Loading a PLINK/Seq project
In this page we consider the example dataset described in this tutorial that creates a project consisting
of pilot 3 data from the 1000 Genomes project. The tutorial details
the steps to make a project, named proj. It is attached to R
as follows (assuming we are in the same directory as
proj, otherwise the full path must be specified):
pseq.project( "proj" )
The pseq.summary() function will return the same information as the PSEQ summary command
(as a character vector of output lines):
[1] "---File-index summary---"
[2] "Core project specification index : proj"
[3] "Core OUTPUT file : /Users/shaun/src/pseq/proj_out/"
[4] "Core RESOURCES file : /Users/shaun/data/hg18/"
[5] "Core LOCDB file : /Users/shaun/data/hg18/locdb"
[6] "Core INDDB file : /Users/shaun/src/pseq/proj_out/inddb"
[7] "Core VARDB file : /Users/shaun/src/pseq/proj_out/vardb"
[8] "Core LOG file : /Users/shaun/src/pseq/proj_out/log.txt"
[9] "Core SEQDB file : /Users/shaun/data/hg18/seqdb"
[10] "Core REFDB file : /Users/shaun/data/hg18/refdb"
[11] "Added VCF : /Users/shaun/scratch/tmp-today/dist/vcf/CEU.exon.2010_09.genotypes.vcf.gz"
[12] "Added VCF : /Users/shaun/scratch/tmp-today/dist/vcf/TSI.exon.2010_09.genotypes.vcf.gz"
[13] "---Variant DB summary---"
[14] "4449 unique variants"
[15] "File tag : 1 (3489 variants, 90 individuals)"
[16] "File tag : 2 (3281 variants, 66 individuals)"
[17] "---Individual DB summary---"
[18] "0 unique individuals"
[19] "---Locus DB summary---"
[20] "Group : refseq (32739 entries) n/a"
It is also possible to load a VCF file directly into R using
the load.vcf() function. In this case, it is not necesary
that a PLINK/Seq project has been built previously. This will
typically only be appropriate for small or moderate-sized VCF
d <- load.vcf( "/path/to/CEU.exon.2010_09.genotypes.vcf.gz" )
The object d is now a 3-element list containing reprentations of 1) the meta-information header fields
from the VCF, 2) the header row containing the individual IDs, 3) a variant list, containing all 3489 variants from the CEU
List of 3
$ META: chr [1:16] "##fileformat=VCFv4.0" "##INFO=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Descr....
$ ID : chr [1:90] "NA06984" "NA06985" "NA06986" "NA06989" ...
$ VAR :List of 3489
The variant-list in the third element of d should be
identical to that which would be obtained by the command:
var.fetch( "file=CEU" , limit=10000 )
in the context of the project described above (that contained this particular VCF).
In addition, masks can be specified with the load.vcf(), such that only partial data are loaded
(note, this example uses the x.core convenience function, described below):
d <- load.vcf( "CEU.exon...vcf.gz" , mask = "reg=chr6:25000000..35000000" )
head(cbind( x.core( d[[3]] , "CHR" ) , x.core( d[[3]] , "BP1" ) ))
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 6 25957599
[2,] 6 25958824
[3,] 6 25970445
[4,] 6 26232016
[5,] 6 26232084
[6,] 6 26653611
Variants-lists: representation of variant data in R
There are two ways to directly get at a project's variant data.
var.fetch() returns a list of variants as an R list, whereas
var.iterate() applies a function to a set of variants iteratively.
var.fetch() is appropriate for obtaining relatively small
sets of variants (that fit into memory). Depending on the sample and
the computer, tens or even hundreds of thousands of variants are
likely to be okay, but not millions (certainly not for large
samples). var.iterate(),
described below, is designed to handle larger
variant sets. In addition, load.vcf() can be used to create
variant-lists directly from a VCF, as described in the section
We'll begin with var.fetch(), which has two (optional) arguments:
- mask is a character string, which is interpreted as a
- limit sets the maximum number of variants to be returned,
which is 1000 by default. The purpose of this limit is to avoid very
large datasets being drawn into memory accidentally (e.g. by
mis-specifying or forgetting the mask, for large datasets).
