sec   F1

As noted above, It is advised that subsequent data rows adopt the same column format. This then allows R (or other packages) to read the .annot file as a tab/whitespace-delimited table, with the columns given these variable names, e.g. using the read.table() function. As, by default, read.table() ignores comment lines beginning with #, this will skip the preamble:

d <- read.table( "file.annot" , header=T )

Time encoding

The .annot file recognizes various ways to specify start and stop times for each annotation. These formats can be mixed-and-matched within a single .annot file.

  • Elapsed seconds: this is the default - any numerical value is interpreted as seconds elapsed relative from the EDF start time (i.e. as specified in the EDF header)

  • Clock-time: any times with the format hh:mm:ss or are assumed to be 24-hour clock-times. These can include fractions of a second, e.g. 23:03:01.524 (which is also the same as, i.e. if the EDF . character is used to delimit hours, minutes and seconds insted of the colon (:) character). It is also possible to specify dates as well as clock-times, i.e. as is necessary for long recordings, see below

  • Elapsed hh:mm:ss: any time starting 0+ is assumed to be an elapsed time specified in hh:mm:ss format rather than a clock-time, e.g. 0+00:00:30, 0+00:01:00 corresponds to 30 and 60 seconds past the EDF start

  • Epoch-encoding: instead of elapsed or clock times, it is also possible to specify start and stop times in terms of epochs by starting entries with the e character: see below for more details

Further, stop times can take one of two additonal encodings:

  • Durations: if the stop time starts with + it is interpreted as the duration of the interval, rather than the end. This can be used for any type of start time (elapsed seconds or clock-time). i.e.

annot1   10.00   +5
is the same as
annot1   10.00  15.00

  • Until next annotation: if the stop time is an ellipsis (...), this means that this annotation spans until the start of the next annotation listed in that file (or the end of the EDF, if this is the last row). Naturally, this assumes the annotation in the next row starts after the start of the current row. This can be convenient if only changes in sleep stage are specified at irregular intervals: i.e.
    annot1   10.00   ...
    annot1   15.00   ...
    annot2   22.00   30.30
    is the same as
    annot1   10.00   15.00
    annot1   15.00   22.00
    annot2   22.00   30.00
Order of annotations

The order of annotations is generally irrelevant in .annot files. (The one exception is when using the ... stop-time encoding, which relies on the next row in that same file, irrespective of what annotation class it is, or whether there is another intervening annotation elsewhere in the file).

Luna can read from multiple annotation files for a given individual; further, the same annotation classes can be present in more than one file. Internally, all annotations will be merged into a single set of annotations, irrespective of which file they were read from.

Interval encoding

Intervals are defined to be inclusive of the start but exclusive of the stop, i.e. the interval from a to b is [a,b). In other words, b is the first point just past the end of the interval. Interval duration is therefore defined as b-a. This means that two 30-second epochs specified below are non-overlapping epochs: rather, they are contiguous despite 30.00 appearing in both definitions:

class1  interval1   0.00 30.00 
class1  interval2  30.00 60.00 
Epoch encoding

Epoch encoding is provided as a convenience feature as many annotations are in fact specified in terms of regular-sized epochs and it might be awkward to always have to list the start and stop times of each epoch. These codes (that start with the characters e: to distinguish them from times in seconds) are converted to the equivalent interval when reading the file.

If the value in the start or stop column begins with the characters e:, then Luna assumes that epoch-notation is being used to specify the interval. By default, Luna assumes non-overlapping 30-second epochs, whereby e:1, e:2, e:3, etc, refer to the first, second, third, etc, epochs. If the stop column also starts e: then Luna assumes the interval is from the start for the first epoch to the end of the second epoch. Otherwise, the stop column should be set to missing (.)

For example, the following three lines specify identical intervals:

class1       instance1       0        30
class1       instance1       e:1      .
Similarly, these two lines are equivalent to each other:
class1       instance1       30       120
class1       instance1       e:2      e:4

Different epochs definitions can be specified by explicitly appending the epoch duration (in seconds) and increment (in seconds) as colon-delimited values, as shown in the Table below.

Example Description Implied interval (sec)
e:2 Second epoch; non-overlapping 30-second epochs [30.0,60.0)
e:2:20 Second epoch; non-overlapping 20-second epochs [20.0,40.0)
e:2:30:15 Second epoch; 50% overlapping 30-second epochs [15.0,45.0)

If not specified, the increment is assumed to be the same as the epoch duration, i.e. no overlap of consecutive epochs.


As epochs are defined within the .annot file itself, the actual EDF need not be epoched (i.e. from the EPOCH command). In fact, the EDF may even have epochs of a different duration specified. Also, unlike .eannot files, not every epoch needs to be specified in an .annot file, i.e. if there are 1200 epochs, you do not need to have exactly 1200 rows in this file. This is because instances specified with epoch-encoding are automatically converted to interval-encoding upon loading.

Time resolution and floating-point accuracy

By default, Luna rounds all times read in annotation files to seconds with 4 decimal places. This level of temporal resolution (which should be sufficient for all PSG/EEG contexts) is imposed in order to avoid precision issues that are inherent in representing floating-point numbers digitally.

That is, unlike integers, many real number do not have an exact internal floating-point representation: for example, 15.24 seconds may internally be represented as 15.23333333333339 or (depending on the platform or what prior conversions were done) 15.2400000000001, etc. Internally, Luna uses a 64-bit integer time-track (in which each time-point by default reflects 1e-9 seconds) to determine, e.g., whether intervals overlap or not. In both cases, 15.23333333333339 and 15.2400000000001 will therefore be mapped to the same time-point up to 4 decimal places accuracy: i.e. 15240000000 rather than 15239999999, etc. This makes downstream handling of intervals more robust.


When using clock-time encoding, it is also possible to specify dates. The default form uses European date format (following EDF specifications) and so expects something in the form dd-mm-yy-hh:mm:ss, i.e. 31-12-99-23:59:59.

Delimiters: Alternatively, one can use / for the date, and/or a space instead of - to separate the date and time, e.g. 31/12/99 23:59:59.

Month labels: it also also allowed to use the following three-character codes (case-insensitive) instead of the numbers 1 through 12: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov and Dec.

M/D/Y and Y/M/D formats: By setting the special variable date-format to either MDY or YMD (versus the default value of DMY) you can instruct Luna to assume these alternate date formats. Note, this implies that all annotation files will have the same date format. All outputs (e.g. from WRITE-ANNOTS or HEADERS etc, will always use European formats for dates, however. Although the EDF specification requires European dates in the EDF header, if this is wrongly specified, you can use edf-date-format with the same convention.

Day offsets: Alternatively, you can use the special codes d1, d2 etc in place of a full date to mean the first day, second day, where day one is specified by the start date in the EDF header.

If a date is too far from the EDF start date (e.g. 100 days), the Luna will give an error. Annotations that start before the EDF start date will be ignored.

Data rows

Subsequent data rows of the .annot file specify instances of one of these three classes, along with the necessary meta-data in the case of a3. For example, in six-column format, the full file might read:

# a1 
# a2 | Unlike the first, this annotation has a description field
# a3 | This one also specifies meta-data types | val1[txt] val2[num] val3[bool]
class  instance  channel   start    stop     meta
a1     i1        .         10.00    15.00    .
a1     i2        .         92.10    105.22   .
a1     i3        .         108.5    123.11   .
a2     .         .         e:2      .        .
a2     .         .         e:7      .        .
a2     .         .         e:10     e:12     .
a3     A         C3        0        +30      W;0.88;Y
a3     A         C3,C4     30       +30      W;0.98;Y
a3     B         C4        60       +30      N1;0.23;N

That is, each data row specifies one annotation of the previously defined classes a1, a2, and a3.

  • first column: class name matches one of the header rows (i.e. a1, a2 or a3 in this example); if a new class is encountered, it is added on-the-fly
  • second column: instance ID that can be unique or not with respect to its annotation class (or even missing, as for a2)
  • third column: channel IDs can be optinally specified, if they are relevant. e.g. for events detected on a given channel(s).
  • fourth and fifth column(s): these define the interval for this annotation instance, as described above
  • sixth column: either missing (period, .) or, if the header specified meta-data for that annotation class (as for a3 above), then these must be listed in a pipe-delimited format, in the same order as they were declared in the header/preamble.

