Overview |
For information on how to use the modules, please follow the link
by clicking on the symbol to the right.
Variance |
This module is designed to introduce the concept of variance:
what it represents, how it is calculated and how it can be used to
assess individual differences in any quantitative trait. Standardised
scores are also introduced.
Covariance |
How the covariance statistic can be used to
represent association between two measures is
introduced in this module.
Correlation & Regression |
The Correlation & Regression module explores the relationship between
variance, covariance, correlation and regression coefficients.
Matrices |
Matrices provides a simple matrix calculator.
Single Gene Model |
Single Gene Model introduces the basic biometrical model
used to describe the effects of individual genes, in terms
of additive genetic values and dominance
Variance Components : ACE |
Variance Components: ACE illustrates the partitioning of variance into
additive genetic, shared environmental and nonshared environmental
components in the context of MZ and DZ twins.
Families |
Families demonstrates the relationship between additive and dominance
genetic, shared and nonshared environmental variance and expected
familial correlations for different types of relatives.
Model-fitting 1 |
Twin covariance matrices are modelled by manually adjusting
the components of variance in order to find the best-fit
parameter estimates for ACE model; nested
models can then be compared to the full ACE model.
Model-fitting 2
This on-line resource performs a maximum-likelihood analysis of univariate
twin data and presents the parameter estimates for nested sub-models.
The tutorial explains how to use the module and how to interpret
the output.
Multivariate Analysis |
Multivariate Analysis models the genetic and environmental aetiology of
two traits.
Extremes Analysis
Extremes Analysis illustrates how DeFries-Fulker extremes
analysis can be used to estimate components of variance
from twin data by looking at extreme-scoring individuals
and their co-twins.
Introduction to Mx |
This provides a basic introduction to the Mx model-fitting package.
Beginning Quantitative Genetic Analysis
Four tutorials introduce basic quantitative genetic analyses,
using commonly available statistics software such as Stata and
SPSS. Several of the modules are also used, as is Mx.
Various simulated datasets are presented as well as commentary
on the methods of analysis and results.
This on-line resource allows users to easily simulate multivariate
ACE datasets and explore the properties of the Cholesky decomposition
description of data.
Maximum Likelihood Estimation
This on-line tutorial introduces an area central to the model-fitting
approaches described here: maximum likelihood estimation.
Linkage & Linkage Disequilibrium
This on-line tutorial and module aims to introduce the
related phenomena of linkage and linkage disequilibrium.
Probability Calculator
This on-line resource allows the easy calculation of probability
functions such as the chi-squared and normal distributions,
replacing the need to look up significance values in tables.
Twin Zygosity Calculator
Determine whether a twin pair is identical or not with this on-line
Under Construction |
- Reading Lists, provided as a starting point for individuals
wishing to pursue their interest in behavioural genetics further.
- Electronic Glossary, an electronic glossary to cover
most of the terms used in the Behavioral Genetics text.
- World Wide Web Links, a selection of what the WWW has
to offer in terms of genetic and statistical resources.