A PLINK tutorial
These notes are designed to help Windows users who are unfamiliar
with the command line to set up the example files for the tutorial.
Go to the start menu and select the "Run..." option
Type "cmd" at the prompt.
This should bring up a command window (i.e. this is MS-DOS). Using
the command line, create a new folder for the tutorial files. In this
case, I've first moved to the drive called "E" by typing
You might not have a drive called E: -- your default drive is
probably C:. The exact location of where you run this tutorial
is not important -- we are next going to create a folder, but this can be
anywhere on your system.
By typing (all on one line)
mkdir example
we have created a new folder called example (assuming this did
not already exist). Move into this new folder with the cd
command: (all on one line)
cd example
Finally, using Windows, copy the hapmap1.zip file you
downloaded to this folder and unzip, e.g. using WinZip as below. If you
do not have WinZip installed, you can obtain a free evaluation copy from
the product's website
You now should return to the command line prompt, which will still be
point to the newly created directory, with the required PED and MAP
files in it. You can verify this by typing at the command line:
which should show 4 new files in addition to the zip archive:
Volume in drive E is New Volume
Volume Serial Number is XXXX-XXXX
Directory of E:\example
06/05/2006 08:36 PM <DIR> .
06/05/2006 08:36 PM <DIR> ..
06/05/2006 11:24 PM 1,693,668 hapmap1.map
06/05/2006 10:24 PM 29,739,617 hapmap1.ped
06/05/2006 08:29 PM 2,913,399 hapmap1.zip
06/05/2006 11:24 PM 93,968 pop.phe
06/05/2006 11:24 PM 93,968 qt.phe
3 File(s) 34,346,684 bytes
2 Dir(s) 34,455,240,704 bytes free
You can erase the ZIP file with this command:
erase hapmap1.zip
You are now ready to return to the main