1. Introduction
2. Basic information
3. Download and general notes
IBS/IBD estimationAs well as the standard summary statistics described above, PLINK offers some alternative measures such as estimated inbreeding coefficients for each individual and genome-wide identity-by-state and identity-by-descent estimates for all pairs of individuals. The latter can be used to detect sample contaminations, swaps and duplications as well as pedigree errors and unknown familial relationships (e.g. sibling pairs in a case/control population-based sample). PLINK also has functions to detect specific segments shared between distantly-related individuals.
All these analyses require a large number of SNPs!
Pairwise IBD estimationThe pairwise clustering based on IBS, as outlined in the previous section is useful for detecting pairs of individuals who look more different from each other than you'd expect in a random, homogeneous sample. In this section, we consider using the same genotype data to provide a complementary analysis: using estimates of pairwise IBD to find pairs of individuals who look too similar to eachother, i.e. more than we would expect by chance in a random sample. In a homogeneous sample, it is possible to calculate genome-wide IBD given IBS information, as long as a large number of SNPs are available (probably 1000 independent SNPs at a bare minimum; ideally 100K or more).plink --file mydata --genomewhich creates the fileplink.genomewhich has the following fields: FID1 Family ID for first individual IID1 Individual ID for first individual FID2 Family ID for second individual IID2 Individual ID for second individual RT Relationship type given PED file EZ Expected IBD sharing given PED file Z0 P(IBD=0) Z1 P(IBD=1) Z2 P(IBD=2) PI_HAT P(IBD=2)+0.5*P(IBD=1) ( proportion IBD ) PHE Pairwise phenotypic code (1,0,-1 = AA, AU and UU pairs) DST IBS distance (IBS2 + 0.5*IBS1) / ( N SNP pairs ) PPC IBS binomial test RATIO Of HETHET : IBS 0 SNPs (expected value is 2)This file will have as many rows as there are unique pairs of individuals in the sample -- for large samples with thousands of individuals, this file can be very large (and take considerable time to generate). HINT Instead of --genome, using the command --Z-genome will perform the same analysos but create a compressed file, plink.genome.gz. The --read-genome command can directly read compressed files, as of v1.07. This file can be decompressed by the standard gunzip utility, or processed with Unix commands such as zgrep, zcat, etc. To calculate IBD only for members of the same family (as designated by the PED file), add the command --rel-check(i.e. this greatly speeds up analysis by not considering all possible pairs of individuals, if the goal is to validate known relationships with genetic data). To create a more verbose version of this file, add the extra command --genome-fullwhich will appended the following extra fields to the normal genome file create a file with the following fields IBS0 Number of IBS 0 nonmissing loci IBS1 Number of IBS 1 nonmissing loci IBS2 Number of IBS 2 nonmissing loci HOMHOM Number of IBS 0 SNP pairs used in PPC test HETHET Number of IBS 2 het/het SNP pairs in PPC testHINT To produce a smaller version of this file use the command --genome-minimal instead; however, this is only useful if the purpose is to subsequently merge the data using --read-genome-minimal (i.e. when running --cluster or --segment. A disadvantage is that multiple plink.genome.min files cannot be concatenated in the same manner for normal plink.genome files; this will be remedied in future releases of PLINK (i.e. to allow parallel computation of the genome file. Note: as of 1.07, you are advised to use --Z-genome instead of this option -- see above. HINT In 1.05 onwards, the genome files are indexed by the header row, which must be present. When using --read-genome, the only fields extracted are the four ID fields and DST and PPC when using the --cluster or --mds-plot options. You can therefore extract just these columns, if you do not need the other fields,e.g. gawk ' { print $1,$2,$3,$4,$12,$13 } ' plink.genome > new.genomeAs mentioned above, the IBD estimation part of this analysis relies on the sample being reasonably homogeneous -- otherwise, the estimates will be biased (i.e. individuals within the same strata will show too much apparent IBD). It is therefore important to run the other population stratification measures provided by plink and other packages before estimating pairwise IBD. In addition, see the notes on the IBS test in the previous section where it is introduced as a constrain on clustering. HINT To reduce the file size, use the --minX option to only output to plink.genome pairs where PI_HAT is greater than X. That is, plink --file mydata --genome --min 0.05will only display the pairs of individuals showing reasonably high levels of IBD sharing (i.e. typically it will be these pairs that are of