1. Introduction
2. Basic information
3. Download and general notes
4. Command reference table
5. Basic usage/data formats
6. Data management
7. Summary stats
8. Inclusion thresholds
9. Population stratification
10. IBS/IBD estimation
11. Association
12. Family-based association
13. Permutation procedures
14. LD calculations
15. Multimarker tests
16. Conditional haplotype tests
17. Proxy association
18. Imputation (beta)
19. Dosage data
20. Meta-analysis
21. Annotation
22. LD-based results clumping
23. Gene-based report
24. Epistasis
25. Rare CNVs
26. Common CNPs
27. R-plugins
28. Annotation web-lookup
29. Simulation tools
30. Profile scoring
31. ID helper
32. Resources
33. Flow-chart
34. Miscellaneous
35. FAQ & Hints
36. gPLINK
Summary statistics
PLINK will generate a number of standard summary statistics
that are useful for quality control (e.g. missing genotype rate, minor
allele frequency, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium failures and
non-Mendelian transmission rates). These can also be used as thresholds
for subsequent analyses (described in the next section).
All the per-SNP summary statistics described below are conducted after
removing individuals with high missing genotype rates, as defined by
the --mind option. The
default value of which is 0 however, i.e. do not exclude any
NOTE Regarding the calculation of genotype rates for
sex chromosomes: for the Y, females are ignored completely. For the
males, heterozygous X and heterozygous Y genotypes are treated as
missing. Having the correct designation of gender is therefore
important to obtain accurate genotype rate estimates, or avoid
incorrectly removing samples, etc.
Missing genotypes
To generate a list genotyping/missingness rate statistics:
plink --file data --missing
This option creates two files:
which detail missingness by individual and by SNP (locus),
respectively. For individuals, the format is:
FID Family ID
IID Individual ID
MISS_PHENO Missing phenotype? (Y/N)
N_MISS Number of missing SNPs
N_GENO Number of non-obligatory missing genotypes
F_MISS Proportion of missing SNPs
For each SNP, the format is:
SNP SNP identifier
CHR Chromosome number
N_MISS Number of individuals missing this SNP
N_GENO Number of non-obligatory missing genotypes
F_MISS Proportion of sample missing for this SNP
To test for case/control differences in missingness,
see the --test-missing option.
To produce summary of missingness that is stratified by a categorical
cluster variable, use the --within filename option as
well as --missing. In this way, the missing rates
will be given separately for each level of the categorical variable. For
example, the categorical variable could be which plate that sample was on
in the genotyping. Details on the format of a cluster file can be found
Obligatory missing genotypes
Often genotypes might be missing obligatorarily rather than because of
genotyping failure. For example, some proportion of the sample might
only have been genotyped on a subset of the SNPs. In these cases, one
might not want to filter out SNPs and individuals based on this type
of missing data. Alternatively, genotypes for specific plates (sets of
SNPs/individuals) might have been blanked out with
the --zero-cluster option, but you still might want to be
able to sensibly set missing data thresholds.
HINT See the section on
data management to see how to make
missing certain sets of genotypes.
Two functions allow these 'obligatory missing' values to be identified
and subsequently handled specially during the filtering steps:
plink --bfile mydata --oblig-missing myfile.zero --oblig-clusters myfile.clst --assoc
This command applies the default genotyping thresholds (90% per
individual and per SNP) but accounting for the fact that certain SNPs
are obligatory missing (with the 90% only refers to those SNPs
actually attempted, for example).