As noted above, this example also uses different ways to specify start/stop times. You can mix and match these different formats with the same annotation class. (In the example above, we map them to a1, a2, and a3 simply to make the example clearer.)

The same information could also be represented in a reduced format (i.e. without header rows or extra columns) but of course some information would be lost (e.g. meta-data and channels for a3, and instance IDs):

a1   10.00    15.00
a1   92.10    105.22
a1   108.5    123.11
a2   e:2      .
a2   e:7      .
a2   e:10     e:12
a3   0        +30
a3   30       +30
a3   60       +30


Meta-data are typed user-defined attributes of individual annotation instances. For example, annotations for spindle events may have an amplitude or frequency meta-data attribute. The .annot format provides a few ways to specify annotation meta-data, in column six (or beyond):

  • key-value pairs: this is the default used by WRITE-ANNOTS, to specify meta-data as key=value pairs in the sixth meta field.

  • values: if a full header has been specified with meta-data fields, then values in the sxith meta field are assumed to correspond to those tags, as shown below

  • tabular meta-data: given a header row that specifies columns beyond the sixth, values in those columns are treated as meta-data

That is, here are the three ways of specifying the same information: key-value pairs, which don't require any prior specification of the types:

a   .   .   10    20   v1=abc;v2=22
a   .   .   20    30   . 
b   .   .   40    80   . 

Stating the meta-fields in the extended header that describes annotation class a:

# a | annotation 'a' | v1[txt] v2[num]
a   .   .   10    20   abc;22
a   .   .   20    30   .    (?? check) 
b   .   .   40    80   . 

Third, as tabular meta-data where the standard header row specifies the fields (which must be defined explicitly as missing for all annotation classes):

class instance channel start stop meta  v1    v2
a     .        .       10    20   .     abc   22
a     .        .       20    30   .     .     .
b     .        .       40    80   .     .     . 

As illustrated above, in the original example the a3 class also expects some meta-data for each instance: three variables named var1, var2 and var3, each with a specified type.

Meta-data types

The following types are currently available in Luna:

Type Description
num Numeric (i.e. any floating point number)
int Integer
bool Boolean yes/no, true/false (with values y, yes, Y or 1 versus n, N, no or 0)
txt Any text string

Types can be defined on a file-by-file basis in the header rows, as described above.

You can also explicitly set meta-data keys to a given with the options num-atype, int-atype, txt-atype and bool-atype, all of which take a comma-delimited list of key labels. These apply to all files.

If no type if specified, all annotations are assumed to be numeric. This behavior can be changed by setting the special variable annot-meta-default-num to F.

Meta-data types primarily matter only for the DERIVE command currently.


Key-value meta-data should be delimited by either ; or | characters. e.g.

a   .   .   10    20   v1=abc;v2=22
a   .   .   20    30   v1=ced|v2=33

These defaults can be changed with the annot-meta-delim1 and annot-meta-delim2 special options.

The assignment symbol (which is = by default) can also be changed (but has to be a single character): e.g. annot-keyval=: to allow

a   .   .   10    20   v1:abc;v2:22
a   .   .   20    30   v1:ced|v2:33

Note that these options apply to all annotations files read: if you have a mixture of formats, you should use WRITE-ANNOTS first to make a uniform set.


Annotation meta-data are currently used only by the Luna META and DERIVE commands.

Standard format

The .annot file is designed to support a range of input formats, for flexibility. As described below, no matter what the form of inputs, any valid .annot file will be output in a more limited, standardized manner by the WRITE-ANNOTS command, as described below.

.eannot files

This is the simplest format for epoch-level annotations. Epoch annotations in .eannot files are simple labels attached to individual epochs. The format is as follows:

  • one row per epoch
  • each row contains a single label, that is attached to that epoch
  • for each distinct label in the file, a new annotation class is generated
  • each instance is assigned the same ID as the label name (i.e. same as the class name)

When an .eannot is specified in the sample-list, it is attached prior to loading the EDF. By default, Luna assumes epochs are 30-seconds in duration and do not overlap when using .eannot files.


To work with .eannot files but use different epoch definitions, you have three options:

  1. use the EPOCH and EPOCH-ANNOT commands to attach the file after initially attaching the EDF (i.e. instead of specifying the .eannot file in the sample-list)

  2. Set the special variable epoch-len variable if the .eannot is specified in the sample list (i.e. and so loaded when the EDF is first attached, prior to running any EPOCH command)

  3. Use the e: epoch encoding notation in a generic .annot file instead, as described above.

Unlike other types of annotation, these can be loaded via a Luna command, EPOCH-ANNOT, potentially after the EDF has been loaded and manipulated. In that case, i.e. when using the EPOCH-ANNOT command, the number of rows (epochs) in the .eannot file must match the number of epochs that currently exist in the in-memory representation of the EDF (i.e. which may be different from the on-disk version).

A common use of an .eannot file could be to store manually-scored sleep stages:

... (etc) ...
where the number of rows of this file corresponds to the number of 30-second epochs in the EDF. One could then use these annotations in a MASK command, such as:
MASK if=wake
to exclude wake epochs from analysis.

Luna XML files

Luna uses a version of the NSRR annotation format that is similar to the NSRR XML format, but is designed to be completely interchangeable with the .annot format. This is the format generated by the WRITE-ANNOTS command when the xml option is specified.

First, the preamble, with all information encapsulated in an Annotations parent node:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>



 <StartTime> xxx </StartTime>
 <Duration> xxx </Duration>
 <DurationSeconds> xxx </DurationSeconds>

Second, the definition of each annotation class present in the Classes and Class tags:


   <Name>Annotation Class Name</Name>
   <Description>Annotation Description</Description>
    <Variable name="name1" type="num">Numeric variable label</Variable>
    <Variable name="name2" type="num">Numeric variable label</Variable>
    <Variable name="name3" type="num">Numeric variable label</Variable>


Finally, each instance is listed in the next Instances and Instance tags:


  <Class>Recording Start Time</Class>
    <Name>Recording Start Time</Name>
    <Channel>Optional channel label(s)</Channel>
    <Value var="name1">0.1</Value>
    <Value var="name2">0.2</Value>
    <Value var="name3">0.3</Value>



NSRR XML files

Luna accepts XML annotation files, as used by the National Sleep Research Resource. These are based on Compumedics Profusion files, as described here. Any files that end in a .xml or .XML extension are assumed to be in this format, and Luna will attempt to read it as an annotation file. Luna maps each ScoredEvent node to a single annotation class.


To quickly view the Scored Events in a single NSRR XML file (sorted by clock time):

luna --xml my-annotations.xml
.    .      EpochLength 30
0 - 30      (30 secs)   SleepStage  Wake
30 - 60     (30 secs)   SleepStage  Wake
60 - 90     (30 secs)   SleepStage  Wake
90 - 120    (30 secs)   SleepStage  Wake
120 - 150   (30 secs)   SleepStage  Wake
150 - 180   (30 secs)   SleepStage  NREM1
180 - 210   (30 secs)   SleepStage  Wake
210 - 240   (30 secs)   SleepStage  Wake
... (etc) ...


Alternatively, use --xml2 to report all entries in any XML, along with the full, original XML document tree structure:

EDF+ Annotations

Using a test EDF+ file that contains some annotations (one posted on Teunis van Beelen's website, which can be accessed here), Luna will automatically extract the annotations (by convention, from channels named EDF Annotations) and include these alongside any other annotations (e.g. from XML or .annot files). For this example EDF+ file:

luna ma0844az_1-1+.edf -o out.db  -s ANNOTS
The console output notes that an EDF Annotations channel is present, and is being extracted:
 signals: 38 (of 38) selected in an EDF+ file:
  EEG_FP1 | EEG_FP2 | EEG_F3 | EEG_F4 | EEG_C3 | EEG_C4 | EEG_P3 | EEG_P4
  EEG_O1 | EEG_O2 | EEG_F7 | EEG_F8 | EEG_T3 | EEG_T4 | EEG_T5 | EEG_T6
  EEG_T1 | EEG_T2 | EEG_X1 | EEG_X2 | EEG_X3 | EEG_X4 | EEG_X5 | EEG_X6
  EEG_X7 | DC01 | DC02 | DC03 | DC04 | EDF Annotations
  extracting 'EDF Annotations' track
Further, the log also notes the number of annotations, 41 in this case:

  edf_annot (x41)

By default, note that all annotations from an EDF+ file are assigned the annotation class of edf_annot; the annotation instance ID is assigned to whatever value is present in the EDF+ (annotation instance IDs need not be unique). See above for a description of annotation class versus instances.

