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Generates canonical signals for harmonized EDFs, given a set of rules

The CANONICAL command is designed to help when harmonizing multiple sets of EDFs that have different labels and conventions. We're currently using this in the context of the NSRR harmonization efforts (the linked document gives some motivating examples in actual multi-cohort contexts).

Command Description
Canonical definitions Syntax for defining canonical signal rules
CANONICAL Generate canonical signals

Canonical signal definitions

The CANONICAL command is designed to help producing sets of EDFs that have harmonized sets of channel labels and conventions. It sequentially attempts to process a number of rules, that will create a new canonical signal based on existing signals, as long as certain requirements (based on the EDF header fields) are met.

The types of requirements may include:

  • channel labels
  • the presence of other reference channels
  • certain physical unit types
  • certain transducer types
  • certain sample rates
  • certain minimum/maximum values

The CANONICAL command takes one or more canonical signal definition files and tries to make as many canonical signals as it can, by following the set of rules. Rules are followed sequentially, and once a particular canonical signal has been generated, Luna will skip all subsequent definitions.

Note that the purpose of the CANONICAL command is not necessarily to map every signal in an EDF: rather, it is to guarantee that any newly generated canonical signals will follow a known set of conventions, and thus can be more easily combined in cohort-level analyses.

Basic file format

Following all Luna inputs, definition files must be plain-text (ASCII) files, i.e. generated with a text editor. Other than comment lines (starting with % or # characters), canonical signal files have two main elements (a few exceptions to this are noted below):

  • variable assignments: starting with a let statement, these allow shortcuts and ensure consistency when specifying rules

  • rules: these define the canonical channels, and can include requirements as well as setting EDF header values (e.g. units, transducer type)


Rules are the meat of canonical signal definitions. A rule follows a specific syntax that defines certain requirements for a canonical signal, and optionally, may also set some values for the newly generated signal (primarily unit and or sample rate).

Rules follow a strict space-indentation format. Lines that start with:

  • no indentation : name of a canonical channel, i.e. a target channel we are trying to create; this also indicates the start of a new rule

  • one space : a sub-section of that rule that is always one of these keywords: unless: group: req: or set:

  • two spaces : the specific features that define the sub-section

As a toy example, the following constitutes one rule to make the dummy channel canonical_label:

  sig = sig1,sig2
  ref = ref1,ref2
  trans = type1,T1
  trans = unknown,.
  unit = uV,micro-volts,uvolt
  unit = mV,milli-volts,mvolt
  unit = uV
  sr = 100

This rule creates a new signal called canonical_label, if the following conditions are met:

  • the EDF has a channel sig1 or sig2 (if it has both, the first listed will be used)
  • the EDF also has a channel ref1 or ref2 (again, if both are present, the first will be used)
  • the primary signal selected (either sig1 or sig2) has an EDF transducer field that is type1 or T1 (first line) or it is unknown or an empty field (the .) (second line)
  • the EDF physical unit is one of uV, micro-volts, etc, or (on the second line) mV, etc

If these conditions are not met for any term (sig, ref, unit and trans), the rule will not be enacted. If these conditions are met, then when running the CANONICAL command, Luna will generate a new channel with the following properties:

  • the new label is canonical_label
  • the primary signal (either sig1 or sig2) will be re-referenced by either ref1 or ref2
  • the new signal's transducer field will be set to either type1 or unknown (as these are the first entries for each trans: line above)
  • likewise, the new signal's unit field will initially be set to either uV or mV (as these are the first entries, i.e. the preferred values) for that set
  • because the rule also has a set: section, two additional operations will be performed:
  • first, if the unit is mV, then the channel will be rescaled to be in uV and then EDF header will be updated to reflect that
  • second, if the original sample rate (i.e. for sig1 or sig2) is not 100 Hz, then the channel will be resampled to be 100 Hz

That is, (as well as the re-referencing step), the two set: operations will actually change the numeric values of the channel data themselves; all other options (i.e. for transducer fields and units) are simply changing the text fields in the EDF headers, and do not touch the actual signal data.