The file specified by --oblig-clusters has the same format as
a cluster file (except only a single cluster
field is allowed here, i.e. only 3 columns). For example,
1 1 0 0 1 1 A A C C A A
2 1 0 0 1 1 C C A A C C
3 1 0 0 1 1 A C A A A C
4 1 0 0 1 1 A A C C A A
5 1 0 0 1 1 C C A A C C
6 1 0 0 1 1 A C A A A C
1b 1 0 0 1 1 A A 0 0 0 0
2b 1 0 0 1 1 C C 0 0 0 0
3b 1 0 0 1 1 A C 0 0 0 0
4b 1 0 0 1 1 A A 0 0 0 0
5b 1 0 0 1 1 C C 0 0 0 0
6b 1 0 0 1 1 A C 0 0 0 0
and MAP file test.map
1 snp1 0 1000
1 snp2 0 2000
1 snp3 0 3000
If the obligatory missing file, test.oblig is
snp2 C1
snp3 C1
it implies that SNPs snp2 and snp3 are obligatory
missing for all individuals belonging to cluster C1. The corresponding
cluster file is test.clst
1b 1 C1
2b 1 C1
3b 1 C1
4b 1 C1
5b 1 C1
6b 1 C1
indicating that the last six individuals belong to
cluster C1. (Not all individuals need be specified in this
NOTE You can have more than one cluster category
specified in these files (i.e. implying different patterns of
obligatory missing data for different sets of individuals).
Running a --missing command on the basic fileset, ignoring the
obligatory missing nature of some of the data, results in the following:
plink --file test --missing
which shows in the LOG file that 6 individuals were removed because of missing data
6 of 12 individuals removed for low genotyping ( MIND > 0.1 )
and the corresponding output files (plink.imiss
and plink.lmiss) indicate no missing data (purely because the
six individuals with 2 of 3 genotypes missing were already filtered
out and everybody else left happens to have complete genotyping).
1 1 N 0 0
2 1 N 0 0
3 1 N 0 0
4 1 N 0 0
5 1 N 0 0
6 1 N 0 0
1 snp1 0 0
1 snp2 0 0
1 snp3 0 0
In contrast, if the obligatory missing data are specified as follows:
plink --file test --missing --oblig-missing test.oblig --oblig-clusters test.clst
we now see
0 of 12 individuals removed for low genotyping ( MIND > 0.1 )
and the corresponding output files now include an extra field, N_GENO,
which indicates the number of non-obligatory missing genotypes, which is the denominator
for the genotyping rate calculations
1 1 N 0 3 0
2 1 N 0 3 0
3 1 N 0 3 0
4 1 N 0 3 0
5 1 N 0 3 0
6 1 N 0 3 0
1b 1 N 0 1 0
2b 1 N 0 1 0
3b 1 N 0 1 0
4b 1 N 0 1 0
5b 1 N 0 1 0
6b 1 N 0 1 0
1 snp1 0 12 0
1 snp2 0 6 0
1 snp3 0 6 0
Seen another way, if one specified --mind 1 to include all
individuals (i.e. not apply the default 90% genotyping rate threshold
for each individual before this step), then the results would not
change with the obligatory missing specification in place, as
expected; in contrast, without the specification of obligatory missing
data, we would see
1 1 N 0 0
2 1 N 0 0
3 1 N 0 0
4 1 N 0 0
5 1 N 0 0
6 1 N 0 0
1b 1 N 2 0.666667
2b 1 N 2 0.666667
3b 1 N 2 0.666667
4b 1 N 2 0.666667
5b 1 N 2 0.666667
6b 1 N 2 0.666667
1 snp1 0 0
1 snp2 6 0.5
1 snp3 6 0.5
In this not particularly exciting example, there are no missing
genotypes that are non-obligatory missing (i.e. that not specified by
the two files) -- if there were, it would counted appropriately in the
above files, and used to filter appropriately also.
NOTE All subsequent analyses do not distingush
whether genotypes were missing due to failure or were obligatory
missing -- that is, this option only effects the behavior of
the --mind and --geno filters.
NOTE If a genotype is set to be obligatory missing
but actually in the genotype file it is not missing, then it will be
set to missing and treated as if missing.
Cluster individuals based on missing genotypes
Systematic batch effects that induce missingness in parts of the sample will induce
correlation between the patterns of missing data that different individuals display.