Assigning class-level annotations from EDF+ explicitly

Exceptions to the rule can be added with the edf-annot-class special variable, to give a list of annotations that are their own classes: e.g.

luna ma0844az_1-1+.edf -o out.db edf-annot-class=HVT_START,HVT_END -s ANNOTS 

The console now shows these explicitly listed:

  HVT_END (x1) | HVT_START (x1) | edf_annot (x39)
This means they will be separately represented in the ANNOTS output, and can more easily be used as annotations in masks, etc. Typically this might be done to pull out sleep stage annotations: e.g. to pull out stages from an EDF+ (assuming these are the labels) and save as a simple .annot file:

luna edfplus.edf edf-annot-class=N1,N2,N3,R,W,? \
     -s ' WRITE-ANNOTS file=a.annot annot=N1,N2,N3,R,W,? '
Subsequently, one would likley then add skip-edf-annots=T as a special variable to ignore annotations from an EDF+ that have already been extracted to a separate file and attached (and linked via a sample-list to the original EDF+).
It can be slow to scan an entire EDF+ to pull out annotations, and so performing these steps initially (i.e. to extract all desired annotations as an .annot) is the best workflow in Luna.

If the verbose special variable is set to true, then (surprisingly...) you'd see more verbose output in the log, that lists some of these instance IDs too:

  [edf_annot] 41 instance(s) (from ma0844az_1-1+.edf)
   36 instance IDs:  A1+A2_OFF HVT_00:30 HVT_01:00 HVT_01:30 HVT_02:00 ...

The ANNOTS command can be used to tabulate these annotations.

luna ma0844az_1-1+.edf -o out.db  -s ANNOTS
destrat out.db +ANNOTS -r ANNOT INST T

(nb. below, omitting some columns for clarity of output, and just listing the first three annotations:)

edf_annot PAT_IIB_EEG       0     00.00.00          10.18.42
edf_annot REC_START_IIB_CAL 0     00.00.00          10.18.42
edf_annot A1+A2_OFF         1     00.00.01          10.18.43

For each annotaton that start (and stop) times are given: in seconds elapsed since start of the EDF (START), the same information but in hh:mm:ss format (START_ELAPSED_HMS) and as clock-time (START_HMS).

Spaces in annotation labels

In the original EDF+, the annotation labels are actually PAT IIB EEG, REC START IIB CAL, etc. Note that Luna has autoamtically converted spaces to underscore characters (_), to make working with these annotations easier on the command line (i.e. PAT_IIB_EEG, etc). If for some reason this was not desired, set the special variable keep-annot-spaces=T (or keep-spaces=T to do this for both channel and annotation labels.

Luna masks typically refer to annotation class labels to work, but can also use annotation instance identifiers, which will typically be necessary with EDF+ annotations (i.e. unless every annotation in the EDF meant the same thing, in which case the edf_annot class label could be used).

For example, we see overall this EDF+ is just over 30 minutes in duration, so 60 30-second epochs:

Processing: ma0844az_1-1+.edf [ #1 ]
 duration: 00.30.18 ( clocktime 10.18.42 - 10.49.00 )

We'll use two of the annotations in this file to extract only the epochs containing those annotations: HVT_00:30 and HVT_01:00, which occur at 00.21.32 and 00.22.02 (elapsed time) respectively, as one can see from looking at the full output as the above ANNOTS command, for example.

To mask epochs based on these two labels, we can use the following, using the

form (i.e. with instance IDs are specified as a |-delimited list, within square brackets [ and ] following the class ID).

luna ma0844az_1-1+.edf -o out.db  -s  ' MASK mask-ifnot=edf_annot[HVT_00:30|HVT_01:00] '

Using eval expressions instead

This is a digression, but to illustrate a difference way to use Luna masks in this instance, and to point to a common problem/solution. Instead of the above form, to mask epochs based on these two labels, we could also use the following:

luna ma0844az_1-1+.edf 
   -o out.db  
   -s ' MASK expr=" edf_annot =~ c( {HVT_00:30} , {HVT_01:00} ) " '
 options: expr=" edf_annot =~ c( {HVT_00:30} , {HVT_01:00} ) " sig=*
 set epochs, to default length 30, 60 epochs
  set masking mode to 'force'
   based on eval expression [edf_annot =~ c( {HVT_00:30} , {HVT_01:00} )]
   2 true, 58 false and 0 invalid return values
   2 epochs match; 2 newly masked, 0 unmasked, 58 unchanged
    total of 58 of 60 retained

Expressing the above MASK command on the command line in this way, we used -s to write it out. To stop the (bash) shell from interpreting special characters that can often occur (e.g. & to separate Luna commands) we placed all text within single quotes ('). We also had to place the eval expression with double quotes, so that Luna could correctly parse the entire expression. This means we could not also use single quotes easily to specify string literals on the command line (e.g. HVT_00:30). We therefore used Luna's alternate way of specifying string literals in eval expressions, using braces { and } -- so we have:

edf_annot =~ c( {HVT_00:30} , {HVT_01:00} )     
instead of:
edf_annot =~ c( 'HVT_00:30' , 'HVT_01:00' )     
Note that if the whole command was in a separate file (rather than following -s and therefore already enclosed in single quotes), we would be able to use this second (more readable) form. Neither quotes nor braces are needed in the simpler format first given above.


Remap annotation labels after loading

This command replicates the functionality of the remap command, but can be applied after a dataset is first attached. It also allows for some flexibility in the format of the remapping file.


Parameter Example Description
file f1.txt Required file with mappings
remap-col T or F Optionally, specify whether a remap column is present
optional-remap-col Allows but does not require a remap column
allow-spaces Optionally, allow space as well as tab delimiters
verbose Verbose output to the console


No direct output, except for messages to the console log if verbose is specified.

Any remappings will be available for output via the ALIASES command however.


If f.txt is a tab-delimited file containing:

remap    A|B|C
remap    Y|Z

then the following command would map any annotations B or C to A, and any annotations Z to Y:

luna s.lst -s ' REMAP file=f.txt remap-col=T & ANNOTS ' 

This is equivalent to including the file as follows:

luna s.lst @f.txt -s ' ANNOTS ' 

Alternatively, if f.txt was instead space-delimited and as follows:

luna s.lst -s ' REMAP file=f.txt remap-col=F allow-spaces & ANNOTS '
would have the same effect as above. It is also possible to write f.txt as:
In all cases, A and Y will be the primary annotation labels used.

Standard rules apply with respect to spaces, capitalization and special characters (i.e. this is not case-sensitive by default, etc)


Tabulate and summarize annotation information

Produces information about the number and total duration of annotations in an EDF, at the whole-file level and optionally per-epoch.

By default, ANNOTS will only show annotations that span at least one unmasked epoch. The definition of whether or not an annotation instance is masked or not can be varied. Depending on the context, this can be useful to generate different types of summaries, e.g. the number of respiratory events in REM versus NREM sleep.


Parameter               Example               Description
epoch epoch Show epoch-level summaries
show-masked show-masked Show masked annotations (default is not to do so)
any any Keep annotations that have any overlap with one or more unmasked epochs (default)
all all Only keep annotations that are completely within unmasked epochs
start start Keep annotations that start in an unmasked epoch

The epoch option lists, for each epoch, all the annotations that overlap with that epoch, given the specified overlap definition (any, all or start). If the show-mask option is given as well, all epochs and annotations are shown; otherwise, only unmasked epochs and annotations are shown. The output contains two variables (EPOCH_MASK and ANN_MASK) that indicate whether a given annotation instance is masked or not.