interest, rather than the vast majority of pairs that show no excess sharing). Hint Calculating the average pi-hat for each individual and looking for outliers is also useful (in particular, sample contamination will lead to too many heterozygote calls, which leads to fewer IBS 0 calls, which leads to over-estimated IBD with all other people in the sample). Be sure to set --min 0 and --max 1 in this case to obtain pairs for all individuals. Advanced hint If you have access to a cluster, use the --genome-lists option to facilitate parallelization, as described in the IBS clustering section.Inbreeding coefficientsGiven a large number of SNPs, in a homogeneous sample, it is possible to calculate inbreeding coefficients (i.e. based on the observed versus expected number of homozygous genotypes).plink --file mydata --hetwhich will create the output file:plink.hetwhich contains the fields, one row per person in the file: FID Family ID IID Individual ID O(HOM) Observed number of homozygotes E(HOM) Expected number of homozygotes N(NM) Number of non-missing genotypes F F inbreeding coefficient estimateThis analysis will automatically skip haploid markers (male X and Y chromosome markers). Note With whole genome data, it is probably best to apply this analysis to a subset that are pruned to be in approximate linkage equilibrium, say on the order of 50,000 autosomal SNPs. Use the --indep-pairwise and --indep commands to achieve this, described here. Note The estimate of F can sometimes be negative. Often this will just reflect random sampling error, but a result that is strongly negative (i.e. an individual has fewer homozygotes than one would expect by chance at the genome-wide level) can reflect other factors, e.g. sample contamination events perhaps. Runs of homozygosityA simple screen for runs of homozygous genotypes within any one individual is provided by the commands --homozyg-snp and --homozyg-kb which define the run in terms of the required number of homozygous SNPs spanning a certain kb distance, e.g. The algorithm is as follows: Take a window of X SNPs and slide this across the genome. At each window position determine whether this window looks 'homozygous' enough (yes/no) (i.e. allowing for some number of hets or missing calls). Then, for each SNP, calculate the proportion of 'homozygous' windows that overlap that position. Call segments based on this metric, e.g. based on a threshold for the average. The exact window size and thresholds, relative to the SNP density and expected size of homozygous segments, etc, is obviously important: sensible default values are supplied for the context of dense SNP maps, scanning for large segments. In general, this approach will ensure that otherwise long runs of homozygosity are not broken by the occassional heterozygote. (For more accurate detection of smaller segments, one might consider approaches that also take population parameters such as allele frequency and recombination rate into account, in a HMM approach for example: but for now, PLINK only supports this basic detection of long, homozygous segments). To run this option with default values, use the commandplink --bfile mydata --homozygwhich generates a fileplink.homThe plink.hom file has the following format, one row per identified homozygous region: FID Family ID IID Individual ID CHR Chromosome SNP1 SNP at start of region SNP2 SNP at end of region POS1 Physical position (bp) of SNP1 POS2 Physical position (bp) of SNP2 KB Length of region (kb) NSNP Number of SNPs in run DENSITY Average SNP density (1 SNP per kb) PHOM Proportion of sites homozygous PHET Proportion of sites heterozygousThe options to change the behavior of this function (along with the default values as parameters) are given below. To change the definition of the sliding 'window', use the options --homozyg-window-kb 5000 --homozyg-window-snp 50To change the number of heterozygotes allowed in a window --homozyg-window-het 1To change the number of missing calls allowed in window, e.g. --homozyg-window-missing 5To change the proportion of overlapping windows that must be called homozygous to define any given SNP as 'in a homozygous segment', use --homozyg-window-threshold 0.05(i.e. this number is relatively low, so that SNPs at the edge of a true segment will be called, as long as the windows are sufficiently large, such that the probability of a window being homozygous by chance is sufficiently small). The above options define the 'window' that slides across the genome; the options below relate to the final segments that are called as homozygous or not: --homozyg-snp 100 --homozyg-kb 1000You can also specify the required minimum density (in kb, i.e. 1 SNP per 50 kb) --homozyg-density 50Finally, if two SNPs within a segments are too far apart (measured in kb), that segment can be split in two: --homozyg-gap 1000HINT As is, this analysis should be performed on sets of SNPs that have been pruned for strong