One approach to detecting correlation in these patterns, that might possibly idenity
such biases, is to cluster individuals based on their identity-by-missingness (IBM).
This approach use exactly the same procedure as the IBS clustering for population
stratification, except the distance between two individuals is based not on which (non-missing)
allele they have at each site, but rather the proportion of sites for which two individuals are
both missing the same genotype.
To use this option:
plink --file data --cluster-missing
which creates the files:
which have similar formats to the corresponding IBS clustering files. Specifically, the
plink.mdist.missing file can be subjected to a visualisation technique such as
multidimensinoal scaling to reveal any strong systematic patterns of missingness.
Note The values in the .mdist file are distances rather than
similarities, unlike for standard IBS clustering. That is, a value of 0 means that two
individuals have the same profile of missing genotypes. The exact value represents the
proportion of all SNPs that are discordantly missing (i.e. where one member of the pair
is missing that SNP but the other individual is not).
The other constraints (significance test, phenotype, cluster size and external matching
criteria) are not used during IBM clustering. Also, by default, all individuals and all SNPs
are included in an IBM clustering analysis, unlike IBS clustering, i.e. even individuals or
SNPs with very low genotyping, or monomorphic alleles. By explicitly specifying
--mind or --geno or --maf certain individuals or SNPs can be
excluded (although the default is probably what is usually required for quality control
Test of missingness by case/control status
To obtain a missing chi-sq test (i.e. does, for each SNP,
missingness differ between cases and controls?), use the option:
plink --file mydata --test-missing
which generates a file
which contains the fields
CHR Chromosome number
SNP SNP identifier
F_MISS_A Missing rate in cases
F_MISS_U Missing rate in controls
P Asymptotic p-value (Fisher's exact test)
The actual counts of missing genotypes are available in the
plink.lmiss file, which is generated by the --missing
Note This test is only applicable to case/control
Haplotype-based test for non-random missing genotype data
The previous test asks whether genotypes are missing at random
or not with respect to phenotype. This test asks whether or not
genotypes are missing at random with respect to the true
(unobserved) genotype, based on the observed genotypes of nearby SNPs.
Note This test assumes dense SNP genotyping such that
flanking SNPs are typically in LD with each other. Also bear in mind that
a negative result on this test may simply reflect the fact that there is
little LD in the region.
This test works by taking a SNP at a time (the 'reference' SNP) and asking
whether haplotype formed by the two flanking SNPs can predict whether or
not the individual is missing at the reference SNP. The test is a simple
haplotypic case/control test, where the phenotype is missing status at the
reference SNP. If missingness at the reference is not random with respect
to the true (unobserved) genotype, we may often expect to see an
association between missingness and flanking haplotypes.
Note Again, just because we might not see such an association does
not necessarily mean that genotypes are missing at random -- this test has
higher specificity than sensitivity. That is, this test will miss a lot; but, when used
as a QC screening tool, one should pay attention to SNPs that show highly significant
patterns of non-random missingness.
This option is run with the command:
plink --file data --test-mishap
which generates an output file called
which has the fields
LOCUS Reference SNP
HAPLOTYPE Flanking haplotype, or heterozygosity
F_0 Frequency of HAPLOTYPE if missing reference SNP
F_1 Frequency of HAPLOTYPE if not missing reference SNP
M_H1 N missing/not missing for HAPLOTYPE
M_H2 N missing/not missing for not-HAPLOTYPE
CHISQ Chisquare test for non-random missingness
P Asymptotic p-value
SNPS Identifier for flanking SNPs
The HAPLOTYPE typically represents each two-SNP flanking haplotype
(i.e. not including the reference SNP itself); each reference SNP will also
have a row labelled HETERO in this column, which means
we are testing whether or not being heterozygous for the flanking haplotypes (which would,
under many sets of haplotype frequencies, increase the chance of being heterozygous
for the reference SNP). SNPs with no or very little missing genotype data are skipped. Only haplotypes above the
--maf threshold are used in analysis.