Class-level annotation summary (strata: ANNOT)

Variable Description
COUNT Number of instances of that annotation class
DUR Combined duration (seconds) of all instances of that annotation class (does not account for potential overlap)

Instance-level annotation summary (strata: ANNOT x INST)

Variable Description
COUNT Number of instances of that annotation class and instance ID
DUR Combined duration (seconds) of all instances of that annotation class and instance ID (does not account for potential overlap)

Instance-level annotation tabulation (strata: ANNOT x INST x T)

Variable Depends on Description
START Start time (seconds) of this instance
STOP Stop time (seconds) of this instance
VAL The meta-data for this instance, if any exists (otherwise missing NA)
ALL_MASKED show-masked
ALL_UNMASKED show-masked
SOME_MASKED show-masked
SOME_UNMASKED show-masked
START_MASKED show-masked

Per-epoch instance-level annotation tabulation (strata: E x INTERVAL x INST)

Variable               Depends on Description
ANNOT_MASK epoch Flag whether this annotation instance is included or excluded (1 means masked or excluded)
EPOCH_MASK epoch Flag whether this epoch is included or excluded (1 means masked or excluded)


Create new annotations on-the-fly

This command makes new annotations, typically based on pairwise comparisons of existing annotations, that are:

  • union of two annotations

  • intersection of two annotations

  • only annotations A that overlap annotation B

  • only annotations A that do not overlap annotation B

Also, there are special cases to

  • add annotations corresponding to epochs (and optionally, delimiting the boundaries of those epochs) (epoch)

  • simply add a numbered annotation corresponding to each epoch (epoch-num)

  • merge contiguous or overlapping annotations of a single class (flatten)

  • cut up longer annotations along the lines of epoch boundaries (split)


Primary parameters

Parameter Example Description
annot annot=N Name of the new annotation
expr expr=A+B A pairwise expression of two existing annotations A and B in form A*B, A|B, A+B, A-B
epoch epoch=E Add a flattened annotation for all epochs
epoch-num epoch-num=E Add annotations of numbered epochs
flatten flatten=A Merge contiguous or overlapping epochs ( i.e. A|A)
split split=A Split longer annotations into parts no longer than the underlying epochs

Specify annot and either expr, flatten, split; alternatively, specify either epoch or epoch-num

Pairwise expressions (arguments for expr)

Expression Description
A*B New annotation is the intersection of A and B (AND)
A|B New annotation is the union of A and B (OR)
A+B New annotation is events in A that are overlapped by B
A-B New annotation is events in A that are not overlapped by B

Misc. options for epoch

Expression Description
w One or more edge window sizes (seconds)
collapse-edges Do not distinguish left and right edges
edge Optional replacement for edge string for edge annotation label


Pairwise operations

Staring with the four-column (headerless) annotation file a.annot:

A   .   10  20
A   .   30  40
B   .   32  38
A   .   50  60
B   .   45  65
The following commands would produce annotation C as follows: the intersection of A and B:
MAKE-ANNOTS annot=C expr=A*B 
class  start   stop
C      32.000  38.000
C      50.000  60.000
The union of A or B:
MAKE-ANNOTS annot=C expr=A|B
class  start    stop
C      10.000   20.000
C      30.000   40.000
C      45.000   65.000
Events from A that are overlapped by at least one B:
MAKE-ANNOTS annot=C expr=A+B
class  start    stop
C      30.000   40.000
C      50.000   60.000
Events from A that are not overlapped by any B:
MAKE-ANNOTS annot=C expr=A-B
class  start    stop
C      10.000   20.000

Flattening and splitting epochs

If a.annot is the following:

A   .   10  20
A   .   20  30
A   .   30  40
A   .   35  45
A   .   60  180
MAKE-ANNOTS annot=C flatten=A
class   start   stop
C       10.000  45.000
C       60.000  180.000

Conversely, if attaching annotation C (as above) and running split to generate S:

MAKE-ANNOTS annot=S flatten=C
class start    stop
S     10.000   30.000
S     30.000   45.000
S     60.000   90.000
S     90.000   120.000
S     120.000  150.000
S     150.000  180.000

That is, given (default) 30-second epochs, the annotations C are split at epoch boundaries to make separate events. Note that the second epoch only spans half an epoch (30 - 45 seconds).

Epoch numbering

To add a new annotation for each epoch starting EP_:

luna s.lst -s ' MAKE-ANNOTS epoch-num=EP & WRITE-ANNOTS file=a.annot ' 

class           instance  channel  start    stop       meta
EP_0001         .         .        0.000    30.000     .
W               .         .        0.000    10020.000  .
SpO2_artifact   .         SpO2     17.300   56.400     .
EP_0002         .         .        30.000   60.000     .
EP_0003         .         .        60.000   90.000     .
EP_0004         .         .        90.000   120.000    .
EP_0005         .         .        120.000  150.000    .

Epoch annotations

To demonstrate using epoch: for this EDF, when run on a standard (gapless) EDF it will give a single annotation that encompasses all epochs:

class  start   stop   
E      0.000   41220.000
Here, the EDF duration happens to be exactly 41220 seconds (i.e. a multiple of 30 seconds) but if the EDF duration was (e.g. 5 seconds longer), then that additional 5 seconds would not be spanned by an epoch (assuming standard, non-overlapping 30-second epochs): in that case, the E annotation would still reflect the same as above (i.e. 41220, not 41225 seconds duration).

If the EDF had gaps, this would be reflected in multiple E annotations:

MASK epoch=1-10,100-200 & RE & MAKE-ANNOTS epoch=E
class  start     stop
E      0.000     300.000
E      2970.000  6000.000

Considering a second scenario with more complex epoch structure: as a demonstation, we select the first 30 seconds of an EDF and then set 7-second epochs with 2-second increment, followed by MAKE-ANNOTS epoch:

MASK epoch=1 & RE & EPOCH len=7 inc=2 & RE & MAKE-ANNOTS epoch=E
class   start   stop
E       0.000   29.000
This spans 0 to 29 seconds, reflecting the epoch structure. To confirm, we could add verbose to the EPOCH command as described here; alternatively, here we can use MAKE-ANNOTS epoch-num to make new annotations corresponding to each epoch:
class   start   stop
E_0001  0.000   7.000
E_0002  2.000   9.000
E_0003  4.000   11.000
E_0004  6.000   13.000
E_0005  8.000   15.000
E_0006  10.000  17.000
E_0007  12.000  19.000
E_0008  14.000  21.000
E_0009  16.000  23.000
E_0010  18.000  25.000
E_0011  20.000  27.000
E_0012  22.000  29.000
i.e. this shows the total epoch span to 0 to 29 seconds.

Other options for epoch

As secondary options (designed for some niche use cases, but presented here for completeness)

MASK epoch=1-10,20-30 & RE & MAKE-ANNOTS epoch=E w=5 
(columns removed and rows separated for clarity):
class       start   stop
edge_left   0.000   5.000
E           0.000   300.000
edge_right  295.000 300.000

edge_left   570.000 575.000
E           570.000 900.000
edge_right  895.000 900.000
i.e. additional edge annotations are added to demarcate the edges of each epoch annotation - i.e. regions near the bounadaries of the currently included analytic interval. The label edge can be changed with the edge option; left and right edges can be collapsed to one class with collapse-edges.


Output annotations in full Luna-format

Luna assumes that annotation data may arrive in subtly different formats: the generic .annot format tries to make some allowances for this, by making it easier to convert to .annot, for example:

  • using (clock-time or elapsed) hh:mm:ss versus elapsed second versus epoch encoding
  • ellipses to indicate that start continues until the next point
  • the class versus instance ID distinction
  • optional headers and columns (e.g. for channels or meta-data)
  • ability to include dates in various formats for longer recordings
  • meta-data for events allowed in various formats

When writing .annot files, Luna adheres to a standard, full default:

  • standard six-column format
  • extended eaders absent
  • explicit start and stop times for annotations in elapsed seconds
  • ordered by time of occurrence
  • multiple annotation combined into a single .annot file
  • can output only a subset of annotations (via the annot option)

Optionally, one can instead write variations on the standard .annot form:

  • use clock-times instead of elapsed seconds (with hms)

  • dates and clock-times (with dhms)

  • tabular meta-data (with tab-meta)

Alternatively, one can write XML files (with xml) instead of .annot, although we suggest you use .annot format as the most practical default.


Parameter Example Description
file a.annot File name - should end if .annot (unless XML)
annot N1,N2,N3,R,W Only output these options (versus all), this accepts wildcard *
hms Write in hh:mm:ss output rather than elapsed seconds
dhms Write in dd-mm-yyyy-hh:mm:ss output rather than elapsed seconds
tab-meta T Write meta-data in tabular format
meta F Do or don't write meta column 6 (writes . if F)
xml Write to XML annotation format instead of .annot

Secondary parameters

Parameter Example Description
headers Include verbose header rows in .annot
minimal Do not include main class... header row ( or min)
specials Add special internal annotatons: e.g. epoch_len, etc
collapse For a discontinuous EDF, collapse annotation times
add-ellipsis For zero-duration annotations, add ... as the second field, i.e. extend to the next annotation
min-dur 1 Set a minimum duration of events (in seconds) for them to be output
offset -0.22 Apply an offset of, e.g. -0.22 seconds, to all annotations when writing out


A new annotation file, saved to disk, as either .annot or XML formats.