local LD (if the goal is to find long segments that are more likely to represent homozygosity by descent (i.e. autozygosity) rather than simply by chance). To obtain pools of overlapping and potentially matching segments, we can use --homozyg-group in addition to the above, which generates the file plink.hom.overlapwhich contains the fields FID Family ID IID Individual ID PHE Phenotype of individual CHR Chromosome SNP1 SNP at start of segment SNP2 SNP at end of segment BP1 Physical position of start of segment BP2 Physical position of end of segment KB Physical size of segment NS Number of segments in the pool that match this one GRP Allelic-match grouping of each segmentFor example, the command plink --file test --homozyg --homozyg-groupmight result in the file plink.hom.overlap containing:FID IID PHE CHR SNP1 SNP2 BP1 BP2 KB NS GRP 1 1 2 1 snp1 snp7 1000000 7000000 6000 1 1 6 1 1 1 snp1 snp5 1000000 5000000 4000 1 1* 2 1 1 1 snp2 snp7 2000000 7000000 5000 0 2* CON 3 1:2 1 snp2 snp5 2000000 5000000 3000This implies one pool (i.e. each pool is separated by a CON (consensus row) and a space. CON is the consensus region; the ratio is the case:control segment ratio; under IID we have the number of individuals. When there is more than one pool, they are ordered by the number of segments in the pool, then physical position. To output only pools of a particular size, use the --pool-size N option (e.g. --pool-size 10 to only display pools with at least 10 segments). A pool contains overlapping segments, which may or may not also allelically match. For allelic matching, segments are compared pairwise, and a match is declared if at least 0.95 of jointly non-missing, jointly homozygous sites are identical. This threshold can be changed with the option --homozyg-match 0.99The number of other segments in the pool that allelically match each segment is shown in the NS field. The GRP field shows how PLINK attempts to group allelically-matching segments within the pool of overlapping segments. It works as follows:
. . . A . . A B . A B C A B C A . C A . . . . .In this case, {A,B} and {A,C} and {B,C} pools will not be displayed, as they appear in the super-pool {A,B,C}. However, if we instead had: . . . A . . A B . A B . A . . A . C A . C A . . . . .Then you will see {A,B} and {A,C} (i.e. with A shown twice) as we have two distinct consensus regions here. Finally, if the --homozyg-verbose option is added, the plink.hom.overlap file will then display the actual segments underneath each pool. Here each individual is listed across the page, so the 3 columns refers to the 3 segments in the pool. For example: plink --file test --homozyg-snp 2 --homozyg-group --homozyg-verbosenow generates plink.hom.overlap as follows (with annotation added in italics):FID IID PHE CHR SNP1 SNP2 BP1 BP2 KB NS GRP 1 1 2 1 snp1 snp7 1 7 0.006 1 1 6 1 1 1 snp1 snp5 1 5 0.004 1 1* 2 1 1 1 snp2 snp7 2 7 0.005 0 2* CON 3 1:2 1 snp2 snp5 2 5 0.003 SNP 1 6 2 <-- Family ID 1 1 1 <-- Individual ID 1 1 2 <-- GRP code snp1 [A/A] [A/A] C/A <-- now SNPs are listed down the page snp2 [A/A] [A/A] [C/C] <-- start of consensus region snp3 [A/A] [A/A] [C/C] snp4 [A/A] [A/A] [C/C] snp5 [A/A] [A/A] [C/C] <-- end of consensus region snp6 [A/A] A/C [C/C] snp7 [A/A] A/C [C/C]A bracket indicates that that genotype is part of the homozygous segment: the consensus region is the intersection. The entire union of SNPs is displayed and the consensus region is indicated by spaces before and after. i.e. the consensus region is that where all genotypes are in [brackets]. Obviously, this file can get quite large (+wide) with real data and it is not very machine-readable. Segmental sharing: detection of extended haplotypes shared IBDWARNING This analysis is still in the beta development stage and is considerably more involved than many others provided by this package: currently, you should only perform these analyses if you consider yourself something of an analytic expert and are confident you will be able to interpret the output! Over time, we expect that the documentation and features supporting this analysis will improve. There are five important steps to this analysis:
Check for a homogenous sampleThis analysis requires that all individuals belong to a single, homogeneous population. To ensure this assumption is reasonable: as described here, first runplink --bfile mydata1 --genometo generate a plink.genome file. This will be used subsequently in a number of steps. Then, using the available tools, such as listed here and described more fully in the section on stratification, obtain a relatively homogeneous dataset. Some relevant options are listed here:--cluster (cluster individuals) --matrix (generate .mdist file, used to generate MDS plots) --ppc (threshold for PPC test, not to cluster individuals) --mds-plot (generate a multidimensional scaling plot) --ibs-test (as case/control less similar on average?) --neighbour (option to find