Here is an example from real data (rows split into two sets for clarity):
rs17012390 CT 0.5238 0.01949 55/104 50/5233
rs17012390 TC 0.4762 0.9805 50/5233 55/104
rs17012390 HETERO 1 0.04252 56/114 0/2567
rs17012390 CT 923.4 0 rs17012387|rs17012393
rs17012390 TC 923.4 0 rs17012387|rs17012393
rs17012390 HETERO 863.3 0 rs17012387|rs17012393
This clearly shows a huge chi-square (the sample is large, N of over 2500 individuals).
We see that of 56 missing genotypes for this reference SNP, all occur when the flanking
haplotypic background is heterozygous (i.e. M_H1 shows 56/114, indicating that there
are 114 other instances of a heterozygous haplotypic background when the reference SNP is not missing)
whereas we see not a single missing call when the flanking SNP background is homozygous, of which we see
2567 observations. This is clearly indicative of non-random association between the unobserved genotype and
missing status.
Looking at the same data a different way, F_1 indicates that the majority of the sample (people not
missing at the reference SNP) have haplotype frequencies of CT and TC haplotypes at approximately
0.02 and 0.98 respectively). In contrast, because all people missing this SNP are on heterozygous backgrounds,
these frequencies become approximately 50:50 in this group (shown in F_0).
In the particular dataset this example comes from, this SNP would have passed a
standard quality control test. The --hardy command shows that this SNP does
not failure the HWE test; also, it does not show excessive amounts
of missing data (the --missing command indicates a missing rate of 0.021). The genotype
counts (obtained by the --hardy option) are, for the whole sample, 0/104/2584.
In contrast, here are the same results for a different SNP that does not show any evidence
of non-random missingness.
rs3912752 CC 0.07692 0.06507 2/354 24/5086
rs3912752 TT 0.1154 0.205 3/1115 23/4325
rs3912752 CT 0.8077 0.73 21/3971 5/1469
rs3912752 HETERO 0.2308 0.4279 3/1164 10/1556
rs3912752 CC 0.05967 0.807 rs3912751|rs351596
rs3912752 TT 1.276 0.2586 rs3912751|rs351596
rs3912752 CT 0.7938 0.3729 rs3912751|rs351596
rs3912752 HETERO 2.056 0.1516 rs3912751|rs351596
Here we do not see any deviation between the flanking haplotype frequencies between people
missing versus genotyped for the reference SNP. Of course, there is less missingness for this SNP
(26 missing genotypes) so we might expect power is lower, even if there were non-random missingness.
This only highlights the point made above that, in general, significant results are more interpretable
than non-signficant results for this test. But more importantly, if there are only a handful of missing genotypes,
we do not particular care whether or not they are missing at random, as they would not bias the association with disease
in any case. Of course, whether there is non-random genotyping error is another question...
By default, we currently just select exactly two flanking SNPs. This can be changed with the option --mishap-window. For
plink --bfile mydata --test-mishap --mishap-window 4
Future releases will feature a more
intelligent selection
of flanking markers.
Note This routine currently skips the SNPs on the X and Y chromosomes.
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
To generate a list of genotype counts and Hardy-Weinberg test
statistics for each SNP, use the option:
plink --file data --hardy
which creates a file:
This file has the following format
SNP SNP identifier
TEST Code indicating sample
A1 Minor allele code
A2 Major allele code
GENO Genotype counts: 11/12/22
O(HET) Observed heterozygosity
E(HET) Expected heterozygosity
P H-W p-value
For case/control samples, each SNP will have three entries (rows) in this
file, with TEST being either ALL, AFF (cases
only) or UNAFF (controls only). For quantitative traits, only a
single row will appear for each SNP, labelled ALL(QT).
Only founders are considered for the Hardy-Weinberg calculations -- ie.
for family data, any offspring are ignored.
