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It's about time: specifying annotation intervals

As described here, Luna supports a number of formats for specifying the start/stop times (and dates) of annotations (in either an .annot or .xml annotation file). Here we detail these formats and provide a few examples.


When specifying formats below, the following abbreviations are used:

  • x: elapsed seconds
  • hh: hours (clock 24hr: 00 to 23; clock 12hr: 1-12; elapsed: 0+)
  • mm: minutes (0 - 59) or month (1 - 12, or Jan-Dec)
  • ss: seconds (0 to 60) and can include fractional components
  • dd: day (1 - 31)
  • yy: year (85-99 = 1985 - 1999; 00-84 = 2000 - 2084)
  • yyyy: year (from 1985 onwards)

There are four basic ways to specify start-times:

  • elapsed seconds past the EDF start, e.g. 30

  • absolute clock-times (pref. 24hr based as per EDF headers), e.g. 23:30:02 or 11:30:02pm

  • elapsed times in hh:mm:ss format starting 0+, e.g. two hours from the EDF start 0+02:00:00

  • epoch-encodings starting e:, e.g. e:10 for the 10th epoch

Stop-times can be specified in a similar manner as for start-times, but there are two additional options:

  • specifying the duration of the event in seconds, by starting with +, e.g. +30 for a 30-second interval

  • specifying an event lasting until the start of the next annotation in the file, by writing an ellipsis (...)

For example, if the EDF start time is 22:28:15, then all the examples below are identical (i.e. a 30-second interval starting from 2 minutes into the recording until 2 minutes and 30 seconds):

Start time field Stop time field Example (start, stop) Description
x x 120, 150 Elapsed seconds from EDF start for both start & stop
x +x 120, +30 Using duration to specify a 30-second interval starting at 120 seconds past EDF start
hh:mm:ss hh:mm:ss 22:30:15, 22:30:45 Using clock-time to specify start & stop (note: a . delimiter can be used instead of :)
hh:mm:ss +x 22:30:15, +30 As above, but using a duration rather than explicit stop time
dd-mm-yy-hh:mm:ss dd-mm-yy-hh:mm:ss 04-08-18-22:30:15, 04-08-18-22:30:45 Explicit date-time strings (date delimiters - or /); year can be 2015 or 15; month can be Aug, 8 or 08
0+hh:mm:ss 0+hh:mm:ss 0+00:02:00, 0+00:02:30 Elapsed hh:mm:ss times from EDF start (rather than clock-times)
x ... 120, ... Duration is up until the next annotation in the same file (assumed to be at 150s here); this can be used with any format of start-time (i.e. absolute or relative clock-time)


For annotation files, Luna requires a colon (:) as the delimiter for times, e.g. hh:mm:ss. (For EDF headers, either . or : can be used; and Luna may output times with period delimiters in some cases because of this.) For dates, - is the preferred delimiter in annotation files, although / is also accepted: for a date-time string dd-mm-yy-hh:mm:ss is the canonical format. (Note that Luna uses European date formats with day, then month, then year as per EDF spec.


Consider we have an EDF f.edf with the following start time and date in the EDF headers:

 duration 08.56.46, 32206s | time 21.23.23 - 06.20.09 | date 29.07.16
i.e. starting just after 9:23pm on the 29th of July 2016.

Also consider this four-column .annot annotation file:

a01   .   e:5                 .
a02   .   e:5                 e:5
a03   .   120                 150
a04   .   120                 +30
a05   .   21:25:23            21:25:53
a06   .   9:25:23pm           9:25:53pm
a07   .   9:25:23 pm          9:25:53 pm
a08   .   21:25:23            +30
a09   .   0+00:02:00          0+00:02:30
a10   .   0+00:02:00          +30
a11   .   29-07-16-21:25:23   29-07-16-21:25:53
a12   .   29-07-16-21:25:23   +30
a13   .   21:25:23            ...
a00   .   21:25:53            21:25:53
a98   .   28-07-16-21:25:23   28-07-16-21:25:53
a99   .   30-07-16-21:25:23   30-07-16-21:25:53

Here we have 16 annotations (each of a distinct class labelled a00 to a99). Of the main annotations (a01 to a13), all specify the identical period in the recording.

  • a01 and a02 use epoch-encoding; assuming 30-second epochs starting at the EDF start, the 5th epoch spans from 120 to 150 seconds from the start of the EDF; when specifying a single epoch, the stop field can be left as missing (a01)

  • a03 explicitly gives the start time in seconds (120) past the EDF start; a04 is similar but specifies a duration +30 rather than an explicit stop time (150)

  • a05 uses a 24-hr clock-time - as the EDF start is 21:23:23, then 21:25:23 is two minutes (120 seconds) past the EDF start

  • a06 and a07 illustrate the use of 12-hour AM/PM encoding formats

  • a08 combines absolute clock-time to specify the start, with a duration (in seconds) in the second field

  • a09 uses elapsed time in hh:mm:ss format, i.e. 120 seconds (02:00) and 150 seconds (02:30) past the EDF start; a10 is similar but uses a duration (+30) encoding

  • a11 gives explicit absolute date-time strings in dd-mm-yy-hh:mm:ss format for both start and stop times; a12 is similar but uses the duration encoding of +30 instead of a stop date-time

  • a13 uses clock-time encoding combined with an ellipsis to specify the duration as up to the next observed annotation in the file (or EDF end, if this is the last annotation in the file). We therefore add a dummy event a00 after it, which is a zero-duration timestamp at 150 seconds past the EDF start (i.e. purely to define a13). In practice, this type of encoding might be used for sleep stages, or body positions, where we only record the change of state, and we wish for the entire recording to be covered by some type of these annotations.