For example, in this particular dataset:
k <- var.fetch( "reg=chr22:17000000..19000000" )
returns all 11 variants on chromosome 22 between 17Mb and 19Mb as
a single variant-list:
[1] 11
Variation data are represented as list objects in R (i.e. k in
this example, that actually contains a series of nested lists), with
the following structure:
CHR integer chromosome code
BP1 integer physical position
BP2 integer second physical position (stop)
ID text variant ID
NS integer number of samples / VCFs
META list variant meta-information
CON list consensus sample-variant
S1 list first sample-variant
S2 list second sample-variant
Here sample refers to a collection of individuals, not a
single individual. The structure of the sample-variant list objects is as
FSET integer fileset identifier (0 for consensus)
REF text reference allele
ALT text alternate allele(s)
QUAL float quality score (VCF field)
FILTER text filter string (VCF field)
META list list of meta-information fields
GENO list list of genotype data
R's str() function provides a convenient way to look at
the structure of this variant-list (that is actually a series of
nested lists):
str( k[[1]], max.level=2 )
List of 8
$ CHR : int 22
$ BP1 : int 17729354
$ BP2 : int 17729354
$ ID : chr "rs116154317"
$ NS : int 1
$ META:List of 3
..$ AA: chr "G"
..$ GP: chr "22:19349354"
..$ BN: int 132
$ CON :List of 7
..$ FSET : int 0
..$ REF : chr "G"
..$ ALT : chr "A"
..$ QUAL : num -1
..$ FILTER: chr(0)
..$ META : Named list()
..$ GENO :List of 2
$ S1 :List of 7
..$ FSET : int 1
..$ REF : chr "G"
..$ ALT : chr "A"
..$ QUAL : num -1
..$ FILTER: chr ""
..$ META :List of 6
..$ GENO :List of 2
The format of the META lists will reflect the
meta-information associated with that variant. For example:
> str(k[[1]]$S1$META)
List of 6
$ AA: chr "G"
$ GP: chr "22:19349354"
$ AC: int 1
$ AN: int 180
$ DP: int 11831
$ BN: int 132
The format of the GENO lists also represents any
per-individual meta-fields, although the first field will always be
GT for genotype. For example,
$ GENO :List of 2
..$ GT: int [1:156] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
..$ DP: int [1:156] 24 13 291 20 4 28 26 80 238 194 ...
This indicates that 156 individuals have data, for a genotype and
also for a field called DP (i.e. per individual
read-depth). Currently, genotype data are downcoded to this simple
non-reference allele count (0,1,2 or NA) in the GT
list. Future releases will incorporate ways to access the other
genotypic information that can be represented in VCFs and stored
within VCFs and PLINK/Seq projects (e.g. haplotype phase, ploidy,
multi-allelic variants).
The convenience functions described below
provide a few ways to facilitate working with the variant data in list
form -- i.e. extracting analysis-ready vectors and matrices
of genotypes, phenotypes and meta-fields.
Fetching meta-information from variants and individuals
To obtain individual-level information (IDs, phenotypes,
covaraites), use the ind.fetch function. For example, to
return a list that contains a vector of individual IDs and a vector
representing a phenotype labelled phe1:
> str ( ind.fetch( "phe1" ) )
List of 2
$ ID : chr [1:156] "NA06984" "NA06985" "NA06986" "NA06989" ...