Importantly, in the context of multi-sample processing, the ^ wildcard character (which substitutes the individual's ID) will typically be necessary:

WRITE-ANNOTS file=annots/^.annot 

will write annots/p01.annot, annots/p02.annot, etc, for samples with IDs p01, p02, etc.

If there are other annotations (e.g. B1, B2, etc) but you only want WRITE-ANNOTS to output a subset, you can write

WRITE-ANNOTS file=a.annot annot=A1,A2,A3

or equivalently in this case, using a wildcard to match all annotations starting with A:

WRITE-ANNOTS file=a.annot annot=A*

Note: wildcards can only come at the end of annotation names: e.g. annot=A_*_X would not be parsed as a wildcard, whereas annot=A_X_* would be.

Collapsing EDF+D annotations: If the current data are in EDF+D *(with gaps), adding the collapse option will splice out those gaps, as shown in this vignette. Note that if combined in the same Luna run as a WRITE command, you should place WRITE-ANNOTS collapse first, as if the EDF+D isn't truly discontinuous (i.e. it may skip initial epochs, but is still a single contiguous interval), then WRITE will convert the record to a standard EDF in memory (without changing the annotation times).


Add meta-data to annotations based on other annotations or signals

This flexible command can add meta-data tags to existing (in-memory) annotations based on either the properties of signals or other annotations.

It operates in one of two primary modes: appending new values based on 1) other annotations (e.g. overlap or distinance to other annotation classes) or 2) the EDF signals that span those annotations (e.g. the mean value of a window around each annotation). A further special mode can add meta-data based on the duration of annotations.

Added annotation meta-data can be exported (with WRITE-ANNOTS) or used to derive other summary metrics.


Annotation mode options (other, i.e. meta-data reflect overlaps with other annotations):

Parameter Example Description
annot X add meta-data to annotation X
other A,B,C one or more other annotations
md D key name for metadata (i.e. the main output of META)
w 10 optional window size around X
w-left 10 optional window size before X
w-right 10 optional window size after X
flatten make union (& join contiguous) other annotations

Annotation mode functions: one of these to be selected, determines values of meta-data:

Parameter Description
overlap any overlap with 1+ other annotation (0/1)
complete-overlap is X completely spanned by 1+ other annotation (0/1)
whole-other completely other completely spanned by X (0/1)
count count number of instances of other (N)
nearest distance (time in sec) to nearest other (0 if overlap)
nearest-midpoint as above, but based on annotation mid-points
nearest-start as above, but based on annotation starts
nearest-stop as above, but based on annotation stops

Signal mode options: (sig, i.e. meta-data reflect summaries of spanned signals):

Parameter Example Description
annot X add meta-data to annotation X
sig S1 a single signal
md D key name for metadata
w 10 optional window size around X
w-left 10 optional window size before X
w-right 10 optional window size after X

Signal mode functions (one of these to be selected, determines values of meta-data):

Parameter Description
mean mean of signal interval spanned by annotation X
min min of signal interval spanned by annotation X
max max of signal interval spanned by annotation X
range range of signal interval spanned by annotation X

Special duration mode (dur, i.e. meta reflects event duration)

Parameter Example Description
annot X Add meta-data to annotation X
dur Sets special mode, to add event duration as the meta-data value
md D Use key name D for meta-data


No output is generated (other than appending meta-data tags to existing in-memory annotations).


Consider these partial example annotation files (all belonging to the same recording):

head *annot

Some respiratory events in a.annot with meta-data:

==> a.annot <==
H. Obstructive  4    .    85171.386     85186.474    SpO2DeltaE=4;ArE=0
H. Obstructive  4    .    85338.220     85356.166    SpO2DeltaE=2;ArE=0
A. Obstructive  2    .    85393.791     85406.958    SpO2DeltaE=6;ArE=1
H. Obstructive  4    .    85621.544     85632.661    SpO2DeltaE=4;ArE=0
H. Obstructive  4    .    85803.149     85814.584    SpO2DeltaE=3;ArE=0
H. Obstructive  4    .    85934.409     85975.542    SpO2DeltaE=3;ArE=0
A. Obstructive  2    .    85981.168     85995.404    SpO2DeltaE=4;ArE=0
A. Obstructive  2    .    86138.694     86152.374    SpO2DeltaE=6;ArE=1
A. Obstructive  2    .    86668.490     86682.708    SpO2DeltaE=7;ArE=0
H. Obstructive  4    .    86761.592     86772.709    SpO2DeltaE=3;ArE=1

Some staging in stages.annot (note, using a different date/time format):

==> stages.annot <==
Wake    .       .       20-Jun-2023 23:00:30    20-Jun-2023 23:01:00    .
Wake    .       .       20-Jun-2023 23:01:00    20-Jun-2023 23:01:30    .
Wake    .       .       20-Jun-2023 23:01:30    20-Jun-2023 23:02:00    .
Wake    .       .       20-Jun-2023 23:02:00    20-Jun-2023 23:02:30    .
Wake    .       .       20-Jun-2023 23:02:30    20-Jun-2023 23:03:00    .
Wake    .       .       20-Jun-2023 23:03:00    20-Jun-2023 23:03:30    .
Wake    .       .       20-Jun-2023 23:03:30    20-Jun-2023 23:04:00    .
Wake    .       .       20-Jun-2023 23:04:00    20-Jun-2023 23:04:30    .
Wake    .       .       20-Jun-2023 23:04:30    20-Jun-2023 23:05:00    .
Wake    .       .       20-Jun-2023 23:05:00    20-Jun-2023 23:05:30    .

And some position information in pos.annot:

==> pos.annot <==
Supine  .       .       20-Jun-2023 23:00:05    20-Jun-2023 23:35:45    .
Left    .       .       20-Jun-2023 23:35:45    20-Jun-2023 23:35:50    .
Prone   .       .       20-Jun-2023 23:35:50    20-Jun-2023 23:35:55    .
Supine  .       .       20-Jun-2023 23:35:55    21-Jun-2023 00:06:35    .
Right   .       .       21-Jun-2023 00:06:35    21-Jun-2023 00:06:40    .
Upright .       .       21-Jun-2023 00:06:40    21-Jun-2023 00:06:50    .
Supine  .       .       21-Jun-2023 00:06:50    21-Jun-2023 00:06:55    .
Left    .       .       21-Jun-2023 00:06:55    21-Jun-2023 00:07:00    .
Supine  .       .       21-Jun-2023 00:07:00    21-Jun-2023 00:07:30    .
Left    .       .       21-Jun-2023 00:07:30    21-Jun-2023 00:07:35    .

The respiratory event annotations include two meta-data tags: SpO2DeltaE and ArE. At this point, it doesn't matter what these are: the META command is generic. Consider we have a sample list s.lst linking these annotation files:

id1   .      a.annot,pos.annot,stages.annot

Note that in this particular example the EDF field happens to be blank (.), meaning that Luna will create an empty EDF; although this won't have any signal data, it allows working with annotation files, although we'll need to specify some start-times and dates below. This is just to illustrate that is is possible to apply Luna to annotation-only style datasets.

Also consider we have a remapping file param to give new annotation labels, which is necessary to work with them programmatically, as below.

remap   apnea|A. Obstructive
remap   hypopnea|H. Obstructive
That is, the two annotations will be remapped to apnea and hypopnea (i.e. omitting spaces).