The file contains two other events that test the effect of shifting the date field either a day earlier (a98) or later (a99). Thus, a98 occurs before the start of the EDF (and so should be ignored); in contrast, a99 occurs 24 hours after all the other events.

To test this, we will load the annotations and use WRITE-ANNOTS to output the file using a uniform format (by default, elapsed seconds) called a2.annot:

luna f.edf annot-file=a1.annot -s WRITE-ANNOTS file=a2.annot

Examining the a2.annot file (removing extra blank columns and re-ordering rows for clarity) - of the primary events (a01 through a13) we see they all resolve to the identical interval:

a01  . 120.000  150.000
a02  . 120.000  150.000
a03  . 120.000  150.000
a04  . 120.000  150.000
a05  . 120.000  150.000
a06  . 120.000  150.000
a07  . 120.000  150.000
a08  . 120.000  150.000
a09  . 120.000  150.000
a10  . 120.000  150.000
a11  . 120.000  150.000
a12  . 120.000  150.000
a13  . 120.000  150.000
As expected, the dummy interval a00 is at 150 seconds exactly:

a00  . 150.000  150.000  .
Finally, a98 is not present - it is ignored as it occurred prior to the EDF start (one day earlier). In contrast, a99 (starting one day later) is:
a99  . 86520.000  86550.000
i.e. which as one day is 24 x 60 x 60 = 86400 seconds, is 120 + 86400 = 86520 and 150 + 86400 = 86550 seconds for start and stop times respectively, as expected.

Modifying the EDF start

To further explore and confirm the behavior of Luna's handling of times and dates, here we perform the same command but first modifying the EDF headers to 1) set the start date to null, 2) alter the start time, and in the section below, 3) alter the start dates.

First, we'll set the EDF start date to null (i.e. 1.1.85). Adding anon=T to the command line modifies the EDF header before attaching annotations, and so annotations will be processed differently depending on whether they have absolute or relative times. In fact, if the EDF header has a null start date, then Luna will not allow any dates to be specified in annotation files - i.e. as it would not be possible to correctly place the annotation relative to the start of the EDF, as the duration between that and the annotation is unknown.

luna f.edf annot-file=a1.annot anon=T -s WRITE-ANNOTS file=a2.annot
That is, Luna correctly reports an error message:
error : cannot specify annotations with date-times if the EDF start date is null (1.1.85)

As the message states, specifying explicit dates in an annotation file is only allowed if the EDF header has a non-null date defined. If we drop the offending lines from the file (i.e. a11, a12 as well as a98 and a99) then this will run and give identical results (120 to 150 seconds past the EDF start) for all remaining primary intervals.

Next, we'll alter the start time of the EDF header by setting the starttime special variable:

luna f.edf annot-file=a1.annot starttime=19:00:00 -s WRITE-ANNOTS file=a2.annot

This sets the EDF start to 7:00:00pm instead of 9:23:23pm, i.e. 2 hours, 23 minutes and 23 seconds earlier (or 2 x 3600 + 23 x 60 + 23 = 8603 seconds). Considering the output, we now see that all annotations using relative start times (or epoch-encoding) have the same outputs as before when generating a new file that uses elapsed seconds, i.e. as these do not depend on absolute times:

a01  .  120   150
a02  .  120   150
a03  .  120   150
a04  .  120   150
a09  .  120   150
a10  .  120   150

In contrast, annotations that used absolute times are delayed w.r.t. to the EDF start, e.g. below, 8723 = 8603 + 120 seconds.

a05  .  8723   8753
a06  .  8723   8753
a07  .  8723   8753
a08  .  8723   8753
a11  .  8723   8753
a12  .  8723   8753
a13  .  8723   8753

Note that this is not a problem per se - we're merely altering the times to check the behavior of Luna is as expected under these different encodings.

Dates and long recordings

By default, annotations are only specified by times (rather than dates and times) which can impose some limitations on annotation encoding for long (>24 hour) recordings.