As above, the two main sections are req: and set:, to specify the requirements for the signal to be generated, and then any special things that must be set in the new signal. These start with a single space character as noted above, and refer to the canonical signal previously defined above (i.e. the last line that started without any space indentation):

  • group: if this is a group-specific rule, list the groups here
  • unless: a list of other canonical signals - this rule with be ignored if this signal has already been made
  • req: any requirements for the signal (see below)
  • set: options to set the sample rate and/or units of the new canonical signal

As noted, requirements (req) must be met for a rule to be enacted; the following requirements are valid: (each starting with exactly two spaces):

  • sig: one or more primary signals (required)
  • ref: optionally, any reference signals
  • trans: optionally, a transducer field
  • unit: optionally, required units
  • scale: optionally, range of the signal (EDF header min/max)
  • sr-min: optionally, a min. required sample rate (of the primary signal)
  • sr-max: optionally, a max. allowed sample rate (of the primary signal)

The sig, ref, trans and unit fields can accept comma-delimited lists and can appear on multiple lines (i.e. will append new values, as for variable definitions above).

For unit and trans only, if a line has more than one value listed, then the first of that particular line, is the preferred value, i.e. the EDF field for any generated canonical signal will be set to that string value. For example, the line as part of a req:

  unit = uV,mV,micro-volts,milli-volts
would be incorrect, as any of these four values would be changed to uV. In contrast, this would appropriately set the field to either uV or mV depending on the matched values:
  unit = uV,micro-volts
  unit = mV,milli-volts
(Remember that specifying preferred unit labels as the first in a list of requirements does not actually change/rescale the data themselves, unlike the set: sub-section, which allows the one special case of converting between volts, milli-volts and micro-volts - i.e. actually changing the signal, not just the text label in the EDF header.)

In the case of voltage units, using variables as descibed below we can write:

one would just write
  unit = ${uvolt}
  unit = ${mvolt}
  unit = ${volt}
as part of a requirement. Because each line is a different unit (i.e. not just different labels for the same thing), they need to be on different lines. Note that this still leads to the same preferred units (uV, mV, V).

Here is an example rule for an EEG target channel: C4_M1, i.e. a right central electrode with contralateral mastoid reference. Using the unit variables defined above, we might write:

  sig = C4_M1,C4_A1,EEG_C4_M1,EEG_C4_A1
  unit = ${uvolt}
  unit = ${mvolt}
  unit = ${volt}
  unit = uV
  sr = 128

  sig = C4,EEG_C4,C4_REF,EEG_C4_REF
  ref = A1,M1,EEG_A1,EEG_M1,
  unit = ${uvolt}
  unit = ${mvolt}
  unit = ${volt}
  unit = uV
  sr = 128

Here we have two rules for the same channel. The CANONICAL command would first try to make the top one, which assumes a suitable referenced channel already exists (but allowing for some variations on the naming, e.g. A1 instead of M1 etc). Thus there is no ref requirement.

If the EDF did not contain such a channel, but did contain two channels matching one of the sig and ref lists (e.g. C4_REF and M1_REF) then it would try to make the C4_M1 channel, explicitly re-referencing C4_REF against M1_REF). In this example, the sig channel would also be required to be of some flavor of voltage units.

The set: sub-section in the last command would then change the sample rate of 128 Hz if it was not already that; also, if the channel (based on sig only) was mV or V, it would rescale that variable to be in uV units (and update the EDF header field appropriately for the new channel).


Rather than writing essentially the same rule for every EEG channel (e.g. C3, C4, F3, F4, O1, O2, etc) it can be convenient to use templates. This involves two special keywords, that must appear on the start of a line: define: and apply: and a special character ^:

  • define: is followed by a template label, then a standard rule definition, except that it contains the character ^ where normally one would want to write a label or rule name

  • apply: is followed by a previously defined template label, and a value to be substituted for ^.

For example, this defines a template called EEG_linked_mastoid

define: EEG_linked_mastoid
  sig = ^,EEG-^,"^ REF"
  ref = "M1,M2"
  unit = uV
  unit = mV
  unit = V
  unit = uV
  sr = 128

This is stored but no actual rule is generated based on this. Rather, rules are only generated when subsequently using apply: with that template label, followed by one or more labels, for example:

apply: EEG_linked_mastoid C3 C4 F3 F4 O1 O2
which is equivalent to writing out six rules all in the form:
  sig = C3,EEG-C3,"C3 REF"
  ref = "M1,M2"
  unit = uV
  unit = mV
  unit = V
  unit = uV
  sr = 128
  sig = C4,EEG-C4,"C4 REF"
  ref = "M1,M2"
  unit = uV
  unit = mV
  unit = V
  unit = uV
  sr = 128

The values listed after apply: can be either space or comma-delimited, with the same effect.