WARNING By default, this procedure only considers founders, so
no HW results would be given for sibling-only datasets (i.e. if no parents exist).
To perform a rough, somewhat biased test, use the --nonfounders option
which means that all individuals will be included. Alternatively, manually extract
one person per family for this calculation and recode these individuals as founders
(see the --keep option to facilitate this).
The default test is an exact one, described and implemented by Wigginton et al
(see reference below), which is more accurate for rare genotypes. You can still perform
the standard asymptotic test with the --hardy2 option.
A Note on Exact Tests of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium.
Wigginton JE, Cutler DJ and Abecasis GR
Am J Hum Genet (2005) 76: 887-93
Allele frequency
To generate a list of minor allele frequencies (MAF) for each SNP,
based on all founders in the sample:
plink --file data --freq
will create a file:
with five columns:
CHR Chromosome
SNP SNP identifier
A1 Allele 1 code (minor allele)
A2 Allele 2 code (major allele)
MAF Minor allele frequency
NCHROBS Non-missing allele count
To produce summary of allele frequencies that is stratified by
a categorical cluster variable, use the --within filename
option as well as --missing. In this way, the frequencies
will be given separately for each level of the categorical variable. Details
on the format of a cluster file can be found
If a SNP fails the genotyping rate threshold (as set by the
--geno value, which is by default 0.0, i.e. no SNPs will
fail) the frequency will appear as NA in
the plink.frq output file. To obtain frequencies on all SNPs
irrespective of genotyping rate, set
--mind 1.
Linkage disequilibrium based SNP pruning
Sometimes it is useful to generate a pruned subset of SNPs that are in
approximate linkage equilibrium with each other. This can be achieved
via two commands: --indep which prunes based on
the variance inflation factor (VIF), which recursively
removes SNPs within a sliding window;
second, --indep-pairwise which is similar, except it is based
only on pairwise genotypic correlation.
Hint The output of either of these commands is two
lists of SNPs: those that are pruned out and those that are not. A
separate command using the --extract or --exclude
option is necessary to actually perform the pruning.
The VIF pruning routine is performed:
plink --file data --indep 50 5 2
will create files
Each is a simlpe list of SNP IDs; both these files can subsequently be
specified as the argument for a
--extract or --exclude command.
The parameters for --indep are: window size in SNPs
(e.g. 50), the number of SNPs to shift the window at each step
(e.g. 5), the VIF threshold. The VIF is 1/(1-R^2)
where R^2 is the multiple correlation coefficient for a SNP
being regressed on all other SNPs simultaneously. That is, this
considers the correlations between SNPs but also between linear
combinations of SNPs. A VIF of 10 is often taken to represent near
collinearity problems in standard multiple regression analyses
(i.e. implies R^2 of 0.9). A VIF of 1 would imply that the SNP is
completely independent of all other SNPs. Practically, values between
1.5 and 2 should probably be used; particularly in small samples, if
this threshold is too low and/or the window size is too large, too
many SNPs may be removed.
The second procedure is performed:
plink --file data --indep-pairwise 50 5 0.5
This generates the same output files as the first version; the only
difference is that a simple pairwise threshold is used. The first two
parameters (50 and 5) are the same as above (window size and step);
the third parameter represents the
r^2 threshold. Note: this represents the pairwise SNP-SNP
metric now, not the multiple correlation coefficient; also note, this
is based on the genotypic correlation, i.e. it does not involve
To give a concrete example: the command above that specifies 50 5 0.5
would a) consider a window of 50 SNPs, b) calculate LD between each pair of SNPs in the
window, b) remove one of a pair of SNPs if the LD is greater than 0.5, c) shift the window
5 SNPs forward and repeat the procedure.
To make a new, pruned file, then use something like (in this example,
we also convert the standard PED fileset to a binary one):
plink --file data --extract plink.prune.in --make-bed --out pruneddata
Mendel errors
To generate a list of Mendel errors for SNPs and families, use the option:
plink --file data --mendel
which will create files:
The *.mendel file contains all Mendel errors (i.e. one line
per error); the *.imendel file contains a summary of
per-individual error rates; the *.fmendel file contains a
summary of per-family error rates; the *.lmendel file
contains a summary of per-SNP error rates.