Specifying annotations in elapsed seconds or elapsed hh:mm:ss formats is acceptable for recordings over 24 hours. For example, here we can define two (identical) events that begin at 9:25:23pm (the same time as all the annotations in the example above, or 120 seconds past the EDF start) but alter the annotation such that it occurs exactly three days later. In elapsed seconds, this would be 259320 = 120 + 3 x 86,400 (where 86,400 is the number of seconds in a day):

b01 . 259320   259350   
Similarly, we can specify the same event in in elapsed hh:mm:ss encoding, i.e. adding 72 hours to 2 minutes:
b02 . 0+72:02:00 0+72:02:30 

Using the above WRITE-ANNOTS command after reading in these events, then with no further options except file, the command emits times in elapsed seconds, with both events correctly aligned as overlapping:

b01  .  259320    259350
b02  .  259320    259350

However, when dealing with long recordings, using hms clock-time encoding would yield ambiguous/incorrect results when writing a new annotation file, i.e. as we obviously lose information about the day:

WRITE-ANNOTS file=a2.annot hms
b01  .  21:25:23    21:25:53
b02  .  21:25:23    21:25:53

In this scenario, if we want to retain absolute clock-times in the created annotation file, we must specify dhms instead, to emit date-time strings:

WRITE-ANNOTS file=a2.annot dhms
b01  .  1-8-2016-21:25:23    1-8-2016-21:25:53
b02  .  1-8-2016-21:25:23    1-8-2016-21:25:53
As the original EDF start date was 29th July, here we see that these events are correctly assigned to the 1st August, i.e. three days later.

Dates in Luna

Luna understands calendar conventions for advancing X number of days (i.e. correctly counting 3 days from 28th of July to be the 1st August as above, and it will respect leap year conventions. When parsing dates, it is acceptable to use string codes for months as well as numbers 1 - 12: e.g. 01-08-2016 equals 01-Aug-2016. Month strings are the standard three-letter codes and are case insensitive.

The null date is 01.01.85 as per the EDF specification (equivalently, 1.1.85 or in annotation files 1-Jan-1985, etc) , meaning that no earlier dates can be specified; internally, Luna represents dates as the number of days past 1.1.85. A value of 1.1.85 (i.e. 0 or null) is a special case, taken to mean that no date is specified (which impacts how Luna parses dates, as shown above). If you want to have multi-day recordings and use absolute clock-times/dates in annotations when working with an anonymized EDF (i.e. a null start date), we suggest you use 2.1.85 (or any other arbitrary date) instead (or simply use elapsed time encodings to specify annotations).

Internal representation of time and long recordings

Internally, all annotations are mapped to elapsed time-points which are unsigned (positive) integers from 0 (the EDF start) to a very large number (8,446,744,073,709,551,615). Each time-point is 0.000000001 seconds (1e-9 seconds) which theoretically allows for very long recordings (i.e. over 260 years). The important constraint to note is that no negative times can be specified, meaning that no annotations can be represented as occurring before the EDF start.

To confirm the treatment of dates, we will use startdate to force the EDF header to different dates (in place of the original 29.07.16) but keeping the same a1.annot. First, we'll set the EDF start time to one year later, i.e. 2017:

luna f.edf annot-file=a1.annot startdate=29.07.17 -s WRITE-ANNOTS file=a2.annot
a01   .   120   150
a02   .   120   150
a03   .   120   150
a04   .   120   150
a05   .   120   150
a06   .   120   150
a07   .   120   150
a08   .   120   150
a09   .   120   150
a10   .   120   150
a13   .   120   150
a00   .   150   150

Note that in the above output, we're missing a11 and a12 (as well as a98 and a99). This because those annotations used an absolute date in 2016, i.e. before the EDF start-date. When reading the annotations in, these are therefore skipped automatically.

Second, we'll now set the EDF start date to one year earlier, i.e. 2015:

luna f.edf annot-file=a1.annot startdate=29.07.15 -s WRITE-ANNOTS file=a2.annot
a01  .   120        150
a02  .   120        150
a03  .   120        150
a04  .   120        150
a05  .   120        150
a06  .   120        150
a07  .   120        150
a08  .   120        150
a09  .   120        150
a10  .   120        150
a11  .   31622520   31622550
a12  .   31622520   31622550
a13  .   120        150 

Considering the main set of annotations, a11 and a12 are now included. Because those annotations used an absolute 2016 date, Luna correctly writes the number of seconds as 31622520 = 120 + 3600 x 24 x 366 (as 2016 is a leap year), with a stop time 30 seconds later.

Likewise, the a98 and a99 annotations are one year later (but either a day behind or a day ahead, i.e. 31536120 = 120 + 3600 x 24 x (366-1) and 31708920 = 120 + 3600 x 24 x (366+1):

a98  .   31536120   31536150
a99  .   31708920   31708950

Analysis of multi-day recordings

Although Luna can represent multi-day recordings, please remember that certain commands (most notably HYPNO) are not explicitly tailored to this context, and so it would be desirable to create multiple single-day EDFs prior to running such analyses.


We've seen that Luna can accept times and dates in a number of formats. The .annot format is quite flexible: by default, it has header rows and six tab-delimited fields, but several of these can be omitted, spaces can be used instead of tabs, and the header rows are optional. Together with the alternative options for specifying times, this should enable most text-based annotation files to be reformatted, with only minimal effort, into a form that Luna can accept.

We've also seen that Luna can handle long (>24 hr) recordings, but in this case, it is necessary to use elapsed time metrics (seconds or hh:mm:ss) or absolute clock-times that also include dates. As we've also seen in other contexts (e.g. exporting EDF+D files or merging EDFs), working with absolute annotation time-stamps can be convenient (over times that are relative to the EDF start) and so the date-time representation support by Luna is useful here.

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