In the above example, the reference is fixed to the linked mastoid in every case (i.e. "M1,M2"). You could have separate rules for defining contra-lateral mastoid channels:

define: EEG_left_mastoid
  sig = ^,EEG-^,"^ REF"
  ref = M1,A1
  unit = uV
  unit = mV
  unit = V
  unit = uV
  sr = 128
define: EEG_right_mastoid
  sig = ^,EEG-^,"^ REF"
  ref = M2,A2
  unit = uV
  unit = mV
  unit = V
  unit = uV
  sr = 128

and then apply both rules, e.g.

template label, followed by one or more labels, for example:

apply: EEG_left_mastoid C4 F4 O2
apply: EEG_right_mastoid C3 F3 O1

If you add the dump option, the CANONICAL command will just print the expanded form of the script (i.e. after variables and templates have been substituted), and then stop; this can be useful for checking that the syntax works as expected.

See the section on template variables below for tips on how to use variables with templates.


You can use Luna-script style variables to make writing rules simpler. Variables can be assigned (or reassigned) with the ${var=value} syntax, and subsequently recalled by writing ${var}. Luna variables work on straight string substitution when pre-processing the file. For example:


This means that if ${left_mastoid} is used in any subsequent rules, it will be expanded into M1,A1,M1-Ref,A2-Ref, i.e. as if that text had been typed in full instead of ${left_mastoid}.

Appending values

You can append values to a variable with the += operator, which can sometimes make it easier to format and edit canonical definition files. This appends in the form of a comma-delimited list. For example:

implies ${left_mastoid} equals M1,M1-Ref,A1,A1-Ref.

Some common variables may be used to list typically encountered unit types, e.g:


Then, when specifying rules, one can just write ${uvolt} instead of uV,microvolt,micro-volt,uvolt,u-volt, for example.

Template variables

You can combine variables and templates to make scripts simpler. In a straightforward manner, you can use variables when you apply: templates:

apply: EEG_linked_mastoid ${eeg}
if, for example, ${eeg} had previously been defined

which would generate six rules. (Note that, unlike in Luna scripts, variables such as ${eeg} are not pre-populated when using CANONICAL.)

You can also use variables within the definition of the template: e.g. if we've defined variables to voltage units, as above, and ${lm_ref} to define linked mastoid reference channels allowing for both A and M notation:



define: EEG_template1
  sig = ^,EEG-^,"^ REF"
  ref = ${lm_ref}
  unit = ${uvolts}
  unit = ${mvolts}
  unit = ${volts}
  unit = uV
  sr = 128

apply: EEG_template1 C3 C4 F3 F4 O1 O2

Note that the value of ${lm_ref} used when defining the template is fixed and cannot be changed, i.e. ${lm_ref} is expanded as text ("A1,A2","M1,M2") prior to creating/storing the template. This means that adding these statements after the above, which involve changing the ${lm_ref} variable are re-applying the template, will not work as hoped for in that the references will still involve "A1,A2","M1,M2" (linked mastoid form) and not the new value (for left mastoids only).

... (if following the above)...


apply: EEG_template1 C4_M1 F4_M1 O2_M1

If using templates, you can however specify that a variable is evaluated not when defining the template (i.e. on the first pass) but instead only the second pass, when applying/expanding the templates, by writing $${var} instead of ${var}. That is, the following would work:


define: EEG_template2 
  sig = ^,EEG-^,"^ REF"
  ref = $${ref}
  unit = ${uvolts}
  unit = ${mvolts}
  unit = ${volts}
  unit = uV
  sr = 128

apply: EEG_template2 C4 F4 O2 ${ref=A1,M1}

apply: EEG_template2 C3 F3 O1 ${ref=A2,M2}

This will generate six rules, for C4-M1, F4-M1, O2-M1 and C3-M2, F4-M2 and O2-M2.