Here we attach and merge the annotations (in this example case, fixing a dummy EDF start time and length, etc); we then add the duration (tag DUR) of each event as a meta-data tag, for apnea, hypopnea and N2 and export those to the file f.annot. We also use DERIVE (described elsewhere) to calculate the sum of all newly added apnea event durations, and save this in the individual-level variable ADUR, which can then be output by DERIVE:

luna s.lst @param -o out.db \
     --date=20-Jun-2023 --time=00:00:00 --nr=500000 --rs=100 \
 -s ' META annot=apnea,hypopnea,N2 dur md=DUR
      WRITE-ANNOTS file=f.annot
      DERIVE var=ADUR expr=" ADUR = sum( apnea.DUR ) " '

Here are some rows of f.annot, that now have all events merged into a single file and with the DUR tag added to the requested annotations:

N1       .    .    85020.000    85050.000   .
N1       .    .    85050.000    85080.000   .
N2       .    .    85080.000    85110.000   DUR=30
N2       .    .    85110.000    85140.000   DUR=30
N2       .    .    85140.000    85170.000   DUR=30
N2       .    .    85170.000    85200.000   DUR=30
hypopnea 4    .    85171.386    85186.474   ArE=0;DUR=15.088;SpO2DeltaE=4
N2       .    .    85200.000    85230.000   DUR=30
N2       .    .    85230.000    85260.000   DUR=30
N2       .    .    85260.000    85290.000   DUR=30
N2       .    .    85290.000    85320.000   DUR=30
N2       .    .    85320.000    85350.000   DUR=30
hypopnea 4    .    85338.220    85356.166   ArE=0;DUR=17.946;SpO2DeltaE=2
N2       .    .    85350.000    85380.000   DUR=30
N2       .    .    85380.000    85410.000   DUR=30
apnea    2    .    85393.792    85406.959   ArE=1;DUR=13.167;SpO2DeltaE=6
N2       .    .    85410.000    85440.000   DUR=30

The final ADUR value is just over 3600 seconds (i.e. ~one hour).

destrat out.db +DERIVE
ID      ADUR
id1     3628.389

Note that if we added meta=F the meta-data would not be written as key=value pairs to the sixth field; also, adding tab-meta adds .annot fields after the sixth, for these meta-data values, which can be easier to parse in some circumstances:

class    instance  channel  start       stop        meta  ArE   DUR     SpO2DeltaE
N1       .         .        84990.000   85020.000   .     .     .       .
N1       .         .        85020.000   85050.000   .     .     .       .
N1       .         .        85050.000   85080.000   .     .     .       .
N2       .         .        85080.000   85110.000   .     .     30      .
N2       .         .        85110.000   85140.000   .     .     30      .
N2       .         .        85140.000   85170.000   .     .     30      .
N2       .         .        85170.000   85200.000   .     .     30      .
hypopnea 4         .        85171.386   85186.474   .     0     15.088  4
N2       .         .        85200.000   85230.000   .     .     30      .
N2       .         .        85230.000   85260.000   .     .     30      .
N2       .         .        85260.000   85290.000   .     .     30      .
N2       .         .        85290.000   85320.000   .     .     30      .
N2       .         .        85320.000   85350.000   .     .     30      .
hypopnea 4         .        85338.220   85356.166   .     0     17.946  2
N2       .         .        85350.000   85380.000   .     .     30      .
N2       .         .        85380.000   85410.000   .     .     30      .
apnea    2         .        85393.792   85406.959   .     1     13.167  6
N2       .         .        85410.000   85440.000   .     .     30      .

As a second example, we'll add meta-data to indicate whether respiratory events are NREM/REM, and supine or not, using META in annotation-overlap mode:

luna s.lst @param \
     --date=20-Jun-2023 --time=00:00:00 --nr=500000 --rs=100 \
  -s ' META annot=apnea,hypopnea flatten complete-overlap other=N1,N2,N3 md=NR
       META annot=apnea,hypopnea         complete-overlap other=Supine   md=Supine
       WRITE-ANNOTS file=f.annot '

The first META statement specifies all NREM epochs and "flattens" them, i.e. makes a single event for all contiguous (or overlapping) instances of the listed other annotations. This means that when we ask for complete-overlap (i.e. that the respiratory event is completely spanned by NREM, this will include cases that span, e.g. N2 and N3 epochs, as otherwise the respiratory event would not be defined as being completely spanned by a single other event). This sets the tag to NR which will have a 0 or 1 value for each respiratory event, depending on whether it is NREM or not, based on this definition.

The second META statement does the same for supine events; here we don't need to flatten annotations, as there is only a single class (Supine) and these position annotations aren't epoched (i.e. split into smaller periods, as the staging data are, i.e. as separate 30-second events).

Now if we look at rows of f.annot we see the new NR and Supine tags: e.g.

R        .   .   107310.000  107340.000   .
hypopnea 4   .   107320.156  107355.889   ArE=0;NR=0;SpO2DeltaE=9;Supine=1
R        .   .   107340.000  107370.000   .
hypopnea 4   .   107362.718  107394.640   ArE=0;NR=0;SpO2DeltaE=8;Supine=1
R        .   .   107370.000  107400.000   .
W        .   .   107400.000  107430.000   .
W        .   .   107430.000  107460.000   .
N1       .   .   107460.000  107490.000   .
apnea    2   .   107462.050  107488.069   ArE=0;NR=1;SpO2DeltaE=11;Supine=1
N1       .   .   107490.000  107520.000   .
apnea    2   .   107508.588  107537.016   ArE=1;NR=1;SpO2DeltaE=13;Supine=1
N1       .   .   107520.000  107550.000   .

As a final more complex example of DERIVE: here we calculate the AHI (count of apnea events per hour) for events that are a) in N2, b) associated with an arousal (as in this particular case, an ArE of 1 indicates this, and c) are associated with a desaturation of at least 4% (here, the precalculated SpO2DeltaE of 4 or more):

luna s.lst @param -o out.db \
    --date=20-Jun-2023 --time=00:00:00 --nr=500000 --rs=100 \
 -s ' META annot=apnea,hypopnea,N2 dur md=DUR
      META annot=apnea,hypopnea flatten complete-overlap other=N2 md=N2
      META annot=apnea,hypopnea         complete-overlap other=Supine   md=Supine
      DERIVE var=my_ahi expr=" D = sum(N2.DUR) / 3600.0 ;
                               N = length(apnea[apnea.N2==1 && apnea.ArE==1 && apnea.SpO2DeltaE>=4 ] ) ;
                               my_ahi = N / D  " '

The META commands add the tags as above, that can be used in the subsequent DERIVE expression:

  • DUR - duration of each annotation

  • NR - a flag (0/1) for whether the respiratory event was NREM

  • Supine - a flag (0/1) for whether the event was during a supine position

The DERIVE expression has three parts:

  • D = sum(N2.DUR)/3600 ; creates a new variable D which is the total N2 duration in hours; note how these expressions can access the meta-data values of annotations uses the class.meta syntax

  • N = length(apnea[apnea.NR == 1 && apnea.ArE == 1 && apnea.SpO2DeltaE >= 4 ] ) ; counts the number of apnea events that are flagged as N2 (here NR), have an arousal (here ArE meta-tag of 1) and SpO2DeltaE tag of at least 4

  • my_ahi = N / D create a final (scalar) variable which is the count per hour (i.e. AHI under this definition).

The final output my_ahi as requested by the option var=my_ahi to DERIVE can be accessed in the output:

destrat out.db +DERIVE
ID    my_ahi
id1   2.70198675496689

Although this particular example uses an empty EDF with fixed start times, etc, the META and DERIVE commands can be used in the usual multi-sample project-based manner, i.e. these derived metrics could be calculated across large numbers of studies with a single command.

One thing to watch out for when working with expressions and annotation meta-data is the treatment of missing values - DERIVE in principle detects and handles missing values, but the logic of the expression may not be as expected under some conditions. See the page on eval expressions for more details.


Summarize the coverage of an EDF by one or more annotations

Produces information about the coverage of an EDF by a group of one or more annotations. This can be used to check whether sleep stage annotations cover the whole recording or not; it will also report on annotations that are outside the duration of the EDF, and whether any of the annotations in the group overlap each other.

The report treats all annotations in the group as identical, asking what proportion of the EDF is spanned by one or more of the specified annotations.


Currently, this command can only be applied to continuous, unmasked EDFs (i.e. not discontinuous EDF+ files, not EDFs after running the MASK or RE commands.