$ phe1: int [1:156] 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
This function optionally accepts masks to
be specified also. The full form takes a vector of phenotypes to fetch
and a single string that defines a mask: e.g. to obtain only "cases"
for phe1 and also two other covariates, if they existed,
cov1 and cov2:
p <- ind.fetch( pheno = c( "phe1" , "cov1" , "cov2" ) , mask = "phe=phe1:2" )
To directly obtain variant-level meta-information from a project
without having the overhead of generating whole variant/genotype list
objects with var.fetch and then extracting the information
(e.g. with a convenience function such as x.consensus()), use
meta.fetch. This returns a data-frame object:
d <- meta.fetch( c( "CHROM" , "POS" , "AN" , "DP" ) , "file=CEU reg=chr7" )
1 2257048 172 4763 chr7
2 5993056 162 3050 chr7
3 5993133 166 4094 chr7
4 5993234 164 3312 chr7
5 5993301 100 1872 chr7
6 5993468 112 2108 chr7
By default, meta.fetch() looks for the tag at the
population variant level, then at the consensus sample-variant
level. Thus, in a multi-sample context sample-specific tags will not
be available, e.g. DP and AN are specific to a
sample, and so are set to NA here when not restricting output
to a single file (i.e. we've dropped the file=CEU mask from above):
d <- meta.fetch( c( "CHROM" , "POS" , "AN" , "DP" ) , "reg=chr7" )
1 2256112 NA NA chr7
2 2256163 NA NA chr7
3 2257048 NA NA chr7
4 5993056 NA NA chr7
5 5993133 NA NA chr7
6 5993234 NA NA chr7
Applying functions to a dataset
It will often not be desirable or possible to extract an entire
(exome-wide, or genome-wide) dataset fully into memory within R, using
the var.fetch command. In this case, the
var.iterate command can be used to apply a user-defined R
function to each variant (or group of variants), with filters
specified by a mask, using the same syntax
as pseq.
For example, to consider a trivial example in which we count the
number of transitions versus transversions: we first define global
variables in R to keep track of the counts:
ti <<- tv <<- 0
and we define a function, that expects a variant-list
object as described above (ignoring possible
multi-allelic and monomorphic variants for this simple example). Using
only slightly convoluted R code:
f_titv <- function( v ) {
ifelse( sum( sort(c(v$CON$ALT,v$CON$REF)) == c("A","G") ) == 2 |
sum( sort(c(v$CON$ALT,v$CON$REF)) == c("C","T") ) == 2 ,
ti <<- ti+1 , tv <<- tv+1 )
and then apply this function to the dataset:
var.iterate( f_titv )
> ti / tv
[1] 3.521341
As with the other commands described above, masks can be included as an argument to var.iterate():
var.iterate( f_titv , "reg=chr22" )
Note that performing these types of operations in R is typically a
bit slower than the counterpart in PSEQ. For example, the calculation
of the transition/transversion ratio here takes double the amount of
time (about 2 seconds) compared to PSEQ's v-stats command,
which does more and runs in under 1 second on the same machine, for
this very small dataset. Obviously one wants to consider this fact
when scaling to larger datasets; we suggest that you prototype methods
on subsets of the data first (rather than waiting hours or days only
to find something doesn't work as expected...)
Convenience functions
A number of functions in thsi package are simple convenience
functions for working with variant lists as returned by
Name |
Arguments |
Description |
x.core() |
variant-list, label |
Extract core fields from variant list (e.g. CHR, BP1) |
x.meta() |
variant-list, label |
Extract variant (population) meta tags from variant list |
x.consensus.core() |
variant-list, label |
Extract core fields from consensus variant list (e.g. CHR, BP1) |
x.consensus.meta() |
variant-list, label |
Extract meta-fields from consensus variant list |
x.sample.meta() |
variant-list, label |
Extract matrix of consensus and sample-specific meta-fields |
x.consensus.genotype() |
variant-list |
Extract matrix of genotype from consensus variant (non-reference allele counts) |
x.consensus.genotype() |
variant-list , label |
Extract matrix of per-individual/per-variant meta-information from consensus variant (non-reference allele counts) |
Although the representation of data as nested, arbitrary lists is
flexible, often one needs to extract simple vectors or matrices for
downstream analytic procedures. For example, to obtain a vector of the
physical position of each variant in the list of variants: for example
To extract a matrix of the DP tag for the consensus and sample-specific variants:
As some simple examples of further analysis: a histogram of alternate allele frequency:
Over time more functions will be added to assist working with
genetic data in this context. Overall, the focus for the R interface
will be a) to prototype new methods, b) to provide an interactive
framework for exploring variation in a relatively constrained genomic
context (e.g. a single gene). We expect the core analysis functions
will continue to reside in PSEQ.