TODO: give C3 C4 etc but target labels are different, e.g. C3_M2 F4_M1 etc... e.g. pass a target label when define: ?

That is, $${ref} (note the double-$) is not defined before use in defining the template. Effectively, the first $ is stripped off, and the string ${ref} is then given when an apply: statement is made: it is at this second stage (apply:) that ${ref} must be defined -- you'd get an error if not. It can either be defined before:


apply: EEG_template2 C4 F4 O2 

or (as in the first example) on the same line as apply: (but after the template name (EEG_template2) and any targets (here, C4, F4 and O2).

Special behaviours

The canonical signal file syntax allows for a few special behaviours.

Missing values/wildcards

For the unit and trans requirement fields only:

  • a period character (.) means to match an empty field (null, all spaces, or already a period character).
  • an asterisk (*) means to match any non-empty field

In this way, on can provide defaults for missing or otherwise unrecognized values. For example:

  unit = degrees
  unit = missing,.
  unit = unknown,*  

As the order matters, Luna would first match on the term degrees (or, if that is a variable with a comma-delimited list, on any of the aliases for that concept); failing that, if the unit field was empty, it would be set to the text string missing; otherwise, it will be set to unknown - i.e. the last line with the wild-card acts as a catch-all.

Note that if this is the only form for a unit or trans requirement:

  trans = EMG,.,*
it effectively sets the field to that first value (EMG) no matter what the original value is, either missing or non-missing.

Note that the missing field . cannot ever be the first item listed for a unit or trans requirement - i.e. the preferred name must always be non-null.

If * is the preferred term, this means keep it as is. Thus, by itself,

  unit = *
is equivalent to not specifying any unit requirement - i.e. everything matches, and nothing is changed. However, this could be useful in the context of having specified some prior requirement: e.g.
  unit = unknown,?,.
  unit = *
This basically says: make ? or empty fields as unknown, otherwise leave the unit as is. Without the last line, this rule would require that the unit if either empty, ? or unknown.

Average referencing

For the ref field, if comma-delimited values are in quotes, this implies an average reference of those signals. For example "A1,A2" this indicates a linked mastoid reference, which in turn implies that both A1 and A2 must exist, if that rule is to be enacted.

Sanitization of labels

Luna will sanitize all labels coming in, meaning that spaces and most other non-alphanumeric characters are translated to an underscore (_). When writing rules, it is therefore best to write the rule with that in mind: e.g. if the original value is EEG F3-M2, this will be sanitized to EEG_F3_M2. Therefore, write the rule with this latter label:

  sig = EEG_F3_M2
When writing out new unit/transducer fields, these will also be sanitized as needed.

Note that Luna will match in a case-insenstive manner: therefore you can just write

  sig = airflow
instead of something like:
  sig = airflow,AIRFLOW,Airflow,AirFlow

Unless sections

An unless: section in a rule means that it will not be processed if another canonical label has already been created. For example, if a channel may be a thermistor or nasal pressure cannula, this would first try to make those specific channels, e.g. where thermistor_names is a variable list of labels known to match to thermistor channels (in practice, the first two rules would specify other requirements, e.g. based on units), etc. As both thermistor and cannuala are measures of airflow generally, you'd only want to make the last channel if it was not possible to make either of the first (which are more specific). That is, here airflow acts as a catch all to describe some type of airflow channel but where the precise form is not known.

  sig = thermistor_names

  sig = nasal_pres_names

  therm nasal_pres
  sig = airflow_names

Another example: you may only wish to make linked-mastoid referenced EEG channels if the matched contralateral-mastoid referenced EEG could not be made: (again, in practice, these rules would likely contain other features, e.g. units, sample rates etc)

  sig = C4
  ref = M1

  sig = C4
  ref = LM
  ref = "M1,M2"

Group sections

It is possible to allow for cohort/study-specific exceptions to a generic set of rules, by specifying a group variable: e.g. if it is known that a particular study uses an unusual naming convention, this can be incorporated into the generic body of rules for that particular study/cohort.