Parameter Example Description
annot annot=N1,N2,N3,R,W Annotation(s) to group and report on


Class-level annotation summary (strata: none )

Variable Description
REC_HMS EDF recording duration (hh:mm:ss)
REC_SEC EDF recording duration (seconds)
ANNOT_N Number of annotations in group
ANNOT_SEC Total (potentially overlapping) annotation duration (secs)
ANNOT_HMS Total (potentially overlapping) annotation duration (hh:mm:ss)
ANNOT_OVERLAP Do any annotations in group overlap w/ one another (0/1)?
VALID_N Number of valid annotations, ANNOT_N - INVALID_N
INVALID_N Number of annotations that over-extend EDF duration
INVALID_SEC Total duration of all annotation beyond EDF end
SPANNED_SEC Duration of EDF spanned by 1+ of these annotations (secs)
SPANNED_HMS Duration of EDF spanned by 1+ of these annotations (hh:mm:ss)
SPANNED_PCT % of EDF spanned by 1+ of these annotations
UNSPANNED_SEC Duration of EDF unspanned by 1+ of these annotations (secs)
UNSPANNED_HMS Duration of EDF unspanned by 1+ of these annotations (hh:mm:ss)
UNSPANNED_PCT % of EDF unspanned by 1+ of these annotations

List of invalid annotations (strata: N )

Variable Description
ANNOT Annotation class
INST Annotation instance ID
START Start (seconds)
STOP Stop (seconds)


Here we use SPANNING on the first tutorial individual. For example, given the sleep stage annotations, we might want to check that all epochs are spanned by one (and only one) stage annotation:

luna s.lst 1 -o out.db -s SPANNING annot=NREM1,NREM2,NREM3,REM,wake
destrat out.db +SPANNING | behead
                       ID   nsrr01              
                ANNOT_HMS   11:21:30            
                  ANNOT_N   1363                
            ANNOT_OVERLAP   0                   
                ANNOT_SEC   40890               
                INVALID_N   0                   
              INVALID_SEC   0                   
                  REC_HMS   11:22:00            
                  REC_SEC   40920               
              SPANNED_HMS   11:21:30            
              SPANNED_PCT   99.9266862170088    
              SPANNED_SEC   40890               
            UNSPANNED_HMS   00:00:30            
            UNSPANNED_PCT   0.0733137829912023  
            UNSPANNED_SEC   30.0                
                  VALID_N   1363                

The above tells us that 99.93% (SPANNED_PCT) of the EDF is spanned by one of these annotations. Furthermore, there is no overlap among this set of annotations (ANNOT_OVERLAP is 0). See do we do see there is 30 seconds (i.e. one epoch) not covered by any of these annotations (UNSPANNED_SEC, i.e. 0.07% as noted by UNSPANNED_PCT).

Looking at the console/log output, we can see why this is the case: we omitted NREM4 which is also present as a staging annotation in this case:

  [NREM1] 109 instance(s) (from edfs/learn-nsrr01-profusion.xml)
  [NREM2] 523 instance(s) (from edfs/learn-nsrr01-profusion.xml)
  [NREM3] 16 instance(s) (from edfs/learn-nsrr01-profusion.xml)
  [NREM4] 1 instance(s) (from edfs/learn-nsrr01-profusion.xml)
  [REM] 238 instance(s) (from edfs/learn-nsrr01-profusion.xml)

Re-running with this included now shows that these annoations a) completely span the EDF (SPANNED_PCT is 100%) without any overlap (ANNOT_OVERLAP is 0):

luna s.lst 1 -o out.db -s SPANNING annot=NREM1,NREM2,NREM3,NREM4,REM,wake
                       ID   nsrr01              
                ANNOT_HMS   11:22:00            
                  ANNOT_N   1364                
            ANNOT_OVERLAP   0                   
                ANNOT_SEC   40920               
                INVALID_N   0                   
              INVALID_SEC   0                   
                  REC_HMS   11:22:00            
                  REC_SEC   40920               
              SPANNED_HMS   11:22:00            
              SPANNED_PCT   100                 
              SPANNED_SEC   40920               
            UNSPANNED_HMS   00:00:00            
            UNSPANNED_PCT   0                   
            UNSPANNED_SEC   0                   
                  VALID_N   1364                

As an alternative (and to demonstrate using Luna in different ways), we could have identified the "unspanned" epoch and its annotations as follows, using the ANNOTS command (described above) on the EDF after excluding epochs with one of the above five annotations:

luna s.lst 1 -o out.db -s 'MASK mask-if=NREM1,NREM2,NREM3,REM,wake & RE & ANNOTS'
Looking at the output, we see a NREM4 annotation:
destrat out.db +ANNOTS -r ANNOT 

nsrr01  NREM4     1       30
nsrr01  hypopnea  1       15.3


Epoch-based annotation coverage summaries

Produces information about the epoch-by-epoch coverage one or more annotations. This gives output for both individual annotation classes, as well as the group of annotations as a whole. It can output the following:

  • number of seconds spanned by an annotation (per epoch)
  • an indicator for whether any annotation spans that epoch
  • the proportion of the epoch spanned by annotations
  • the count of unqiue events spanning that epoch

Outputs are generated both per annotation class, and as a single, combined set (pooling all annotation classes).

Annotations are "flattened" (i.e. overlapping events merged) when calculating these statistics.


Parameter Example Description
annot annot=N1,N2,N3,R,W Annotation(s) to report on
sec F Report seconds of coverage (default: T)
pct F Report percent of coverage (default: F)
cnt F Report number of spanning annotations(default: F)
has F Report presence/absence (0/1) (default: F)


Epoch-level summary (strata: E)

Variable Description
SEC Total duration (seconds) (default, unless sec=F)
PCT Proportion of epoch spanned by any of the listed annotations (if pct set)
HAS Absence/presence (0/1) for any event spanning this epoch (if has set)
CNT Count of any events spanning this epoch (if cnt set)

Class-level annotation summary (strata: E x ANNOT )

Variable Description
SEC Total duration (seconds) (default, unless sec=F)
PCT Proportion of epoch spanned by this annotation class (if pct set)
HAS Absence/presence (0/1) for any event spanning this epoch (if has set)
CNT Count of events spanning this epoch (if cnt set)

Event-level annotation output (option: verbose; strata: E x ANNOT x INST )

Variable Description
DUR Event duration
START Event start (seconds)
STOP Event stop (seconds)
XDUR Duration of event within this epoch
XSTART Start of event within this epoch
XTOP Stop of event within this epoch


luna s.lst -o out.db -s ESPAN annot=hypopnea,arousal,desat

destrat out.db +ESPAN -r E -c ANNOT
ID   E    SEC.ANNOT_arousal  SEC.ANNOT_desat  SEC.ANNOT_hypopnea
id0  650  0                  0                0      
id0  651  0                  0                0     
id0  652  0                  0                0     
id0  653  0                  0                0.2  
id0  654  0                  28               12.5 
id0  655  6.4                22               14.5 
id0  656  0                  30.0             2.5  
id0  657  0                  2                0     
id0  658  0                  0                0     
id0  659  0                  0                0     
id0  660  0                  0                0     
id0  661  0                  0                0    

Re-running with additional options to a) give the three other outputs, and b) output event-instance information:

luna s.lst -o out.db \
  -s ESPAN annot=hypopnea,arousal,desat pct sec cnt has verbose 

Here showing epoch/annotation level output (just for a few epochs, and here only for hypopnea):

destrat out.db +ESPAN -r E ANNOT
id0   hypopnea  653  1    12.7  19589.8  19602.5  0.2   19589.8  19590
id0   hypopnea  654  1    12.7  19589.8  19602.5  12.5  19590    19602.5
id0   hypopnea  655  1    17    19635.5  19652.5  14.5  19635.5  19650
id0   hypopnea  656  1    17    19635.5  19652.5  2.5   19650    19652.5

Here is some epoch-level output, combined across all three annotation classes:

destrat out.db +ESPAN -r E 
ID     E      CNT  HAS  PCT    SEC
id0    650    0    0    0      0
id0    651    0    0    0      0
id0    652    0    0    0      0
id0    653    1    1    0.0066 0.2
id0    654    2    1    1      30.0
id0    655    4    1    0.96   28.8
id0    656    2    1    1      30.0
id0    657    1    1    0.0666 2
id0    658    0    0    0      0
id0    659    0    0    0      0
id0    660    0    0    0      0
id0    661    0    0    0      0

The four events that span epoch 655 (CNT above) can be obtained from the E x ANNOT x INST event-level output: e.g.

id0  arousal   655   1      6.4  19627.9  19634.3  6.4    19627.9   19634.3
id0  hypopnea  655   1      17   19635.5  19652.5  14.5   19635.5   19650
id0  desat     655   1      38   19592    19630    10     19620     19630
id0  desat     655   2      44   19638    19682    12     19638     19650

Combining EPOCH and ESPAN

It can often be helpful to also run EPOCH verbose (or, if epochs are already defined and you just want to list them, not change/set them, EPOCH table) prior to ESPAN: this will dump the start/stop times of the epochs, that can be linked to the output of ESPAN via the shared E field per individual.