The *.mendel file has the following columns:
FID Family ID
KID Child individual ID
CHR Chromosome
CODE A numerical code indicating the type of error (see below)
ERROR Description of the actual error
The error codes are as follows:
Code Pat , Mat -> Offspring
1 AA , AA -> AB
2 BB , BB -> AB
3 BB , ** -> AA
4 ** , BB -> AA
5 BB , BB -> AA
6 AA , ** -> BB
7 ** , AA -> BB
8 AA , AA -> BB
9 ** , AA -> BB (X chromosome male offspring)
10 ** , BB -> AA (X chromosome male offspring)
The *.lmendel file has the following columns:
CHR Chromosome
N Number of Mendel errors for this SNP
The *.imendel file has the following columns:
FID Family ID
IID Individual ID
N Number of errors this individual was implicated in
The following heurtistic is used to provide a rough estimate of Mendel
error rare 'per individual': error types 1 and 2 count for all 3
individuals (child, father, mother); error types 5 and 8 count only
for the child (i.e. otherwise requires two errors, one in each
parent); error types 3 and 6 count for the child and the father; all
other types (4, 7, 9 and 10) count for the offspring and the mother.
This metric might indicate that, for example, in a nuclear family with
two parents and two offspring, many more Mendel errors can be
associated with the first sibling; the remaining trio might not show
any increased rate.
Currently, PLINK only scans full trios for Mendel errors. Families
with fewer than 2 parents in the dataset will not be tested.
Finally, the *.fmendel file has the following columns:
FID Family ID
PAT Paternal individual ID
MAT Maternal individual ID
CHLD Number of offspring in this (nuclear) family
N Number of Mendel errors for this (nuclear) family
Sex check
This option uses X chromosome data to determine sex (i.e. based on
heterozygosity rates) and flags individuals for whom the reported sex in
the PED file does not match the estimated sex (given genomic data). To
run this analysis, use the flag:
plink --bfile data --check-sex
which generates a file
which contains the fields
FID Family ID
IID Individual ID
PEDSEX Sex as determined in pedigree file (1=male, 2=female)
SNPSEX Sex as determined by X chromosome
STATUS Displays "PROBLEM" or "OK" for each individual
F The actual X chromosome inbreeding (homozygosity) estimate
A PROBLEM arises if the two sexes do not match, or if the
SNP data or pedigree data are ambiguous with regard to sex. A male
call is made if F is more than 0.8; a femle call is made if
F is less than 0.2.
The command
plink --bfile data --impute-sex --make-bed --out newfile
will impute the sex codes based on the SNP data, and create a new file
with the revised assignments, in this case a new binary fileset.
Pedigree errors
PLINK can accept multigenerational family data for family-based
tests and Mendel error checks. It will break multigenerational families
down into nuclear family units where appropriate. Extended family
information is not used in an optimal manner, however (e.g. to help find
Mendel errors using grandparental genotypes if parental genotypes are
Unless PLINK is explicitly told to perform a family-based
analysis, it will ignore any pedigree structure in the sample and
analyse the data as if all individuals are unrelated (i.e.
the --assoc option, for example, will ignore family
structure). It is therefore the responsibility of the user to ensure
that the data are appropriate for the type of test (e.g. if performing
a standard association test with --assoc, this implies that
all individuals should be unrelated for asymptotic significance values
to be correct). The exception to this general rule is that certain
summary statistics are based only on founders.
PLINK will spot most pedigree errors (e.g. if an
individual has two fathers, for example). For a more comprehensive
evaluation of pedigree errors (invalid or incompletely specified
pedigree structures) please use a different software package such as
or famtypes.