As noted below, the CANONICAL command can optionally called with one or more group options set:

luna s.lst -s CANONICAL file=defs.txt group=study1,study2

When processing the rules, if groups have been set, then Luna will watch out for group-specific rules. If a rule has a group: attached, then it will only be processed if one of those groups (here study1) was specified when running CANONICAL. Group labels can be any sanitized text label (i.e avoid whitespace, etc)

  sig = EEG2
 ... etc ...

  sig = EEG2
 ... etc ...

This can be useful when constructing generic signal definition files - i.e. rules that are expected to match most studies, i.e. where the labels are more or less self-explanatory. In this context, intrinsically ambiguous or confusing labels should not be included in any generic set. Here, they can be partitioned out into separate rules/files, and only applied when running CANONICAL for those studies/groups. In the above example, say you have datasets where EEG2 generically means C4-M1 in some studies, but CZ-(M1+M2)/2 in another. Especially as the label EEG2 is ambiguous without further context, these should be group-specific rules. In the above example, EEG2 will be mapped to CZ_LM if run with the group=study2 option, for example.

A more general case may be where you wish to combine group-specific and generic rules. As Luna processes the files/rules in the order they are specified, you'd want to add group-specific rules first, when running for a particular group. For example, in the general case:

luna s.lst -s CANONICAL file=generic-defs.txt
whereas if we also have group-specific rules in a separate file study2-defs.txt, then you would invoke the command as follows:
luna s.lst -s CANONICAL file=study2-defs.txt,generic-defs.txt group=study2

As a concrete (if contrived) example, you may know that this study (study2) mislabelled channel C3 as F3: so in study2-defs.txt you may have

  sig = F3
  ref = M2
whereas in the generic file (generic-defs.txt) there is the rule in the form:
  sig = C3
  ref = M2

Here, Luna would correctly make C3_M2 (using the mislabelled channel) in this special case. As it processes the group-specific rule first (based on the order of the file= option), when it comes to the second generic rule, it would already have been satisifed.

In this context, it is often useful to tell Luna to stop trying to make a given channel - for example, if you know that only group-specific rules apply, and never want a generic rule to be attempted. For example, we'd want to avoid generic rules involving F3 from being run for this particular study (i.e. if we knew this was a mislablled channel).

This can be achieved with the special keyword closed: at the start of a line, followed by one or more canonical labels, i.e. placed in a leading group-specific definition file:

closed: F3_M2 F3_LM

This means that subsequently Luna would not attempt to make F3_M2 or F3_LM (for example), even if were otherwise able to do so.

In the general case, Luna will attempt to satisfy generic rules if group-specific rules failed, if when a group has been specified on the command line.

Simple aliasing

A common form of rule that does not involve other requirements may be in the form:

  req = channel1,ch1,c1,ch-n1,ch_A

i.e. this is doing nothing more than selecting the first of channel1, ch1, c1, ch-n1 and ch_A and making a new channel called channel1.

You can make a shortcut for this by using the special <- operator when writing the canonical label:

channel1 <- channel1 ch1 c1 ch-n1 ch_A
i.e. this is identical to writing the more verbose form above.

Note that it is possible that the canonical channel already exists, as in this case. Here it simply means "keep as is".

Multiple/interchangeable canonicals channels

This is an advanced feature. Sometimes one EDF may contain more than one type of canonical signal. It is possible to make different canonical signals and then relabel them as follows, with the <<- operator:

canon <<- canon1 canon2 canon3
where we expect canon1, canon2 and canon3 to have been defined by previous rules. In this case, Luna will relabel the channels as canon. If more than one or these exists in a given EDF, then would be relabelled following Luna's standard approach to making channel labels unique (i.e. adding .1, .2 etc): i.e. canon, canon.1 and canon.2.

Canonical signals and channel types

Canonical signals are not to be confused with channel types. A canonical signal represents a new signal that is generated from existing signals according to a set of rules. A channel type is simply a label or annotation that is given to all channels, based on their channel name. The reason for the CANONICAL command is that often datasets (such as those in the NSRR) can EDFs with mixtures of conventions and montages. Thus, this command is designed to be able to more simply, e.g., "extract a central EEG" across multiple studies.


Apply a set of rules from one or more canonical signal definition files

See the logic of canonical signal definitions and rules above. To process one ore more definition files on a set of PSGs, use the CANONICAL command as below.