Looking at the outputs of this will often correspond to how annotation-based mask commands would work. As a contrived example, if we wanted to select only epochs with all three annotations:

luna s.lst -o out.db \
  -s 'ESPAN annot=hypopnea,arousal,desat has=T sec=F'
ID  E    HAS.ANNOT_arousal  HAS.ANNOT_desat  HAS.ANNOT_hypopnea
id0 650  0                  0                 0
id0 651  0                  0                 0
id0 652  0                  0                 0
id0 653  0                  0                 1
id0 654  0                  1                 1
id0 655  1                  1                 1
id0 656  0                  1                 1
id0 657  0                  1                 0
id0 658  0                  0                 0
id0 659  0                  0                 0
id0 660  0                  0                 0

Separately running the implied mask command and looking at the epoch information afterwards:

luna s.lst -o out.db \
  -s ' MASK ifnot-all=hypopnea,arousal,desat & RE & EPOCH table ' 
   options: ifnot-all=hypopnea,arousal,desat sig=*
  set epochs, to default length 30, 1346 epochs
  set masking mode to 'force'
  annots: arousal desat hypopnea
  applied annotation mask for 3 annotation(s) (using and-matching across multiple annotations)
  1 epochs match; 1345 newly masked, 0 unmasked, 1 unchanged
  total of 1 of 1346 retained

Pulling the epoch information (not showing all columns below) we see that only epoch 655 is retained, consistent with it being the only epoch from ESPAN to have (HAS==1) for all three annotation classes:

destrat out.db +EPOCH -r E
ID   E     DUR   E1   HMS            START   STOP  
id0  655   30    1    02:13:03.000   19620   19650   


Add a signal based on an annotation

The A2S command, by default, makes a binary (0/1) EDF channel corresponding to one or more annotation(s), i.e. whether that sample-point is spanned by that annotation or not. Alternatively, it can use the instance ID if it is a numeric value (instead of always 1).

Option Example Description
annot arousal Name of annotation to select
sr 100 Sample rate of new signal
label A Optionally, a name for the signal (otherwise is set to annot value)
numeric-inst Sets signal to numeric value of the annotation instance IDs , not just 0/1


Add an annotation based on a signal

The complement to A2S, the S2A command makes an annotation corresponding to ranged intervals in an EDF channel. For example, sometimes body position is encoded as a signal with values 0, 1, 2 or 3, e.g. for supine, non-supine, left, right. The S2A command can make an annotation that represents the same information (e.g. and be saved with WRITE-ANNOTS or used in a MASK, etc.)


Option Example Description
sig C3 Name of signal
encoding S,0,NS,1,L,2,R,3 Signal encoding (see below)
encoding2 X,5,10,Y,20,30 Alternate encoding (see below )
class position Make one annotation class (e.g. position) w/ labels as instance IDs
span-gaps How to handle signal discontinuities


A new annotation is added to the internal store for this individual; otherwise, no explicit output is generated except for some notes to the log/console.


In the NSRR CFS dataset, body position is encoded as an EDF channel called POSITION. In contrast, some other NSRR studies encode body position as an annotation separate from the EDF.

First, to confirm the contents of this channel, we might extract POSITION to a text file for one individual:

luna cfs.lst 1 -s MATRIX min file=pos.txt sig=POSITION

Plotting the values in pos.txt, we see that this signal contains only 4 discrete values, here plotted across the night:


as tabulated here:

cat pos.txt | sort | uniq -c
30655 0
 1059 1 
   66 2
 5930 3

(i.e. the uniq -c command counts 30,655 instances of 0, 1,059 instances of 1, etc).

Let's say the CFS encoded body positions supine, non-supine, left and right as 0, 1, 2 and 3 respectively. To generate annotations based on this signal, we can use the S2A command:

luna cfs.lst -s ' S2A sig=POSITION encoding=S,0,NS,1,L,2,R,3
                  WRITE-ANNOTS file=pos-^.annot '

The generated .annot file(s) (note: using ^ swaps in the individual's ID to make a filename unique to that individual) might look like:

# L
# NS
# R
# S
class  instance   channel     start       stop        meta
S      .          POSITION    0.000       7939.000    .
R      .          POSITION    7939.000    7940.000    .
S      .          POSITION    7940.000    7941.000    .
R      .          POSITION    7941.000    7943.000    .
... cont'd ...

That is: four new annotations (S, NS, L and R) have been generated from the values of the POSITION channel, as specified by the encoding argument of S2A, which takes one or more label/value pairs as above (i.e. S=0, NS=1, etc).

Note that EDF is a floating-point numeric format, and depending on the encoding of the EDF (physical and digital min/max in the headers), or whether the channel has been processed or copied, etc, then the values 0, 1, 2 and 3 might not be numerically exactly 0.0, 1.0, etc (i.e. given finite, 16-bit resolution of EDFs, where it typically is irrelevant whether an EEG signal amplitude is, say, 15.08 microvolts versus 15.07995 microvolts, as this level of numerical difference is below the measurement accuracy of the original data).

In this type of scenario, where categorical (integer) information is being represented by an inherently floating-point format, these numerical differences might matter, however. Because of this, for a value such as 1, the default encoding actually matches on a window of 1.00 plus or minus 0.05 (i.e. 0.95 to 1.05). This is clear in the output sent to the log file:

CMD #1: S2A
   options: encoding=S,0,NS,1,L,2,R,3 sig=POSITION  
  encoding 4 annotation instances
  added 9 intervals for L based on 1.95 <= POSITION <= 2.05
  added 19 intervals for NS based on 0.95 <= POSITION <= 1.05
  added 26 intervals for R based on 2.95 <= POSITION <= 3.05
  added 37 intervals for S based on -0.05 <= POSITION <= 0.05

If for some reason this is not appropriate, or if you wish to match larger intervals to a given annotation, then you can use the alternate encoding specification, via the encoding2 option (instead of encoding). The encoding2 argument takes two forms; the first takes triplets of {label, value, window}:

The above is identical to the first example that used encoding above; the point of this form is that you can specify values other than 0.05 as the window size (note the use of + is necessary to invoke this mid-point, window width encoding, i.e. +0.05 and not just 0.05).

The second form of encoding2 takes a lower and upper bound (rather than a mid-point and window width). For example, to give a different example:


which implies X maps to values between 5.0 and 10.0, whereas Y maps to values between 20.0 and 30.0. Note that not all values have to be covered (i.e. those points, such as a value of 15, would have neither an X nor Y annotation assigned to span that point).
Note that the above form would of course be identical to:


In the first example, S2A will by default add four new annotation classes: S, NS, L and R corresponding to the labels in the encoding. As noted in the example above, the instance IDs will be blank (.). If you instead added:

then only a single pos annotation would be added, and the instance IDs would encode the type of position. i.e. the above example would become:

# pos
class  instance   channel     start       stop        meta
pos    S          POSITION    0.000       7939.000    .
pos    R          POSITION    7939.000    7940.000    .
pos    S          POSITION    7940.000    7941.000    .
pos    R          POSITION    7941.000    7943.000    .
Which you choose is simply a matter of preference over how you like annotations to be structured.

Finally, by default if an EDF contains gaps (i.e. if it is an EDF+D, or if it has been internally restructured via MASK/RE commands, etc) then any new annotations will also stop/restart at those gaps. If the span-gaps option is given, then the generated annotations will not stop/restart at gaps, but will (guess what...) span those gaps instead. For example, consider a dummy signal S with these time points (T) and a gap (discontinuity) between time-points 4 and 8 (i.e. no valid values for S):

 T = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
 S = 1 1 3 3 . . . 3 3

If 1 maps to NS and 3 maps to R as above, then by default the annotations generated would be:

 class  start   stop
 NS     1       2
 R      3       4
 R      8       9
However, with span-gaps addded, then we would see:
 class  start   stop
 NS     1       2
 R      3       9


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