individual outliers)Also, remove individuals who appear to have higher levels of inbreeding than expected (see above). If you have a set of individuals you want to exclude from analysis based on these steps, for example, listed in the file outliers.txt (FID, IID) then use: ./plink --bfile mydata1 --remove outliers.txt --make-bed --out mydata2Remove very closely related individualsThe focus of this analysis is to look for extended haplotypes shared between distantly related individuals: having very closely related individuals (siblings, first cousins, etc) will likely swamp the results of the analysis. Scan the plink.genome file for any individuals with high PIHAT values (e.g. greater than 0.05). Optionally, remove one member of the pair if you find close relatives. (Alternatively, to keep them in but just exclude this pair from the segmental analysis, see below).Prune the set of SNPsThe segmental sharing analysis requires approximately independent SNPs (i.e. linkage equilibrium). Two options to prune are documented here. A reasonable strategy might be as follows:plink --bfile mydata2 --mind 1 --geno 0.01 --maf 0.05 --make-bed --out mydata3followed byplink --bfile mydata3 --indep-pairwise 100 25 0.2followed byplink --bfile mydata3 --extract plink.prune.in --make-bed --out mydata4Detecting shared segments (extended, shared haplotypes)With a newly pruned fileset, ideally containing only independent, high quality SNPs in individuals who are not very closely related but are from the same population, run the commandplink --bfile mydata4 --read-genome plink.genome --segmentPLINK expects the 3rd column the MAP/BIM file to contain genetic distances in Morgan units. A reasonable approximation is to scale from physical position (i.e. column 4) at 1cM=1Mb. If the genetic distances are in cM instead of Morgans, add the --cm flag. To set threshold on who to include/exclude based on genome wide IBD use--min 0.01 --max 0.10For example, this would exclude pairs who share >10% of their genomes. Alternatively, to include all pairs, irrespective of whether we estimate any genome-wide sharing or not, add the option --all-pairsinstead. This will use all pairs, allowing for a small prior probability of sharing for pairs that otherwise are at the boundary of IBD sharing (i.e. sharing 0% IBD). Naturally, for a large sample, it may become prohibitive to consider all possible pairs. The --segment option generates a file plink.segmentwhich has the fields: FID1 Family ID of first individual IID1 Individual ID of first individual FID2 Family ID of second individual IID2 Individual ID of second individual PHE Phenotype concordance: -1,0,1 CHR Chromosome code BP1 Start physical position of segment (bp) BP2 End physical position of segment (bp) SNP1 Start SNP of segment SNP2 End SNP of segment NSNP Number of SNPs in this segment KB Physical length of segment (kb)Here one row represents one segment. The PHE field is coded -1,0,1 for control/control, case/control, or case/case pairs respectively. The option --segment-length 2000means to only select segments that are at least 2000 kb in length, for example. The option --segment-snp 100means only to select segments that contain at least 100 SNPs, for example. For ease of interpretation, and to increase the probably that the segments are truly shared IBD and thus tags shared rare variation between two individuals, it makes sense to restrict ones focus to very extended segments (e.g. over 1Mb in size, for example). Another option is the --segment-group option, which generates output similar to --homozyg-group, described above; similarly, --segment-verbose prints out the actual genotypes for the individuals that overlap. However, these can be large files that are not necessarily easy to interpret. Association with diseaseAlong with the --segment option, as above, if you also add:--mperm Nthen, for case/control data, this performs a test of whether segments stack up more in case/case pairs versus non-case/case pairs at any position, performing N permutations. Equivalently, you can use an already-created segment file: ./plink --bfile mydata4 --read-segment plink.segment --mperm 10000This will generate two files:plink.segment.summarywhich contains one row corresponding to one SNP; there are five fields: CHR Chromosome code SNP SNP identifier CONU Number of control/control segments over this SNP DISC Case/control segments spanning this position CONA Case/case segment countThe file plink.segment.summary.mpermcontains empirical significance values for each position, asking whether there is a higher rate of case/case sharing than expected. It is important to note that the test statistic is still under developemtn: in this current release, it should merely be interpreted as a rough guide to the data. Naturally, the thresholds for declaring significance will be much lower than for genome-wide association analysis; precise guidelines will be put in place presently. |