Parameter Example Description
file rules.txt,extra.txt One or more files that define canonical signals
group SHHS Optionally, specify a group to use
verbose (optional) verbose output in the console log
drop-originals (optional) original channels are dropped from the EDF on completion
inc C3_M2,C4_M1 Only attempt to make these canonincal signals
exc C3_M2,C4_M1 Do not attempt to make these canonincal signals
prefix /path/to/files/ Add this folder prefix to all file values
prefiltering Retain pre-filtering field information; otherwise this EDF header is wiped

Note that files are processed in the order they are listed; within a file, rules are processed in the order they are listed.


The primary action of this command is to add new signals to the in-memory EDF, as defined in the canonical file definitions.

Baseline output (strata: none)

Variable Description
CS_NOT Number of canonical signals not defined
CS_SET Number of canonical signals defined
UNUSED_CH Number of EDF channels not used in one or canonical signal
USED_CH Number of EDF channels used in one or canonical signal

EDF channel-specific information (stratum: CH)

Variable Description
USED 0/1 for whether this EDF channel was used
DROPPED 0/1 for whether this EDF channel was dropped

Canonical signal information (stratum: CS)

Variable Description
DEFINED 0/1 for whether this canonical channel was defined
SIG The primary EDF signal used to define this canonical channel


luna s.lst -o out.db -s CANONICAL file=~/nsrr/common/resources/canonical/harm.txt drop-originals
   options: file=~/nsrr/common/resources/canonical/harm.txt sig=*
  read 81 rules from /Users/smp37/nsrr/common/resources/canonical/harm.txt
  in total, read 81 rules and 93 variables

  26 signals from EDF
  + generating canonical signal C3_M2 from existing signal(s) C3 / M2
  + generating canonical signal C4_M1 from existing signal(s) C4 / M1
  + generating canonical signal C3_LM from existing signal(s) C3 / M1,M2
  + generating canonical signal C4_LM from existing signal(s) C4 / M1,M2
  + generating canonical signal LOC from existing signal(s) LOC / M2
  + generating canonical signal ROC from existing signal(s) ROC / M2
  + generating canonical signal EMG from existing signal(s) EMG2 / EMG1
  + generating canonical signal ECG from existing signal(s) ECG2 / ECG1
  + generating canonical signal abdomen from existing signal(s) ABDO_EFFORT
  + generating canonical signal thorax from existing signal(s) THOR_EFFORT
  + generating canonical signal sum from existing signal(s) SUM
  + generating canonical signal nas_pres from existing signal(s) NASAL_PRES
  + generating canonical signal airflow from existing signal(s) AIRFLOW
  + generating canonical signal SpO2 from existing signal(s) SPO2
  + generating canonical signal HR from existing signal(s) HRATE
  + generating canonical signal pleth from existing signal(s) PLETHWV
  + generating canonical signal pulse from existing signal(s) PULSE
  + generating canonical signal LAT from existing signal(s) L_LEG
  + generating canonical signal RAT from existing signal(s) R_LEG
  + generating canonical signal pos from existing signal(s) POSITION
  + generating canonical signal snore from existing signal(s) SNORE

We see that all but 3 EDF channels were harmonized:

destrat out.db +CANONICAL
id0001   20       21      3          23 

ID        CH          DROPPED  USED
id0001    C3          1        1
id0001    C4          1        1
id0001    M1          1        1
id0001    M2          1        1
id0001    LOC         0        1
id0001    ROC         0        1
id0001    ECG2        1        1
id0001    ECG1        1        1
id0001    EMG1        1        1
id0001    EMG2        1        1
id0001    EMG3        1        0
id0001    L_Leg       1        1
id0001    R_Leg       1        1
id0001    AIRFLOW     0        1
id0001    THOR_EFFORT 1        1
id0001    ABDO_EFFORT 1        1
id0001    SNORE       0        1
id0001    SUM         0        1
id0001    POSITION    1        1
id0001    OX_STATUS   1        0
id0001    PULSE       0        1
id0001    SpO2        0        1
id0001    NASAL_PRES  1        1
id0001    PlethWV     1        1
id0001    Light       1        0
id0001    HRate       1        1
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